56 resultados para Malaria Vaccines


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Although there is good evidence that immunity to the blood stages of malaria parasites can be mediated by different effector components of the adaptive immune system, target antigens for a principal component, effector CD4(+) T cells, have never been defined. We generated CD4+ T cell lines to fractions of native antigens from the blood stages of the rodent parasite, Plasmodium yoelii, and identified fraction-specific T cells that had a Th1 phenotype (producing IL-2, IFN-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor-a, but not IL-4, after antigenic stimulation). These T cells could inhibit parasite growth in recipient severe combined immunodeficient mice. N-terminal sequencing of the fraction showed identity with hypoxanthine guanine xanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGXPRT). Recombinant HGXPRT from the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, activated the T cells in vitro, and immunization of normal mice with recombinant HGXPRT reduced parasite growth rates in all mice after challenge.


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Although most of the Papua New Guinea highlands are too high for stable malaria transmission, local epidemics are a regular feature of the region. Few detailed descriptions of such epidemics are available, however. We describe the investigation of a malaria epidemic in the Obura Valley, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Of the 244 samples examined by microscopy, 6.6% were positive for Plasmodium falciparum only, 9.4% were positive for Plasmodium vivax only, and 1.2% were mixed infections. MSP2 and MSP3alpha genotyping and AMA1 sequencing were used to determine the genetic variation present in a sample of P. falciparum and P. vivax infections. The P. vivax infections were found to be genetically highly diverse. In contrast, all P. falciparum samples were of a single genotype. This striking difference in genetic diversity suggests endemic, low-level local transmission for P. vivax but an outside introduction of P. falciparum as the most likely source of the epidemic.


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The incidence and range of endemic malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax has expanded during the past 30 years. This parasite forms hypnozoites in the liver, creating a persistent reservoir of infection. Primaquine (PQ), introduced 50 years ago, is the only drug available to eliminate hypnozoites. However, lengthy treatment courses and follow-up periods are not conducive to assessing the effectiveness of this drug in preventing relapses. Resistance to standard therapy could be widespread. Studies are urgently needed to gauge this problem and to determine the safety, tolerability and efficacy of shorter courses and higher doses of PQ.


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The persistence of the E7 oncoprotein in transformed cells in human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cervical cancer provides a tumour-specific antigen to which immunotherapeutic strategies may be directed. Self-replicating RNA (replicon) vaccine vectors derived from the flavivirus Kunjin (KUN) have recently been reported to induce T-cell immunity. Here, we report that inclusion of a CTL epitope of HPV16 E7 protein into a polyepitope encoded by a KUN vector induced E7-directed T-cell responses and protected mice against challenge with an E7-expressing epithelial tumour. We found replicon RNA packaged into virus-like particles to be more effective than naked replicon RNA or plasmid DNA constructed to allow replicon RNA transcription in vivo. Protective immunity was induced although the E7 CTL epitope was subdominant in the context of other CTL epitopes in the polyepitope. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the KUN replicon vector system for inducing protective immunity directed towards a virally encoded human tumour-specific antigen, and for inducing multi-epitopic CTL responses. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background The degree of volume depletion in severe malaria is currently unknown, although knowledge of fluid compartment volumes can guide therapy. To assist management of severely ill children, and to test the hypothesis that volume changes in fluid compartments reflect disease severity, we measured body compartment volumes in Gabonese children with malaria. Methods and Findings Total body water volume (TBW) and extracellular water volume (ECW) were estimated in children with severe or moderate malaria and in convalescence by tracer dilution with heavy water and bromide, respectively. Intracellular water volume (ICW) was derived from these parameters. Bioelectrical impedance analysis estimates of TBW and ECW were calibrated and bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements were taken daily against dilution methods, until discharge. Sixteen children had severe and 19 moderate malaria. Severe childhood malaria was associated with depletion of TBW (mean [SD] of 37 [33] ml/kg, or 6.7% [6.0%]) relative to measurement at discharge. This is defined as mild dehydration in other conditions. ECW measurements were normal on admission in children with severe malaria and did not rise in the first few days of admission. Volumes in different compartments (TBW, ECW, and ICW) were not related to hyperlactataemia or other clinical and laboratory markers of disease severity. Moderate malaria was not associated with a depletion of TBW. Conclusions Significant hypovolaemia does not exacerbate complications of severe or moderate malaria. As rapid rehydration of children with malaria may have risks, we suggest that fluid replacement regimens should aim to correct fluid losses over 12-24 h.


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Malaria control strategies are more likely to be successful if groups at high risk can be accurately predicted. Given that mosquitoes have an obligate aquatic phase we were interested in determining how vector larval abundance relates to the spatial distribution of human malaria infection. We examined the relationship between malaria parasite prevalence and distance from vector larval habitat, and vector larval abundance and distance from human habitation, in separate studies in rural, low-endemic areas of the Philippines. Parasite prevalence among symptomatic patients was significantly higher among those living in proximity ( less than or equal to 50 m) to potential larval habitats of the major vector, Anopheles flavirostris (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 2.64, P = 0.02 and AOR 3.43, P = 0.04). A larval survey of A. flavirostris revealed a higher density of early and late instars near human habitation (adjusted P < 0.05). The results suggest that larvae are associated with human habitation, thereby reinforcing malaria risk in people living close to larval habitats. This has implications for understanding the interaction between vectors, hosts, and parasites, and the potential for success of localized malaria control measures.


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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is now recognized as a sensitive and specific method for detecting Plasmodium species in blood. In this Study. we tested 279 blood samples, from patients with Suspected malaria, by a PCR assay utilizing species-specific colorimetric detection. and compared the results to light microscopy. Overall, both assays were in agreement for 270 of the 279 specimens. P. vivax was detected in 131 (47.0%) specimens. P. falciparum in 64 (22.9%) specimens, P. ovale in 6 (2.1%) specimens, and P. malariae in 5 (1.8%) specimens. Both P. falciparum and P. vivax were detected in a further 10 (3.6%) specimens, and 54 (19.3%) specimens were negative by both assays. In the remaining nine specimens, microscopy either failed to detect the parasite or incorrectly identified the species present. In summary, the sensitivity, specificity and simplicity of the PCR assay makes it particularly suitable for use in a diagnostic laboratory. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Vaccines have been described as weapons of mass protection. The eradication of many diseases is testament to their utility and effectiveness. Nevertheless, many vaccine preventable diseases remain prevalent because of political and economic barriers. Additionally, the effects of immaturity and old age, therapies that incapacitate the adaptive immune system and the multitude of strategies evolved by pathogens to evade immediate or sustained recognition by the mammalian immune system are barriers to the effectiveness of existing vaccines or development of new vaccines. In the front line of defence against the pervasiness of infection are the elements of the innate immune system. Innate immunity is under studied and poorly appreciated. However, in the first days after entry of a pathogen into the body, our entire protective response is dependant upon the various elements of our innate immune repertoire. In spite of, its place as our initial defence against infection, attention is only now turning to strategies which enhance or supplement innate immunity. This review examines the need for and potential of innate immune therapies.


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Traditional vaccines consisting of whole attenuated micro-organisms. or microbial components administered with adjuvant, have been demonstrated as one of the most cost-effective and successful public health interventions. Their use in large scale immunisation programs has lead to the eradication of smallpox, reduced morbidity and mortality from many once common diseases, and reduced strain on health services. However, problems associated with these vaccines including risk of infection. adverse effects, and the requirement for refrigerated transport and storage have led to the investigation of alternative vaccine technologies. Peptide vaccines, consisting of either whole proteins or individual peptide epitopes, have attracted much interest, as they may be synthesised to high purity and induce highly specific immune responses. However, problems including difficulties stimulating long lasting immunity. and population MHC diversity necessitating multiepitopic vaccines and/or HLA tissue typing of patients complicate their development. Furthermore, toxic adjuvants are necessary to render them immunogenic. and as such non-toxic human-compatible adjuvants need to be developed. Lipidation has been demonstrated as a human compatible adjuvant for peptide vaccines. The lipid-core-peptide (LCP) system. incorporating lipid adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes, exhibits promise as a lipid-based peptide vaccine adjuvant. The studies reviewed herein investigate the use of the LCP system for developing vaccines to protect against group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. The studies demonstrate that LCP-based GAS vaccines are capable of inducing high-titres of antigen specific IgG antibodies. Furthermore. mice immunised with an LCP-based GAS vaccine were protected against challenge with 8830 strain GAS.


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We assessed monthly doses of tafenoquine for preventing Plasmodium vivax and multidrug-resistant P. falciparum malaria. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 205 Thai soldiers received either a loading dose of tafenoquine 400 mg ( base) daily for 3 days, followed by single monthly 400-mg doses (n = 104), or placebo (n = 101), for up to 5 consecutive months. In volunteers completing follow-up (96 tafenoquine and 91 placebo recipients), there were 22 P. vivax, 8 P. falciparum, and 1 mixed infection. All infections except 1 P. vivax occurred in placebo recipients, giving tafenoquine a protective efficacy of 97% for all malaria (95% confidence interval [CI], 82%-99%), 96% for P. vivax malaria (95% CI, 76%-99%), and 100% for P. falciparum malaria ( 95% CI, 60%-100%). Monthly tafenoquine was safe, well tolerated, and highly effective in preventing P. vivax and multidrug-resistant P. falciparum malaria in Thai soldiers during 6 months of prophylaxis.