32 resultados para Ricci, Scipione de, bishop, 1741-1810.
Optically transparent, mesostructured titanium dioxide thin films were fabricated using an amphiphilic poly(alkylene oxide) block copolymer template in combination with retarded hydrolysis of a titanium isopropoxide precursor. Prior to calcination, the films displayed a stable hexagonal mesophase and high refractive indices (1.5 to 1.6) relative to mesostructured silica (1.43). After calcination, the hexagonal mesophase was retained with surface areas >300 m2 g-1. The dye Rhodamine 6G (commonly used as a laser dye) was incorporated into the copolymer micelle during the templating process. In this way, novel dye-doped mesostructured titanium dioxide films were synthesised. The copolymer not only directs the film structure, but also provides a solubilizing environment suitable for sustaining a high monomer-to-aggregate ratio at elevated dye concentrations. The dye-doped films displayed optical thresholdlike behaviour characteristic of amplified spontaneous emission. Soft lithography was successfully applied to micropattern the dye-doped films. These results pave the way for the fabrication and demonstration of novel microlaser structures and other active optical structures. This new, high-refractive index, mesostructured, dye-doped material could also find applications in areas such as optical coatings, displays and integrated photonic devices.
Comparisons are made between experimental measurements and numerical simulations of ionizing flows generated in a superorbital facility. Nitrogen, with a freestream velocity of around 10 km/s, was passed over a cylindrical model, and images were recorded using two-wavelength holographic interferometry. The resulting density, electron concentration, and temperature maps were compared with numerical simulations from the Langley Research Center aerothermodynamic upwind relaxation algorithm. The results showed generally good agreement in shock location and density distributions. Some discrepancies were observed for the electron concentration, possibly, because simulations were of a two-dimensional flow, whereas the experiments were likely to have small three-dimensional effects.
Holographic interferometry measurements have been performed on high-speed, high-temperature gas flows with a laser output tuned near a resonant sodium transition. The technique allows the detection and quantification of the sodium concentration in the flow. By controlling the laser detuning and seeded sodium concentration, we performed flow visualization in low-density flows that are not normally detectable with standard interferometry. The technique was also successfully used to estimate the temperature in the boundary layer of the flow over a flat plate.
The linear relationship between work accomplished (W-lim) and time to exhaustion (t(lim)) can be described by the equation: W-lim = a + CP.t(lim). Critical power (CP) is the slope of this line and is thought to represent a maximum rate of ATP synthesis without exhaustion, presumably an inherent characteristic of the aerobic energy system. The present investigation determined whether the choice of predictive tests would elicit significant differences in the estimated CP. Ten female physical education students completed, in random order and on consecutive days, five art-out predictive tests at preselected constant-power outputs. Predictive tests were performed on an electrically-braked cycle ergometer and power loadings were individually chosen so as to induce fatigue within approximately 1-10 mins. CP was derived by fitting the linear W-lim-t(lim) regression and calculated three ways: 1) using the first, third and fifth W-lim-t(lim) coordinates (I-135), 2) using coordinates from the three highest power outputs (I-123; mean t(lim) = 68-193 s) and 3) using coordinates from the lowest power outputs (I-345; mean t(lim) = 193-485 s). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that CPI123 (201.0 +/- 37.9W) > CPI135 (176.1 +/- 27.6W) > CPI345 (164.0 +/- 22.8W) (P < 0.05). When the three sets of data were used to fit the hyperbolic Power-t(lim) regression, statistically significant differences between each CP were also found (P < 0.05). The shorter the predictive trials, the greater the slope of the W-lim-t(lim) regression; possibly because of the greater influence of 'aerobic inertia' on these trials. This may explain why CP has failed to represent a maximal, sustainable work rate. The present findings suggest that if CP is to represent the highest power output that an individual can maintain for a very long time without fatigue then CP should be calculated over a range of predictive tests in which the influence of aerobic inertia is minimised.
An extension of a previous study of age and sex effects on verbal recall (Geffen, Moar, O'Hanlon, lark, & Geffen, 1990) examined forgetting of words over extended delays. The AVLT was administered to 201 normal adults (99 males, 102 females) ranging in age between 20 and 59 years. Recall was tested at intervals of 30 minutes, 24 hours, and 7 days after acquisition. Testing of the latter two intervals was conducted by telephone (Experiment 1, N = 177). After 30 minutes there was no significant loss of the 10 to 11 words retained from five acquisition trials. However, an overall mean of about one word was forgotten after 1 day and a further word after 7 days. The oldest age group (50-59 years) acquired fewer words and forgot more words than the younger groups. Females of all age groups performed slightly better than males at acquisition, at retention, and at recall after longer delays. A second experiment showed that telephone testing at the longer delay intervals was equivalent to testing face to face. These results extend the use of the AVLT by assessing memory decay beyond the immediate testing period. Telephone follow-up is a convenient and economical method of testing delayed recall.
Free-piston-driven expansion tubes are capable of generating flaw conditions over a wide range of enthalpies ranging from orbital up to superorbital velocities. Initial optical measurements aimed at investigating the flow in such a facility are presented. Emission studies were used to identify impurities in the how and to investigate spectral regions that are accessible by optical techniques. At moderate enthalpies, it was found that significant radiation resulted from metallic contaminants. At high enthalpies, the spectrum consisted of a number of atomic lines together with a broadband background component indicative of the presence of electrons. The presence of this radiation may limit the applicability of optical techniques that require spectral regions free from the influence of atomic transitions or background radiation. Emission spectroscopy (through Stark broadened hydrogen lines) and two-wavelength holographic interferometry were used to measure the electron number density behind a bow shock on a blunt body at conditions where significant ionization was observed. They yielded average concentrations of (3 +/- 1) x 10(17) cm(-3) from the emission measurements and (3.8 +/- 0.6) x 10(17) cm(-3) from the interferometry.
Purpose: The relationship between six descriptors of lactate increase, peak (V) over dot O-2,W-peak, and 1-h cycling performance were compared in 24 trained, female cyclists (peak (V) over dot O-2 = 48.11 +/- 6.32 mL . kg(-1) . min(-1)). Methods: The six descriptors of lactate increase were: 1) lactate threshold (LT; the power output at which plasma lactate concentration begins to increase above the resting level during an incremental exercise test), 2) LT1 (the power output at which plasma lactate increases by 1 mM or more), 3) LTD (the lactate threshold calculated by the D-max method), 4) LTMOD (the lactate threshold calculated by a modified D-max method), 5) L4 (the power output at which plasma lactate reaches a concentration of 4 mmol-L-1), and 6) LTLOG (the power output at which plasma lactate concentration begins to increase when the log([La-]) is plotted against the log (power output)). Subjects first completed a peak (V) over dot O-2 test on a cycle ergometer. Finger-tip capillary blood was sampled within 30 s of the end of each 3-min stage for analysis of plasma lactate. Endurance performance was assessed 7 d later using a 1-h cycle test (OHT) in which subjects were directed to achieve the highest possible average power output. Results: The mean power output (W) for the OHT (+/- SD) was 183.01 +/- 18.88, and for each lactate variable was: LT (138.54 +/- 46.61), LT1 (179.17 +/- 27.25), LTLOG (143.97 +/- 45.74), L4 (198.09 +/- 33.84), LTD (178.79 +/- 24.07), LTMOD (212.28 +/- 31.75). Average power output during the OHT was more strongly correlated with all plasma lactate parameters (0.61 < r < 0.84) and W-peak (r = 0.81) than with peak (V) over dot O-2 (r = 0.55). The six lactate parameters were strongly correlated with each other (0.54 < r < 0.91) and of the six lactate parameters, LTD correlated best with endurance performance (r = 0.84). Conclusions: It was concluded that plasma lactate parameters and W-peak provide better indices of endurance performance than peak (V) over dot O-2 and that, of the six descriptors of lactate increase measured in this study, LTD is most strongly related to 1-h cycling performance in trained, female cyclists.
A novel flow-tagging technique is presented which was employed to measure gas velocities in the free stream of a shock tube. This method is based on the laser spectroscopic techniques of Laser-Enhanced Ionisation (LEI) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow in the shock tube is seeded with small amounts of sodium, and LEI is used to produce a substantial depletion of neutral sodium atom concentration in a well-defined region of the flow, by using two wavelength-resonance excitation and subsequent collisional ionisation. At a specific time delay, single-laser-pulse planar LIF is utilised to produce a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse image of the depleted tagged region downstream of the flow. By measuring the displacement of the tagged region, free stream velocities in a shock tube were determined. Large variations in the concentration of sodium seeded into the flow were observed and even in the presence of these large variations accurate free-stream velocity measurements were obtained. The experimentally determined value for velocity compares very well with the predicted velocity.
The standard critical power test protocol on the cycle prescribes a series of trials to exhaustion, each at a different but constant power setting. Recently the protocol has been modified and applied to a series of trials to exhaustion each at a different ramp incremental rate. This study was undertaken to compare critical power and anaerobic work capacity estimates in the same group of subjects when derived from the two protocols. Ten male subjects of mixed athletic ability cycled to exhaustion on eight occasions in randomized order over a 3-wk period. Four trials were performed at differing constant power settings and four trials on differing ramp incremental rates. Both critical power and anaerobic work capacity were estimated for each subject by curve fitting of the ramp model and of three versions of the constant power model. After adjusting for inter-subject variability, no significant differences were detected between critical power estimates or between anaerobic work capacity estimates from any model formulation or from the two protocols. It is concluded that both the ramp and constant power protocols produce equivalent estimates for critical power and anaerobic work capacity.
A new variation of holographic interferometry has been utilized to perform simultaneous two-wavelength measurements, allowing quantitative analysis of the heavy particle and electron densities in a superorbital facility. An air test gas accelerated to 12 km/s was passed over a cylindrical model, simulating reentry conditions encountered by a space vehicle on a superorbital mission. Laser beams with two different wavelengths have been overlapped, passed through the test section, and simultaneously recorded on a single holographic plate. Reconstruction of the hologram generated two separate interferograms at different. angles from which the quantitative measurements were made. With this technique, a peak electron concentration of (5.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(23) m(-3) was found behind a bow shock on a cylinder. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
Primary murine fetal hemopoietic cells were transformed with a fusion protein consisting of the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen receptor and a carboxyl-terminally truncated c-Myb protein (ERMYB), The ERMYB-transformed hemopoietic cells exhibit an immature myeloid phenotype when grown in the presence of beta-estradiol. Upon removal of beta-estradiol, the ERMYB cells display increased adherence, decreased clonogenicity and differentiate to cells exhibiting granulocyte or macrophage morphology, The expression of the c-myc, c-kit, cdc2 and bcl-2 genes, which are putatively regulated by Myb, was investigated in ERMYB cells grown in the presence or absence of beta-estradiol. Neither c-myc nor cdc2 expression was down-regulated after removal of beta-estradiol demonstrating that differentiation is not a consequence of decreased transactivation of these genes by ERMYB. While bcl-2 expression was reduced by 50% in ERMYB cells grown in the absence of beta-estradiol, there was no increase in DNA laddering, suggesting that Myb was not protecting ERMYB cells from apoptosis, In contrast, a substantial (200-fold) decrease in c-kit mRNA level was observed following differentiation of ERMYB cells, and c-kit mRNA could be partially re-induced by the re-addition of beta-estradiol. Furthermore, a reporter construct containing the c-kit promoter was activated when cotransfected with a Myb expression vector, providing further evidence of a role for Myb in the regulation of c-kit.