365 resultados para atk-ohjelmat - LSP - Library software package
Expokit provides a set of routines aimed at computing matrix exponentials. More precisely, it computes either a small matrix exponential in full, the action of a large sparse matrix exponential on an operand vector, or the solution of a system of linear ODEs with constant inhomogeneity. The backbone of the sparse routines consists of matrix-free Krylov subspace projection methods (Arnoldi and Lanczos processes), and that is why the toolkit is capable of coping with sparse matrices of large dimension. The software handles real and complex matrices and provides specific routines for symmetric and Hermitian matrices. The computation of matrix exponentials is a numerical issue of critical importance in the area of Markov chains and furthermore, the computed solution is subject to probabilistic constraints. In addition to addressing general matrix exponentials, a distinct attention is assigned to the computation of transient states of Markov chains.
Odorant-induced currents in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons have proved difficult to obtain reliably using conventional whole-cell recording. By using a mathematical model of the electrical circuit of the patch and rest-of-cell, we demonstrate how cell-attached patch measurements can be used to quantitatively analyze responses to odorants or a high (100 mM) K+ solution. High K+ induced an immediate current flux from cell to pipette, which was modeled as a depolarization of similar to 52 mV, close to that expected from the Nernst equation (56 mV), and no change in the patch conductance. By contrast, a cocktail of cAMP-stimulating odorants induced a current flux from pipette into cell following a significant (4-10 s) delay. This was modeled as an average patch conductance increase of 36 pS and a depolarization of 13 mV, Odorant-induced single channels had a conductance of 16 pS. In cells bathed with no Mg2+ and 0.25 mM Ca2+, odorants induced a current flow from cell to pipette, which was modeled as a patch conductance increase of similar to 115 pS and depolarization of similar to 32 mV, All these results are consistent with cAMP-gated cation channels dominating the odorant response, This approach, which provides useful estimates of odorant-induced voltage and conductance changes, is applicable to similar measurements in any small cells.
The present paper addresses two major concerns that were identified when developing neural network based prediction models and which can limit their wider applicability in the industry. The first problem is that it appears neural network models are not readily available to a corrosion engineer. Therefore the first part of this paper describes a neural network model of CO2 corrosion which was created using a standard commercial software package and simple modelling strategies. It was found that such a model was able to capture practically all of the trends noticed in the experimental data with acceptable accuracy. This exercise has proven that a corrosion engineer could readily develop a neural network model such as the one described below for any problem at hand, given that sufficient experimental data exist. This applies even in the cases when the understanding of the underlying processes is poor. The second problem arises from cases when all the required inputs for a model are not known or can be estimated with a limited degree of accuracy. It seems advantageous to have models that can take as input a range rather than a single value. One such model, based on the so-called Monte Carlo approach, is presented. A number of comparisons are shown which have illustrated how a corrosion engineer might use this approach to rapidly test the sensitivity of a model to the uncertainities associated with the input parameters. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A software package that efficiently solves a comprehensive range of problems based on coupled complex nonlinear stochastic ODEs and PDEs is outlined. Its input and output syntax is formulated as a subset of XML, thus making a step towards a standard for specifying numerical simulations.
The fundamental role of dendritic cells (DC in initiating and directing the primary immune response is well established. Furthermore, it is now accepted that DC may be useful in new vaccination strategies for preventing certain malignant and infectious diseases. As blood DC (BDC physiology differs from that of the DC homologues generated in vitro from monocyte precursors, it is becoming more relevant to consider BDC for therapeutic interventions. Until recently, protocols for the isolation of BDC were laborious and inefficient; therefore, their use for investigative cancer immunotherapy is not widespread. In this study, we carefully documented BDC counts, yields and subsets during apheresis (Cobe Spectra), the initial and essential procedure in creating a BDC isolation platform for cancer immunotherapy. We established that an automated software package (Version 6,0 AutoPBPC) provides an operator-independent reliable source of motionuclear cells (MNC for BDC preparation. Further, we observed that BDC might be recovered in high yields, often greater than 100% relative to the number of circulating BDC predicted by blood volume. An average of 66 million (range, 17-179) BDC per 10-1 procedure were obtained, largely satisfying the needs for immunization. Higher yields were possible on total processed blood volumes of 151. BDC were not activated by the isolation procedure and, more importantly, both BDC subsets (CD11c(+)CD123(low) and CD11c(-)CD123(high)) were equally represented. Finally, we established that the apheresis product could be used for antibody-based BDC immunoselection and demonstrated that fully functional BDC can be obtained by this procedure. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
The development of new experimental techniques for the determination of phase equilibria in complex slag systems, chemical thermodynamic, and viscosity models is reported. The new experimental data, and new thermodynamic and viscosity models, have been combined in a custom-designed computer software package to produce limiting operability diagrams for slag systems. These diagrams are used to describe phase equilibria and physicochemical properties in complex slag systems. The approach is illustrated with calculations on the system FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO-Al2O3 at metallic iron saturation, slags produced in coal slagging gasifiers, and in the reprocessing of nonferrous smelting slags. This article was presented at the Mills Symposium Molten Metals, Slags and Glasses-Characterisation of Properties and Phenomena held in London in August 2000.
A finite difference method for simulating voltammograms of electrochemically driven enzyme catalysis is presented. The method enables any enzyme mechanism to be simulated. The finite difference equations can be represented as a matrix equation containing a nonlinear sparse matrix. This equation has been solved using the software package Mathematica. Our focus is on the use of cyclic voltammetry since this is the most commonly employed electrochemical method used to elucidate mechanisms. The use of cyclic voltammetry to obtain data from systems obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics is discussed, and we then verify our observations on the Michaelis-Menten system using the finite difference simulation. Finally, we demonstrate how the method can be used to obtain mechanistic information on a real redox enzyme system, the complex bacterial molybdoenzyme xanthine dehydrogenase.
The aim of the study presented was to implement a process model to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a pilot-scale process for anaerobic two-stage digestion of sewage sludge. The model implemented was initiated to support experimental investigations of the anaerobic two-stage digestion process. The model concept implemented in the simulation software package MATLAB(TM)/Simulink(R) is a derivative of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1) that has been developed by the IWA task group for mathematical modelling of anaerobic processes. In the present study the original model concept has been adapted and applied to replicate a two-stage digestion process. Testing procedures, including balance checks and 'benchmarking' tests were carried out to verify the accuracy of the implementation. These combined measures ensured a faultless model implementation without numerical inconsistencies. Parameters for both, the thermophilic and the mesophilic process stage, have been estimated successfully using data from lab-scale experiments described in literature. Due to the high number of parameters in the structured model, it was necessary to develop a customised procedure that limited the range of parameters to be estimated. The accuracy of the optimised parameter sets has been assessed against experimental data from pilot-scale experiments. Under these conditions, the model predicted reasonably well the dynamic behaviour of a two-stage digestion process in pilot scale. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structure of a comprehensive research project into mine fires study applying the Ventgraph mine fire simulation software, preplanning of escape scenarios and general interaction with rescue responses is outlined. The project has Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) funding and also relies on substantial mining company site support. This practical input from mine operators is essential and allows the approach to be introduced in the most creditable way. The effort is built around the introduction of fire simulation computer software to the Australian mining industry and the consequent modelling of fire scenarios in selected different mine layouts. Application of the simulation software package to the changing mine layouts requires experience to achieve realistic outcomes. Most Australian mines of size currently use a ventilation network simulation program. Under the project a small subroutine has been written to transfer the input data from the existing mine ventilation network simulation program to ‘Ventgraph’. This has been tested successfully. To understand fire simulation behaviour on the mine ventilation system, it is necessary to understood the possible effects of mine fires on various mine ventilation systems correctly first. Case studies demonstrating the possible effects of fires on some typical Australian coal mine ventilation circuits have been examined. The situation in which there is some gas make at the face and effects with fire have also been developed to emphasise how unstable and dangerous situations may arise. The primary objective of the part of the study described in this paper is to use mine fire simulation software to gain better understanding of how spontaneous combustion initiated fires can interact with the complex ventilation behaviour underground during a substantial fire. It focuses on the simulation of spontaneous combustion sourced heatings that develop into open fires. Further, it examines ventilation behaviour effects of spontaneous combustion initiated pillar fires and examines the difficulties these can be present if a ventilation reversal occurs. It also briefly examines simulation of use of the inertisation to assist in mine recovery. Mine fires are recognised across the world as a major hazard issue. New approaches allowing improvement in understanding their consequences have been developed as an aid in handling this complex area.
Methods of analysing and optimising flotation circuits have improved significantly over the last 15 years. Mineral flotation is now generally better understood through major advances in measuring and modelling the sub-processes within the flotation system. JKSimFloat V6 is a user-friendly Windows-based software package incorporating simulation, mass balancing, and, currently under development, liberation data viewing and model fitting. This paper presents an overview of the development of the program up to its current status, and the plans established for the future. The application of the simulator, in particular, at various operations is also discussed with emphasis on the use of the program in improving flotation circuit performance.
In this paper, a novel approach is developed to evaluate the overall performance of a local area network as well as to monitor some possible intrusion detections. The data is obtained via system utility 'ping' and huge data is analyzed via statistical methods. Finally, an overall performance index is defined and simulation experiments in three months proved the effectiveness of the proposed performance index. A software package is developed based on these ideas.
Computer assisted learning has an important role in the teaching of pharmacokinetics to health sciences students because it transfers the emphasis from the purely mathematical domain to an 'experiential' domain in which graphical and symbolic representations of actions and their consequences form the major focus for learning. Basic pharmacokinetic concepts can be taught by experimenting with the interplay between dose and dosage interval with drug absorption (e.g. absorption rate, bioavailability), drug distribution (e.g. volume of distribution, protein binding) and drug elimination (e.g. clearance) on drug concentrations using library ('canned') pharmacokinetic models. Such 'what if' approaches are found in calculator-simulators such as PharmaCalc, Practical Pharmacokinetics and PK Solutions. Others such as SAAM II, ModelMaker, and Stella represent the 'systems dynamics' genre, which requires the user to conceptualise a problem and formulate the model on-screen using symbols, icons, and directional arrows. The choice of software should be determined by the aims of the subject/course, the experience and background of the students in pharmacokinetics, and institutional factors including price and networking capabilities of the package(s). Enhanced learning may result if the computer teaching of pharmacokinetics is supported by tutorials, especially where the techniques are applied to solving problems in which the link with healthcare practices is clearly established.
The XSophe computer simulation software suite consisting of a daemon, the XSophe interface and the computational program Sophe is a state of the art package for the simulation of electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The Sophe program performs the computer simulation and includes a number of new technologies including; the SOPHE partition and interpolation schemes, a field segmentation algorithm, homotopy, parallelisation and spectral optimisation. The SOPHE partition and interpolation scheme along with a field segmentation algorithm greatly increases the speed of simulations for most systems. Multidimensional homotopy provides an efficient method for accurately tracing energy levels and hence tracing transitions in the presence of energy level anticrossings and looping transitions and allowing computer simulations in frequency space. Recent enhancements to Sophe include the generalised treatment of distributions of orientational parameters, termed the mosaic misorientation linewidth model and a faster more efficient algorithm for the calculation of resonant field positions and transition probabilities. For complex systems the parallelisation enables the simulation of these systems on a parallel computer and the optimisation algorithms in the suite provide the experimentalist with the possibility of finding the spin Hamiltonian parameters in a systematic manner rather than a trial-and-error process. The XSophe software suite has been used to simulate multifrequency EPR spectra (200 MHz to 6 00 GHz) from isolated spin systems (S > ~½) and coupled centres (Si, Sj _> I/2). Griffin, M.; Muys, A.; Noble, C.; Wang, D.; Eldershaw, C.; Gates, K.E.; Burrage, K.; Hanson, G.R."XSophe, a Computer Simulation Software Suite for the Analysis of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra", 1999, Mol. Phys. Rep., 26, 60-84.
This report describes recent updates to the custom-built data-acquisition hardware operated by the Center for Hypersonics. In 2006, an ISA-to-USB bridging card was developed as part of Luke Hillyard's final-year thesis. This card allows the hardware to be connected to any recent personal computers via a (USB or RS232) serial port and it provides a number of simple text-based commands for control of the hardware. A graphical user interface program was also updated to help the experimenter manage the data acquisition functions. Sampled data is stored in text files that have been compressed with the gzip for mat. To simplify the later archiving or transport of the data, all files specific to a shot are stored in a single directory. This includes a text file for the run description, the signal configuration file and the individual sampled-data files, one for each signal that was recorded.