271 resultados para materials growth


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Y-Ba-Cu-O samples with additions of Y2O3 and CeO2 were quenched during seeded isothermal melt processing and examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Large YBa2Cu3O7-y (Y123) particles in the starting powder were found to form a distinct type of melt during heating, which was unaffected by the Y2O3 or CeO2 additives. This type of melt later formed regions with a low concentration of Y2BaCuO5 (Y211) particles in the Y123 matrix. The maximum growth rate of Y123 that could be sustained in the sample was found to be lower in the melt formed from large Y123 particles, and this may lead to growth accidents and subgrains in some samples.


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This paper presents the recent finding by Muhlhaus et al [1] that bifurcation of crack growth patterns exists for arrays of two-dimensional cracks. This bifurcation is a result of the nonlinear effect due to crack interaction, which is, in the present analysis, approximated by the dipole asymptotic or pseudo-traction method. The nonlinear parameter for the problem is the crack length/ spacing ratio lambda = a/h. For parallel and edge crack arrays under far field tension, uniform crack growth patterns (all cracks having same size) yield to nonuniform crack growth patterns (i.e. bifurcation) if lambda is larger than a critical value lambda(cr) (note that such bifurcation is not found for collinear crack arrays). For parallel and edge crack arrays respectively, the value of lambda(cr) decreases monotonically from (2/9)(1/2) and (2/15.096)(1/2) for arrays of 2 cracks, to (2/3)(1/2)/pi and (2/5.032)(1/2)/pi for infinite arrays of cracks. The critical parameter lambda(cr) is calculated numerically for arrays of up to 100 cracks, whilst discrete Fourier transform is used to obtain the exact solution of lambda(cr) for infinite crack arrays. For geomaterials, bifurcation can also occurs when array of sliding cracks are under compression.


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The effects of different levels of strontium on nucleation and growth of the eutectic in a commercial hypoeutectic Al-Si foundry alloy have been investigated by optical microscopy and electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) mapping by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The microstructural evolution of each specimen during solidification was studied by a quenching technique at different temperatures and Sr contents. By comparing the orientation of the aluminum in the eutectic to that of the surrounding primary aluminum dendrites by EBSD, the eutectic formation mechanism could be determined. The results of these studies show that the eutectic nucleation mode, and subsequent growth mode, is strongly dependent on Sr level. Three distinctly different eutectic growth modes were found, in isolation or sometimes together, but different for each Sr content. At very low Sr contents, the eutectic nucleated and grew from the primary phase. Increasing the Sr level to between 70 and 110 ppm resulted in nucleation of independent eutectic grains with no relation to the primary dendrites. At a Sr level of 500 ppm, the eutectic again nucleated on and grew from the primary phase while a well-modified eutectic structure was still present. A slight dependency of eutectic growth radially from the mold wall opposite the thermal gradient was observed in all specimens in the early stages of eutectic solidification.


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Insulin-like growth factor I has similar mitogenic effects to insulin, a growth factor required by most cells in culture, and it can replace insulin in serum-free formulations for some cells. Chinese Hamster Ovary cells grow well in serum-free medium with insulin and transferrin as the only exogenous growth factors. An alternative approach to addition of exogenous growth factors to serum-free medium is transfection of host cells with growth factor-encoding genes, permitting autocrine growth. Taking this approach, we constructed an IGF-I heterologous gene driven by the cytomegalovirus promoter, introduced it into Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and examined the growth characteristics of Insulin-like growth factor I-expressing clonal cells in the absence of the exogenous factor. The transfected cells secreted up to 500 ng/10(6) cells/day of mature Insulin-like growth factor I into the conditioned medium and as a result they grew autonomously in serum-free medium containing transferrin as the only added growth factor. This growth-stimulating effect, observed under both small and large scale culture conditions, was maximal since no further improvement was observed in the presence of exogenous insulin.


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The effect of strontium (Sr), antimony (Sb) and phosphorus (P) on nucleation and growth mode of the eutectic in hypoeutectic Al-10 mass%Si alloys has been investigated by electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) mapping. Specimens were prepared from a hypoeutectic Al-10 mass%Si base alloy, adding different levels of strontium, antimony and phosphorus for modification of eutectic silicon. By comparing the orientation of the aluminium in the eutectic to that of the surrounding primary aluminium dendrites, the solidification mode of the eutectic could be determined. The results of these studies show that the eutectic nucleation mode, and subsequent growth mode, is strongly dependent on additive elements. The EBSD mapping results indicate that the eutectic grew from the primary phase in unmodified and phosphorus-containing alloys. When the eutectic was modified by strontium or antimony, eutectic grains nucleated and grew separately from the primary dendrites.


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An attempt was made to quantify the boundaries and validate the granule growth regime map for liquid-bound granules recently proposed by Iveson and Litster (AlChE J. 44 (1998) 1510). This regime map postulates that the type of granule growth behaviour is a function of only two dimensionless groups: the amount of granule deformation during collision (characterised by a Stokes deformation number, St(def)) and the maximum granule pore saturation, s(max). The results of experiments performed with a range of materials (glass ballotini, iron ore fines, copper chalcopyrite powder and a sodium sulphate and cellulose mixture) using both drum and high shear mixer granulators were examined. The drum granulation results gave good agreement with the proposed regime map. The boundary between crumb and steady growth occurs at St(def) of order 0.1 and the boundary between steady and induction growth occurs at St(def) of order 0.001. The nucleation only boundary occurs at pore saturations that increase from 70% to 80% with decreasing St(def). However, the high shear mixer results all had St(def) numbers which were too large. This is most likely to be because the chopper tip-speed is an over-estimate of the average impact velocity granules experience and possibly also due to the dynamic yield strength of the materials being significantly greater than the yield strengths measured at low strain rates. Hence, the map is only a useful tool for comparing the granulation behaviour of different materials in the same device. Until we have a better understanding of the flow patterns and impact velocities in granulators, it cannot be used to compare different types of equipment. Theoretical considerations also revealed that several of the regime boundaries are also functions of additional parameters not explicitly contained on the map, such as binder viscosity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A model of iron carbonate (FeCO3) film growth is proposed, which is an extension of the recent mechanistic model of carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion by Nesic, et al. In the present model, the film growth occurs by precipitation of iron carbonate once saturation is exceeded. The kinetics of precipitation is dependent on temperature and local species concentrations that are calculated by solving the coupled species transport equations. Precipitation tends to build up a layer of FeCO3 on the surface of the steel and reduce the corrosion rate. On the other hand, the corrosion process induces voids under the precipitated film, thus increasing the porosity and leading to a higher corrosion rate. Depending on the environmental parameters such as temperature, pH, CO2 partial pressure, velocity, etc., the balance of the two processes can lead to a variety of outcomes. Very protective films and low corrosion rates are predicted at high pH, temperature, CO2 partial pressure, and Fe2+ ion concentration due to formation of dense protective films as expected. The model has been successfully calibrated against limited experimental data. Parametric testing of the model has been done to gain insight into the effect of various environmental parameters on iron carbonate film formation. The trends shown in the predictions agreed well with the general understanding of the CO2 corrosion process in the presence of iron carbonate films. The present model confirms that the concept of scaling tendency is a good tool for predicting the likelihood of protective iron carbonate film formation.


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The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the genetic variation in foliar carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) of 122 clones of ca. 4-year-old F-1 hybrids between slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii) and Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barr.,et Golf.) grown at two field experimental sites with different water and nitrogen availability in southeast Queensland, Australia, in relation to tree growth and foliar nitrogen concentration (N-mass); and (2) to assess the potential of using delta(13)C measurements, in the foliage materials collected from the clone hedges at nursery and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, as an indirect index of tree water use efficiency for selecting elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. There were significant differences in foliar delta(13)C between the nursery hedges and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, between the summer and winter seasons, between the two experimental sites, and between the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions sampled. This indicates that delta(13)C measurements in the foliage materials are significantly influenced by the sampling techniques and environmental conditions. Significant differences in foliar delta(13)C, at the upper outer canopy in both field experiments in summer and winter, were detected between the clones, and between the female parents of the clones. Clone means of tree height at age ca. 3 years were positively related to those of the upper outer canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in winter, but only for the wetter site in summer. There were positive, linear relationships between clone means of canopy delta(13)C and those of canopy N-mass, indicating that canopy photosynthetic capacity might be an important factor regulating the clonal variation in canopy delta(13)C. Significant correlations were found between clone means of canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in summer and winter, and between those at the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions. Mean clone delta(13)C for the nursery hedges was only positively related to mean clone stem diameter at 1.3 m height at age 3 years on the wetter site. The clone by site interaction for foliar delta(13)C at the upper outer canopy was significant only in summer. Overall, the relatively high genetic variance components for foliar delta(13)C and significant, positive correlations between clone means of foliar delta(13)C and tree growth have highlighted the potential of using foliar delta(13)C measurements for assisting in selection of the elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The morphology and distribution of high-pressure metastable phases BC8 and R8, formed in monocrystalline silicon under microindentation, were identified and assessed using transmission electron microscopy nanodiffraction analysis. It was discovered that the crystal growth inside the transformation zone was stress-dependent with large crystals in its central region. The crystal size could also be increased using higher maximum indentation loads. The BC8 and R8 phases distributed unevenly across the transformation zone, with BC8 crystals mainly in the center of the zone and smaller R8 fragments in the peripheral regions. Such phase distribution was in agreement with the theoretical residual stress analysis.


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Background: This study aimed to determine the reasons for dentists' choice of materials, in particular amalgam and resin composite, in Australia. Method: A questionnaire was developed to elicit this information. The names and addresses of 1000 dentists in Australia were selected at random. The questionnaire was mailed to these dentists with an explanatory letter and reply-paid envelope. Results: A total of 560 replies were received. Regarding choice of material, 99 per cent of respondents cited clinical indication as an influencing factor, although patients' aesthetic demands (99 per cent), patients' financial situation (82 per cent), and lecturers' suggestions (72 per cent) were also reported to influence respondents' choice of materials. Twelve per cent of respondents used composite 'always', 29 per cent 'often', 32 per cent 'sometimes', 23 per cent 'seldom' and 4 per cent 'never' in extensive load-bearing cavities in molar teeth. For composite restorations in posterior teeth, 84 per cent 'always', 'often' or 'sometimes' used the total etch technique, 84 per cent used a thick glass-ionomer layer and 36 per cent never used rubber dam. Fifty-nine per cent of respondents reported a decreased use of amalgam over the previous five years. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents agreed with the statement 'discontinuation of amalgam restricts a dentist's ability to adequately treat patients'. Seventy-five per cent considered that the growth in the use of composites increased the total cost of oral health care. Conclusions: Of the respondents from Australia 73 per cent place large composite restorations in molar teeth and their choice of material is influenced greatly by clinical indications, and patients' aesthetic demands.


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The growth behaviour of the vibrational wear phenomenon known as rail corrugation is investigated analytically and numerically using mathematical models. A simplified feedback model for wear-type rail corrugation that includes a wheel pass time delay is developed with an aim to analytically distil the most critical interaction occurring between the wheel/rail structural dynamics, rolling contact mechanics and rail wear. To this end, a stability analysis on the complete system is performed to determine the growth of wear-type rail corrugations over multiple wheelset passages. This analysis indicates that although the dynamical behaviour of the system is stable for each wheel passage, over multiple wheelset passages, the growth of wear-type corrugations is shown to be the result of instability due to feedback interaction between the three primary components of the model. The corrugations are shown analytically to grow for all realistic railway parameters. From this analysis an analytical expression for the exponential growth rate of corrugations in terms of known parameters is developed. This convenient expression is used to perform a sensitivity analysis to identify critical parameters that most affect corrugation growth. The analytical predictions are shown to compare well with results from a benchmarked time-domain finite element model. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Investigation of the secondary nucleation threshold (SNT) of alpha-glucose monohydrate was conducted in aqueous solutions in agitated batch systems for the temperature range 10 to 40 degrees C. The width of the SNT decreased as the induction time increased and was found to be temperature independent when supersaturation was based on the absolute concentration driving force. Nonnucleating seeded batch bulk crystallizations of this sugar were performed isothermally in the same temperature range as the SNT experiments, and within the SNT region to avoid nucleation. The growth kinetics were found to be linearly dependent on the supersaturation of total glucose in the system when the mutarotation reaction is not rate limiting. The growth rate constant increases with increasing temperature and follows an Arrhenius relationship with an activation energy of 50 +/- 2 kJ/mol. alpha-Glucose monohydrate shows significant crystal growth rate dispersion (GRD). For the seeds used, the 95% range of growth rates was within a factor of 6 for seeds with a narrow particle size distribution, and 8 for seeds with a wider distribution that was used at 25 degrees C. The results will be used to model the significance of the mutarotation reaction on the overall crystallization rate of D-glucose in industrial crystallization.


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A framework is presented for modeling the nucleation in the constitutionally supercooled liquid ahead of the advancing solid/liquid interface. The effects of temperature gradient, imposed velocity, slope of liquidus, and initial concentration have been taken into account in this model by considering the effect of interface retardation, which is caused by solute buildup at the interface. Furthermore, the effect of solute concentration on the chemical driving force for nucleation has been considered in this model. The model is used for describing the nucleation of Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys. It was found that the solute of Si has a significant impact on the chemical driving force for nucleation in AI-Si alloys whereas Cu has almost no effect in Al-Cu alloys.


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Details on the general discussion session of the 2004 Hume-Rothery Symposium on "The Structure and Diffusional Growth Mechanisms of Irrational Interphase Boundaries" is presented. The symposium was held on Mar 17, 2004 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte NC.