41 resultados para National Planning Association.


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This study explores the role of nurturing communication in distinguishing interpersonal and intergroup interactions between health professionals and patients, from the perspective of communication accommodation theory (CAT). Participants (47 men and 87 women) rated videotapes of actual hospital consultations on 12 goal and 16 strategy items derived from CAT. Health professionals in interpersonal interactions were perceived to pay more attention to relationship and emotional needs and to use more nurturant discourse management and emotional expression. These results point the way toward elucidating the perceived optimal balance in accommodative behavior, both group based and interpersonal, in these contexts, and they highlight the importance of nurturant communication to this process.


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On the southern Great Barrier Reef, Haliotis asinina (Vetigastropoda: Pleurotomarioidea) synchronously spawn every 2 wk in a predictable fashion. allowing detailed analysis of reproduction, gametogenesis, and gonad development. Histological examination of the ovaries of members of the Heron Reef population during this semilunar cycle reveals that oogenesis is also synchronous and predictable, and requires more than two spawning cycles (i.e. >28 days) to complete. Shortly after a spawning event the ovary comprises two cohorts of primary oocytes, one of which will be released at the next spawning event, and clusters of oogonia. At this time there is a rapid proliferation and expansion of trabeculae, germinal epithelial, and oogonia, and a dramatic increase in the size of the vitellogenic oocytes to be: spawned at the next spawning event. Within 4 days these oocytes have filled the ovary. On the day of the next spawning a lumen forms in the ovary as a result of localized degradation of trabeculae. The large primary oocytes dissociate from the receding trabeculae. initiate maturation, and accumulate in the lumen; these oocytes become embedded in a jelly coat layer. The next cohort of oocytes remain attached to the trabeculae. The jelly coat appears to be completely dissolved within 30 min of spawning. Comparison of the oogenesis and ovary development in II. asinina with other abalone species indicates that these processes are very similar in tropical and temperate abalone. This suggests that insights into the regulation of reproduction and spawning in H. asinina are likely to be applicable to other haliotids.


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This article examines the language strategies used in everyday explanation by young heterosexual adults to attribute blame for the transmission of HIV: Seventy-two-female and 60 male Australian university students took part in the study. They were formed into groups of four, with each group taking part in discussions about HIV: AIDS, and related matters. Transcripts were examined for instances of blaming, and a coding scheme for levels of attributed responsibility applied to those instances found. Language strategies of distancing self from HN and AIDS were then coded, including checks for who was blamed whether they were members of participants' ingroups or outgroups, and whether justifications were used. These findings are discussed in terms of positioning the self vis-a-vis HIV and AIDS, as well as the ways in which negative stereotypes were used in attributing blame to members of outgroups.


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To establish a noncontagious control for the Ray thioglycollate test for the detection of Perkinsus in mollusks we evaluated nonviable stages of P. olseni for enlargement of hypnospores and blue/black iodine stain. Trophozoites made nonviable with formalin, irradiation or colchicine failed to swell in thioglycollate. They remained small and did not differentially stain in iodine. Trophozoites that had already developed into hypnospores in thioglycollate were rendered inactive by freezing, ethanol or formalin immersion. They retained their iodinophilic properties and thus could provide a partial control for the Ray Test.


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Clinical and non-clinical predictors of vocational recovery were examined among 782 Australians diagnosed with DSM III R psychotic disorders, using data from the study on low-prevalence disorders, part of the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Australia 1997-1998. Of the six significant clinical predictors, self-reported course of illness emerged as a potentially practical predictor of vocational recovery. Five non-clinical variables, age, education and skills, marital status, premorbid work adjustment, and use of a vocational service in the previous year, also contributed to the prediction of vocational recovery. The implications of these findings for both rehabilitation professionals and researchers are discussed.


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The pre-ingestive selection of microphytobenthic algae by the cockle Cerastoderma edule was studied in comparison with diets containing the pelagic diatom Phaeodactylum tricomutum. Treatments with the different diets covered a range of seston concentrations and organic content similar to field conditions. Rejection rates of C. edule exposed to the different treatments were significantly correlated with the concentration of total particulate matter. No significant differences in total rejection rates were found between pelagic and benthic diets. Organic rejection rate was significantly correlated with particulate organic matter of the treatments and no significant differences were found between both diets. Selection efficiency was significantly correlated with particulate organic matter concentration in both diets and no significant differences were found between the diets. Analysis of the pseudofeces composition by flow cytometry from cockles exposed to a mixed diet of microphytobenthic algae and P. tricornutum, showed a preferential ingestion of the pelagic diatom. Benthic species, such as small pennates and Navicula sp., were preferentially ingested in comparison to larger microphytobenthic species. The largest microphytobenthic species, Cylindrotheca sp., was significantly rejected. In general, C. edule is an opportunistic filter feeder that takes advantage of both pelagic and benthic algal cells.


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This article describes a workshop and consultation process utilized by four community rehabilitation services and other stakeholders. This process led to the development of an evaluation Template upon which to plan a service evaluation. The Template comprises a number of guiding questions within three broad domains. These are, the people domain (pertaining to the client, their disability, their family and service context), the program domain (pertaining to the service and its activities), and the perspective domain (pertaining to the broader social and community context). It is suggested that the Template, the process by which it was developed, and the guidelines for its use will have relevance to rehabilitation managers, administrators, and others involved in evaluation of community rehabilitation services.


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The tropical abalone. Haliotis asinina. is,in ideal species to investigate the molecular mechanisms that control development. growth, reproduction and shell formation in all cultured haliotids. Here we describe the analysis of 232 expressed sequence tags (EST) obtained front a developmental H. asinina cDNA library intended for future microarray studies. From this data set we identified 183 unique gene Clusters. Of these, 90 clusters showed significant homology with sequences lodged in GenBank, ranging in function from general housekeeping to signal transduction, gene regulation and cell-cell communication. Seventy-one clusters possessed completely novel ORFs greater than 50 codons in length, highlighting the paucity of sequence data from molluscs and other lophotrochozoans. This study of developmental gene expression in H. asinina provides the foundation for further detailed analyses of abalone growth, development and reproduction.


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In this study tetraploid Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate) embryos were produced by preventing the first division in mitosis. The effectiveness of temperature and chemical shocks for producing tetraploid M. japonicus were assessed when applied at different times postspawning and for different durations. Tetraploid M. japonicus embryos (spawned at 27 degrees C) were produced by heat shocks at 35 degrees C and 36 degrees C in three and eight spawning samples respectively, and a cold shock at 5 degrees C in a single spawning sample. All temperature shocks inducing tetraploidy were applied 18-23 min postspawning for a 5-10 min duration. The percentage of spawnings successfully inducing tetraploid embryos (i.e., frequency of induction) ranged from 33.33% to 66.67% for the 21, 22 and 23 min postspawning heat shock treatment regimes. The percentage of tetraploid embryos within an induction (i.e., induction rate), as determined by flow cytometry, ranged from 8.82% to 98.12% (ave. S.E.) (34.4 +/- 21.4%) for the 35 degrees C shock treatments, from 13.12% to 61.02% (35.0 +/- 5.0%) for the 36 degrees C shock treatments and was 15% for the 5 degrees C cold shock treatment. No tetraploids were produced for spawnings that received heat shocks above 36 degrees C or below 35 degrees C, or for cold shocks above 5 degrees C for any of the tested postspawning treatment and duration times. Chemical shock with 150 mu M 6-dimethylaminopurine did not result in tetraploid M. japonicus embryos at any of the tested postspawning treatment times and durations. Tetraploid M. japonicus embryos were nonviable, with no tetraploid larvae being detected by flow cytometry. Based on our results heat shocking of M. japonicus embryos at 36 degrees C, 23 min postspawning for a 5-10 min duration is the most effective means to produce tetraploids through inhibition of the first mitotic division (taking into consideration the importance of frequency and induction rate equally).


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In this study, we assessed whether contextual factors related to where or when an athlete is born influence their likelihood of playing professional sport. The birthplace and birth month of all American players in the National Hockey League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, and Professional Golfer's Association, and all Canadian players in the National Hockey League were collected from official websites. Monte Carlo simulations were used to verify if the birthplace of these professional athletes deviated in any systematic way from the official census population distribution, and chi-square analyses were conducted to determine whether the players' birth months were evenly distributed throughout the year. Results showed a birthplace bias towards smaller cities, with professional athletes being over-represented in cities of less than 500,000 and under-represented in cities of 500,000 and over. A birth month/relative age effect (in the form of a distinct bias towards elite athletes being relatively older than their peers) was found for hockey and baseball but not for basketball and golf. Comparative analyses suggested that contextual factors associated with place of birth contribute more influentially to the achievement of an elite level of sport performance than does relative age and that these factors are essentially independent in their influences on expertise development.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate associations between violence and younger women's reproductive events using Survey 1 (1996) data of the Younger cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health (ALSWH). Methods: Multinomial regression, using composite variables for both violence and reproductive events, adjusting for socioeconomic variables and weighted for rural and remote areas. Results: 23.8% of 14,784 women aged 18 to 23 years reported violence; 12.6% reported non-partner violence in the previous year; and 11.2% reported ever having had a violent relationship with a partner. Of the latter group, 43% (4.8% overall) also reported violence in the past year. Compared with women reporting no violence, women reporting partner but not recent violence (OR 2.55, 95% Cl 2.10-3.09) or partner and recent violence (OR 3.96, 95% Cl 3.18-4.93) were significantly more likely to have had one or more pregnancies. Conversely, having had a pregnancy (2,561) was associated with an 80% increase in prevalence of any violence and a 230% increase in partner violence. Among women who had a pregnancy, having had a miscarriage or termination was associated with violence. Partner and recent violence is strongly associated with having had a miscarriage, whether alone (OR = 2.85, 95% Cl 1.74-4.66), with a termination (OR = 4.60, 2.26-9.35), or with birth, miscarriage and a termination (OR 4.12, 1.89-9.00). Conclusions and implications: Violence among young women of childbearing age is a factor for which doctors should be vigilant, well-trained and supported to identify and manage effectively.


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Background: In mental health, policy-makers and planners are increasingly being asked to set priorities. This means that health economists, health services researchers and clinical investigators are being called upon to work together to define and measure costs. Typically, these researchers take available service utilisation data and convert them to costs, using a range of assumptions. There are inefficiencies, as individual groups of researchers frequently repeat essentially similar exercises in achieving this end. There are clearly areas where shared or common investment in the development of statistical software syntax, analytical frameworks and other resources could maximise the use of data. Aims of the Study: This paper reports on an Australian project in which we calculated unit costs for mental health admissions and community encounters. In reporting on these calculations, our purpose is to make the data and the resources associated with them publicly available to researchers interested in conducting economic analyses, and allow them to copy, distribute and modify them, providing that all copies and modifications are available under the same terms and conditions (i.e., in accordance with the 'Copyleft' principle), Within this context, the objectives of the paper are to: (i) introduce the 'Copyleft' principle; (ii) provide an overview of the methodology we employed to derive the unit costs; (iii) present the unit costs themselves; and (iv) examine the total and mean costs for a range of single and comorbid conditions, as an example of the kind of question that the unit cost data can be used to address. Method: We took relevant data from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB), and developed a set of unit costs for inpatient and community encounters. We then examined total and mean costs for a range of single and comorbid conditions. Results: We present the unit costs for mental health admissions and mental health community contacts. Our example, which explored the association between comorbidity and total and mean costs, suggested that comorbidly occurring conditions cost more than conditions which occur on their own. Discussion: Our unit costs, and the materials associated with them, have been published in a freely available form governed by a provision termed 'Copyleft'. They provide a valuable resource for researchers wanting to explore economic questions in mental health. Implications for Health Policies: Our unit costs provide an important resource to inform economic debate in mental health in Australia, particularly in the area of priority-setting. In the past, such debate has largely, been based on opinion. Our unit costs provide the underpinning to strengthen the evidence-base of this debate. Implications for Further Research: We would encourage other Australian researchers to make use of our unit costs in order to foster comparability across studies. We would also encourage Australian and international researchers to adopt the 'Copyleft' principle in equivalent circumstances. Furthermore, we suggest that the provision of 'Copyleft'-contingent funding to support the development of enabling resources for researchers should be considered in the planning of future large-scale collaborative survey work, both in Australia and overseas.