253 resultados para Patient Education Handout


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Targeted treatment education for cancer patients has the potential to promote adjustment through assisting patients to participate in treatment decision making, comply with treatment regimens and cope more effectively with treatment side effects. A quasi-experimental longitudinal pre-test post-test and follow-up design was used to assess the effect of a patient education video about radiation therapy on patients' psychological distress, knowledge about radiation therapy, self-efficacy about coping with treatment and physical symptoms. Patients with head and neck (n = 26) and breast cancer (n = 66) were recruited into the study and allocated into control and intervention groups. No significant differences were found between the control and intervention groups on any of the outcome variables. However, patients in the intervention group reported high levels of satisfaction with the video and all reported that they would recommend the video to other patients preparing for radiation therapy. As well, 90% of patients in the intervention group reported that some or all of the information in the video was new to them. Education materials that have excellent face validity and that are well received by patients may fail to produce significant change using standard controlled study designs. Future research in this area may need to consider alternative paradigms for evaluating the helpfulness of such materials. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the suitability of written materials for stroke survivors and their carers. Twenty stroke survivors and 14 carers were interviewed about the stroke information they had received and their perceptions of the content and presentation of materials of increasing reading difficulty. The mean readability level of materials (grade 9) was higher than participants’ mean reading ability (grade 7–8). Satisfaction with materials decreased as the content became more difficult to read. Seventy-five percent reported that their information needs were not met in hospital. More stroke survivors with aphasia wanted support from health professionals to read and understand written information, and identified simple language, large font size, color, and diagrams to complement the text as being important features of written materials. Simple materials that meet clients’ information needs and design preferences may optimally inform them about stroke.


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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate a standardised sleep apnea patient education program and develop a study design that may be used to evaluate other such education programs. Method: Thirty-four adults diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) underwent a standard sleep apnea education program and completed measures of knowledge of and beliefs about sleep apnea before, after, and 3 months following education. Two outcome measures were used: the Apnea Knowledge Test (AKT) and the Apnea Beliefs Scale (ABS). Results: AKT results showed significant knowledge gains posteducation, which were maintained at follow-up. Patients also reported more positive beliefs about their ability to change their behaviour and comply with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment recommendations after education. Discussion: Findings from this preliminary investigation suggest that the education program used in this study may improve patients' knowledge of CPAP and promote functional beliefs about OSAHS treatment. This program clearly warrants further research, and ultimately such programs may prove important in improving CPAP compliance. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To test the effectiveness, in the setting of primary health care, of verbal advice on exercise from a family physician (FP) combined with supporting written information. Design: A controlled trial with subjects allocated to a control group or one of two intervention groups using a balanced design based on day of the week. Setting: Ten general practices in Perth, Western Australia. Subjects: All sedentary patients consulting an FP. Intervention: Verbal advice on exercise from the FP and a pamphlet on exercise mailed to the patient's home address within 2 days of his/her visit to the doctor. Main outcome measure: Level of physical activity at followup. Results: 6,351 adult patients attending an FP practice completed a screening questionnaire, and 763 sedentary adults were recruited to the project. The response to follow-up, via a postal survey at 1, 6, and 12 months after the index consultation was 70%, 60%, and 57%, respectively. At 1 month a subsample of the control and intervention subjects were contacted for a telephone interview to verify self-reported levels of activity (n = 136). Treating all nonresponders as sedentary, at 1 month significantly more subjects in the combined intervention groups reported doing some physical activity (40%) compared with the control group (31%). Similarly, at 6 months, 30% of the control group and 38% of the combined intervention groups were now active. There was very little change at followup at 12 months (31% control and 36% intervention groups, respectively). Conclusion: A simple intervention aimed at the promotion of physical activity to sedentary patients in general practice can help reduce inactivity.


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Speech and language impairments can result in communication disabilities that can affect clients' capacity to read, write and participate in conversations and social situations.


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Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. In this paper we review the clinical and histological features of OLP, process of OLP diagnosis, causes of OLP, management of OLP patients and medical treatment of OLP lesions. Approximately 0.2 per cent OLP patients develop intra-oral carcinoma each year compared with approximately 0.005 per cent Australian adults. Possible mechanisms of increased oral cancer risk in OLP patients are presented. The aims of current OLP therapy are to eliminate mucosal erythema and ulceration, alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of oral cancer. Patient education may improve the outcomes of OLP therapy and further reduce the risk of oral cancer in OLP patients. Although OLP may be diagnosed clinically, appropriate specialist referral is required for: (i) histological diagnosis; (ii) assessment of causative/exacerbating factors, associated diseases and oral cancer risk; (iii) patient education and management; (iv) medical treatment; and (v) long-term review and re-biopsy as required.


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The purpose of this study was to examine attitudinal barriers to effective pain management in a consecutively recruited cohort of 114 cancer patients from four Australian hospitals. When surveyed, 48% of this sample reported experiencing pain within the previous 24 hours. Of these, 56% reported this pain to be distressing, horrible or excruciating, with large proportions indicating that this pain had affected their movement, sleep and emotional well-being. Three factors were identified as potentially impacting on patients responses to pain-poor levels of patient knowledge about pain, low perceived control over pain, and a deficit in communication about pain. A trend for older patients to experience more severe pain was also identified. These older patients reported being more willing to tolerate pain and perceive less control over their pain. Suggestions are made for developing patient education programs and farther research using concepts drawn from broader social and behavioral models. J Pain Symptom Manage 2002:23:393-405. (C) U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee, 2002.


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The persistence of negative attitudes towards cancer pain and its treatment suggests there is scope for identifying more effective pain education strategies. This randomized controlled trial involving 189 ambulatory cancer patients evaluated an educational intervention that aimed to optimize patients' ability to manage pain. One week post-intervention, patients receiving the pain management intervention (PMI) had a significantly greater increase in self-reported pain knowledge, perceived control over pain, and number of pain treatments recommended. Intervention group patients also demonstrated a greater reduction in willingness to tolerate pain, concerns about addiction and side effects, being a "good" patient, and tolerance to pain relieving medication. The results suggest that targeted educational interventions that utilize individualized instructional techniques may alter cancer patient attitudes, which can potentially act as barriers to effective pain management. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: The aim of this project was to design and evaluate a system that would produce tailored information for stroke patients and their carers, customised according to their informational needs, and facilitate communication between the patient and, health professional. Method: A human factors development approach was used to develop a computer system, which dynamically compiles stroke education booklets for patients and carers. Patients and carers are able to select the topics about which they wish to receive information, the amount of information they want, and the font size of the printed booklet. The system is designed so that the health professional interacts with it, thereby providing opportunities for communication between the health professional and patient/carer at a number of points in time. Results: Preliminary evaluation of the system by health professionals, patients and carers was positive. A randomised controlled trial that examines the effect of the system on patient and carer outcomes is underway. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To improve quality of in-hospital care of patients with acute coronary syndromes using a multifaceted quality improvement program. Design. Prospective, before and after study of the effects of quality improvement interventions between October 2000 and August 2002. Quality of care of patients admitted between 1 October 2000 and 16 April 2001 (baseline) was compared with that of those admitted between 15 February 2002 and 31 August 2002 (post-intervention). Setting. Three teaching hospitals in Brisbane, Australia. Study participants. Consecutive patients (n = 1594) admitted to hospital with acute coronary syndrome [mean age 68 years (SD 14 years); 65% males]. Interventions. Clinical guidelines, reminder tools, and educational interventions; 6-monthly performance feedback; pharmacist-mediated patient education program; and facilitation of multidisciplinary review of work practices. Main outcome measures. Changes in key quality indicators relating to timing of electrocardiogram (ECG) and thrombolysis in emergency departments, serum lipid measurement, prescription of adjunctive drugs, and secondary prevention. Results. Comparing post-intervention with baseline patients, increases occurred in the proportions of eligible patients: (i) undergoing timely ECG (70% versus 61%; P = 0.04); (ii) prescribed angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (70% versus 60%; P = 0.002) and lipid-lowering agents (77% versus 68%; P = 0.005); (iii) receiving cardiac counselling in hospital (57% versus 48%; P = 0.009); and (iv) referred to cardiac rehabilitation (17% versus 8%; P < 0.001). Conclusions. Multifaceted approaches can improve care processes for patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes. Care processes under direct clinician control changed more quickly than those reliant on complex system factors. Identifying and overcoming organizational impediments to quality improvement deserves greater attention.


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In 1999, the Department of Health in Western Australia began a telehealth project, which finished in 2004. The 75 videoconferencing sites funded by the project were part of a total state-wide videoconference network of 104 sites. During the period from January 2002 to December 2003, a total of 3266 consultations, case reviews and patient education sessions took place. Clinical use grew to 30% of all telehealth activity. Educational use was approximately 40% (1416 sessions) and management use was about 30% (1031 sessions). The average overhead cost per telehealth session across all regions and usage types was $A192. Meaningful comparisons of the results of the present study with other public health providers were difficult, because many of the available Websites on telehealth were out of date. Despite the successful use of telehealth to deliver clinical services in Western Australia, sustaining the effort in the post-project phase will present significant challenges.


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Objective: This study (a) evaluated the reading ability of patients following stroke and their carers and the reading level and content and design characteristics of the written information provided to them, (b) explored the influence of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on patients' reading ability, and (c) described an education package that provides well-designed information tailored to patients' and carers' informational needs. Methods: Fifty-seven patients and 12 carers were interviewed about their informational needs in an acute stroke unit. Their reading ability was assessed using the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM). The written information provided to them in the acute stroke unit was analysed using the SMOG readability formula and the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM). Results: Thirteen (22.8%) patients and 5 (41.7%) carers had received written stroke information. The mean reading level of materials analysed was 11th grade while patients read at a mean of 7-8th grade. Most materials (89%) scored as only adequate in content and design. Patients with combined aphasia read significantly lower (4-6th grade) than other patients (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Only a small proportion of patients and carers received written materials about stroke and the readability level and content and design characteristics of most materials required improvement. Practice implications: When developing and distributing written materials about stroke, health professionals should consider the reading ability and informational needs of the recipients, and the reading level and content and design characteristics of the written materials. A computer system can be used to generate written materials tailored to the informational needs and literacy skills of patients and carers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.