40 resultados para iliac aneurysm
Objectives: To test the acceptability of screening and to identify modifiable risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in men. Design: A trial of ultrasound screening for AAA in a population-based random sample of men aged 65-83 years, and a cross-sectional case-control comparison of men in the same sample. Participants: 12203 men who had an ultrasound examination of their abdominal aorta, and completed a questionnaire covering demographic, behavioural and medical factors. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of AAA, and independent associations of AAA with demographic, medical and lifestyle factors. Results: Invitations to screening produced a corrected response of 70.5%. The prevalence of AAAs (> 30 mm) rose from 4.8% in men aged 65-69 years to 10.8% in those aged 80-83 years. The overall prevalence of large (> 50 mm) aneurysms was 0.69%. In a multivariate logistic model Mediterranean-born men had a 40% lower risk of AAA (> 30 mm) compared with men born in Australia (odds ratio [OR], 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4-0.8), while ex-smokers had a significantly increased risk of AAA (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.9-2.8), and current smokers had even higher risks. AAA was significantly associated with established coronary and peripheral arterial disease and a waist:hip ratio greater than 0.9; men who regularly undertook vigorous exercise had a lower risk (OR, 0.8; 95% CI, 0.7-1.0). Conclusion: Ultrasound screening for AAA is acceptable to men in the likely target population. AAA shares some but not all of the risk factors for occlusive vascular disease, but the scope for primary prevention of AAA in later life is limited.
Objectives-To investigate the feasibility of selective screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) based on identification of a target group of manageable size defined by risk factors for AAA. Setting-Male residents of Perth, Western Australia, aged 65-83 years, who participated in a randomised controlled trial of ultrasound screening for AAA. Methods-Eligible men were identified from the electoral roll and invited to attend a screening clinic. Those who attended completed a questionnaire, had a limited physical examination, and underwent an ultrasound examination to identify the maximum diameter of the infrarenal aorta. Data on risk factors collected from the first 8995 men seen were used to calculate a multivariate risk score for the remaining 2755 men who were screened. Gentiles of the risk score were used to define potential target groups for screening and the sensitivity and specificity of each of these selective screening strategies were calculated. We repeated the calculation separately for AAAs of at least 30 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mm in diameter. Results-We found that screening half of the male population aged 65-83 years would find approximately 75% of AAAs, regardless of their size, whereas screening only current smokers in this population would find approximately 20% of AAAs. Conclusions-Selective screening for AAA using easily recognisable risk factors is feasible but is not worthwhile as approximately 25% of clinically significant cases would be missed.
Background. Increased life expectancy in men during the last thirty years is largely due to the decrease in mortality from cardiovascular disease in the age group 29-69 yr. This change has resulted in a change in the disease profile of the population with conditions such as aneurysm of the abdominal aorta (AAA) becoming more prevalent. The advent of endoluminal treatment for AAA has encouraged prophylactic intervention and fuelled the argument to screen for the disease. The feasibility of inserting an endoluminal graft is dependent on the morphology and growth characteristics of the aneurysm. This study used data from a randomized controlled trial of ultrasound screening for AAA in men aged 65-83 yr in Western Australia for the purpose of determining the norms of the living anatomy in the pressurized infrarenal aorta. Aims. To examine (1) the diameters of the infra-renal aorta in aneurysmal and non-aneurysmal cases, (2) the implications for treatment modalities, with particular reference to endoluminal grafting, which is most dependent on normal and aneurysmal morphology, and (3) any evidence to support the notion that northern Europeans are predisposed to aneurysmal disease. Methods. Using ultrasound, a randomized control trial was established in Western Australia to assess the value of a screening program in males aged 65-83 yr, The infra-renal aorta was defined as aneurysmal if the maximum diameter was 30 mm or more. Aortic diameter was modelled both as a continuous tin mm) and as a binary outcome variable, for those men who had an infra-renal diameter of 30 mm or more. ANOVA and linear regression were used for modelling aortic diameter as a continuum, while chi-square analysis and logistic regression were used in comparing men with and without the diagnosis of AAA. Findings. By December 1998, of 19.583 men had been invited to undergo ultrasound screening for AAA, 12.203 accepted the invitation (corrected response fraction 70.8%). The prevalence of AAA increased with age from 4.8% at 65 yr to 10.8% at 80 yr (chi (2) = 77.9, df = 3, P<0.001). The median (IQR) diameter for the non-aneurysmal group was 21.4 mm (3.3 mm) and there was an increase (<chi>(2) = 76.0, df = 1, P<0.001) in the diameter of the infra-renal aorta with age. Since 27 mm is the 95th centile for the non-aneurysmal infra-renal aorta, a diameter of 30 mm or more is justified as defining an aneurysm. The risk of AAA was higher in men of Australian (OR = 1.0) and northern European origin (OR = 1.0, 95%CL: 0.9. 1.2) compared with those of Mediterranean origin (OR = 0.5, 99%CL: 0.4, 0.7). Conclusion. Although screening has not yet been shown to reduce mortality from AAA. these population-based data assist the understanding of aneurysmal disease and the further development and use of endoluminal grafts for this condition. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.
Background We sought to test, in men Undergoing ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in Western Australia, clinical impressions that the prevalence of AAA is high in Dutch migrants and low in migrants from Mediterranean countries. Methods In a. population-based trial, men undergoing screening for AAA completed a questionnaire covering their place of birth, smoking habits and consumption of alcohol, meat, fish, salt and milk. We examined the variation by place of birth in the mean, median, 95th and 99th centiles of infrarenal aortic diameter and the prevalences of AAA defined by criteria of 30 mm, 50 mm and by the 95th and 99th centiles, in men born in Australia, of aortic diameter adjusted for height. Findings Overall, 12 203 (70.5%) of the 19 583 men took up the invitation to undergo ultrasound screening. The prevalence of AAA defined by absolute diameter was higher than average in men born in The Netherlands or Scotland (more of whom had ever smoked or smoked currently) and lower in men of Mediterranean origin (more of whom drank alcohol currently). There were no consistent relationships with simple dietary: data. Correction of aortic diameter for height eliminated the significant heterogeneity in prevalence of large AAA, although a threefold variation in prevalence of AAA exceeding the 95th centile of height-adjusted diameter in Australian men persisted. Interpretation In our cohort of men, which is subject to both 'healthy migrant' and 'survivor' effects, if it exists at all, any 'Mediterranean paradox' for AAA is more modest than that for coronary disease.
Background: Although there is evidence demonstrating an association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), it is not clear whether COPD predicts greater rates of expansion of established aneurysms. We sought such an association in a cohort of men with aneurysms detected in a population-based study of screening for aneurysms. Methods: In addition to regular aortic ultrasound scans, 179 men with AAA underwent full lung function testing in order to identify the presence of COPD and its subgroups, emphysema and other obstructive ventilatory defects (OVD). The rate of expansion of each aneurysm was calculated and the men were divided into 'rapid expanders' (3 mm or more per year) and 'slow expanders' (less than 3 mm per year). Any association with the presence of COPD or smoking was tested using a multivariate model. Results: Over a median follow-up period of 36 months the mean rate of aortic expansion for the cohort of 179 men was 2.1 mm/year. There was no significant difference in prevalence of COPD (68% overall) or having ever been a smoker (87% overall) between the rapid expanders and the slow expanders. Conclusions: Although there was a high prevalence of COPD among men with an AAA, there was no association between the rate of expansion of AAA and the presence of any form of this disease.
Background: The purpose of the present paper was to investigate whether screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) causes health-related quality of life to change in men or their partners. Methods: A cross-sectional case-control comparison was undertaken of men aged 65-83 years living in Perth, Western Australia, using questionnaires incorporating three validated instruments (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36, EuroQol EQ-5D and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) as well as several independent questions about quality of life. The 2009 men who attended for ultrasound scans of the abdominal aorta completed a short prescreening questionnaire about their perception of their general health. Four hundred and ninety-eight men (157 with an AAA and 341 with a normal aorta) were sent two questionnaires for completion 12 months after screening, one for themselves and one for their partner, each being about the quality of life of the respondent. Results: Men with an AAA were more limited in performing physical activities than those with a normal aorta (t-test of means P = 0.04). After screening, men with an AAA were significantly less likely to have current pain or discomfort than those with a normal aorta (multivariate odds ratio: 0.5; 95% confidence interval (Cl): 0.3-0.9) and reported fewer visits to their doctor. The mean level of self-perceived general health increased for all men from before to after screening (from 63.4 to 65.4). Conclusions: Apart from physical functioning, screening was not associated with decreases in health and well-being. A high proportion of men rated their health over the year after screening as being either the same or improved, regardless of whether or not they were found to have an AAA.
Editor—We reported the study in a transparent fashion and were deliberately cautious in our conclusions. Australia and the United Kingdom are very different with regard to arrangements for primary care, which did not permit us to undertake a preliminary assessment of the eligibility of men for screening before we randomised them and issued half invitations to attend for the ultrasound examination.
Background - Marfan syndrome (MS) is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the fibrillin gene FBN1. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a congenital heart malformation of unknown cause. Both conditions are associated with ascending aortic aneurysm and premature death. This study examined the relationship among the secretion of extracellular matrix proteins fibrillin, fibronectin, tenascin, and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis. The role of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)- 2 in VSMC apoptosis was studied in MS aneurysm. Methods and Results - Aneurysm tissue was obtained from patients undergoing surgery ( MS: 4 M, 1 F, age 27 - 45 years; BAV: 3 M, 2 F, age 28 - 65 years). Normal aorta from subjects with nonaneurysm disease was also collected ( 4 M, 1 F, age 23 - 93 years). MS and BAV aneurysm histology showed areas of cystic medial necrosis (CMN) without inflammatory infiltrate. Immunohistochemical study of cultured MS and BAV VSMC showed intracellular accumulation and reduction of extracellular distribution of fibrillin, fibronectin, and tenascin. Western blot showed no increase in expression of fibrillin, fibronectin, or tenascin in MS or BAV VSMC and increased expression of MMP-2 in MS VSMCs. There was 4-fold increase in loss of cultured VSMC incubated in serum-free medium for 24 hours in both MS ( 27 +/- 8%) and BAV ( 32 +/- 14%) compared with control ( 7 +/- 5%). Conclusions - In MS and BAV there is alteration in both the amount and quality of secreted proteins and an increased degree of VSMC apoptosis. Up-regulation of MMP-2 might play a role in VSMC apoptosis in MS VSMC. The findings suggest the presence of a fundamental cellular abnormality in BAV thoracic aorta, possibly of genetic origin.
Objectives. This study aimed to determine the incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a large group of siblings of Australian AAA patients to determine if screening in this group is justified. Methods. 1254 siblings of 400 index AAA patients were identified and offered aortic ultrasound screening. An age and sex matched control group was recruited from patients having abdominal CT scans for non-vascular indications. AAA was defined by an infrarenal aortic diameter of greater than or equal to3 cm or a ratio of the infrarenal to suprarenal aortic diameter of greater than or equal to2.0. A ratio of 1.0-1.5 was considered normal, and a ratio of >1.5 to
Fetal iliac angle sonographic measures as a predictor of Down syndrome in a mid-trimester population
We study a case of a 65-year-old woman who developed popliteal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) and venous aneurysm following left knee arthrodesis. Presenting features included left popliteal and calf pain, a tender pulsatile mass posterior to her left knee, popliteal bruit and a thrill at the popliteal fossa and ankle. Left femoral angiography showed an AVF arising from the right tibioperoneal trunk and an aneurysm at the level of the AVF. Findings at open investigation included AVF between the tibioperoneal trunk and the popliteal vein, and a venous aneurysm arising from the popliteal vein opposite the neck of the arteriovenous communication. The aneurysm and fistula were repaired using prolene suture.
Background-Marfan syndrome (MFS), a condition caused by fibrillin-1 gene mutation is associated with aortic aneurysm that shows elastic lamellae disruption, accumulation of glycosaminoglycans, and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis with minimal inflammatory response. We examined aneurysm tissue and cultured cells for expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 to -beta3 (TGF beta 1 to 3), hyaluronan content, apoptosis, markers of cell migration, and infiltration of vascular progenitor cells (CD34). Methods and Results-MFS aortic aneurysm (6 males, 5 females; age 8 to 78 years) and normal aorta (5 males, 3 females; age 22 to 56 years) were used. Immunohistochemistry showed increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3, hyaluronan, and CD34-positive microcapillaries in MFS aneurysm compared with control. There was increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3 and hyaluronan in MFS cultured VSMCs, adventitial fibroblasts (AF), and skin fibroblasts (SF). Apoptosis was increased in MFS (VSMC: mean cell loss in MFS 29%, n of subjects = 5, versus control 8%, n = 3, P < 0.05; AF: 28%, n = 5 versus 7%, n = 5, P < 0.05; SF: 29%, n = 3 versus 4%, n = 3, not significant). In MFS, there was a 2-fold increase in adventitial microcapillaries containing CD34-positive cells compared with control tissue. Scratch wound assay showed absence of CD44, MT1-MMP, and beta-3 integrin at the leading edge of migration in MFS indicating altered directional migration. Western blot showed increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3 in MFS but no change in expression of CD44, MT1-MMP, or beta-3 integrin compared with controls. Conclusions-There was overexpression of TGF-beta in MFS associated with altered hyaluronan synthesis, increased apoptosis, impaired progenitor cell recruitment, and abnormal directional migration. These factors limit tissue repair and are likely to contribute to aneurysm development.