22 resultados para mechanics (persons)
Although IL-6 has been shown to predict onset of disability in older persons and both IL-6 and CRP are associated with motality risk, these markers of inflammation have only limited associations with physical performance, except for walking measures and grip strength at baseline, and do not predict change in performance 7 years later in a high-functioning subset of older adults.
We show that quantum mechanics predicts a contradiction with local hidden variable theories for photon number measurements which have limited resolving power, to the point of imposing an uncertainty in the photon number result which is macroscopic in absolute terms. We show how this can be interpreted as a failure of a new premise, macroscopic local realism.
Classical mechanics is formulated in complex Hilbert space with the introduction of a commutative product of operators, an antisymmetric bracket and a quasidensity operator that is not positive definite. These are analogues of the star product, the Moyal bracket, and the Wigner function in the phase space formulation of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is then viewed as a limiting form of classical mechanics, as Planck's constant approaches zero, rather than the other way around. The forms of semiquantum approximations to classical mechanics, analogous to semiclassical approximations to quantum mechanics, are indicated.
We demonstrate a contradiction of quantum mechanics with local hidden variable theories for continuous quadrature phase amplitude (position and momentum) measurements. For any quantum state, this contradiction is lost for situations where the quadrature phase amplitude results are always macroscopically distinct. We show that for optical realizations of this experiment, where one uses homodyne detection techniques to perform the quadrature phase amplitude measurement, one has an amplification prior to detection, so that macroscopic fields are incident on photodiode detectors. The high efficiencies of such detectors may open a way for a loophole-free test of local hidden variable theories.
In his study of the 'time of arrival' problem in the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics of a single particle, Allcock [1] noted that the direction of the probability flux vector is not necessarily the same as that of the mean momentum of a wave packet, even when the packet is composed entirely of plane waves with a common direction of momentum. Packets can be constructed, for example for a particle moving under a constant force, in which probability flows for a finite time in the opposite direction to the momentum. A similar phenomenon occurs for the Dirac electron. The maximum amount of probabilitiy backflow which can occur over a given time interval can be calculated in each case.
A longitudinal study of 55 adults with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) investigated the areas of function for which they lacked self-awareness of their level of competency. Data were collected at 3 and 12 months post-injury using the Patient Competency Rating Scale. Self-awareness was measured by comparing patient self-ratings with the ratings of an infor mant. The results were consistent with previous studies, indicating that self-awareness was most impaired for activities with a large cognitive and socioemotional component, and least impaired for basic activities of daily living, memory activities, and overt emotional responses. For most areas of function that were overestimated at 3 months post-injury, self-awareness subsequently improved during the first year after injury.
Intracavity and external third order correlations in the damped nondegenerate parametric oscillator are calculated for quantum mechanics and stochastic electrodynamics (SED), a semiclassical theory. The two theories yield greatly different results, with the correlations of quantum mechanics being cubic in the system's nonlinear coupling constant and those of SED being linear in the same constant. In particular, differences between the two theories are present in at least a mesoscopic regime. They also exist when realistic damping is included. Such differences illustrate distinctions between quantum mechanics and a hidden variable theory for continuous variables.
This study examined the self-reported needs of suicidal users of mental health services and the extent to which needs were met. Data on 10,641 adults were available from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being. In the year before the survey, 245 persons with suicidal ideation used services, 37 of whom had attempted suicide. Suicidal persons reported a range of needs, especially for counseling, medication, and information. More than half of those with suicidal ideation and those who had attempted suicide who reported any needs felt that their needs had not been fully met. Suicidal persons were significantly more likely to perceive that they had needs.
We derive a general thermo-mechanical theory for particulate materials consisting of granules of arbitrary whose material points possess three translational and three independent rotational degrees of freedom. Additional field variables are the translational and rotational granular temperatures, the kinetic energies shape and size. The kinematics of granulate is described within the framework of a polar continuum theory of the velocity and spin fluctuations respectively and the usual thermodynamic temperature. We distinguish between averages over particle categories (averages in mass/velocity and moment of inertia/spin space, respectively) and particle phases where the average extends over distinct subsets of particle categories (multi phase flows). The relationship between the thermal energy in the granular system and phonon energy in a molecular system is briefly discussed in the main body of the paper and discussed in detail in the Appendix A. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Functional gastrointestinal disorders commonly affect people of all ages, including the elderly. While population-based studies report significant psychological morbidity in people diagnosed with these disorders it is not clear what effect age has in explaining this relationship. We hypothesised that psychological distress would be higher in older versus younger persons with a FGID from the community. A random sample of 4500 subjects were mailed a questionnaire on gastrointestinal symptoms in the past 12 months (response rate = 72%). Of those fulfilling Rome I criteria for a FGID (n = 988) we then classified subjects into older (>60 years) (n =126) versus younger (18-59 years) (n = 862) categories. Psychological variables included anxiety and depression (Delusions Symptom States Inventory) and neuroticism and extroversion (Eysenck Personality Inventory). Quality of life was assessed using the valid SF-12. Anxiety (4.5 vs. 3.1), depression (3.0 vs. 1.8) and neuroticism (5.7 vs. 4.9) were significantly higher in younger versus older subjects with a FGID. While mental functioning (43.1 vs. 48.3) was significantly more impaired in younger versus older subjects, the reverse was found for physical functioning (48.7 vs. 40.8). Younger people with a FGID experience greater
Quantum mechanics has been formulated in phase space, with the Wigner function as the representative of the quantum density operator, and classical mechanics has been formulated in Hilbert space, with the Groenewold operator as the representative of the classical Liouville density function. Semiclassical approximations to the quantum evolution of the Wigner function have been defined, enabling the quantum evolution to be approached from a classical starting point. Now analogous semiquantum approximations to the classical evolution of the Groenewold operator are defined, enabling the classical evolution to be approached from a quantum starting point. Simple nonlinear systems with one degree of freedom are considered, whose Hamiltonians are polynomials in the Hamiltonian of the simple harmonic oscillator. The behavior of expectation values of simple observables and of eigenvalues of the Groenewold operator are calculated numerically and compared for the various semiclassical and semiquantum approximations.
We identify a test of quantum mechanics versus macroscopic local realism in the form of stochastic electrodynamics. The test uses the steady-state triple quadrature correlations of a parametric oscillator below threshold.
This paper offers a defense of backwards in time causation models in quantum mechanics. Particular attention is given to Cramer's transactional account, which is shown to have the threefold virtue of solving the Bell problem, explaining the complex conjugate aspect of the quantum mechanical formalism, and explaining various quantum mysteries such as Schrodinger's cat. The question is therefore asked, why has this model not received more attention from physicists and philosophers? One objection given by physicists in assessing Cramer's theory was that it is not testable. This paper seeks to answer this concern by utilizing an argument that backwards causation models entail a fork theory of causal direction. From the backwards causation model together with the fork theory one can deduce empirical predictions. Finally, the objection that this strategy is questionable because of its appeal to philosophy is deflected.
Study Design. A comparative study of cervical range of motion in asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash. Objectives. To compare the primary and conjunct ranges of motion of the cervical spine in asymptomatic persons and those with persistent whiplash-associated disorders, and to investigate the ability of these measures of range of motion to discriminate between the groups. Summary of Background. Evidence that range of motion is an effective indicator of physical impairment in the cervical spine is not conclusive. Few studies have evaluated the ability to discriminate between asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash on the basis of range of motion or compared three-dimensional in vivo measures of range of motion in asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash-associated disorders. Methods. The study participants were 89 asymptomatic volunteers (41 men, 48 women; mean age 39.2 years) and 114 patients with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (22 men, 93 women; mean age 37.2 years) referred to a whiplash research unit for assessment of their cervical region. Range of cervical motion was measured in three dimensions with a computerized, electromagnetic, motion-tracking device. The movements assessed were flexion, extension, left and right lateral flexion, and left and right rotation. Results. Range of motion was reduced in all primary movements in patients with persistent whiplash-associated disorder. Sagittal plane movements were proportionally the most affected. On the basis of primary and conjunct range of motion, age, and gender, 90.3% of study participants could be correctly categorized as asymptomatic or as having whiplash (sensitivity 86.2%, specificity 95.3%). Conclusions. Range of motion was capable of discriminating between asymptomatic persons and those with persistent whiplash-associated disorders.