33 resultados para aerobic fitness


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Elevated plasma homocysteine is recognized as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Recently, there have been conflicting reports of the relationship between physical activity and homocysteine. A more objective measure of physical activity is cardiorespiratory fitness; however, its relationship with homocysteine has yet to be investigated. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and plasma homocysteine. Cross-sectional associations between cardiorespiratory fitness (VO(2)max) and plasma homocysteine were examined in 49 men and 11 women. A submaximal bicycle test was used to determine VO(2)max and plasma homocysteine was measured using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Dietary analysis determined B vitamin intake. There was a significant inverse relationship between plasma homocysteine concentration and VO(2)max in women (r = -0.81, P = 0.003) but not in men (r = -0.09, P = 0.95). There were no significant relationships between plasma homocysteine and age, BMI, body fat, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. In summary, elevated cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with decreased plasma homocysteine concentrations in women. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A metabolic flux model was developed for Streptococcus zooepidemicus to compare the metabolism of glucose and maltose during aerobic batch cultivation. Lactic acid was the main product of glucose metabolism whereas acetic acid was the main product of maltose metabolism. This difference was chiefly attributed to the two-fold higher flux through NADH oxidase in maltose-grown cells that enabled the ATP generation rate to remain high despite a slower maltose consumption rate. The two-fold higher flux was matched by a two-fold increase in NADH oxidase activity, 2.53 +/- 0.1 mumol NADH min(-1) mg(-1) protein on maltose versus 1.07 +/- 0.04 Rmol NADH min(-1) mg(-1) protein on glucose, indicating that NADH oxidase activity is regulated by the energy status of the cell. Surprisingly, the energy status of the cell had little impact on hyaluronic acid (HA) yield and molecular weight. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spatial arrangement and metabolic activity of 'Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis' was investigated in granular sludge from an anaerobic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor enriched for glycogen-accumulating organisms. In this process, the electron donor (acetate) and the electron acceptor (oxygen) were supplied sequentially in each phase. The organism, identified by fluorescence in situ hybridisation, was present throughout the granules; however, metabolic activity was limited to a 100-mum-thick layer immediately below the surface of the granules. To investigate the cause of this, oxygen microsensors and a novel microscale biosensor for volatile fatty acids were used in conjunction with chemical staining for intracellular storage polymers. It was found that the limited distribution of activity was caused by mass transport limitation of oxygen into the granules during the aerobic phase. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Stabilizing selection has been predicted to change genetic variances and covariances so that the orientation of the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) becomes aligned with the orientation of the fitness surface, but it is less clear how directional selection may change G. Here we develop statistical approaches to the comparison of G with vectors of linear and nonlinear selection. We apply these approaches to a set of male sexually selected cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of Drosophila serrata. Even though male CHCs displayed substantial additive genetic variance, more than 99% of the genetic variance was orientated 74.9degrees away from the vector of linear sexual selection, suggesting that open-ended female preferences may greatly reduce genetic variation in male display traits. Although the orientation of G and the fitness surface were found to differ significantly, the similarity present in eigenstructure was a consequence of traits under weak linear selection and strong nonlinear ( convex) selection. Associating the eigenstructure of G with vectors of linear and nonlinear selection may provide a way of determining what long-term changes in G may be generated by the processes of natural and sexual selection.


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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of undertaking peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBST) on quality of life (QoL), and to determine the effect of participating in a mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise program on QoL. It was also an objective to determine the relationship between peak aerobic capacity and QoL in PBST patients. QoL was assessed via the CARES questionnaire and peak aerobic capacity by a maximal graded treadmill test, pretransplant (PI), post transplant (PII) and following a 12-week intervention period (PIII). At PII, 12 patients were divided equally into a control or exercise intervention group. Undergoing a PBST was associated with a statistically but not clinically significant decline in QoL (P < 0.05). Following the intervention, exercising patients demonstrated an improved QoL when compared with pretransplant ratings (P < 0.01) and nonexercising transplant patients (P < 0.05). Moreover, peak aerobic capacity and QoL were correlated (P < 0.05). The findings demonstrated that exercise participation following oncology treatment is associated with a reduction in the number and severity of endorsed problems, which in turn leads to improvements in global, physical and psychosocial QoL. Furthermore, a relationship between fitness and QoL exists, with those experiencing higher levels of fitness also demonstrating higher QoL.


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Response of an aerobic upflow sludge blanket (AUSB) reactor system to the changes in operating conditions was investigated by varying two principle operating variables: the oxygenation pressure and the flow recirculation rate. The oxygenation pressure was varied between 0 and 25 psig (relative), while flow recirculation rates were between 1,300 and 600% correspondingly. The AUSB reactor system was able to handle a volumetric loading of as high as 3.8 kg total organic carbon (TOC)/m(3) day, with a removal efficiency of 92%. The rate of TOC removal by AUSB was highest at a pressure of 20 psig and it decreased when the pressure was increased to 25 psig and the flow recirculation rate was reduced to 600%. The TOC removal rate also decreased when the operating pressure was reduced to 0 and 15 psig, with corresponding increase in flow recirculation rates to 1,300 and 1,000%, respectively. Maintenance of a high dissolved oxygen level and a high flow recirculation rate was found to improve the substrate removal capacity of the AUSB system. The AUSB system was extremely effective in retaining the produced biomass despite a high upflow velocity and the overall sludge yield was only 0.24-0.32 g VSS/g TOC removed. However, the effluent TOC was relatively high due to the system's operation at a high organic loading.


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Recent studies have determined that Pseudomonas aeruginosa can live in a biofilm mode within hypoxic mucus in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). P. aeruginosa grown under anaerobic and biofilm conditions may better approximate in vivo growth conditions in the CF airways, and combination antibiotic susceptibility testing of anaerobically and biofilm-grown isolates may be more relevant than traditional susceptibility testing under planktonic aerobic conditions. We tested 16 multidrug-resistant isolates of P. aeruginosa derived from CF patients using multiple combination bactericidal testing to compare the efficacies of double and triple antibiotic combinations against the isolates grown under traditional aerobic planktonic conditions, in planktonic anaerobic conditions, and in biofilm mode. Both anaerobically grown and biofilm-grown bacteria were significantly less susceptible (P < 0.01) to single and combination antibiotics than corresponding aerobic planktonically grown isolates. Furthermore, the antibiotic combinations that were bactericidal under anaerobic conditions were often different from those that were bactericidal against the same organisms grown as biofilms. The most effective combinations under all conditions were colistin (tested at concentrations suitable for nebulization) either alone or in combination with tobramycin (10 mu g ml(-1)), followed by meropenem combined with tobramycin or ciprofloxacin. The findings of this study illustrate that antibiotic sensitivities are dependent on culture conditions and highlight the complexities of choosing appropriate combination therapy for multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa in the CF lung.


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Human perception is finely tuned to extract structure about the 4D world of time and space as well as properties such as color and texture. Developing intuitions about spatial structure beyond 4D requires exploiting other perceptual and cognitive abilities. One of the most natural ways to explore complex spaces is for a user to actively navigate through them, using local explorations and global summaries to develop intuitions about structure, and then testing the developing ideas by further exploration. This article provides a brief overview of a technique for visualizing surfaces defined over moderate-dimensional binary spaces, by recursively unfolding them onto a 2D hypergraph. We briefly summarize the uses of a freely available Web-based visualization tool, Hyperspace Graph Paper (HSGP), for exploring fitness landscapes and search algorithms in evolutionary computation. HSGP provides a way for a user to actively explore a landscape, from simple tasks such as mapping the neighborhood structure of different points, to seeing global properties such as the size and distribution of basins of attraction or how different search algorithms interact with landscape structure. It has been most useful for exploring recursive and repetitive landscapes, and its strength is that it allows intuitions to be developed through active navigation by the user, and exploits the visual system's ability to detect pattern and texture. The technique is most effective when applied to continuous functions over Boolean variables using 4 to 16 dimensions.


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In the microbial competition observed in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems, an undesirable group of micro-organisms known as glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) compete for carbon in the anaerobic period with the desired polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs). Some studies have suggested that a propionate carbon source provides PAOs with a competitive advantage over GAOs in EBPR systems; however, the metabolism of GAOs with this carbon source has not been previously investigated. In this study, GAOs were enriched in a laboratory-scale bioreactor with propionate as the sole carbon source, in an effort to better understand their biochemical processes. Based on comprehensive solid-, liquid- and gas-phase chemical analytical data from the bioreactor, a metabolic model was proposed for the metabolism of propionate by GAOs. The model adequately described the anaerobic stoichiometry observed through chemical analysis, and can be a valuable tool for further investigation of the competition between PAOs and GAOs, and for the optimization of the EBPR process. A group of Alphaproteobacteria dominated the biomass (96% of Bacteria) from this bioreactor, while post-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) chemical staining confirmed that these Alphaproteobacteria produced poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) anaerobically and utilized them aerobically, demonstrating that they were putative GAOs. Some of the Alphaproteobacteria were related to Defluvicoccus vanus (16% of Bacteria), but the specific identity of many could not be determined by FISH. Further investigation into the identity of other GAOs is necessary.


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Document classification is a supervised machine learning process, where predefined category labels are assigned to documents based on the hypothesis derived from training set of labelled documents. Documents cannot be directly interpreted by a computer system unless they have been modelled as a collection of computable features. Rogati and Yang [M. Rogati and Y. Yang, Resource selection for domain-specific cross-lingual IR, in SIGIR 2004: Proceedings of the 27th annual international conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, ACM Press, Sheffied: United Kingdom, pp. 154-161.] pointed out that the effectiveness of document classification system may vary in different domains. This implies that the quality of document model contributes to the effectiveness of document classification. Conventionally, model evaluation is accomplished by comparing the effectiveness scores of classifiers on model candidates. However, this kind of evaluation methods may encounter either under-fitting or over-fitting problems, because the effectiveness scores are restricted by the learning capacities of classifiers. We propose a model fitness evaluation method to determine whether a model is sufficient to distinguish positive and negative instances while still competent to provide satisfactory effectiveness with a small feature subset. Our experiments demonstrated how the fitness of models are assessed. The results of our work contribute to the researches of feature selection, dimensionality reduction and document classification.