60 resultados para high mobility group B2 protein
VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) and Sox18 are involved in vascular development. VCAM-1 is an important adhesion molecule that is expressed on endothelial cells and has a critical role in endothelial activation, inflammation, lymphatic pathophysiology, and atherogenesis. The Sry-related high mobility group box factor Sox18 has previously been implicated in endothelial pathologies. Mutations in human and mouse Sox18 leads to hypotrichosis and lymphedema. Furthermore, both Sox18 and VCAM-1 have very similar spatio-temporal patterns of expression, which is suggestive of crosstalk. We use biochemical techniques, cell culture systems, and the ragged opossum (RaOP) mouse model with a naturally occurring mutation in Sox18 to demonstrate that VCAM-1 is an important target of Sox18. Transfection, site-specific mutagenesis, and gel shift analyses demonstrated that Sox18 directly targeted and trans-activated VCAM-1 expression. Importantly, the naturally occurring Sox18 mutant attenuates the expression and activation of VCAM-1 in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo quantitation of VCAM-1 mRNA levels in wild type and RaOP mice demonstrates that RaOP animals show a dramatic and significant reduction in VCAM-1 mRNA expression in lung, skin, and skeletal muscle. Our observation that the VCAM-1 gene is an important target of SOX18 provides the first molecular insights into the vascular abnormalities in the mouse mutant ragged and the human hypotrichosis-lymphedematelangiectasia disorder.
Magneto-transport measurements of the 2D hole system (2DHS) in p-type Si-Si1-xGex heterostructures identify the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) at dominantly odd-integer filling factors v and two low-temperature insulating phases (IPs) at v = 1.5 and v less than or similar to 0.5, with re-entrance to the quantum Hall effect at v = 1. The temperature dependence, current-voltage characteristics, and tilted field and illumination responses of the IP at v = 1.5 indicate that the important physics is associated with an energy degeneracy of adjacent Landau levels of opposite spin, which provides a basis for consideration of an intrinsic, many-body origin.
Previously, we reported the presence of dual promoters, referred to as distal (DP) and proximal, with a negative regulatory element between them in the mouse mu -opioid receptor (mor) gene. Here we have identified a positive regulatory element influencing mor DP transcription, which contains multiple consensus binding motifs for Sox factors (sex-determining Sry-like high mobility group box-containing genes). In gel supershift assays, the Sox family member Sox18 bound directly to the multiple Sox consensus binding motifs of the mor DP enhancer. Overexpression of Sox18 cDNA increased luciferase activity regulated by the mor DP, and did so in a Sox18 concentration-dependent manner. In contrast, overexpression of another Sox member, Sox5, triggered no such trans-activation of mor DP-driven luciferase activity or DNA-protein binding activity. These results suggest that Sox18 directly and specifically stimulates mor gene expression, by trans-activating the mor DP enhancer.
Sox18 encodes a member of the Sry-related high mobility group box (SOX) family of developmental transcription factors. Examination of Sox18 expression during embryogenesis has shown that Sox18 is expressed transiently in endothelial cells of developing blood vessels, and mutations in Sox18 have been found to underlie the mouse vascular and hair follicle mutant ragged. In this study we have examined the expression of Sox18 in angiogenesis during wound healing. Full-thickness skin wounds were created in mice, and subsequent expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the VEGF receptor Flk-1, alpha1 (iv) collagen (Col4a1), and Sox18 were studied using in situ hybridization. As has been previously reported, VEGF was expressed predominantly in the keratinocytes at the wound margins. Sox18 expression was found Rye days after wounding during capillary sprouting in granulation tissue and persisted through the proliferative phase of healing, but was not detected in fully epithelialized wounds 21 days after wounding. Sox18 mRNA expression was detected in capillaries within the granulation tissue and showed an identical pattern of distribution to Flk-1 and Col4a1 mRNA expression in endothelial cells. Immunostaining with a polyclonal anti-Sox18 antibody showed SOX18 protein localized in capillary endothelial cells within the granulation tissue. capillaries in the subcutaneous tissue of unwounded skin showed no Sox18 expression. Sox18 may therefore represent a transcription factor involved in the induction of angiogenesis during wound healing and tissue repair, but not in the maintenance of endothelial cells in undamaged tissue.
Sox genes encode transcription factors belonging to the HMG ( High Mobility Group) superfamily. They are conserved across species and involved in a number of developmental processes. In vitro studies have shown at least one Sox gene to be capable of inducing oncogenic transformation of fibroblast cells. In addition, overexpression and/or amplification of Sox genes are associated with a large number of tumour types in vivo. We review here the available evidence linking Sox gene expression and cancer, and show that this link is supported by extensive EST database analysis. This work provides a basis for further studies aimed at investigating the possible role of Sox genes in the oncogenic process. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.
HMG box containing protein 1 (HBP1) is a high mobility group domain transcriptional repressor that regulates proliferation in differentiated tissues. We have found mouse Hbp1 to be expressed strongly in the embryonic mouse testis from approximately 12.5 days post coitum, compared with low levels of expression in the embryonic ovary. Expression of Hbp1 is maintained in the developing testis beyond the onset of spermatogenesis after birth. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showed that expression of Hbp1 in the XY gonad is localized within the developing testis cords, the precursors of the seminiferous tubules. Expression of Hbp1 is not apparent in testis cords of gonads from homozygous We mutant embryos, which lack germ cells. In situ hybridisation analysis on cryosectioned embryonic testis indicated that Hbp1 expression resembles that of the germ cell marker Oct4. We conclude that Hbp1 is up-regulated specifically in germ cells of the developing XY gonad. The expression of Hbp1 in XY germ cells appears to correlate with the onset of mitotic arrest in these cells. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Sox18 encodes a transcription factor known to be important for the development of blood vessels and hair follicles in mice. In order to study the functional conservation of this gene through evolution, we have isolated and characterized Sox18 in chickens. cSox18 shows a high degree of sequence homology to both the mouse and human orthologues, particularly in the high mobility group DNA-binding domain and to a lesser extent in the transcriptional activation domain. A region of unusually high sequence conservation at the C-terminus may represent a further, previously unrecognized functional domain. Both the chicken and human proteins appear to be truncated at the N-terminus relative to mouse SOX18. In situ hybridization analyses showed expression in the developing vasculature and feather follicles, consistent with reported expression in the mouse embryo. In addition, cSox18 mRNA was observed in the retina and claw beds. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We describe a strategy for the selection and amplification of foreign gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells employing a metallothionein gene-containing expression vector. This report describes an amplification procedure that results in an enrichment of clones exhibiting high levels of recombinant protein production and reduces the labour required for screening recombinant cell lines.
To determine if low dietary protein concentration in the first two trimesters of pregnancy alters placental development, genetically similar heifers from closed herd were fed diets containing different levels of protein in the first and second trimesters of gestation. There were four animals per treatment group, the groups being: L/L = fed a diet containing 7% crude protein (CP) (low protein) in the first and second trimesters; H/H = fed a diet containing 14% (P thigh protein) in the first and second trimesters; L/H = fed low protein in the first trimester and high in the second trimester and vice versa for the H/L group. Low protein diets in the first trimester increased dry cotyledon weight at term. Trophectoderm volume density increased in the H/L and L/H group compared to the L/L and H/H groups. Blood vessel volume and volume density in foetal villi decreased in the H/L and L/H groups compared with the H/H and L/L groups. There was no effect of diet treatment on cotyledon number, diameter or wet weight and no effect on the volume density of connective tissue or fibroblasts in the foetal villi. These results show that a low dietary protein concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy followed by increased protein in the second trimester enhanced placental development. Further, trophectoderm volume was highly correlated with birth weight. Early protein restriction in the pregnant cow may enhance foetal growth in part by stimulating placental growth and function. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of conjugating cholesterol to either or both ends of a phosphorothioate (PS) oligonucleotide were analyzed in terms of cellular uptake and antisense efficacy. The oligo sequence was directed against the p75 nerve growth factor receptor (p75), and was tested in differentiated PC12 cells, which express high levels of this protein. The addition of a single cholesteryl group to the 5'-end significantly increased cellular uptake and improved p75 mRNA downregulation compared with the unmodified PS oligo, However, only a minor degree of downregulation of p75 protein was obtained with 5' cholesteryl oligos, Three different linkers was used to attach the 5' cholesteryl group but were found not to have any impact on efficacy. Addition of a single cholesteryl group to the 3'-end led to greater p75 mRNA downregulation (31%) and p75 protein downregulation (28%) than occurred with the 5' cholesteryl oligos. The biggest improvement in antisense efficacy, both at the mRNA and protein levels, was obtained from the conjugation of cholesterol to both ends of the oligo. One of the bis-cholesteryl oligos was nearly as effective as cycloheximide at decreasing synthesis of p75, The bis-cholesteryl oligos also displayed significant efficacy at 1 mu M, whereas the other oligos required 5 mu M to be effective. The enhanced efficacy of bis-cholesteryl oligos is likely to be due to a combination of enhanced cellular uptake and resistance to both 5' and 3' exonucleases.
Adopting a social identity perspective, the research was designed to examine the interplay between premerger group status and integration pattern in the prediction of responses to a merger. The research employed a 2 (status: high versus low) x 3 (integration pattern: assimilation versus integrational equality versus transformation) between-participants factorial design. We predicted that integration pattern and group status would interact such that the responses of the members of high status group would be most positive under conditions of an assimilation pattern, whereas members of low status groups were expected to favour an integration-equality pattern. After working on a task in small groups, group status was manipulated and the groups worked on a second task. The merger was then announced and the integration pattern was manipulated (e.g., in terms of the logo, location, and decision rules). The main dependent variables were assessed after the merged groups had worked together on a third task. As expected, there was evidence that the effects of group status on responses to the merger were moderated by integration pattern. Field data also indicated that both premerger status and perceived integration pattern influenced employee responses to an organisational merger.
The feasibility of employing classical electrophoresis theory to determine the net charge (valence) of proteins by capillary zone electrophoresis is illustrated in this paper. An outline of a procedure to facilitate the interpretation of mobility measurements is demonstrated by its application to a published mobility measurement for Staphylococcal nuclease at pH 8.9 that had been obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis. The significantly higher valence of +7.5 (cf. 5.6 from the same series of measurements) that has been reported on the basis of a charge ladder approach for charge determination signifies the likelihood that the latter generic approach may be prone to error arising from nonconformity of the experimental system with an inherent assumption that chemical modification or mutation of amino acid residues has no effect on the overall three-dimensional size and shape of the protein. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Bt transgenic cotton has not shown the same level of resistance to bollworm in China, as in other major Bt cotton growing areas of the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of high temperature on the CryIA insecticidal protein content and nitrogen metabolism, in the leaf of Bt transgenic cotton. The study was undertaken on two transgenic cotton cultivars, one conventional (Xinyang 822) and the other a hybrid (Kumian No. 1), during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In the 2001 study, potted cotton plants were exposed to 37 C for 24 h under glasshouse conditions at three growth stages peak square, peak flowering and peak boll developing periods. Based on the 2001 results, in 2002 the same two cultivars were exposed to the same temperature for 48 h at two growth stages-peak flowering and boll developing periods. The results of the study indicated that the insecticidal protein content of the leaf was not significantly affected by the stress during the square and flowering periods. However, exposure to high temperature for 24h during the boll period reduced the CryIA protein content by approximately 51% in the cultivar Kumian No 1, and 30% in Xinyang 822 in the 2001 study, and by approximately 73 and 63% for 48 h with the same cultivars, respectively, in the 2002 study. Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity, total free amino acid and soluble protein content, and the activity of protease in the leaf, showed relatively little change in response to high temperature in the flowering period. However, exposure to high temperature in the boll period resulted in the following changes - a reduction of GPT activity, a sharp increase in free amino acid content, a significant decrease in soluble protein content, and significant increases in the activity of protease. The results suggest that high temperature may result in the degradation of soluble protein in the leaf, with a resulting decline in the level of the toxin CryIA. It is believed that this may be the cause of the reduced efficacy of Bt cotton in growing conditions in China, where temperatures during the boll period often reach 36-40° C. © 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Eight milling quality and protein properties of autumn-sown Chinese wheats were investigated using 59 cultivars and advanced lines grown in 14 locations in China from 1995 to 1998. Wide ranges of variability for all traits were observed across genotypes and locations. Genotype, location, year, and their interactions all significantly influenced most of the quality parameters. Kernel hardness, Zeleny sedimentation value, and mixograph development time were predominantly influenced by the effects of genotype. Genotype, location and genotype x location interaction were all important sources of variation for thousand kernel weight, test weight, protein content, and falling number, whereas genotype x location interaction had the largest effect on flour yield. Most of the genotypes were characterized by weak gluten strength with Zeleny sedimentation values less than 40 ml and mixograph development time shorter than 3 min. Eight groups of genotypes were recognized based on the average quality performance, grain hardness and gluten strength were the two parameters that determined the grouping, with contributions from protein content. Genotypes such as Zhongyou 16 and Annong 8903 displayed good milling quality, high grain hardness, protein content and strong gluten strength with high sedimentation value and long mixograph development time. Genotypes such as Lumai 15 and Yumai 18 were characterized by low grain hardness, protein content and weak gluten strength. Genotypes such as Yannong 15 and Chuanmai 24 were characterized by strong gluten strength with high sedimentation value and long mixograph development time, but low grain hardness and protein content lower than 12.3%. Genotypes such as Jingdong 6 and Xi'an 8 had weak gluten strength, but with high grain hardness and protein content higher than 12.2%. Five groups of locations were identified, and protein content and gluten strength were the two parameters that determined the grouping. Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Nanyang, Zhumadian and Nanjing produced wheats with medium to strong gluten strength and medium protein content, although there was still a large variation for most of the traits investigated between the locations. Wheat produced in Yantai was characterized by strong gluten strength, but with low protein content. Jinan, Anyang and Linfen locations produced wheats with medium to weak gluten strength and medium to high protein content. Wheats produced in Yangling, Zhenzhou, and Chengdu were characterized by weak gluten strength with medium to low protein content, whereas wheats produced in Xuzhou and Wuhan were characterized by weak gluten strength with low protein content. Industrial grain quality could be substantially improved through integrating knowledge of geographic genotype distribution with key location variables that affected end-use quality.