17 resultados para QUANTITATION


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Antigenic variation in Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1, caused by a switch in transcription of the encoding var gene, is an important feature of malaria. In this study, we quantified the relative abundance of var gene transcripts present in P. falciparum parasite clones using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and conventional RT-PCR combined with cloning and sequencing, with the aim of directly comparing the results obtained. When there was sufficient abundance of RNA for the real-time RT-PCR assay to be operating within the region of good reproducibility, RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR tended to identify the same dominant transcript, although some transcript-specific issues were identified. When there were differences in the estimated relative amounts of minor transcripts, the RT-PCR assay tended to produce higher estimates than real-time RT-PCR. These results provide valuable information comparing RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR analysis of samples with small quantities of RNA as might be expected in the analysis of field or clinical samples.


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The relationship between spot volume and variation for all protein spots observed on large format 2D gels when utilising silver stain technology and a model system based on mammalian NSO cell extracts is reported. By running multiple gels we have shown that the reproducibility of data generated in this way is dependent on individual protein spot volumes, which in turn are directly correlated with the coefficient of variation. The coefficients of variation across all observed protein spots were highest for low abundant proteins which are the primary contributors to process error, and lowest for more abundant proteins. Using the relationship between spot volume and coefficient of variation we show it is necessary to calculate variation for individual protein spot volumes. The inherent limitations of silver staining therefore mean that errors in individual protein spot volumes must be considered when assessing significant changes in protein spot volume and not global error. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Use of PCR in the field of molecular diagnostics has increased to the point where it is now accepted as the standard method for detecting nucleic acids from a number of sample and microbial types. However, conventional PCR was already an essential tool in the research laboratory. Real-time PCR has catalysed wider acceptance of PCR because it is more rapid, sensitive and reproducible, while the risk of carryover contamination is minimised. There is an increasing number of chemistries which are used to detect PCR products as they accumulate within a closed reaction vessel during real-time PCR. These include the non-specific DNA-binding fluorophores and the specific, fluorophore-labelled oligonucleotide probes, some of which will be discussed in detail. It is not only the technology that has changed with the introduction of real-time PCR. Accompanying changes have occurred in the traditional terminology of PCR, and these changes will be highlighted as they occur. Factors that have restricted the development of multiplex real-time PCR, as well as the role of real-time PCR in the quantitation and genotyping of the microbial causes of infectious disease, will also be discussed. Because the amplification hardware and the fluorogenic detection chemistries have evolved rapidly, this review aims to update the scientist on the current state of the art. Additionally, the advantages, limitations and general background of real-time PCR technology will be reviewed in the context of the microbiology laboratory.


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A competitive RT-PCR assay was used to quantify the expression of the GABA(A) receptor beta(1), beta(2) and beta(3) isoform mRNA transcripts in the superior frontal cortex and motor cortex of 21 control and 22 alcoholic cases. A single set of primers was designed that permitted amplification of all three transcripts and the internal standard simultaneously; differentiation of the individual transcripts was achieved by restriction enzyme digestion. Construction of a standard curve, using the internal standard and a concentration range of beta(2) cRNA-enabled quantitation of mRNA expression levels. No significant difference in mRNA expression was found between the control and alcoholic case groups in either the superior frontal or motor cortex for the beta(2) or beta(3) isoforms. A significant interaction was found between isoform and area, although, the two case groups did not partition on this measure. The interaction was due to a significant difference between superior frontal and motor cortex for the beta(3) isoform; this regional comparison was not significant for beta(2) mRNA. Age at death and post-mortem delay (PMD) had no significant effect on beta mRNA expression in either case group in either region. A beta(1) signal could not be detected in the RT-PCR assay. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The fact that Tannerella forsythia, an important periopathogen, is difficult to cultivate from mixed infections has impeded precise estimates of its distribution within a given population. In order to discern T. forsythia alone from the mixed infection of plaque, the use of sensitive 16S ribosomal RNA based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection is necessary. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the distribution of T. forsythia in an adult and in an adolescent population. Materials and methods: Subgingival plaque samples were obtained from 498 Australian adults and from 228 adolescent subjects from Manchester, UK. Tannerella forsythia was detected using PCR and confirmed by restriction analysis. Semi-quantitation of the organisms was carried out using two specific primers of differing sensitivities. Results: In the adolescent population, 25% were found to carry T. forsythia, albeit in relatively low numbers. In the adult population, a total of 37.8% and 11% were found to carry the organism with primer 2 and primer 1, respectively, suggesting that around 27% had between 10(3) and 10(7) organisms. Although there was an apparent increased proportion of T. forsythia positive subjects in those aged >= 50 years, this was not statistical significant. However, T. forsythia positive male smokers showed increased disease severity compared with T. forsythia negative subjects. Conclusion: This study has shown that at least 25% of the adolescent population carry low numbers of T. forsythia, whereas at least 37% of adults carry the organism, with some 11% having relatively high numbers. The relationship between T. forsythia and disease progression in these populations, however, remains to be determined.


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A common problem encountered during the development of MS methods for the quantitation of small organic molecules by LGMS is the formation of non-covalently bound species or adducts in the electrospray interface. Often the population of the molecular ion is insignificant compared to those of all other forms of the analyte produced in the electrospray, making it difficult to obtain the sensitivity required for accurate quantitation. We have investigated the effects of the following variables: orifice potential, nebulizer gas flow, temperature, solvent composition and the sample pH on the relative distributions of ions of the types MH+, MNa+, MNH+, and 2MNa(+), where M represents a 4 small organic molecule: BAY 11-7082 ((E)-3-[4-methylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile). Orifice potential, solvent composition and the sample pH had the greatest influence on the relative distributions of these ions, making these parameters the most useful for optimizing methods for the quantitation of small molecules.


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The mechanism of aliphatic hydroxylation by cytochromes P450 has been the subject of intense debate with several proposed mechanistic alternatives. Various cyclopropyl containing compounds (radical clocks), which can produce both unrearranged and ring opened products upon oxidation, have been key tools in these investigations. In this study, we introduce several cyclopropyl containing fatty acids 1a-4a with which to probe the mechanism of P450s capable of fatty acid hydroxylation. The probes are shown to be capable of distinguishing radical from cationic intermediates due to the rapid equilibration of isomeric cyclopropyl cations. Ring opening of a radical intermediate in an oxidative transformation is expected to yield a single rearranged alcohol, whereas a cation isomerizes prior to ring opening, leading to two isomeric homoallylic alcohols. Oxidation of these probes by P450(BM3) and P450(Biol) gives results consistent with a radical but not a cationic intermediate in fatty acid hydroxylation by these enzymes. Quantitation of the unrearranged and ring opened products gives remarkably homogeneous rates for oxygen rebound of (2-3) x 10(10) s(-1). The effects of introduction of a cyclopropane ring into a fatty acid upon the regiochemistry of hydroxylation are discussed.


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An assay using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS-MS) was developed for simultaneously determining concentrations of morphine, oxycodone, morphine-3-glucuronide, and noroxycodone, in 50 mul samples of rat serum. Deuterated (d(3)) analogues of each compound were used as internal standards. Samples were treated with acetonitrile to precipitate plasma proteins: acetonitrile was removed from the supernatant by centrifugal evaporation before analysis. Limits of quantitation (ng/ml) and their between-day accuracy and precision (%deviation and %CV) were-morphine, 3.8 (4.3% and 7.6%); morphine-3-glucuronide, 5.0 (4.5% and 2.9%); oxycodone, 4.5 (0.4% and 9.3%); noroxycodone, 5.0 (8.5% and 4.6%). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A chromatographic method was developed for the determination of tryptophan content in food and feed proteins. The method involves separation and quantitation of tryptophan (released from protein by alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH) by isocratic ion-exchange chromatography with O-phthalaldehyde derivatization followed by fluorescence detection. In this procedure, chromatographic separation of the tryptophan and alpha-methyl tryptophan, the internal standard, was complete in 15 min, without any interference from other compounds. The precision of the method was 1-4%, relative standard deviation. Accuracy was validated by agreement with the value for chicken egg white lysozyme, a sequenced protein, and by quantitative recoveries after spiking with lysozyme. The method allows determination in a range of feed proteins, containing varied concentrations of tryptophan, and is applicable to systems used for routine amino acid analysis by ion-exchange chromatography. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High-performance liquid chromatography coupled by an electrospray ion source to a tandem mass spectrometer (HPLC-EST-MS/ MS) is the current analytical method of choice for quantitation of analytes in biological matrices. With HPLC-ESI-MS/MS having the characteristics of high selectivity, sensitivity, and throughput, this technology is being increasingly used in the clinical laboratory. An important issue to be addressed in method development, validation, and routine use of HPLC-ESI-MS/MS is matrix effects. Matrix effects are the alteration of ionization efficiency by the presence of coeluting substances. These effects are unseen in the chromatograrn but have deleterious impact on methods accuracy and sensitivity. The two common ways to assess matrix effects are either by the postextraction addition method or the postcolumn infusion method. To remove or minimize matrix effects, modification to the sample extraction methodology and improved chromatographic separation must be performed. These two parameters are linked together and form the basis of developing a successful and robust quantitative HPLC-EST-MS/MS method. Due to the heterogenous nature of the population being studied, the variability of a method must be assessed in samples taken from a variety of subjects. In this paper, the major aspects of matrix effects are discussed with an approach to address matrix effects during method validation proposed. (c) 2004 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.


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It is widely accepted that cellulose is the rate-limiting substrate in the anaerobic digestion of organic solid wastes and that cellulose solubilisation is largely mediated by surface attached bacteria. However, little is known about the identity or the ecophysiology of cellulolytic microorganisms from landfills and anaerobic digesters. The aim of this study was to investigate an enriched cellulolytic microbial community from an anaerobic batch reactor. Chemical oxygen demand balancing was used to calculate the cellulose solubilisation rate and the degree of cellulose solubilisation. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) was used to assess the relative abundance and physical location of three groups of bacteria belonging to the Clostridium lineage of the Firmicutes that have been implicated as the dominant cellulose degraders in this system. Quantitation of the relative abundance using FISH showed that there were changes in the microbial community structure throughout the digestion. However, comparison of these results to the process data reveals that these changes had no impact on the cellulose solubilisation in the reactor. The rate of cellulose solubilisation was approximately stable for much of the digestion despite changes in the cellulolytic population. The solubilisation rate appears to be most strongly affected by the rate of surface area colonisation and the biofilm architecture with the accepted model of first order kinetics due to surface area limitation applying only when the cellulose particles are fully covered with a thin layer of cells. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Therapeutic monitoring with dosage individualization of sirolimus drug therapy is standard clinical practice for organ transplant recipients. For several years sirolimus monitoring has been restricted as a result of lack of an immunoassay. The recent reintroduction of the microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA (R)) for sirolimus on the IMx (R) analyser has the potential to address this situation. This Study, using patient samples, has compared the MEIA (R) sirolimus method with an established HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry method (HPLC-MS/MS). An established HPLC-UV assay was used for independent cross-validation. For quality control materials (5, 11, 22 mu g/L), the MEIA (R) showed acceptable validation criteria based on intra-and inter-run precision (CV) and accuracy (bias) of < 8% and < 13%, respectively. The lower limit of quantitation was found to be approximately 3 mu g/L. The performance of the immunoassay was compared with HPLC-MS/MS using EDTA whole-blood samples obtained from various types of organ transplant recipients (n = 116). The resultant Deming regression line was: MEIA = 1.3 x HPLC-MS/MS+ 1.3 (r = 0.967, s(y/x) = 1) with a mean bias of 49.2% +/- 23.1 % (range, -2.4% to 128%; P < 0.001). The reason for the large and variable bias was not explored in this study, but the sirolimus-metabolite cross-reactivity with the MEIA (R) antibody could be a substantive contributing factor. Whereas the MEIA (R) sirolimus method may be an adjunct to sirolimus dosage individualization in transplant recipients, users must consider the implications of the substantial and variable bias when interpreting results. In selected patients where difficult clinical issues arise, reference to a specific chromatographic method may be required.


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Purpose: Latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genomes are found in the malignant cells of approximately one-third of Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) cases. Detection and quantitation of EBV viral DNA could potentially be used as a biomarker of disease activity. Experimental Design: Initially, EBV-DNA viral load was prospectively monitored from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in patients with HL. Subsequently, we analyzed viral load in plasma from a second cohort of patients. A total of 58 patients with HL (31 newly diagnosed, 6 relapsed, and 21 in long-term remission) were tested. Using real-time PCR, 43 PBMC and 52 plasma samples were analyzed. Results: EBV-DNA was detectable in the plasma of all EBV-positive patients with HL prior to therapy. However, viral DNA was undetectable following therapy in responding patients (P = 0.0156), EBV-positive HL patients in long-term remission (P = 0.0011), and in all patients with EBV-negative HL (P = 0.0238). Conversely, there was no association seen for the EBV-DNA load measured from PBMC in patients with active EBV-positive HL patients as compared with EBV-negative HL, or patients in long-term remission. EBV-DNA load in matched plasma/PBMC samples were not correlated. Conclusions: We show that free plasma EBV-DNA has excellent sensitivity and specificity, and can be used as a noninvasive biomarker for EBV-positive HL and that serial monitoring could predict response to therapy. Additional prospective studies are required to further evaluate the use of free plasma EBV-DNA as a biomarker for monitoring response to treatment in patients with EBV-positive HL.