21 resultados para biomass ninhydrin-reactive-N
Although IL-6 has been shown to predict onset of disability in older persons and both IL-6 and CRP are associated with motality risk, these markers of inflammation have only limited associations with physical performance, except for walking measures and grip strength at baseline, and do not predict change in performance 7 years later in a high-functioning subset of older adults.
Mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were raised against the major capsid protein, L1, of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16), produced in Escherichia coil with the expression plasmid pTrcL1. Epitope specificity could be assigned to 11 of these 12 antibodies using a series of linear peptides and fusion proteins from HPV16. One mAb (MC53) recognized a novel linear epitope that appears to be unique to the HPV16 genotype. A further 11 mAbs were characterized as recognizing novel and previously defined linear and conformational epitopes shared among more than one HPV genotype. The apparently genotype specific mAb could be useful for the development of diagnostic tests for vegetative virus infection in clinical specimens. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) has emerged as the best new marker for alcohol abuse. Recently plasma immunoglobulin A (IgA) reactivity with acetaldehyde (AcH)-modified proteins, or the modified proteins per se, have been proposed as a markers for high levels of alcohol consumption. In this study, we have compared CDT, IgA reactivity with AcH adducts (IgA ASR), and AcH-modified albumin with conventional markers of high alcohol intake in groups with well-defined drinking histories, The plasma activity of ALT, AST, and gamma-glutamyltransferase increased steadily with increasing alcohol consumption, CDT and AcH-modified albumin showed a similar pattern, whereas IgA ASR appeared only to be elevated after a threshold level of consumption had been reached, Neither CDT IgA ASR or AcH-modified albumin correlated strongly with any of the conventional markers or each other. This study shows that CDT, IgA ASR, AcH-modified albumin, and the conventional markers are not related, but suggests that the concurrent use of CDT and IgA ASR may lead to better identification of high alcohol intake.
We use the finite element method to solve reactive mass transport problems in fluid-saturated porous media. In particular, we discuss the mathematical expression of the chemical reaction terms involved in the mass transport equations for an isothermal, non-equilibrium chemical reaction. It has turned out that the Arrhenius law in chemistry is a good mathematical expression for such non-equilibrium chemical reactions especially from the computational point of view. Using the finite element method and the Arrhenius law, we investigate the distributions of PH (i.e. the concentration of H+) and the relevant reactive species in a groundwater system. Although the main focus of this study is on the contaminant transport problems in groundwater systems, the related numerical techniques and principles are equally applicable to the orebody formation problems in the geosciences. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Numerical methods ave used to solve double diffusion driven reactive flow transport problems in deformable fluid-saturated porous media. in particular, thp temperature dependent reaction rate in the non-equilibrium chemical reactions is considered. A general numerical solution method, which is a combination of the finite difference method in FLAG and the finite element method in FIDAP, to solve the fully coupled problem involving material deformation, pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and species transport/chemical reactions in deformable fluid-saturated porous media has been developed The coupled problem is divided into two subproblems which are solved interactively until the convergence requirement is met. Owing to the approximate nature of the numerical method, if is essential to justify the numerical solutions through some kind of theoretical analysis. This has been highlighted in this paper The related numerical results, which are justified by the theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the proposed solution method is useful for and applicable to a wide range of fully coupled problems in the field of science and engineering.
We present the finite element simulations of reactive mineral carrying fluids mixing and mineralization in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. In particular we explore the mixing of reactive sulfide and sulfate fluids and the relevant patterns of mineralization for Load, zinc and iron minerals in the regime of temperature-gradient-driven convective flow. Since the mineralization and ore body formation may last quite a long period of time in a hydrothermal basin, it is commonly assumed that, in the geochemistry, the solutions of minerals are in an equilibrium state or near an equilibrium state. Therefore, the mineralization rate of a particular kind of mineral can be expressed as the product of the pore-fluid velocity and the equilibrium concentration of this particular kind of mineral Using the present mineralization rate of a mineral, the potential of the modern mineralization theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to reactive mineral-carrying fluids mixing problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock basins.
Background-C- reactive protein (CRP) levels have been shown to predict a number of cardiovascular outcomes. CRP levels have also been found to be elevated in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). The aim of this study was to assess the relation between CRP levels and rates of expansion of small AAAs. Methods and Results-A cohort of men with small aneurysms was identified in a trial of screening with ultrasound scanning. After initial screening, men were rescanned at 6- to 12-month intervals. CRP levels were measured at the first follow-up visit. Rates of expansion and risk factors for expansion were assessed with the use of data from 545 men who attended for at least 1 scan after CRP levels were measured. These men were followed for a median of 48 (range, 5 to 69) months. The mean annual rate of expansion was 1.6 mm. The median CRP level was 2.6 mg/L in men with the smaller AAAs (30 to 39 mm, n=433) compared with 3.5 mg/L in men with larger AAAs (40 to 54 mm, n=112) (P=0.007). The multivariate age-adjusted logistic model confirmed initial aortic diameter to be the only factor associated with rapid expansion with an odds ratio of 7.2 (95% CI, 4.3,12.2) for an initial diameter of 40 to 54 mm relative to one of 30 to 39 mm. Conclusions-Most small aneurysms expand slowly. CRP levels are elevated in larger aneurysms but do not appear to be associated with rapid expansion. The most useful predictor of aneurysmal expansion in men is aortic diameter.
PHWAT is a new model that couples a geochemical reaction model (PHREEQC-2) with a density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport model (SEAWAT) using the split-operator approach. PHWAT was developed to simulate multi-component reactive transport in variable density groundwater flow. Fluid density in PHWAT depends not on only the concentration of a single species as in SEAWAT, but also the concentrations of other dissolved chemicals that can be subject to reactive processes. Simulation results of PHWAT and PHREEQC-2 were compared in their predictions of effluent concentration from a column experiment. Both models produced identical results, showing that PHWAT has correctly coupled the sub-packages. PHWAT was then applied to the simulation of a tank experiment in which seawater intrusion was accompanied by cation exchange. The density dependence of the intrusion and the snow-plough effect in the breakthrough curves were reflected in the model simulations, which were in good agreement with the measured breakthrough data. Comparison simulations that, in turn, excluded density effects and reactions allowed us to quantify the marked effect of ignoring these processes. Next, we explored numerical issues involved in the practical application of PHWAT using the example of a dense plume flowing into a tank containing fresh water. It was shown that PHWAT could model physically unstable flow and that numerical instabilities were suppressed. Physical instability developed in the model in accordance with the increase of the modified Rayleigh number for density-dependent flow, in agreement with previous research. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of cell numbers rather than mass to quantify the size of the biotic phase in animal cell cultures causes several problems. First, the cell size varies with growth conditions, thus yields expressed in terms of cell numbers cannot be used in the normal mass balance sense. Second, experience from microbial systems shows that cell number dynamics lag behind biomass dynamics. This work demonstrates that this lag phenomenon also occurs in animal cell culture. Both the lag phenomenon and the variation in cell size are explained using a simple model of the cell cycle. The basis for the model is that onset of DNA synthesis requires accumulation of G1 cyclins to a prescribed level. This requirement is translated into a requirement for a cell to reach a critical size before commencement of DNA synthesis. A slower gl-owing cell will spend more time in G1 before reaching the critical mass. In contrast, the period between onset of DNA synthesis and mitosis, tau(B), is fixed. The two parameters in the model, the critical size and tau(B), were determined from eight steady-state measurements of mean cell size in a continuous hybridoma culture. Using these parameters, it was possible to predict with reasonable accuracy the transient behavior in a separate shift-up culture, i.e., a culture where cells were transferred from a lean environment to a rich environment. The implications for analyzing experimental data for animal cell culture are discussed. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In this paper, a small transmit array of transistor amplifiers illuminated by a passive array of microstrip patches in the reactive near-field region is investigated as a power-combining structure. The two cases considered are when the transmit array radiates in a free space and when a passive array similar to the one used for illumination collects the radiated power. A comparison of the performance of the proposed structure against the alternative one, which uses a conventional horn antenna as a power-launching/receiving device, is also presented.
Heat shock protein 60s (hsp60) are remarkably immunogenic, and both T-cell and antibody responses to hsp60 have been reported in various inflammatory conditions. To clarify the role of hsp60 in T-cell responses in periodontitis, we examined the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as well as the cytokine profile and T-cell clonality, for periodontitis patients and controls following stimulation with recombinant human hsp60 and Porphyromonas gingivalis GroEL. To confirm the infiltration of hsp60-reactive T-cell clones into periodontitis lesions, nucleotide sequences within complementarity-determining region 3 of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta-chain were compared between hsp60-reactive peripheral blood T cells and periodontitis lesion-infiltrating T cells. Periodontitis patients demonstrated significantly higher proliferative responses of PBMC to human hsp60, but not to P. gingivalis GroEL, than control subjects. The response was inhibited by anti-major histocompatibility complex class 11 antibodies. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the TCR demonstrated that human hsp60-reactive T-cell clones and periodontitis lesion-infiltrating T cells have the same receptors, suggesting that hsp60-reactive T cells accumulate in periodontitis lesions. Analysis of the cytokine profile demonstrated that hsp60-reactive PBMC produced significant levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in periodontitis patients, whereas P. gingivalis GroEL did not induce any, skewing toward a type1 or type2 cytokine profile. In control subjects no significant expression of IFN-gamma or interleukin 4 was induced. These results suggest that periodontitis patients have human hsp60-reactive T cells with a type I cytokine profile in their peripheral blood T-cell pools.
Variation in the growth, survival and change in total biomass (termed biomass increase) of different families of juvenile Penaeus japonicus was investigated over a range of temperatures in controlled laboratory experiments. In the first experiment, the effects of temperature on six families of juveniles were examined over a broad range of temperatures (24 to 30 degreesC). In the second experiment, the effects of temperature on six more families of juveniles were examined over a narrower range of temperatures (27.5 to 31.2 degreesC). Over the broad temperature range, mean growth and biomass increase were highest at 27 degreesC and mean survival was highest at 24 degreesC. Mean growth was lowest at 24 degreesC, whilst survival and biomass increase were lowest at 30 degreesC. However, there was a significant interaction between family and temperature, with some families tolerating a broader range of temperatures than others. As a result, the ranking of families in relation to growth, survival and biomass increase changed at each temperature. This effect was more pronounced for survival than for growth. Over the narrower range, temperature significantly affected growth, survival and biomass increase, but there was no significant interaction between family and temperature. Growth, survival and biomass increase were significantly lower at 31.2 than at 27.5 and 29.2 degreesC. These results suggest that if grow-out conditions for P. japonicus vary by more than a few degrees, interactions between family and temperature could affect the efficiency of selection. The results also suggest that the family x temperature interaction may have a more pronounced effect on survival than on growth. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.