53 resultados para database security
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, operated by the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS), is the largest plankton monitoring programme in the world and has spanned > 70 yr. The dataset contains information from -200 000 samples, with over 2.3 million records of individual taxa. Here we outline the evolution of the CPR database through changes in technology, and how this has increased data access. Recent high-impact publications and the expanded role of CPR data in marine management demonstrate the usefulness of the dataset. We argue that solely supplying data to the research community is not sufficient in the current research climate; to promote wider use, additional tools need to be developed to provide visual representation and summary statistics. We outline 2 software visualisation tools, SAHFOS WinCPR and the digital CPR Atlas, which provide access to CPR data for both researchers and non-plankton specialists. We also describe future directions of the database, data policy and the development of visualisation tools. We believe that the approach at SAHFOS to increase data accessibility and provide new visualisation tools has enhanced awareness of the data and led to the financial security of the organisation; it also provides a good model of how long-term monitoring programmes can evolve to help secure their future.
Power system real time security assessment is one of the fundamental modules of the electricity markets. Typically, when a contingency occurs, it is required that security assessment and enhancement module shall be ready for action within about 20 minutes’ time to meet the real time requirement. The recent California black out again highlighted the importance of system security. This paper proposed an approach for power system security assessment and enhancement based on the information provided from the pre-defined system parameter space. The proposed scheme opens up an efficient way for real time security assessment and enhancement in a competitive electricity market for single contingency case
As part of ACIAR project ASEM/2003/052, Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, plantations of timber trees in Leyte Island, the Philippines were located using a systematic survey of the island. The survey was undertaken in order to compile a database of plantations which could be used to guide the planning of project activities. In addition to recording a range of qualitative and quantitative information for each plantation, the survey spatially referenced each site using a Global Positioning System (GPS) to electronic maps of the island which were held in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Microsoft Excel and Mapsource® software were used as the software links between GPS coordinates and the GIS. Mapping of farm positions was complicated by different datums being used for maps of Leyte Island and this caused GPS positions to be displaced from equivalent positions on the map. Photos of the sites were hyperlinked to their map positions in the GIS in order to assist staff to recall site characteristics.
Australia is an increasingly important ally for the United States. It is willing to be part of challenging global missions, and its strong economy and growing self-confi dence suggest a more prominent role in both global and regional affairs. Moreover, its government has worked hard to strengthen the link between Canberra and Washington. Political and strategic affi nities between the two countries have been refl ected in--and complemented by--practiced military interoperability, as the two allies have sustained a pattern of security cooperation in relation to East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq in the last 4 years. This growing collaboration between the two countries suggests that a reinvention of the traditional bilateral security relationship is taking place. At the core of this process lies an agreement about the need for engaging in more proactive strategic behavior in the changing global security environment, and a mutual acceptance of looming military and technological interdependence. But this new alliance relationship is already testing the boundaries of bipartisan support for security policy within Australia. Issues of strategic doctrine, defense planning, and procurement are becoming topics of fi erce policy debate. Such discussion is likely to be sharpened in the years ahead as Australia’s security relationship with the United States settles into a new framework.
Data describing the composition of dietary supplements are not readily available to the public health community. As a result, intake from dietary supplements is generally not considered in most dietary surveys and, hence, little is known about the significance of supplement intake in relation to total diet or disease risk. To enable a more comprehensive analysis of dietary data, a database of the composition of various dietary supplements has been compiled. Active ingredients of all dietary supplements sold in Australia are included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), maintained by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Products included in the database were restricted to those vitamin, mineral and other supplements identified in dietary data collected from studies conducted in southeast Queensland and New South Wales (850 supplements). Conversion factors from ingredients compounds to active elements were compiled from standard sources. No account has been made for bioavailability, consistent with current practice for food composition databases. The database can be queried by ARTG identification number, brand, product title, or a variety of other fields. Expected future developments include development of standard formulations for use when supplements are incompletely specified, and expansion of products included for more widespread use.
MHCPEP (http://wehih.wehi.edu.au/mhcpep/) is a curated database comprising over 13 000 peptide sequences known to bind MHC molecules, Entries are compiled from published reports as well as from direct submissions of experimental data, Each entry contains the peptide sequence, its MHC specificity and where available, experimental method, observed activity, binding affinity, source protein and anchor positions, as well as publication references, The present format of the database allows text string matching searches but can easily be converted for use in conjunction with sequence analysis packages. The database can be accessed via Internet using WWW or FTP.
A marker database was compiled for isolates of the potato and tomato late blight pathogen, Phytophthora infestans, originating from 41 locations which include 31 countries plus 10 regions within Mexico. Presently, the database contains information on 1,776 isolates for one or more of the following markers: restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) fingerprint consisting of 23 bands; mating type; dilocus allozyme genotype; mitochondrial DNA haplotype; sensitivity to the fungicide metalaxyl; and virulence. In the database, 305 entries have unique RFLP fingerprints and 258 entries have unique multilocus genotypes based on RFLP fingerprint, dilocus allozyme genotype, and mating type. A nomenclature is described for naming multilocus genotypes based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) two-letter country code and a unique number, Forty-two previously published multilocus genotypes are represented in the database with references to publications. As a result of compilation of the database, seven new genotypes were identified and named. Cluster analysis of genotypes from clonally propagated populations worldwide generally confirmed a previously published classification of old and new genotypes. Genotypes from geographically distant countries were frequently clustered, and several old and new genotypes were found in two or more distant countries. The cluster analysis also demonstrated that A2 genotypes from Argentina differed from all others. The database is available via the Internet, and thus can serve as a resource for Phytophthora workers worldwide.
The World Wide Web (WWW) is useful for distributing scientific data. Most existing web data resources organize their information either in structured flat files or relational databases with basic retrieval capabilities. For databases with one or a few simple relations, these approaches are successful, but they can be cumbersome when there is a data model involving multiple relations between complex data. We believe that knowledge-based resources offer a solution in these cases. Knowledge bases have explicit declarations of the concepts in the domain, along with the relations between them. They are usually organized hierarchically, and provide a global data model with a controlled vocabulary, We have created the OWEB architecture for building online scientific data resources using knowledge bases. OWEB provides a shell for structuring data, providing secure and shared access, and creating computational modules for processing and displaying data. In this paper, we describe the translation of the online immunological database MHCPEP into an OWEB system called MHCWeb. This effort involved building a conceptual model for the data, creating a controlled terminology for the legal values for different types of data, and then translating the original data into the new structure. The 0 WEB environment allows for flexible access to the data by both users and computer programs.
While multimedia data, image data in particular, is an integral part of most websites and web documents, our quest for information so far is still restricted to text based search. To explore the World Wide Web more effectively, especially its rich repository of truly multimedia information, we are facing a number of challenging problems. Firstly, we face the ambiguous and highly subjective nature of defining image semantics and similarity. Secondly, multimedia data could come from highly diversified sources, as a result of automatic image capturing and generation processes. Finally, multimedia information exists in decentralised sources over the Web, making it difficult to use conventional content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques for effective and efficient search. In this special issue, we present a collection of five papers on visual and multimedia information management and retrieval topics, addressing some aspects of these challenges. These papers have been selected from the conference proceedings (Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020- 7060-8) of the Sixth IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems (VDB6), held in Brisbane, Australia, on 29–31 May 2002.
The Australian Soil Resources Information System (ASRIS) database compiles the best publicly available information available across Commonwealth, State, and Territory agencies into a national database of soil profile data, digital soil and land resources maps, and climate, terrain, and lithology datasets. These datasets are described in detail in this paper. Most datasets are thematic grids that cover the intensively used agricultural zones in Australia.