64 resultados para Internet and VPN.
ISSUE ADDRESSED: To explore the feasibility of using the Internet and e-mail to promote physical activity in a defined community. METHODS: An online survey was conducted through a community-based Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP clients were recruited via electronic newsletter and direct e-mail. Data were collected on preferred sources of assistance for physical activity advice and stage of motivational readiness for physical activity. RESULTS: Valid surveys were completed by 797 (9% response rate). Participants were: 55% men; 56% aged >45 years; 57% worked full time; mean BMI was 28+/-8. Thirty-six per cent were in the early stages of motivational readiness for physical activity. More than 70% were somewhat to extremely interested in having access to a physical activity website. CONCLUSION: Promoting physical activity via the Internet and e-mail is feasible and appealing to some people. Expanding the reach, appeal and use of this technology to deliver physical activity programs will be a challenge.
Telemedicine promises to revolutionize medical care delivery in rural and remote areas. The ability to accurately evaluate physical impairment via the Internet is important to the possible future provision of Internet-based physiotherapy. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of assessing knee range of motion via the Internet. Two therapists evaluated knee angle on a single subject via two methods of assessment: the Internet and the traditional method (face-to-face). Nine random positions of the knee were chosen with the principal examiner performing 20 face-to-face and two sets of 20 Internet measures in each position (n=540). The secondary therapist performed Internet assessments only. The Internet connection was established at a readily available speed of 17 kbit/s. The Internet-based goniometer was found to be a valid tool for measuring both knee flexion and extension angles. It was shown to possess both high intra and inter-rater reliability. Difference average plots of the scores verified the consistency of measurement between both modes of assessment. The successful evaluation of the physical outcome measure of knee range of motion via the Internet assists the further development of Internet-based physiotherapy applications. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Internet enables access to information, services, support and participation in leisure opportunities. Some populations, including people with disabilities, lack access to these opportunities through the Internet. Barriers may include finances, physical access, lack of resources and inaccessible websites. Limited access to Internet training is an additional barrier for people with communication impairments. People with Parkinson's disease (PD) may have difficulty accessing usual Internet training due to high-level language, cognitive and physical limitations. Aphasia-friendly Internet training materials were trialed with this population to investigate if participants could learn to use the Internet and would benefit from Internet training. The tutors' experience was also investigated using qualitative measures. Seven people with PD were matched with volunteer tutors. These pairs met for six Internet training lessons using training materials available as a free download from: http://dexter.shrs.uq.edu.au/cdaru/aphasiagroups/. Pre and post-test Internet skills assessments and attitudinal questionnaires were conducted. Significant differences between pre and post-test scores were found. Participants reached varying levels of independence on Internet tasks. Favorable outcomes were reported by participants, and tutors reported a positive experience. Further investigation is recommended to determine the efficacy of this approach compared with other training avenues and with other communication-impaired populations. Practical and theoretical implications for speech pathology practice are discussed.
In this article, recent developments in the creation of web content, such as blogs and wikis, are surveyed with a focus on their role in technological and social innovation. The innovations associated with blogs and wikis are important in themselves, and the process of creative collaboration they represent is becoming central to technological progress in general. The internet and the world wide web, which have driven much of the economic growth of the past decade, were produced in this way. Standard assumptions about the competitive nature of innovation are undersupported in the new environment. If governments want to encourage the maximum amount of innovation in social production, they need to de-emphasize competition and emphasize creativity and cooperation.
A marker database was compiled for isolates of the potato and tomato late blight pathogen, Phytophthora infestans, originating from 41 locations which include 31 countries plus 10 regions within Mexico. Presently, the database contains information on 1,776 isolates for one or more of the following markers: restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) fingerprint consisting of 23 bands; mating type; dilocus allozyme genotype; mitochondrial DNA haplotype; sensitivity to the fungicide metalaxyl; and virulence. In the database, 305 entries have unique RFLP fingerprints and 258 entries have unique multilocus genotypes based on RFLP fingerprint, dilocus allozyme genotype, and mating type. A nomenclature is described for naming multilocus genotypes based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) two-letter country code and a unique number, Forty-two previously published multilocus genotypes are represented in the database with references to publications. As a result of compilation of the database, seven new genotypes were identified and named. Cluster analysis of genotypes from clonally propagated populations worldwide generally confirmed a previously published classification of old and new genotypes. Genotypes from geographically distant countries were frequently clustered, and several old and new genotypes were found in two or more distant countries. The cluster analysis also demonstrated that A2 genotypes from Argentina differed from all others. The database is available via the Internet, and thus can serve as a resource for Phytophthora workers worldwide.
Teleneurology is the use of telecommunications to improve the delivery of neurology services. A wide range of telecommunications techniques may be used, including the telephone, email, the Internet and videoconferencing. Teleneurology can improve access to specialist neurological services for patients all over the world. Teleneurology also deals with more specialized fields that are of interest to the neurological practitioner, such as neurophysiology and neuroradiology. The book combines comprehensive reviews of each topic with practical advice on all available telemedicine techniques and on navigating the Internet for the most up-to-date neurological information. The fifth in a line of best selling telemedicine titles edited by Richard Wootton, Teleneurology is written by experts from four continents, providing a succinct introduction to teleneurology. It should prove invaluable for practising neurologists in particular, but also for general practitioners, paramedical staff, health service managers and IT staff. [via]
Although a good deal of research exists both on computer-mediated communication(CMC) and on cross-cultural communication, rarely are the two areas brought together. In practice, however, extrapolation from one context to the other is common, with the internet and email being increasingly used to teach cross-cultural communication. What assumptions about the transfer of culture into cyberspace inform these practices? And are these assumptions well-founded? This paper explores practices of discussion on French and British internet media sites to determine the extent to which they reflect communicative practices elsewhere in those cultures. The case studies underline the importance of attending to the interaction between culture and genre, and have pedagogical implications for the use of such sites in the teaching of cross-cultural communication.