64 resultados para Naipaul, V. S. Magic seeds


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Galactomannan biosynthesis in legume seed endosperms involves two Golgi membrane-bound glycosyltransferases, mannan synthase and galactomannan galactosyltransferase (GMGT). GMGT specificity is an important factor regulating the distribution and amount of (1-->6)-alpha-galactose (Gal) substitution of the (1-->4)-beta-linked mannan backbone. The model legume Lotus japonicus is shown now to have endospermic seeds with endosperm cell walls that contain a high-Gal galactomannan (mannose [Man]/Gal = 1.2-1.3). Galactomannan biosynthesis in developing L. japonicus endosperms has been mapped, and a cDNA encoding a functional GMGT has been obtained from L. japonicus endosperms during galactomannan deposition. L. japonicus has been transformed with sense, antisense, and sense/antisense ("hairpin loop") constructs of the GMGT cDNA. Some of the sense, antisense, and sense/antisense transgenic lines exhibited galactomannans with altered (higher) Man/Gal values in their (T-1 generation) seeds, at frequencies that were consistent with posttranscriptional silencing of GMGT. For T-1 generation individuals, transgene inheritance was correlated with galactomannan composition and amount in the endosperm. All the azygous individuals had unchanged galactomannans, whereas those that had inherited a GMGT transgene exhibited a range of Man/Gal values, up to about 6 in some lines. For Man/Gal values up to 4, the results were consistent with lowered Gal substitution of a constant amount of mannan backbone. Further lowering of Gal substitution was accompanied by a slight decrease in the amount of mannan backbone. Microsomal membranes prepared from the developing T-2 generation endosperms of transgenic lines showed reduced GMGT activity relative to mannan synthase. The results demonstrate structural modification of a plant cell wall polysaccharide by designed regulation of a Golgi-bound glycosyltransferase.


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The XSophe-Sophe-XeprView((R)) computer simulation software suite enables scientists to easily determine spin Hamiltonian parameters from isotropic, randomly oriented and single crystal continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW EPR) spectra from radicals and isolated paramagnetic metal ion centers or clusters found in metalloproteins, chemical systems and materials science. XSophe provides an X-windows graphical user interface to the Sophe programme and allows: creation of multiple input files, local and remote execution of Sophe, the display of sophelog (output from Sophe) and input parameters/files. Sophe is a sophisticated computer simulation software programme employing a number of innovative technologies including; the Sydney OPera HousE (SOPHE) partition and interpolation schemes, a field segmentation algorithm, the mosaic misorientation linewidth model, parallelization and spectral optimisation. In conjunction with the SOPHE partition scheme and the field segmentation algorithm, the SOPHE interpolation scheme and the mosaic misorientation linewidth model greatly increase the speed of simulations for most spin systems. Employing brute force matrix diagonalization in the simulation of an EPR spectrum from a high spin Cr(III) complex with the spin Hamiltonian parameters g(e) = 2.00, D = 0.10 cm(-1), E/D = 0.25, A(x) = 120.0, A(y) = 120.0, A(z) = 240.0 x 10(-4) cm(-1) requires a SOPHE grid size of N = 400 (to produce a good signal to noise ratio) and takes 229.47 s. In contrast the use of either the SOPHE interpolation scheme or the mosaic misorientation linewidth model requires a SOPHE grid size of only N = 18 and takes 44.08 and 0.79 s, respectively. Results from Sophe are transferred via the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) to XSophe and subsequently to XeprView((R)) where the simulated CW EPR spectra (1D and 2D) can be compared to the experimental spectra. Energy level diagrams, transition roadmaps and transition surfaces aid the interpretation of complicated randomly oriented CW EPR spectra and can be viewed with a web browser and an OpenInventor scene graph viewer.


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Recently Adams and Bischof (1994) proposed a novel region growing algorithm for segmenting intensity images. The inputs to the algorithm are the intensity image and a set of seeds - individual points or connected components - that identify the individual regions to be segmented. The algorithm grows these seed regions until all of the image pixels have been assimilated. Unfortunately the algorithm is inherently dependent on the order of pixel processing. This means, for example, that raster order processing and anti-raster order processing do not, in general, lead to the same tessellation. In this paper we propose an improved seeded region growing algorithm that retains the advantages of the Adams and Bischof algorithm fast execution, robust segmentation, and no tuning parameters - but is pixel order independent. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Recently the problem of the existence of a 5-cycle system of K-v with a hole of size u was completely solved. In this paper we prove necessary and sufficient conditions on v and u for the existence of a 5-cycle system of K-v - F, with a hole of size u.


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Peanut, one of the world's most important oilseed crops, has a narrow germplasm base and lacks sources of resistance to several major diseases. The species is considered recalcitrant to transformation, with few confirmed transgenic plants upon particle bombardment or Agrobacterium treatment. Reported transformation methods are limited by low efficiency, cultivar specificity, chimeric or infertile transformants, or availability of explants. Here we present a method to efficiently transform cultivars in both botanical types of peanut, by (1) particle bombardment into embryogenic callus derived from mature seeds, (2) escape-free (not stepwise) selection for hygromycin B resistance, (3) brief osmotic desiccation followed by sequential incubation on charcoal and cytokinin-containing media; resulting in efficient conversion of transformed somatic embryos into fertile, non-chimeric, transgenic plants. The method produces three to six independent transformants per bombardment of 10 cm(2) embryogenic callus. Potted, transgenic plant lines can be regenerated within 9 months of callus initiation, or 6 months after bombardment. Transgene copy number ranged from one to 20 with multiple integration sites. There was ca. 50% coexpression of hph and luc or uidA genes coprecipitated on separate plasmids. Reporter gene (luc) expression was confirmed in T-1 progeny from each of six tested independent transformants. Insufficient seeds were produced under containment conditions to determine segregation ratios. The practicality of the technique for efficient cotransformation with selected and unselected genes is demonstrated using major commercial peanut varieties in Australia (cv. NC-7, a virginia market type) and Indonesia (cv. Gajah, a spanish market type).


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We construct, for all positive integers u, and v with u less than or equal to v, a decomposition of K-v - K-u (the complete graph on v vertices with a. hole of size u) into the maximum possible number of edge disjoint triangles.


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In this paper, a new v-metric based approach is proposed to design decentralized controllers for multi-unit nonlinear plants that admit a set of plant decompositions in an operating space. Similar to the gap metric approach in literature, it is shown that the operating space can also be divided into several subregions based on a v-metric indicator, and each of the subregions admits the same controller structure. A comparative case study is presented to display the advantages of proposed approach over the gap metric approach. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fine structure of a directed triple system of index lambda is the vector (c(1), c(2),...,C-lambda), where c(i) is the number of directed triples appearing precisely i times in the system. We determine necessary and sufficient conditions for a vector to be the fine structure of a directed triple system of index 3 for upsilon = 2 (mod 3).


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Mesoporous Ti-substituted aluminophosphates (AlPOs) with a hexagonal, cubic and lamellar pore structure, characteristic of MCM-41, MCM-48. and MCM-50, respectively, were synthesized. The stability of these mesophases upon template removal was studied. The pore structures, surface properties, and local atom environments of Al, P, and Ti of the hexagonal and cubic Ti-containing mesoporous products were extensively characterized using X-ray diffraction, magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, AAS, XPS, ultraviolet-visible, and adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor techniques while the lamellar mesophase was not further characterized due to its very poor thermal stability. Ti-containing mesoporous AlPO materials show a reasonable thermal stability upon template removal, a hydrophilic surface property, and high porosity showing application potentials in catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.


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Dormancy release in seeds of Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass) was investigated in relation to temperature and seed water content. Freshly matured seeds were collected from cropping fields at Wongan Hills and Merredin, Western Australia. Seeds from Wongan Hills were equilibrated to water contents between 6 and 18% dry weight and after-ripened at constant temperatures between 9 and 50degreesC for up to 23 weeks. Wongan Hills and Merredin seeds at water contents between 7 and 17% were also after-ripened in full sun or shade conditions. Dormancy was tested at regular intervals during after-ripening by germinating seeds on agar at 12-h alternating 15degreesC (dark) and 25degreesC (light) periods. Rate of dormancy release for Wongan Hills seeds was a positive linear function of after-ripening temperature above a base temperature (T-b) of 5.4degreesC. A thermal after-ripening time model for dormancy loss accounting for seed moisture in the range 6-18% was developed using germination data for Wongan Hills seeds after-ripened at constant temperatures. The model accurately predicted dormancy release for Wongan Hills seeds after-ripened under naturally fluctuating temperatures. Seeds from Merredin responded similarly but had lower dormancy at collection and a faster rate of dormancy release in seeds below 9% water content.


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Dormancy release was studied in four populations of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) seeds to determine whether loss of dormancy in the field can be predicted from temperature alone or whether seed water content (WC) must also be considered. Freshly matured seeds were after-ripened at the northern and southern extremes of the Western Australian cereal cropping region and at constant 37degreesC. Seed WC was allowed to fluctuate with prevailing humidity, but full hydration was avoided by excluding rainfall. Dormancy was measured regularly during after-ripening by germinating seeds with 12-hourly light or in darkness. Germination was lower in darkness than in light/dark and dormancy release was slower when germination was tested in darkness. Seeds were consistently drier, and dormancy release was slower, during after-ripening at 37degreesC than under field conditions. However, within each population, the rate of dormancy release in the field (north and south) in terms of thermal time was unaffected by after-ripening site. While low seed WC slowed dormancy release in seeds held at 37degreesC, dormancy release in seeds after-ripened under Western Australian field conditions was adequately described by thermal after-ripening time, without the need to account for changes in WC elicited by fluctuating environmental humidity.


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Experiments were performed to determine whether the dormancy release effect of hydrated storage in darkness (dark-stratification) is common amongst annual ryegrass populations and has the potential to occur under field conditions. Dormant seeds from all populations tested (22) became sensitive to light during dark-stratification, enabling them to germinate when subsequently exposed to light. Under controlled temperature (25/15degreesC), light (12-h photoperiod), and hydration (solidified agar-water) conditions, more seeds germinated by 28 days if the first 14 days were in darkness followed by exposure to light for 12 h per day than if they were exposed to light throughout or darkness throughout. Constraint over the conditions imposed during dark-stratification and germination was gradually reduced to investigate whether the dormancy release effect was diminished. Dark-stratification was effective in promoting germination when performed under natural diurnal temperatures, and burial in moist soil provided suitable conditions for dark-stratification to occur. The surface of moist soil, with natural diurnal temperatures and sunlight, was suitable for germination of dark-stratified seeds. Dark-stratification is a quick and effective means to enhance the sensitivity of dormant annual ryegrass seeds to light, enabling the majority of the population to germinate. However, large quantities of light are required to promote germination of dark-stratified seeds, so buried seeds must be moved to the soil surface to allow exposure to adequate light for germination.


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The effect of hydration (priming) treatment on dormancy release in annual ryegrass seeds from two populations was investigated. Hydration duration, number, and timing with respect to after-ripening were compared in an experiment involving 15 treatment regimens for 12 wk. Seeds were hydrated at 100% relative humidity for 0, 2, or 10 d at Weeks 1, 6, or 12 of after-ripening. Dormancy status was assessed after each hydration treatment by measuring seed germination at 12-hourly alternating 25/15 C (light/dark) periods using seeds directly from the hydration treatment and seeds subjected to 4 d postpriming desiccation. Seeds exposed to one or more hydration events during the 12 wk were less dormant than seeds that remained dry throughout after-ripening. The longer hydration of 10 d promoted greater dormancy loss than either a 2-d hydration or no hydration. For the seed lot that was most dormant at the start of the experiment, two or three rather than one hydration event or a hydration event earlier rather than later during after-ripening promoted greater dormancy release. These effects were not significant for the less-dormant seed lot. For both seed lots, the effect of a single hydration for 2 d at Week 1 or 6 of after-ripening was not manifested until the test at Week 12 of the experiment, suggesting that the hydration events alter the rate of dormancy release during subsequent after-ripening. A hydrothermal priming time model, usually used for modeling the effect of priming on germination rate of nondormant seeds, was successfully applied to dormancy release resulting from the hydration treatments.


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Fire ephemerals are short-lived plants that primarily germinate after fire. Fresh and laboratory-stored seeds are difficult to germinate ex situ, even in response to fire-related cues such as heat and smoke. Seeds of eight Australian fire ephemeral species were buried in unburnt and recently burnt sites of natural bushland during autumn. Seeds were exhumed after 6 and 12 months and incubated in water and smoke water, either with or without a heat treatment at 70 degrees C for 1 h. Generally, germination did not increase after 6 months of burial, but after 12 months of burial germination was enhanced in seven of the eight species. Actinotus leucocephalus produced higher germination following 12 months of burial without any further treatment, and smoke water and heat further improved germination. The four Gyrostemonaceae species, Codonocarpus cotinifolius, Gyrostemon racemiger, Gyrostemon ramulosus and Tersonia cyathiflora, only germinated in the presence of smoke water, and their germination was enhanced by burial. Burial improved germination in response to a heat treatment in Grevillea scapigera and Alyogyne huegelii seeds, but did not enhance Alyogyne hakeifolia germination. During concurrent dry laboratory storage of seeds at 15 degrees C, only Actinotus leucocephalus produced increased germination in response to smoke water and heat over time. In summary, soil burial can alter the dormancy status of a number of Australian fire ephemeral seeds, rendering them more responsive to germination cues such as smoke water and heat. The requirement for a period of burial before seeds become responsive to smoke and/or heat would ensure that seeds persist in the soil until a subsequent fire, when there is an increase in nutrients available for growth and reduced competition from other plants.