114 resultados para Plasma-Renin Activity
Plasma renin concentrations are extremely low, requiring high sensitivity methods to detect low renin hypertensive states. Moreover, plasma prorenin must not cryoactivate to renin to avoid falsely high values. The enzyme kinetic plasma renin activity (PRA) test has the required sensitivity, whereas direct renin assays and PRA tests with short incubation times are usually not accurate enough. Test specificity is essential for plasma aldosterone. The Nichols Advantage aldosterone assay is fast and automated but requires great attention to quality control. Here, the impact of renin on the aldosterone:renin ratio as a screening test for primary aldosteronism is reviewed. A sensitive plasma renin test is essential for the diagnosis of low renin hypertensive states and, currently, can be consistently achieved only with the PRA radioimmunoassay.
Background In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), glucocorticoid treatment suppresses adrenocorticotrophic hormone-regulated hybrid gene expression and corrects hyperaldosteronism. Objective To determine whether the wild-type aldosterone synthase genes, thereby released from chronic suppression, are capable of functioning normally. Methods We compared mid-morning levels of plasma potassium, plasma aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone : PRA ratios, measured with patients in an upright position, and responsiveness of aldosterone levels to infusion of angiotensin II (AII), for 11 patients with FH-I before and during long-term (0.8-14.3 years) treatment with 0.25-0.75 mg/day dexamethasone or 2.5-10 mg/day prednisolone. Results During glucocorticoid treatment, hypertension was corrected in all. Potassium levels, which had been low (< 3.5 mmol/l) in two patients before treatment, were normal in all during treatment (mean 4.0 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, range 3.5-4.6). Aldosterone levels during treatment [13.2 +/- 2.1 ng/100 ml (mean +/- SEM)] were lower than those before treatment (20.1 +/- 2.5 ng/100 ml, P < 0.05). PRA levels, which had been suppressed before treatment (0.5 +/- 0.2 ng/ml per h), were unsuppressed during treatment (5.1 +/- 1.5 ng/ml per h, P < 0.01) and elevated (> 4 ng/ml per h) in six patients. Aldosterone : PRA ratios, which had been elevated (> 30) before treatment (101.1 +/- 25.9), were much lower during treatment (4.1 +/- 1.0, P < 0.005) and below normal (< 5) in eight patients. Surprisingly, aldosterone level, which had not been responsive (< 50% rise) to infusion of AII for all 11 patients before treatment, remained unresponsive for 10 during treatment. Conclusions Apparently regardless of duration of glucocorticoid treatment in FH-I, aldosterone level remains poorly responsive to AII, with a higher than normal PRA and a low aldosterone : PRA ratio. This is consistent with there being a persistent defect in functioning of wild-type aldosterone synthase gene. (C) Rapid Science Publishers ISSN 0263-6352.
Since February 1996 we have prospectively assessed residual adrenal autonomy by the fludrocortisone suppression test (FST) in 23 patients 3 months after unilateral adrenalectomy for Conn syndrome and in 45 patients after a longer interval. In regard to blood pressure, 36 (53%) patients were cured of hypertension and the remaining 32 (47%) patients had improved hypertension control at the time of their latest postoperative clinical assessment. In regard to the outcome of surgery, patients who achieved normal suppressibility of aldosterone were regarded as cured, and those who had greater suppressibility after surgery were considered improved. Time since surgery for the whole group averaged 26 months. By these biochemical criteria, 42 patients (62%) were cured by surgery, and the rest improved; 16 (76%) of 21 women were cured, and 26 (55%) of 47 men. The women (mean +/- SD age 47 +/- 11 years) were significantly (p < 0.05) younger than the men (52 +/- 9 Sears). Preoperative aldosterone levels before and after FST were similar in the cured and improved groups and fell significantly (p < 0.01) in both groups following surgery. After surgical reduction of autonomous aldosterone production, mean plasma renin activity levels increased sixfold in the cured group and threefold in the improved group. Surgical mortality in this group of 68 patients with Conn syndrome was zero.
In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), inheritance of a hybrid 11 beta-hydroxylase/aldosterone synthase gene causes ACTH-regulated aldosterone overproduction. In an attempt to understand the marked variability in hypertension severity in FH-I, we compared clinical and biochemical characteristics of 9 affected individuals with mild hypertension (normotensive or onset of hypertension after 15 yr, blood pressure never >160/100 mm Hg, less than or equal to 1 medication required to control hypertension, no history of stroke, age >18 yr when studied) with those of 17 subjects with severe hypertension (onset before 15 yr, or systolic blood pressure >180 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure >120 mm Hg at least once, or greater than or equal to 2 medications, or history of stroke). Severe hypertension was more frequent in males (11 of 13 males vs. 6 of 13 females; P
Objective The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone is a rare disorder in dogs characterised by hypo-osmolality and persistent arginine vasopressin production in the absence of hypovolaemia and/or hypotension. The study describes the efficacy and safety of the nonpeptide selective arginine vasopressin V-2 receptor antagonist OPC-31260 in a dog with the naturally occurring syndrome. Design The detailed case history of a dog with spontaneous syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone that received long-term therapy with oral OPC-31260 is presented. Effects of the first dose of OPC-31260 and of a dose administered after a continuous dosing period of 12 days are reported. Procedure Packed cell volume, plasma sodium, total protein, arginine vasopressin, renin activity, atrial natriuretic peptide, urine specific gravity, urine output, heart rate and body weight were monitored for 2 h before, and for 4 h after, the first dose of OPC-31260. The same parameters plus plasma osmolality and urine osmolality were monitored when an identical dose was administered after 12 days of therapy. Results Oral administration of OPC-31260 at 3 mg/kg body weight resulted in marked aquaresis with increased urine output and decline in urine specific gravity within 1 h. Corresponding increases in concentrations of plasma sodium, plasma osmolality and plasma renin activity were recorded over a 4 h period. Arginine vasopressin concentration remained inappropriately elevated throughout the study. Results were similar when the trial procedure was repeated after a stabilisation period of 12 days. Long-term therapy with OPC-31260 at a dose of 3 mg/kg body weight orally every 12 h resulted in good control of clinical signs with no deleterious effects detected during a 3-year follow-up period. Despite sustained clinical benefits observed in this case, plasma sodium did not normalise with continued administration of the drug. Conclusions Treatment of a dog with naturally occurring syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone with OPC-31260 at 3 mg/kg body weight orally every 12 h resulted in marked aquaresis and significant palliation of clinical signs with no discernible side-effects detected over a 3-year period. Thus, OPC-31260 appears to offer a feasible medical alternative to water restriction for treatment of dogs with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Higher doses of OPC-31260 may be required to achieve and maintain normal plasma sodium in dogs with this syndrome.
Introduction Among individuals with a history of myocardial infarction (MI), higher levels of blood pressure (BP) are associated with increased long-term risks of death from coronary heart disease. Treatment with a BP-lowering regimen, based on omapatrilat may result in greater clinical benefits than treatment with a regimen based on a regular angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor because of more favourable effects on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Methods Seven hundred and twenty-three clinically stable patients with a history of MI or unstable angina, and a mean entry BP of 134/77 mmHg, were randomised to six months treatment with omapatrilat 40 mg, omapatrilat 20 mg, or matching placebo. Results After six months, mean BP levels (systolic/diastolic) in the omapatrilat 40 mg group were reduced by 4.3/ 2.9 mmHg (95% confidence interval 1.3 to 7.2/1.2 to 4.6). Mean BP levels in the omapatrilat 20 mg group were reduced by 4.6/1.0 mmHg (1.6 to 7.6/-0.7 to 2.6) in comparison with the placebo group. Both doses of omapatrilat also produced significant decreases in plasma ACE activity and significant increases in levels of plasma renin activity, atrial natriuretic peptide, endothelin and homocysteine (p
Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common form of endocrine hypertension previously believed to account for less than 1% of hypertensive patients. Hypokalemia was considered a prerequisite for pursuing diagnostic tests for PA. Recent studies applying the plasma aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio (ARR) as a screening test have reported a higher prevalence. This study is a retrospective evaluation of the diagnosis of PA from clinical centers in five continents before and after the widespread use of the ARR as a screening test. The application of this strategy to a greater number of hypertensives led to a 5- to 15-fold increase in the identification of patients affected by PA. Only a small proportion of patients ( between 9 and 37%) were hypokalemic. The annual detection rate of aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) increased in all centers ( by 1.3-6.3 times) after the wide application of ARR. Aldosterone-producing adenomas constituted a much higher proportion of patients with PA in the four centers that employed adrenal venous sampling ( 28 - 50%) than in the center that did not (9%). In conclusion, the wide use of the ARR as a screening test in hypertensive patients led to a marked increase in the detection rate of PA. Copyright © 2004 by The Endocrine Society
Once considered rare, primary aldosteronism (PAL) is now regarded as the commonest potentially curable and specifically treatable form of hypertension. At Greenslopes Hospital Hypertension Unit (GHHU), the decision in 1991 to screen all (and not just hypokalemic or resistant) hypertensives by aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) testing led to a 10-fold increase in detection rate of PAL and four-fold increase in removal rate of aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs). The GHHU/Princess Alexandra Hospital Hypertension Unit PAL series stands at 977 patients and 250 APAs removed with hypertension cured in 50-60% (remainder improved). Reliable detection requires that interfering medications are withdrawn (or their effects considered) before ARR measurement, and reliable methods (such as fludrocortisone suppression testing) to confirm PAL. Adrenal venous sampling is the only dependable way to differentiate APA from bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Genetic testing has facilitated detection of alucocorticoid-remediable, familial PAL. Identification of mutations causing the more common familial variety described by GHHU in 1991 should further aid in detection of PAL. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Monogenic mutations leading to excessive activation of the mineralocorticoid pathway result, almost always, in suppressed renin and hypertension in adult life and sometimes in hypokalaemia and alkalosis, which can be severe. In most of these syndromes, precise molecular changes in specific steroidogenic or effector genes have been identified, permitting appreciation of (1) pathophysiology, (2) great diversity of phenotype and (3) possibility of genetic methods of diagnosis. Yet to be achieved elucidation of the genetic basis of familial hyperaldosteronism type 11, the most common and clinically significant of them, will enhance detection of primary aldosteronism, currently the commonest specifically treatable and potentially curable form of hypertension. While classic, complete-phenotype presentations of monogenic forms of mineralocorticoid hypertension are rarely recognised, more subtle genetic expression causing less florid manifestations could represent a significant proportion of so-called 'essential hypertension.'
Background: Plasma cholinesterase activity is known to be correlated with plasma triglycerides, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, and other features of the metabolic syndrome. A role in triglyceride metabolism has been proposed. Genetic variants that decrease activity have been studied extensively, but the factors contributing to overall variation in the population are poorly understood. We studied plasma cholinesterase activity in a sample of 2200 adult twins to assess covariation with cardiovascular risk factors and components of the metabolic syndrome, to determine the degree of genetic effects on enzyme activity, and to search for quantitative trait loci affecting activity. Methods and Results: Cholinesterase activity was lower in women than in men before the age of 50, but increased to activity values similar to those in males after that age. There were highly significant correlations with variables associated with the metabolic syndrome: plasma triglyceride, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and E, urate, and insulin concentrations; gamma-glutamyltransferase and aspartate and alanine aminotransferase activities; body mass index; and blood pressure. The heritability of plasma cholinesterase activity was 65%. Linkage analysis with data from the dizygotic twin pairs showed suggestive linkage on chromosome 3 at the location of the cholinesterase WHO gene and also on chromosome 5. Conclusions: Our results confirm and extend the connection between cholinesterase, cardiovascular risk factors, and metabolic syndrome. They establish a substantial heritability for plasma cholinesterase activity that might be attributable to variation near the structural gene and at an independent locus. (c) 2006 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
The aims of this study were to examine the plasma concentrations of inflammatory mediators including cytokines induced by a single bout of eccentric exercise and again 4 weeks later by a second bout of eccentric exercise of the same muscle group. Ten untrained male subjects performed two bouts of the eccentric exercise involving the elbow flexors (6 sets of 5 repetitions) separated by four weeks. Changes in muscle soreness, swelling, and function following exercise were compared between the bouts. Blood was sampled before, immediately after, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 24 h (1 d), 48 h (2 d), 72 h (3 d), 96 h (4 d) following exercise bout to measure plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity, plasma concentrations of myoglobin (Mb), interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p40, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), myeloperoxidase (MPO), prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)), heat shock protein (HSP) 60 and 70. After the first bout, muscle soreness increased significantly, and there was also significant increase in upper arm circumference; muscle function decreased and plasma CK activity and Mb concentration increased significantly. These changes were significantly smaller after the second bout compared to the first bout, indicating muscle adaptation to the repeated bouts of the eccentric exercise. Despite the evidence of greater muscle damage after the first bout, the changes in cytokines and other inflammatory mediators were quite minor, and considerably smaller than that following endurance exercise. These results suggest that eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage is not associated with the significant release of cytokines into the systemic circulation. After the first bout, plasma G-CSF concentration showed a small but significant increase, whereas TNF-alpha and IL-8 showed significant decreases compared to the pre-exercise values. After the second bout, there was a significant increase in IL-10, and a significant decrease in IL-8. In conclusion, although there was evidence of severe muscle damage after the eccentric exercise, this muscle damage was not accompanied by any large changes in plasma cytokine concentrations. The minor changes in systemic cytokine concentration found in this study might reflect more rapid clearance from the circulation, or a lack of any significant metabolic or oxidative demands during this particular mode of exercise. In relation to the adaptation to the muscle damage, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 might work as one of the underlying mechanisms of action.
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We sought to determine if the velocity of an acute bout of eccentric contractions influenced the duration and severity of several common indirect markers of muscle damage. Subjects performed 36 maximal fast (FST, n=8: 3.14 rad center dot s(-1)) or slow (SLW, n=7: 0.52 rad center dot s(-1)) velocity isokinetic eccentric contractions with the elbow flexors of the non-dominant arm. Muscle soreness, limb girth, plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity, isometric torque and concentric and eccentric torque at 0.52 and 3.14 rad center dot s(-1) were assessed prior to and for several days following the eccentric bout. Peak plasma CK activity was similar in SLW (4030 +/- 1029 U center dot l(-1)) and FST (5864 +/- 2664 U center dot l(-1)) groups, (p > 0.05). Both groups experienced similar decrement in all strength variables during the 48 hr following the eccentric bout. However, recovery occurred more rapidly in the FST group during eccentric (0.52 and 3.14 rad center dot s(-1)) and concentric (3.14 rad center dot s(-1)) post-testing. The severity of muscle soreness was similar in both groups. However, the FST group experienced peak muscle soreness 48 hr later than the SLW group (24 hr vs. 72 hr). The SLW group experienced a greater increase in upper arm girth than the FST group 20 min, 24 hr and 96 hr following the eccentric exercise bout. The contraction velocity of an acute bout of eccentric exercise differentially influences the magnitude and time course of several indirect markers of muscle damage.