78 resultados para Neonatal death


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The aim of this research was to examine, from a stress and coping perspective, the effects of resources (both personal and environmental) and coping strategies on parental reactions to infant death. One hundred and twenty-seven parents (60 fathers, 67 mothers) participated in the study. The predictors of parental distress (background factors, resources, coping methods) were initially assessed at 4-6 weeks post-loss. Parental distress (assessed using a composite measure of psychiatric disturbance, physical symptoms, and perinatal grief) was further assessed at 6 months post-loss and at 15 months postloss. After control for the stability in adjustment across time, there was consistent evidence that higher levels of education were associated with lower levels of parental distress over time. Among mothers, the number of friends in whom mothers had the confidence to confide emerged as a positive predictor of adjustment to infant death. A reliance on problem-focused coping was associated with greater maternal distress at 6 months post-loss, whereas coping by seeking support was associated with less distress at 15 months post-loss. There is no evidence that background factors and resources influenced parental distress through coping.


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A longitudinal study of 144 patents (65 fathers, 79 mothers) was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a program of intervention in relieving the psychological distress of parents affected by infant death. Participants were assessed in terms of their psychiatric disturbance, depression, anxiety, physical symptoms, dyadic adjustment, and coping strategies. The experimental group (n = 84) was offered an intervention program comprising the use of specially designed resources and contact with a trained grief worker. A control group (n = 60) was given routine community care. Parental reactions were assessed at four to six weeks postloss (prior to the implementation of the intervention program), at six months postloss, and at 15 months postloss. A series of multivariate analyses of valiance revealed that the intervention was effective in reducing the distress of parents, particularly those assessed prior to the intervention as being at high-risk of developing mourning difficulties. Effects of the intervention were noted in terms of parents' overall psychiatric disturbance, marital quality, and paternal coping strategies.


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Objective: To examine, using a 30-month prospective study, patterns of anxiety, depression and alcohol use in couples following stillbirth, neonatal death or sudden infant death syndrome. Methodology: One hundred and thirty-eight bereaved and 156 non-bereaved couples completed standardized interviews at 2, 8, 15 and 30 months post-loss. Results: At all interviews, bereaved couples were significantly more likely than non-bereaved couples to have at least one distressed partner. Rarely were both partners distressed in either group. For bereaved couples, 'mother only' distress declined from 21% to 10% during the study. 'Father only' distress ranged from 7% to 15%, peaking at 30 months. Bereaved mothers who were distressed at 2 months reported significantly lower marital satisfaction at 30 months. Conclusions: At the couple level, the experience of a baby's death is multifaceted. Gender differences are common and partners' needs may change over time. Early recognition of these differences may facilitate longer-term adjustment for both partners.


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Classifications of perinatal deaths have been undertaken for surveillance of causes of death, but also for auditing individual deaths to identify suboptimal care at any level, so that preventive strategies may be implemented. This paper describes the history and development of the paired obstetric and neonatal Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) classifications in the context of other classifications. The PSANZ Perinatal Death Classification is based on obstetric antecedent factors that initiated the sequence of events leading to the death, and was developed largely from the Aberdeen and Whitfield classifications. The PSANZ Neonatal Death Classification is based on fetal and neonatal factors associated with the death. The classifications, accessible on the PSANZ website (http://www.psanz.org), have definitions and guidelines for use, a high level of agreement between classifiers, and are now being used in nearly all Australian states and New Zealand.


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Objectives: To validate verbal autopsy (VA) procedures for use in sample vital registration. Verbal autopsy is an important method for deriving cause-specific mortality estimates where disease burdens are greatest and routine cause-specific mortality data do not exist. Methods: Verbal autopsies and medical records (MR) were collected for 3123 deaths in the perinatal/neonatal period, post-neonatal < 5 age group, and for ages of 5 years and over in Tanzania. Causes of death were assigned by physician panels using the International Classification of Disease, revision 10. Validity was measured by: cause-specific mortality fractions (CSMF); sensitivity; specificity and positive predictive value. Medical record diagnoses were scored for degree of uncertainty, and sensitivity and specificity adjusted. Criteria for evaluating VA performance in generating true proportional mortality were applied. Results: Verbal autopsy produced accurate CSMFs for nine causes in different age groups: birth asphyxia; intrauterine complications; pneumonia; HIV/AIDS; malaria (adults); tuberculosis; cerebrovascular diseases; injuries and direct maternal causes. Results for 20 other causes approached the threshold for good performance. Conclusions: Verbal autopsy reliably estimated CSMFs for diseases of public health importance in all age groups. Further validation is needed to assess reasons for lack of positive results for some conditions.


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In the first of two articles presenting the case for emotional intelligence in a point/counterpoint exchange, we present a brief summary of research in the field, and rebut arguments against the construct presented in this issue.We identify three streams of research: (1) a four-branch abilities test based on the model of emotional intelligence defined in Mayer and Salovey (1997); (2) self-report instruments based on the Mayer–Salovey model; and (3) commercially available tests that go beyond the Mayer–Salovey definition. In response to the criticisms of the construct, we argue that the protagonists have not distinguished adequately between the streams, and have inappropriately characterized emotional intelligence as a variant of social intelligence. More significantly, two of the critical authors assert incorrectly that emotional intelligence research is driven by a utopian political agenda, rather than scientific interest. We argue, on the contrary, that emotional intelligence research is grounded in recent scientific advances in the study of emotion; specifically regarding the role emotion plays in organizational behavior. We conclude that emotional intelligence is attracting deserved continuing research interest as an individual difference variable in organizational behavior related to the way members perceive, understand, and manage their emotions.


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Quasi-birth-and-death (QBD) processes with infinite “phase spaces” can exhibit unusual and interesting behavior. One of the simplest examples of such a process is the two-node tandem Jackson network, with the “phase” giving the state of the first queue and the “level” giving the state of the second queue. In this paper, we undertake an extensive analysis of the properties of this QBD. In particular, we investigate the spectral properties of Neuts’s R-matrix and show that the decay rate of the stationary distribution of the “level” process is not always equal to the convergence norm of R. In fact, we show that we can obtain any decay rate from a certain range by controlling only the transition structure at level zero, which is independent of R. We also consider the sequence of tandem queues that is constructed by restricting the waiting room of the first queue to some finite capacity, and then allowing this capacity to increase to infinity. We show that the decay rates for the finite truncations converge to a value, which is not necessarily the decay rate in the infinite waiting room case. Finally, we show that the probability that the process hits level n before level 0 given that it starts in level 1 decays at a rate which is not necessarily the same as the decay rate for the stationary distribution.


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Background The present study investigated histories of prior psychiatric treatment in cases of sudden death reported to the coroner Methods A matching survey linked the register of deaths reported to the coroner with a comprehensive statewide psychiatric case register covering both inpatient and community-based services. Results Sudden death was five times higher in people with histories of psychiatric contact. Suicide accounted for part of this excess mortality but deaths from natural causes and accidents were also elevated. Schizophrenic and affective disorders had similar suicide rates. Comorbid substance misuse doubled the risk of sudden death in affective and schizophrenic disorders. Conclusions The rates of sudden death are sufficiently elevated to raise questions about current priorities in mental health care. There is a need both for greater attention to suicide risk, most notably among young people with schizophrenia, to the early detection of cardiovascular disorders and to the vigorous management of comorbid substance misuse.


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The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) has been shown to mediate neuronal death through an unknown pathway. We microinjected p75NTR expression plasmids into sensory neurons in the presence of growth factors and assessed the effect of the expressed proteins on cell survival. We show that, unlike other members of the TNFR family, p75NTR signals death through a unique caspase-dependent death pathway that does not involve the death domain and is differentially regulated by Bcl-2 family members: the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2 both promoted, and was required for, p75NTR killing, whereas killing was inhibited by its homologue BcI-x(L). These results demonstrate that Bcl-2, through distinct molecular mechanisms, either promotes or inhibits neuronal death depending on the nature of the death stimulus.


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The neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is best known for mediating tropic support by participating in the formation of high-affinity nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor complexes with trkA, however, p75NTR more recently has been shown to act as a bona fide death-signaling receptor, which can signal independently of trkA. This article discusses the evidence for an active role of p75NTR in neuronal cell death and the mechanisms controlling this process, including roles for Bcl-2 family members, the c-jun stress kinase JNK, the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B), and caspases.


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The causes of schizophrenia are unknown, but there is evidence linking subtle deviations in neural development with schizophrenia. Embryonic brain development cannot be studied in an adult with schizophrenia, but neurogenesis and early events in neuronal differentiation can be investigated throughout adult life in the human olfactory epithelium. Our past research has demonstrated that neuronal cultures can be derived from biopsy of the human adult olfactory epithelium. In the present study, we examined mechanisms related to neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation in adults with schizophrenia versus well controls. Forty biopsies were collected under local anaesthesia from ten individuals with DSM III-R schizophrenia and ten age- and sex-matched well controls. All patients, except one, were receiving antipsychotic medication at the time of the biopsy, Immunostaining for neuronal markers indicated that neurogenesis occurred in the biopsies from both patients and controls since all contained cells expressing tubulin and/or olfactory marker protein. The major findings of this study are: 1. biopsies from patients with schizophrenia showed a significantly reduced ability to attach to the culture slide: 29.9% of patient biopsies attached compared to 73.5% of control biopsies; 2. biopsies from patients with schizophrenia had a significantly greater proportion of cells undergoing mitosis: 0.69% in the patients compared to 0.29% in the controls; and 3. dopamine (10 mu M) significantly increased the proportion of apoptotic cells in the control cultures but significantly decreased the proportion in patients' cultures. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background and Purpose-The goal of the present study was to identify risk factors for vascular disease in the elderly. Methods-We conducted a prospective study of control subjects from a population-based study of stroke in Perth, Western Australia, that was completed in 1989 to 1990 and used record linkage and a survey of survivors to identify deaths and nonfatal vascular events. Data validated through reference to medical records were analyzed with the use of Cox proportional hazards models. Results-Follow-up for the 931 subjects was 88% complete. By June 24, 1994, 198 (24%) of the subjects had died (96 from vascular disease), and there had been 45 nonfatal strokes or myocardial infarctions. The hazard ratio for diabetes exceeded 2.0 for all end points, whereas the consumption of meat >4 times weekly was associated with a reduction in risk of less than or equal to 30%. In most models, female sex and consumption of alcohol were associated with reduced risks, whereas previous myocardial infarction was linked to an increase in risk. Conclusions-There are only limited associations between lifestyle and major vascular illness in old age. Effective health promotion activities in early and middle life may be the key to a longer and healthier old age.