37 resultados para RAFT biomedicale polimeri micelle FRET DLS


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The RAFT-CLD-T methodology is demonstrated to be not only applicable to 1-substituted monomers such as styrene and acrylates, but also to 1,1-disubstituted monomers such as MMA. The chain length of the terminating macromolecules is controlled by CPDB in MMA bulk free radical polymerization at 80 degrees C. The evolution of the chain length dependent termination rate coefficient, k(t)(i,i), was constructed in a step-wise fashion, since the MMA/CPDB system displays hybrid behavior (between conventional and living free radical polymerization) resulting in initial high molecular weight polymers formed at low RAFT agent concentrations. The obtained CLD of k(t) in MMA polymerizations is compatible with the composite model for chain length dependent termination. For the initial chain-length regime, up to a degree of polymerization of 100, k(t) decreases with alpha (in the expression k(t)(i,i) = k(t)(0) . i(-alpha)) being close to 0.65 at 80 degrees C. At chain lengths exceeding 100, the decrease is less pronounced (affording an alpha of 0.15 at 80 degrees C). However, the data are best represented by a continuously decreasing nonlinear functionality implying a chain length dependent alpha.


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A number of recent studies have provided new insights into the complexity of the endocytic pathways originating at the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. Many of the molecules involved in clathrin coated pit internalization are now well understood but other pathways are less well defined. Caveolae appear to represent a low capacity but highly regulated pathway in a restricted set of tissues in vivo. A third pathway, which is both clathrin- and caveolae-independent, may constitute a specialized high capacity endocytic pathway for lipids and fluid. The relationship of this pathway, if any, to macropinocytosis or to the endocytic pathways of lower eukaryotes remains an interesting open question. Our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms and molecular components involved in this pathway are at a relatively primitive stage. In this review, we will consider some of the characteristics of different endocytic pathways in high and lower eukaryotes and consider some of the common themes in endocytosis. One theme which becomes apparent from comparison of these pathways is that apparently different pathways can share common molecular machinery and that pathways considered to be distinct actually represent similar basic pathways to which additional levels of regulatory complexity have been added. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plasma membrane compartmentalization imposes lateral segregation on membrane proteins that is important for regulating signal transduction. We use computational modeling of immunogold spatial point patterns on intact plasma membrane sheets to test different models of inner plasma membrane organization. We find compartmentalization at the nanoscale level but show that a classical raft model of preexisting stable domains into which lipid raft proteins partition is incompatible with the spatial point patterns generated by the immunogold labeling of a palmitoylated raft marker protein. Rather, approximate to 30% of the raft protein exists in cholesterol-dependent nanoclusters, with approximate to 70% distributed as monomers. The cluster/monomer ratio (number of proteins in clusters/number of proteins outside clusters) is independent of expression level. H-rasG12V and K-rasG12V proteins also operate in nanoclusters with fixed cluster/monomer ratios that are independent of expression level. Detailed calibration of the immunogold imaging protocol suggests that radii of raft and RasG12V protein nanoclusters may be as small as 11 and 6 nm, respectively, and shows that the nanoclusters contain small numbers (6.0-7.7) of proteins. Raft nanoclusters do not form if the actin cytoskeleton is disassembled. The formation of K-rasG12V but not H-rasG12V nanoclusters also is actin-dependent. K-rasG12V but not H-rasG12V signaling is abrogated by actin cytoskeleton disassembly, which shows that nanoclustering is critical for Ras function. These findings argue against stable preexisting domains on the inner plasma membrane in favor of dynamic actively regulated nanoclusters similar to those proposed for the outer plasma membrane. RasG12V nanoclusters may facilitate the assembly of essential signal transduction complexes.


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We demonstrate that fluorescence resonance energy transfer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for in situ structural analysis of multimeric membrane proteins by measuring the conformational changes involved in gating the mechanosensitive ion channel of large conductance. Ensemble analysis is used to analyze the intensity of light emitted by AlexaFluor-labeled cysteine mutants reconstituted into artificial liposomes before and after acceptor photobleaching. The diameter of the protein is found to increase by 16 angstrom upon channel activation.


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The dynamic lateral segregation of signaling proteins into microdomains is proposed to facilitate signal transduction, but the constraints on microdomain size, mobility, and diffusion that might realize this function are undefined. Here we interrogate a stochastic spatial model of the plasma membrane to determine how microdomains affect protein dynamics. Taking lipid rafts as representative microdomains, we show that reduced protein mobility in rafts segregates dynamically partitioning proteins, but the equilibrium concentration is largely independent of raft size and mobility. Rafts weakly impede small-scale protein diffusion but more strongly impede long-range protein mobility. The long-range mobility of raft-partitioning and raft-excluded proteins, however, is reduced to a similar extent. Dynamic partitioning into rafts increases specific interprotein collision rates, but to maximize this critical, biologically relevant function, rafts must be small (diameter, 6 to 14 nm) and mobile. Intermolecular collisions can also be favored by the selective capture and exclusion of proteins by rafts, although this mechanism is generally less efficient than simple dynamic partitioning. Generalizing these results, we conclude that microdomains can readily operate as protein concentrators or isolators but there appear to be significant constraints on size and mobility if microdomains are also required to function as reaction chambers that facilitate nanoscale protein-protein interactions. These results may have significant implications for the many signaling cascades that are scaffolded or assembled in plasma membrane microdomains.


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Lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages rapidly synthesize and secrete tumor necrosis factor alpha(TNF alpha) to prime the immune system. Surface delivery of membrane carrying newly synthesized TNF alpha is controlled and limited by the level of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor ( SNARE) proteins syntaxin 4 and SNAP-23. Many functions in immune cells are coordinated from lipid rafts in the plasma membrane, and we investigated a possible role for lipid rafts in TNF alpha trafficking and secretion. TNF alpha surface delivery and secretion were found to be cholesterol-dependent. Upon macrophage activation, syntaxin 4 was recruited to cholesterol-dependent lipid rafts, whereas its regulatory protein, Munc18c, was excluded from the rafts. Syntaxin 4 in activated macrophages localized to discrete cholesterol-dependent puncta on the plasma membrane, particularly on filopodia. Imaging the early stages of TNF alpha surface distribution revealed these puncta to be the initial points of TNF alpha delivery. During the early stages of phagocytosis, syntaxin 4 was recruited to the phagocytic cup in a cholesterol-dependent manner. Insertion of VAMP3-positive recycling endosome membrane is required for efficient ingestion of a pathogen. Without this recruitment of syntaxin 4, it is not incorporated into the plasma membrane, and phagocytosis is greatly reduced. Thus, relocation of syntaxin 4 into lipid rafts in macrophages is a critical and rate-limiting step in initiating an effective immune response.


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n-Octyl-beta-D-glueopyranoside (OG) is a non-ionic glycolipid, which is used widely in biotechnical and biochemical applications. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations from two different initial coordinates and velocities in explicit solvent have been performed to characterize the structural behaviour of an OG aggregate at equilibrium conditions. Geometric packing properties determined from the simulations and small angle neutron scattering experiment state that OG micelles are more likely to exist in a non-spherical shape, even at the concentration range near to the critical micelle concentration (0.025 M). Despite few large deviations in the principal moment of inertia ratios, the average micelle shape calculated from both simulations is a prolate ellipsoid. The deviations at these time scales are presumably the temporary shape change of a micelle. However, the size of the micelle and the accessible surface areas were constant during the simulations with the micelle surface being rough and partially elongated. Radial distribution functions computed for the hydroxyl oxygen atoms of an OG show sharper peaks at a minimum van der Waals contact distance than the acetal oxygen, ring oxygen, and anomeric carbon atoms. This result indicates that these atoms are pointed outwards at the hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface, form hydrogen bonds with the water molecules, and thus hydrate the micelle surface effectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This work has demonstrated that for the first time a single RAFT agent (i. e., difunctional) can be used in conjunction with a radical initiator to obtain a desired M-n and PDI with controlled rates of polymerization. Simulations were used not only to verify the model but also to provide us with a predictive tool to generate other MWDs. It was also shown that all the MWDs prepared in this work could be translated to higher molecular weights through chain extension experiments with little or no compromise in the control of end group functionality. The ratio of monofunctional to difunctional SdC(CH2Ph)S- end groups, XPX and XP (where X) S=C(CH2Ph) S-), can be controlled by simply changing the concentration of initiator, AIBN. Importantly, the amount of dead polymer is extremely low and fulfils the criterion as suggested by Szwarc (Nature 1956) that to meet living requirements nonfunctional polymeric species formed by side reactions in the process should be undetectable by analytical techniques. In addition, this novel methodology will allow the synthesis of AB, ABA, and statistical multiblock copolymers with predetermined ratios to be produced in a one-pot reaction.


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We report the successful RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization of styrene using a non-ionic surfactant (Brij98), the highly reactive 1-phenylethyl phenyldithioacetate (PEPDTA) RAFT agent, and water-soluble initiator ammonium persulfate (APS). The molar ratio of RAFT agent to APS was identical in all experiments. Most of the monomer was contained within the micelles, analogous to microemulsion or miniemulsion systems but without the need of shear, sonication, cosurfactant, or a hydrophobe. The number-average molecular weight increased with conversion and the polydispersity index was below 1.2. This ideal 'living' behavior was only found when molecular weights of 9000 and below were targeted. It was postulated that the rapid transportation of RAFT agent from the monomer swollen micelles to the growing particles was fast on the polymerization timescale, and most if not all the RAFT agent is consumed within the first 10% conversion. In addition, it was postulated that the high nucleation rate from the high rate of exit ( of the R radical from the RAFT agent) and high entry rate from water-phase radicals ( high APS concentration) reduced the effects of 'superswelling' and therefore a similar molar ratio of RAFT agent to monomer was maintained in all growing particles. The high polydispersity indexes found when targeting molecular weights greater than 9000 were postulated to be due to the lower nucleation rate from the lower weight fractions of both APS and RAFT agent. In these cases, 'superswelling' played a dominant role leading to a heterogeneous distribution of RAFT to monomer ratios among the particles nucleated at different times.


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We report the first synthesis of amphiphilic four-arm star diblock copolymers consisting of styrene (STY) and acrylic acid (AA) made using reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT; Z group approach with no star-star coupling). The polymerization proceeded in an ideal living manner. The size of the poly(AA(132)-STYm)(4) stars in DMF were small and close to 7 nm, suggesting no star aggregation. Slow addition of water (pH = 6.8) to this mixture resulted in aggregates of 15 stars per micelle with core-shell morphology. Calculations showed that the polyAA blocks were slightly extended with a shell thickness of 15 nm. Treatment of these micelles with piperidine to cleave the block arms from the core resulted in little or no change on micelle size or morphology, but the polyAA shell thickness was close to 29 nm (33 nm is the maximum at full extension) suggesting a release of entropy when the arms are detached from the core molecule. In this work we showed through the use of star amphiphilic polymers that the micelle size, aggregation number, and morphology could be controlled.


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Investigations into the kinetics and mechanism of dithiobenzoate-mediated Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerizations, which exhibit nonideal kinetic behavior, such as induction periods and rate retardation, are comprehensively reviewed. The appreciable uncertainty in the rate coefficients associated with the RAFT equilibrium is discussed and methods for obtaining RAFT-specific rate coefficients are detailed. In addition, mechanistic studies are presented, which target the elucidation of the fundamental cause of rate retarding effects. The experimental and theoretical data existing in the literature are critically evaluated and apparent discrepancies between the results of different studies into the kinetics of RAFT polymerizations are discussed. Finally, recommendations for further work are given. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The LCST transitions of novel N-isopropylacrylamide ( NIPAM) star polymers, prepared using the four-armed RAFT agent pentaerythritoltetrakis(3-(S-benzyltrithiocarbonyl) propionate) (PTBTP) and their hydrolyzed linear arms were studied using H-1 NMR, PFG-NMR, and DLS. The aim was to determine the effect of polymer architecture and the presence of end groups derived from RAFT agents on the LCST. The LCST transitions of star PNIPAM were significantly depressed by the presence of the hydrophobic star core and possibly the benzyl end groups. The effect was molecular weight dependent and diminished once the number of repeating units per arm >= 70. The linear PNIPAM exhibited an LCST of 35 degrees C, regardless of molecular weight; the presence of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic end groups after hydrolysis from the star core was suggested to cancel effects on the LCST. A significant decrease in R-H was observed below the LCST for star and linear PNIPAM and was attributed to the formation of n-clusters. Application of a scaling law to the linear PNIPAM data indicated the cluster size n = 6. Tethering to the hydrophobic star core appeared to inhibit n-cluster formation in the lowest molecular weight stars; this may be due to enhanced stretching of the polymer chains, or the presence of larger numbers of n-clusters at temperatures below those measured.


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Soluble linear (non-cross-linked) poly(monoacryloxyethyl phosphate) (PMAEP) and poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphate) (PMOEP) were successfully synthesized through reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated polymerization and by keeping the molecular weight below 20 K. Above this molecular weight, insoluble (cross-linked) polymers were observed, postulated to be due to residual diene (cross-linkable) monomers formed during purification of the monomers, MOEP and MAEP. Block copolymers consisting of PMAEP or PMOEP and poly(2-(acetoacetoxy) ethyl methacrylate) (PAAEMA) were successfully prepared and were immobilized on aminated slides. Simulated body fluid studies revealed that calcium phosphate (CaP) minerals formed on both the soluble polymers and the cross-linked gels were very similar. Both the PMAEP polymers and the PMOEP gel showed a CaP layer most probably brushite or monetite based on the Ca/P ratios. A secondary CaP mineral growth with a typical hydroxyapatite (HAP) globular morphology was found on the PMOEP gel. The soluble PMOEP film formed carbonated HAP according to Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Block copolymers attached to aminated slides showed only patchy mineralization, possibly due to the ionic interaction of negatively charged phosphate groups and protonated amines.