43 resultados para Fungal spores morphology


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We studied the relationships among plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal diversity, and their effects on ecosystem function, in a series of replicate tropical forestry plots in the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Forestry plots were 12 yr old and were either monocultures of three tree species, or polycultures of the tree species with two additional understory species. Relationships among the AM fungal spore community, host species, plant community diversity and ecosystem phosphorus-use efficiency (PUE) and net primary productivity (NPP) were assessed. Analysis of the relative abundance of AM fungal spores found that host tree species had a significant effect on the AM fungal community, as did host plant community diversity (monocultures vs polycultures). The Shannon diversity index of the AM fungal spore community differed significantly among the three host tree species, but was not significantly different between monoculture and polyculture plots. Over all the plots, significant positive relationships were found between AM fungal diversity and ecosystem NPP, and between AM fungal community evenness and PUE. Relative abundance of two of the dominant AM fungal species also showed significant correlations with NPP and PUE. We conclude that the AM fungal community composition in tropical forests is sensitive to host species, and provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the diversity of AM fungi in tropical forests and ecosystem NPP covaries.


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Microscopic identification of organic residues in situ on the surface of archaeological artefacts is an established procedure. Where soil components morphologically similar to use-residue types exist within the soil, however, there remains the possibility that these components may be misidentified as authentic residues. The present study investigates common soil components known as conidia, fungal spores which may be mistaken for starch grains. Conidia may exhibit the rotating extinction cross under cross-polarised light commonly diagnostic of starch, and may be morphologically indistinguishable from small starch grains, particularly at the limits of microscope resolution. Conidia were observed on stone and ceramic archaeological artefacts from Honduras, Palau and New Caledonia, as well as experimental artefacts from Papua New Guinea. The findings act as a caution that in situ analysis of residues, and especially of those less than 5 mu m in size, may be subject to misidentification. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sections of microspores, some cingulate, one zonate and one saccate, are discussed and illustrated. It is shown that sections aid the elucidation of wall structures; thus diagnoses can be more precisely written and this may eventually remove some classificatory difficulties. A sectioning technique is described.


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Sections of four lower Carboniferous dispersed-spore species, Labiadensites fimbriatus (Waltz) Hacquebard and Barss, Cristatisporites echinatus Playford, Camptozonotriletes velatus (Waltz) Playford, and Spinozonotriletes uncatus Hacquebard, are discussed and illustrated.


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Phylogenies of trematodes based on characters derived from morphology and life cycles have been controversial. Here, we add molecular data to the phylogenetic study of a group of trematodes, members of the superfamily Hemiuroidea Looss, 1899. DNA sequences from the V4 domain of the nuclear small subunit (18S) rRNA gene and a matrix of morphological characters modified from a previous study were used. There was no significant incongruence between the molecular and the morphological data. However, this was probably due largely to the limited resolving power of the morphological data. Analyses support a monophyletic Hemiuroidea containing at least the families Accacoeliidae, Derogenidae, Didymozoidae, Hirudinellidae, Sclerodistomidae, Syncoeliidae, Isoparorchiidae, Lecithasteridae, and Hemiuridae. These families fall into two principal clades. One contains the first six families and the other the Hemiuridae and lecithasterine lecithasterids. The positions of the hysterolecithine lecithasterids and the Isoparorchiidae were poorly resolved. The Ptychogonimidae may be the sister group of the remaining Hemiuroidea, but there was no support from the molecular data for the placement of the Azygiidae within the superfamily. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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The gross morphology, histology, and ultrastructure of the thyroid gland of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, is described. Generally, the glands were found to contain large-diameter follicles in association with an epithelium of low height. Morphometric analysis demonstrated a high relative thyroid weight (0.3 +/- 0.2 g/kg) for koalas compared with the 0.07-0.24 g/kg typical of eutherian mammals and 0.03-0.1 g/kg found in other marsupials. The relative thyroid weight of glands (0.33 +/- 0.21 g/kg) from the coastal population (less than 28 km from the coastline) was found to be significantly higher (ANOVA: P = 0.007, significant at the 1% level) than that for glands (0.21 +/- 0.11 g/kg) of noncoastal koalas (greater than 28 km from the coastline). Follicle size was positively correlated (at the 0.1% level) with relative thyroid weight in the overall koala sample. The presence of C cells, occurring singly in the epithelial layer, was demonstrated in electron micrographs. Structural features such as low epithelial height, large follicle length and width, and large intercellular spaces in association with low concentrations of free TS (3.3 +/- 2.1 pM) and free T-3 (1.4 +/- 0.9 pM) as reported previously (Lawson et al., 1996) are consistent with an unusually low level of glandular activity in the koala thyroid even though iodine concentrations in the thyroid gland [4.7 +/- 1.6 mg/g (dry weight)] as well as leaf [0.8 +/- 0.3 mu g (dry weight)] and soil samples [3.8 mu g/g (dry weight)] from the koalas' habitat appear unremarkable. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Fungal growth in time and space at the substrate surface was modelled for a simple system mimicking solid-state fermentation, using a polycarbonate Nucleopore membrane laid over a glucose solution. Biomass production depends on both tip density and the diffusion of glucose within the fungal hyphae. The model predicts early increases in both height and concentration, followed by a period in which the biomass profile moves with a constant wavefront. The rate of increase in height increases as tip diffusivity increases or as the Monod saturation constant for glucose decreases.


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Incubation temperature and the amount of water taken up by eggs from the substrate during incubation affects hatchling size and morphology in many oviparous reptiles. The Brisbane river turtle Emydura signata lays hard-shelled eggs and hatchling mass was unaffected by the amount of water gained or lost during incubation. Constant temperature incubation of eggs at 24 degrees C, 26 degrees C, 28 degrees C and 31 degrees C had no effect on hatchling mass, yolk-free hatchling mass, residual yolk mass, carapace length, carapace width, plastron length or plastron width. However, hatchlings incubated at 26 degrees C and 28 degrees C had wider heads than hatchlings incubated at 24 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Incubation period varied inversely with incubation temperature, while the rate of increase in oxygen consumption during the first part of incubation and the peak rate of oxygen consumption varied directly with incubation temperature. The total amount of oxygen consumed during development and hatchling production cost was significantly greater at 24 degrees C than at 26 degrees C, 28 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Hatchling mass and dimensions and total embryonic energy expenditure was directly proportional to initial egg mass.


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At the present time, it is clear that Th1 responses afford protection against the fungi; however, the development, maintenance and function of the protective immune responses are complex mechanisms and are influenced by multiple factors. The route of infection has been shown to affect initial cytokine production and, consequently, the induction of protective Th1 responses. The ability of different isolates of the same fungal agent to induce and sustain a protective response has also been emphasized. Protective immune responses have been shown to vary in genetically different mouse strains after infection. In addition, these protective responses, such as cellular influx and cytokine production, also vary within the same animal depending on the tissue infected. The functional dominance of certain cytokines over others in influencing development and maintenance of protective responses has been discussed. Certain cytokines may act differently in hosts lacking important components of their innate or immune repertoire. It is evident from these presentations that a more comprehensive understanding of the protective mechanisms against different fungal agents is emerging. However, there is still much to learn before cytokine modulatory therapy can be used effectively without risk in the human host.


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Three different aspects of the morphological organisation of deep-sea fish retinae are reviewed: First, questions of general cell biological relevance are addressed with respect to the development and proliferation patterns of photoreceptors, and problems associated with the growth of multibank retinae, and with outer segment renewal are discussed in situations where there is no direct contact between the retinal pigment epithelium and the tips of rod outer segments. The second part deals with the neural portion of the deep-sea fish retina. Cell densities are greatly reduced, yet neurohistochemistry demonstrates that all major neurotransmitters and neuropeptides found in other vertebrate retinae are also present in deep-sea fish. Quantitatively, convergence rates in unspecialised parts of the retina are similar to those in nocturnal mammals. The differentiation of horizontal cells makes it unlikely that species with more than a single visual pigment are capable of colour vision. In the third part. the diversity of deep-sea fish retinae is highlighted. Based on the topography of ganglion cells, species are identified with areae or foveae located in various parts of the retina, giving them a greatly improved spatial resolving power in specific parts of their visual fields. The highest degree of specialisation is found in tubular eyes. This is demonstrated in a case study of the scopelarchid retina, where as many as seven regions with different degrees of differentiation can be distinguished, ranging from an area giganto cellularis, regions with grouped rods to retinal diverticulum. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the detection of living colonies of nano-organisms (nanobes) on Triassic and Jurassic sandstones and other substrates. Nanobes have cellular structures that are strikingly similar in morphology to Actinomycetes and fungi (spores, filaments, and fruiting bodies) with the exception that they are up to 10 times smaller in diameter (20 nm to 1.0 mu m). Nanobes are noncrystalline structures that are composed of C, O, and N. Ultra thin sections of nanobes show the existence of an outer layer or membrane that may represent a cell wall. This outer layer surrounds an electron dense region interpreted to be the cytoplasm and a less electron dense central region that may represent a nuclear area. Nanobes show a positive reaction to three DNA stains, [4',6-diamidino-2 phenylindole (DAPI), Acridine Orange, and Feulgen], which strongly suggests that nanobes contain DNA. Nanobes are communicable and grow in aerobic conditions at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperatures. While morphologically distinct, nanobes are in the same size range as the controversial fossil nannobacteria described by others in various rock types and in the Martian meteorite ALH84001.


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The severity of systemic infection with the yeast Candida albicans has been shown to be under complex genetic control. C57/L mice carry an allele that is associated with an increase in tissue destruction when compared with C57BI/6 mice; however, the gene affects only the severity of tissue lesions, and does not influence the magnitude of the fungal burden in either kidney or brain. Studies in [C57/L x C57BI/6]F1 hybrid mice, and [C57/L x C57BI/6]F1 x C57/L backcross mice, demonstrated that the gene behaves as a simple Mendelian co-dominant. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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There is no morphological synapomorphy for the disparate digeneans, the Fellodistomidae Nicoll, 1909. Although all known life-cycles of the group include bivalves as first intermediate hosts, there is no convincing morphological synapomorphy that can be used to unite the group. Sequences from the V4 region of small subunit (18S) rRNA genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among 13 species of Fellodistomidae from four subfamilies and eight species from seven other digenean families: Bivesiculidae; Brachylaimidae; Bucephalidae; Gorgoderidae; Gymnophallidae; Opecoelidae; and Zoogonidae. Outgroup comparison was made initially with an aspidogastrean. Various species from the other digenean families were used as outgroups in subsequent analyses. Three methods of analysis indicated polyphyly of the Fellodistomidae and at least two independent radiations of the subfamilies, such that they were more closely associated with other digeneans than to each other. The Tandanicolinae was monophyletic (100% bootstrap support) and was weakly associated with the Gymnophallidae (< 50-55% bootstrap support). Monophyly of the Baccigerinae was supported with 78-87% bootstrap support, and monophyly of the Zoogonidae + Baccigerinae received 77-86% support. The remaining fellodistomid species, Fellodistomum fellis, F. agnotum and Coomera brayi (Fellodistominae) plus Proctoeces maculatus and Complexobursa sp. (Proctoecinae), formed a separate clade with 74-92% bootstrap support. On the basis of molecular, morphological and life-cycle evidence, the subfamilies Baccigerinae and Tandanicolinae are removed from the Fellodistomidae and promoted to familial status. The Baccigerinae is promoted under the senior synonym Faustulidae Poche, 1926, and the Echinobrevicecinae Dronen, Blend & McEachran, 1994 is synonymised with the Faustulidae. Consequently, species that were formerly in the Fellodistomidae are now distributed in three families: Fellodistomidae; Faustulidae (syn. Baccigerinae Yamaguti, 1954); and Tandanicolidae Johnston, 1927. We infer that the use of bivalves as intermediate hosts by this broad range of families indicates multiple host-switching events within the radiation of the Digenea.


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This paper describes the ocular morphology of young adults of the southern hemisphere lamprey Geotria australis, the sole representative of the Geotriidae, and makes comparisons with those of holarctic lampreys (Petromyzontidae). As previously reported for the holarctic lamprey Ichthyomyzon unicuspis [Collin and Fritzsch, 1993], the lens of G. australis is non-spherical and possesses a cone-shaped posterior that may be capable of mediating variable focus. The avascular retina of G. australis is well differentiated, containing three retinal ganglion cell populations, three layers of horizontal cells and three photoreceptor types, in contrast to petromyzontids that contain only two photoreceptor types (short and long), G. australis possesses one rod-like (R1) and two cone-like (C1 and C2) photoreceptors. Although the rodlike receptor in G. australis may be homologous with the short receptors of holarctic lampreys, the two cone-like receptors have morphological characteristics that differ markedly from those of the long receptors of their holarctic counterparts. The features which distinguish the two cone-like receptors from those of the long receptor type in holarctic lampreys are the characteristics of the mitochondria and the presence of large amounts of two different types of stored secretory material in the endoplasmic reticulum of the myoid (refractile bodies). The endoplasmic reticulum of each receptor type has a different shape and staining profile and is polymorphic, each showing a continuum of distension. It is proposed that the presence of two cone-like photoreceptors with different characteristics would increase the spectral range of G. australis and thus be of value during the parasitic phase, when this lamprey lives in the surface marine waters. The irideal flap, present in G. australis but not petromyzontids, would assist in reducing intraocular flare during life in surface waters. The results of this study, which are discussed in the context of the proposed evolution of lampreys, emphasise that it is important to take into account the characteristics of the eyes of southern hemisphere lampreys when making generalizations about the eyes of lampreys as a whole.


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The reproductive system of many female Therevidae has a sac-like structure associated with the spermathecae. This structure, termed the spermathecal sac, has not been recorded previously from any other Diptera and appears unique to certain members of the Therevidae. There is enormous variety in spermathecal sac size and shape, with greatest development in the Australasian Therevidae. A histological examination of the reproductive system of two;Australian therevids, Agapophytus albobasalis Mann and Ectinorhynchus variabilis (Macquart) (Diptera: Asiloidea), reveals that the spermathecal sacs are cuticle-lined and that the intima is frequently highly folded. In some mated individuals, sperm was found within the spermathecal sac, suggesting that sperm and perhaps male accessory gland material is deposited there during copulation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.