20 resultados para Success and Failure


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Academia Sinica is the leading research institute in Taiwan founded in 1928. Its Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) was established in 1998. It made great efforts to dramatically turn around the technology transfer activity of Academia Sinica, especially in biotechnology. Academia Sinica has more than 80 cases of experience in biotechnology transfer with companies in Taiwanese industry in the past five years. The purpose of this study is to identify potential success and failure factors for biotechnology transfer in Taiwan. Eight cases were studied through in-depth interview. The results of the analysis were used to design two surveys to further investigate 81 cases (48 successful and 33 failure cases) of biotechnology transfer in Academia Sinica from 1999–2003. The results indicated that 10 of the 14 success factors were cited in more than 40% of the cases as contributing to the success of technology transfer. By contrast, only 5 out of 16 key factors were present in more than 30% of the failure cases.


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This article examines the influence of culture on the way managers and workers perceive causes of success and failure in organizational tasks. The author argues that selfserving and actor-observer biases, as well as other attribution errors, will be moderated by culture. Specifically, managers and workers with a sociocentric self-concept from high-context cultures may be biased toward external attributions, while managers from low-context cultures with an idiocentric self-concept have a tendency to make more internal attributions. These variations in attributions have consequences that affect both managers and workers. Theoretical propositions and implications for international management practices are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Knowledge of factors affecting the survival of individuals and their reproductive success is essential for threatened species management, but studies assessing these factors are lacking for many threatened rock-wallaby species. In this study we investigated the factors influencing the breeding performance of females and the survival of pouch young in a wild colony of the threatened brush-tailed rock-wallaby. Individuals were trapped between October 2000 and April 2004. More than 50% of the females in the colony were breeding below their full potential and giving birth to only one offspring per year. Most females within the colony bred in synchrony, with a substantial birth peak evident during autumn. Pouch young born in autumn left the pouch during spring and were weaned during summer and autumn when forage was most abundant. Pouch young born during the autumn birth peak or in winter had a substantially higher probability of surviving through to pouch emergence than those born during spring or summer. This study provides demographic parameters that may be used in population models and for comparison with other populations, particularly those that are small and declining. To optimise reproductive success in reintroduction programs, females in good condition and with small pouch young should be released at the end of the wettest season.


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Administration of human recombinant erythropoietin ( EPO) at time of acute ischemic renal injury ( IRI) inhibits apoptosis, enhances tubular epithelial regeneration, and promotes renal functional recovery. The present study aimed to determine whether darbepoetin-alfa ( DPO) exhibits comparable renoprotection to that afforded by EPO, whether pro or antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins are involved, and whether delayed administration of EPO or DPO 6 h following IRI ameliorates renal dysfunction. The model of IRI involved bilateral renal artery occlusion for 45 min in rats ( N = 4 per group), followed by reperfusion for 1-7 days. Controls were sham-operated. Rats were treated at time of ischemia or sham operation ( T0), or post-treated ( 6 h after the onset of reperfusion, T6) with EPO ( 5000 IU/kg), DPO ( 25 mu g/kg), or appropriate vehicle by intraperitoneal injection. Renal function, structure, and immunohistochemistry for Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and Bax were analyzed. DPO or EPO at T0 significantly abrogated renal dysfunction in IRI animals ( serum creatinine for IRI 0.17 +/- 0.05mmol/l vs DPO-IRI 0.08 +/- 0.03mmol/l vs EPO-IRI 0.04 +/- 0.01mmol/l, P = 0.01). Delayed administration of DPO or EPO ( T6) also significantly abrogated subsequent renal dysfunction ( serum creatinine for IRI 0.17 +/- 0.05mmol/l vs DPO-IRI 0.06 +/- 0.01mmol/l vs EPO-IRI 0.03 +/- 0.03mmol/l, P = 0.01). There was also significantly decreased tissue injury ( apoptosis, P < 0.05), decreased proapoptotic Bax, and increased regenerative capacity, especially in the outer stripe of the outer medulla, with DPO or EPO at T0 or T6. These results reaffirm the potential clinical application of DPO and EPO as novel renoprotective agents for patients at risk of ischemic acute renal failure or after having sustained an ischemic renal insult.


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Background: Asthma guidelines recommend increasing or doubling inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) dose to treat mild and moderate exacerbations of asthma in adults. Aim: To: (i) compare the effectiveness of doubling existing daily ICS dose (fluticasone) with maintaining usual ICS dose and usual daily ICS dose accompanied by oral steroids (OS) (dexamethasone) during mild and moderately severe exacerbations of asthma in adults; (ii) examine determinants of success and failure; and (iii) compare side-effect profiles. Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled (double-dummy), triple crossover trial. Participants acted as their own control. Outcome measures included treatment success/failure, peak expiratory flow (PEF) after 7 days therapy or at treatment failure, and side-effects. Results: From 22 participants (nine males and 13 females), 18 pairs of data were available for maintaining usual ICS versus doubling ICS and doubling ICS versus OS, and 19 for maintaining usual ICS versus OS. Median (fifth-95th percentile) age was 46.5 (32-64) years and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 73% (29-97%) predicted. The outcome after doubling ICS was not superior to maintaining usual ICS, with 11 (61%) failures in both arms (P = 0.66). OS, with only 5 (26%) failures, was superior to maintaining usual ICS with 12 (63%) failures (P = 0.04), and to doubling ICS with 5 (28%) versus 11 (61%) failures (P = 0.07). Median PEF (as percentage of run-in best) at end-points were 90.5% (57.1-177.1) for OS, 78.3% (39.5-103.1) for maintaining usual ICS and 77.9 (27.7-110.3) for doubling ICS. Neither gender nor PEF at exacerbation were predictive of failure. Although doubling ICS was not an effective therapy overall, ICS dose at exacerbation were predictive of success in the doubling ICS arm (P = 0.04). Treatment failures when doubling daily ICS dose were more common if achieved fluticasone dose was less than 2000 mu g (three of 11, 73%) compared to 2000 mu g or greater (eight of eight, 37.5%). Increasing age and the presence of an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) were predictive of failure with OS. Side-effects were more commonly reported with OS (52.6%) than doubling ICS (42.1%) or maintaining usual ICS (19.1%) with the most common being mood changes (36.8%), sleep disturbance (31.6%) and changes in appetite (26.3%). Conclusions: Doubling daily ICS dose per se is not effective for the treatment of mild to moderately severe exacerbations of asthma in adults. Success may depend on achieved ICS dose. Oral steroids are effective, but side-effects are common. A review of current guidelines may be warranted.


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Benchmarking of the performance of states, provinces, or districts in a decentralised health system is important for fostering of accountability, monitoring of progress, identification of determinants of success and failure, and creation of a culture of evidence. The Mexican Ministry of Health has, since 2001, used a benchmarking approach based on the World Health Organization (WHO) concept of effective coverage of an intervention, which is defined as the proportion of potential health gain that could be delivered by the health system to that which is actually delivered. Using data collection systems, including state representative examination surveys, vital registration, and hospital discharge registries, we have monitored the delivery of 14 interventions for 2005-06. Overall effective coverage ranges from 54.0% in Chiapas, a poor state, to 65.1% in the Federal District. Effective coverage for maternal and child health interventions is substantially higher than that for interventions that target other health problems. Effective coverage for the lowest wealth quintile is 52% compared with 61% for the highest quintile. Effective coverage is closely related to public-health spending per head across states; this relation is stronger for interventions that are not related to maternal and child health than those for maternal and child health. Considerable variation also exists in effective coverage at similar amounts of spending. We discuss the implications of these issues for the further development of the Mexican health-information system. Benchmarking of performance by measuring effective coverage encourages decision-makers to focus on quality service provision, not only service availability. The effective coverage calculation is an important device for health-system stewardship. In adopting this approach, other countries should select interventions to be measured on the basis of the criteria of affordability, effect on population health, effect on health inequalities, and capacity to measure the effects of the intervention. The national institutions undertaking this benchmarking must have the mandate, skills, resources, and independence to succeed.


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This article analyzes the outsourcing of information technology services, using an action inquiry methodology. Research spanned the disengagement and beginning of IT service functions transferred from work groups in the parent company to outsource teams. Results identified the importance of addressing strategic issues and inter/intra relationships between parent company team members and their outsource-counterparts. Conclusions indicate that behavioral issues such as psychological contracts within inter/intra work groups, power and trust are highly significant managerial issues in the success or failure of an outsourcing strategy.


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Soft tissue engineering presents significant challenges compared to other tissue engineering disciplines such as bone, cartilage or skin engineering. The very high cell density in most soft tissues, often combined with large implant dimensions, means that the supply of oxygen is a critical factor in the success or failure of a soft tissue scaffold. A model is presented for oxygen diffusion in a 15-60 mm diameter dome-shaped scaffold fed by a blood vessel loop at its base. This model incorporates simple models for vascular growth, cell migration and the effect of cell density on the effective oxygen diffusivity. The model shows that the dynamic, homogeneous cell seeding method often employed in small-scale applications is not applicable in the case of larger scale scaffolds such as these. Instead, we propose the implantation of a small biopsy of tissue close to a blood supply within the scaffold as a technique more likely to be successful. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1. We examined the effect of thermal acclimation on fighting success and underlying performance traits in the crayfish Cherax destructor. We tested the hypothesis that animals will be more successful when fighting at their acclimation temperature than at a colder or warmer temperature, and that changes in metabolic capacity underlie differences in behavioural performance. 2. Thermal acclimation (to 20 degrees C and to 30 degrees C) had a significant effect on behavioural contests, and the likelihood of winning was significantly greater when individuals fought at their acclimation temperature against an individual from an alternate acclimation temperature. 3. The ratio of ADP stimulated respiration to proton leak (respiratory control ratio) of isolated mitochondria increased significantly in chelae muscle of the cold-acclimated group, and differences in respiratory control ratio between winners and losers were significantly correlated with the outcome of agonistic encounters. However, acclimation did not affect tall muscle mitochondria or the activity of pyruvate kinase in either chelae or tail muscle. 4. The force produced by closing chelae was thermally insensitive within acclimation groups, and there were no significant differences between acclimation treatments. None the less, differences in chelae width between contestants were significantly correlated with the outcome of agonistic encounters, but this perceived resource holding power did not reflect the actual power of force production. 5. Thermal acclimation in C destructor has beneficial consequences for dominance and competitive ability, and the success of cold acclimated animals at the cold temperatures can be at least partly explained by concomitant up-regulation of oxidative ATP production capacity.


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In October 2000, Australia was declared poliomyelitis-free” by the World Health Organisation. This declaration followed some extensive six years of surveillance of all cases of acute flaccid paralysis, by the Poliomyelitis Expert Surveillance Committee (Centre for Disease Control, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra), chaired by the author. There have been seven attempts in the history of the world to eliminate a disease from the earth’s surface. The dramatic failure of five of these, the success of global smallpox eradication, and current successes and difficulties in the case of attempts to eliminate poliomyelitis worldwide, lead one to an analysis of the factors which led both to success and to failure. The global eradication of a specific disease is one of the most important endeavours which the international community can undertake. This audit reviews the details of such approaches; that such might be used as tools for the future.


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Germline mutations of APC in patients with Turcot syndrome (colon cancer and medulloblastoma), was well as somatic mutations of APC, beta-catenin, and Axin in sporadic medulloblastomas (MBs) have shown the importance of WNT signaling in the pathogenesis of MB. A subset of children with MB have germline mutations of SUFU, a known inhibitor of Hedgehog signal transduction. A recent report suggested that murine Sufu can bind beta-catenin, export it from the nucleus, and thereby repress beta-catenin/T-cell factor (Tcf)-mediated transcription. We show that an MB-derived mutant of SUFU has lost the ability to decrease nuclear levels of beta-catenin, and cannot inhibit beta-catenin/Tcf-mediated transcription as compared to wild type SUFU. Our results suggest that loss of function of SUFU results in overactivity of both the Sonic Hedgehog, and the WNT signaling pathways, leading to excessive proliferation and failure to differentiate resulting in MB.