18 resultados para Geology, Stratigraphic -- Catalonia -- Montgrí Mountain


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Fine-grained pyrite is the earliest generation of pyrite and the most abundant sulfide within the Urquhart Shale at Mount Isa, northwest Queensland. The pyrite is intimately interbanded with ore-grade Pb-Zn miner alization at the Mount Isa mine but is also abundant north and south of the mine at several stratigraphic horizons within the Urquhart Shale. Detailed sedimentologic, petrographic, and sulfur isotope studies of the Urquhart Shale, mostly north of the mine, reveal that the fine-grained pyrite (delta(34)S = -3.3 to +26.3 parts per thousand) formed by thermochemical sulfate reduction during diagenesis. The sulfate source was local sulfate evaporites, pseudo morphs of which are present throughout the Urquhart Shale (i.e., gypsum, anhydrite, and barite). Deep-burial diagenetic replacement of these evaporites resulted in sulfate-bearing ground waters which migrated parallel to bedding. Fine-grained pyrite formed where these fluids infiltrated and then interacted with carbon-rich laminated siltstones. Comparison of the sulfur isotope systematics of fine-grained pyrite and spatially associated base metal sulfides from the Mount Isa Pb-Zn and Cu orebodies indicates a common sulfur source of ultimately marine origin for all sulfide types. Different sulfur isotope ratio distributions for the various sulfides are the result of contrasting formation mechanisms and/or depositional conditions rather than differing sulfur sources. The sulfur isotope systematics of the base metal and associated iron sulfide generations are consistent with mineralization by reduced hydrothermal fluids, perhaps generated by bulk reduction of evaporite-sourced sulfate-bearing waters generated deeper in the Mount Isa Group, the sedimentary sequence which contains the Urquhart Shale. The available sulfur isotope data from the Mount Isa orebodies are consistent with either a chemically and thermally zoned, evolving Cu-Pb-Zn system, or discrete Cu and Pb-Zn mineralizing events linked by a common sulfur source.


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Authigenic carbonate minerals are ubiquitous throughout the Late Permian coal measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. In the northern Bowen Basin, carbonates include the following assemblages: siderite I (delta O-18(SMOW) = +11.4 to + 17%, delta C-13(PDB) = - 5.3 to + 120), Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite II mineral association (delta O-18(SMOW) = +7.2 to + 10.20, delta C-13(PDB) = 10.9 to - 1.80 for ankerite) and a later calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +5.9 to + 14.60, delta C-13(PDB) = -11.4 to + 4.40). In the southern Bowen Basin, the carbonate phase consists only of calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +12.5 to + 14.80, delta C-13(PDB) = -19.4 to + 0.80), where it occurs extensively throughout all stratigraphic levels. Siderite I occurs in mudrocks and sandstones and predates all other carbonate minerals. This carbonate phase is interpreted to have formed as an early diagenetic mineral from meteoric waters under cold climate and reducing conditions. Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite Il occur in sandstones as replacement of volcanic rock fragments. Clay minerals (illite-smectite, chlorite and kaolinite) postdate Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates, and precipitation of the later calcite is associated with clay mineral formation. The Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates and later calcite of the northern Bowen Basin are regarded as having formed as a result of hydrothermal activity during the latest Triassic extensional tectonic event which affected this part of the basin, rather than deep burial diagenesis during the Middle to Late Triassic as previously reported. This hypothesis is based on the timing relationships of the authigenic mineral phases and the low delta O-18 values of ankerite and calcite, together with radiometric dating of illitic clays and recently published regional geological evidence. Following the precipitation of the Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates from strongly O-18-depleted meteoric-hydrothermal fluids, continuing fluid circulation and water-rock interaction resulted in dissolution of these carbonate phases as well as labile fragments of volcaniclastic rocks. Subsequently, the later calcite and day minerals precipitated from relatively evolved (O-18-enriched) fluids. The nearly uniform delta O-18 values of the southern Bowen Basin calcite have been attributed to very low water/rock ratio in the system, where the fluid isotropic composition was buffered by the delta O-18 values of rocks. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Examples from the Murray-Darling basin in Australia are used to illustrate different methods of disaggregation of reconnaissance-scale maps. One approach for disaggregation revolves around the de-convolution of the soil-landscape paradigm elaborated during a soil survey. The descriptions of soil ma units and block diagrams in a soil survey report detail soil-landscape relationships or soil toposequences that can be used to disaggregate map units into component landscape elements. Toposequences can be visualised on a computer by combining soil maps with digital elevation data. Expert knowledge or statistics can be used to implement the disaggregation. Use of a restructuring element and k-means clustering are illustrated. Another approach to disaggregation uses training areas to develop rules to extrapolate detailed mapping into other, larger areas where detailed mapping is unavailable. A two-level decision tree example is presented. At one level, the decision tree method is used to capture mapping rules from the training area; at another level, it is used to define the domain over which those rules can be extrapolated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Evolution of localized folding patterns in layered elastic and visco-elastic materials is reviewed in the context of compressed geological systems. The thin strut or plate embedded in a visco-elastic medium is used as an archetypal example to describe localized buckles which, in contrast to those from earlier formulations, appear in the absence of triggering imperfections. Structural and material effects are surveyed and important nonlinear characteristics are identified. A brief review of possible methods of analysis is conducted.


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Pasminco Century Mine has developed a geophysical logging system to provide new data for ore mining/grade control and the generation of Short Term Models for mine planning. Previous work indicated the applicability of petrophysical logging for lithology prediction, however, the automation of the method was not considered reliable enough for the development of a mining model. A test survey was undertaken using two diamond drilled control holes and eight percussion holes. All holes were logged with natural gamma, magnetic susceptibility and density. Calibration of the LogTrans auto-interpretation software using only natural gamma and magnetic susceptibility indicated that both lithology and stratigraphy could be predicted. Development of a capability to enforce stratigraphic order within LogTrans increased the reliability and accuracy of interpretations. After the completion of a feasibility program, Century Mine has invested in a dedicated logging vehicle to log blast holes as well as for use in in-fill drilling programs. Future refinement of the system may lead to the development of GPS controlled excavators for mining ore.


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Conservation of biodiversity can generate considerable indirect economic value and this is being increasingly recognized in China. For a forest ecosystem type of a nature reserve, the most important of its values are its ecological functions which provide human beings and other living things with beneficial environmental services. These services include water conservancy, soil protection, CO2 fixation and O-2 release, nutrient cycling, pollutant decomposition, and disease and pest control. Based on a case study in Changbaishan Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeast China, this paper provides a monetary valuation of these services by using opportunity cost and alternative cost methods. Using such an approach, this reserve is valued at 510.11 million yuan (USD 61.68 mill.) per year, 10 times higher than the opportunity cost (51.78 mill. yuan/ha.a) for regular timber production. While China has heeded United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)'s call for economic evaluation of ecological functions, the assessment techniques used need to be improved in China and in the West for reasons mentioned.


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A well-preserved palynoflora is reported from within a cored interval of a coal-exploratory borehole (1-UN-23-PI of the Geological Survey of Brazil) in the southern part of the Parnaiba Basin, northeastern Brazil. The sample studied is from the lower portion of the Piaui Formation. Its palynoflora is characterized by particular abundance of the trilete cavate/pseudosaccate miospores Spelaeotriletes triangulus Neves and Owens, 1966 and S. arenaceus Neves and Owens, 1966, together with cingulizonate forms mainly attributable to Vallatisporites Hacquebard, 1957 and Cristatisporites R. Potonie and Kremp emend. Butterworth et al., 1964. Radially and bilaterally symmetrical monosaccate pollen grains are also well-represented, chiefly by Plicatipollenites Lele, 1964 and Potonieisporites Bhardwaj, 1954, respectively. Taeniate grains (i.e., monosaccates and bisaccates) are relatively minor constituents of the palynoflora; no marine microplankton were encountered. Several species are described in detail : the trilete apiculate spores Brevitriletes levis (Balme and Hennelly) Bharadwaj and Srivastava, 1969 and Horriditriletes uruguaiensis (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky and Gamerro, 1979; and the taeniate pollen grains Meristocorpus ostentus sp. nov. and Lahirites segmentatus sp. nov. A Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous : late Westphalian) age is adduced for the palynoflora via its correlation with part of the Tapajos Group (specifically, the upper Itaituba Formation) of the Amazonas Basin in northern Brazil. The entirely land-derived palynomorphs, associated with abundant plant debris, corroborate previous suggestions that the lower part of the Piaui Formation accumulated in a nonmarine setting under conditions of aridity.


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Core samples from an upper Palaeozoic, partly glaciogene borehole section (Ordóñez: YPF Cd O es-1) in the southern Chaco-Paraná Basin (Córdoba Province, northeastern Argentina) have produced variable palynological results. Samples from the lower part of the section (i.e., from the diamictite-bearing upper Ordóñez Formation) proved non-palyniferous. Those from the overlying, essentially post-glacial Victoriano Rodríguez Formation yielded spore-pollen assemblages in varying concentrations and in good to excellent states of preservation, thus providing the material basis for the present account. The palynomorph taxa represented in the assemblages comprise 20 species of spores (distributed among 14 genera) and 25 species of pollen grains (14 genera). The majority of the species are described in systematic detail. One trilete spore species -Convolutispora archangelskyi- is newly proposed. Several other, possibly new species (three of trilete spores, one of monosaccate pollen) are represented insufficiently for other than informal naming. The following new combinations, also of trilete spore species, are instituted: Converrucosisporites confluens (Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979), C. micronodosus (Balme & Hennelly, 1956), and Anapiculatisporites tereteangulatus (Balme & Hennelly, 1956). Sculptural intergradation (granulate through verrucate) among three species -Granulatisporites austroamericanus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, C. confluens, and C. micronodosus- prompts their informal grouping, proposed herein, as the Converrucosisporites confluens Morphon, which is also recognizable elsewhere in the Gondwanan Permian. The possibility, if not the likelihood, that G. austroamericanus is conspecific with Microbaculispora tentula Tiwari, 1965 is canvassed. The palynologically productive borehole section of the Victoriano Rodríguez Formation studied here is assignable to the middle to upper Cristatisporites Zone and to the succeeding Striatites Zone, thus signifying an Early Permian age for this section and facilitating correlation with strata of the Paraná and Paganzo Basins. From this and prior work, the Ordóñez well sequence embracing the Ordóñez and Victoriano Rodríguez Formations includes, in addition to the latter two zones, the preceding (late Pennsylvanian) Potonieisporites-Lundbladispora Zone which is known from the lower to mid-upper part of the Ordóñez Formation. Thus, the Carboniferous-Permian boundary can be inferred to lie within the upper part of the latter formation