143 resultados para Estuarine cyanobacteria


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The apparent absence of salt glands in marine and estuarine Crocodilia has long been a puzzle. However, we have identified glands in the tongue of Crocodylus porosus which exude a concentrated secretion of sodium chloride. The glands are similar in ultrastructure to other reptilian salt glands and undoubtedly play a major role in electrolyte regulation.


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In natural estuaries, the predictions of scalar dispersion are rarely predicted accurately because of a lack of fundamental understanding of the turbulence structure in estuaries. Herein detailed turbulence field measurements were conducted continuously at high frequency for 50 hours in the upper zone of a small subtropical estuary with semi-diurnal tides. Acoustic Doppler velocimetry was deemed the most appropriate measurement technique for such shallow water depths (less than 0.4 m at low tides), and a thorough post-processing technique was applied. In addition, some experiments were conducted in laboratory under controlled conditions using water and soil samples collected in the estuary to test the relationship between acoustic backscatter strength and suspended sediment load. A striking feature of the field data set was the large fluctuations in all turbulence characteristics during the tidal cycle, including the suspended sediment flux. This feature was rarely documented.


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Kidney function and the role of the cloacal complex in osmoregulation was investigated in estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) exposed to three environmental salinities: hypo-, iso- and hyperosmotic to the plasma. Plasma homeostasis was maintained over the range of salinities. Antidiuresis occurred with increased salinity. Although urine from the kidneys retained an osmotic pressure between 77% and 82% of the plasma, over 93% and 98% of plasma chloride filtered at the glomeruli was reabsorbed during passage through the kidneys under hypo and hyperosmotic conditions, respectively, and only 64% in iso-osmotic water. The kidneys were the primary site of sodium reabsorption under hypo-and hyperosmotic conditions. Secondary processing of urine during storage in the cloaca varied with salinity. During post renal storage of urine, the difference in urine osmotic pressure increased from -26.1 +/- 15.5 to 35.66 +/- 9.29 mOsM with increased salinity, and potassium concentration of urine increased over 3-fold in C. porosus from freshwater. The almost complete reabsorption of both sodium and chloride under hyperosmotic conditions indicates the necessity for secretory activity by the lingual salt glands. The osmoregulatory response of the kidneys and cloacal complex to environmental salinity is both plastic and complementary. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.


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Peptidergic mechanisms influencing the resistance of the gastrointestinal vascular bed of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. The gut was perfused in situ via the mesenteric and the celiac arteries, and the effects of different neuropeptides were tested using bolus injections. Effects on vascular resistance were recorded as changes in inflow pressures. Peptides found in sensory neurons [substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)] all caused significant relaxation of the celiac vascular bed, as did vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), another well-known vasodilator. Except for VIP, the peptides also induced transitory gut contractions. Somatostatin and neuropeptide Y (NPY), which coexist in adrenergic neurons of the C. porosus, induced vasoconstriction in the celiac vascular bed without affecting the gut motility. Galanin caused vasoconstriction and occasionally activated the gut wall. To elucidate direct effects on individual vessels, the different peptides were tested on isolated ring preparations of the mesenteric and celiac arteries. Only CGRP and VIP relaxed the epinephrine-precontracted celiac artery, whereas the effects on the mesenteric artery were variable. Somatostatin and NPY did not affect the resting tonus of these vessels, but somatostatin potentiated the epinephrine-induced contraction of the celiac artery. Immunohistochemistry revealed the existence and localization of the above-mentioned peptides in nerve fibers innervating vessels of different sizes in the gut region. These data support the hypothesis of an important role for neuropeptides in the control of the vascular bed of the gastrointestinal tract in C. porosus.


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The effect of N-2 respiration on cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity on the dorsal surface of cerebellum was examined in the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, using epi-illumination microscopy. Twelve minutes of N-2 respiration resulted in a 126% increase in CBF velocity. N-2 respiration had no effect on blood pressure, indicating an underlying cerebral vasodilation. In addition, heart rate increased significantly. Systemic injections of aminophylline and the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (L-NA) did not affect the hypoxia induced increase in CBF. We conclude that C. porosus responds to hypoxia with adenosine and nitric oxide (NO) independent cerebral vasodilation, and that this is likely to be a mechanism protecting the brain from energy deficiency during prolonged dives. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cloacal complex of Crocodylus porosus is composed of three chambers (proctodaeum, urodaeum, and coprodaeum) separated by tight, muscular sphincters. The proctodaeum is proximal to the cloacal vent and houses the genitalia. The urodaeum is the largest chamber, is capable of storing large quantities of urine, and is lined with an epithelium with the capacity for transepithelial water and ion exchange. The coprodaeum, the most orad cloacal chamber, is a small, only marginally expandable chamber that has an epithelium composed almost entirely of mucus-secreting cells. The coprodaeum and lower intestine are reported to be the site(s) for urine modification in birds and bladderless lizards. A radiographic trace of urine storage in C. porosus kept for 2 months under hyperosmotic conditions showed no signs of retrograde movement of urine into the coprodaeum or rectum. Instead, urine was stored in the urodaeum of C. porosus. Examination of the mucosal surface of the urodaeum by SEM showed a plastic response to environmental salinity, with a possible increase in surface area in animals kept in hyperosmotic water compared with animals from fresh water. We propose the urodaeum as the primary site for postrenal modification of urine in C, porosus. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Understanding the triggers for some cyanobacteria of the Nostocales and Stigonematales orders to produce specialised reproductive cells termed akinetes, is very important to gain further insights into their ecology. By improving our understanding of their life cycle, appropriate management options may be devised to control the formation of these cells, and therefore the potential bloom inoculum which they are thought to provide, may be reduced. This study investigated the effect of chemical (phosphorus limitation), and environmental variables (temperature shock) on akinete differentiation in the freshwater cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (AWT 205/1). From the preliminary results, it is suggested that the availability of phosphorus and changes in temperature were a necessary requirement for the formation of akinetes in this particular strain of C. raciborskii. In the four phosphorus treatments investigated (0, 3, 38 and 75 mug l(-1) P), only the two higher treatments produced akinetes (approximately 220 ml(-1)). When the first akinetes were observed in the 38 and 75 mug l(-1) P treatments, filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP) concentrations in the medium were approximately 22 and 52 mug l(-1) P, respectively, indicating that there was no phosphorus limitation. In the temperature shock experiment, akinetes were observed in the 15 and 20degreesC treatments. However, akinetes were degraded (pale yellow colour, limited swelling and shrivelled edges) and in much lower concentrations, which was thought to be a result of the daily temperature shock. We suggest that the formation of akinetes in C. raciborskii (AWT 205/1) can be triggered by an initial temperature shock and that phosphorus is a necessary requirement to allow further growth and full development of akinetes.


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A strain of Cylindrospermopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fishpond in Thailand was examined for its taxonomy based upon morphology and 16S rRNA gene sequence. It was also examined for production of the hepatotoxic cyanotoxin called cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxycylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). The strain (CY-Thai) was identified as C. raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenaya and Subba Raju based upon morphological examination which was confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequences and phylogenetic comparisons based upon its 16S rRNA gene. The alkaloid heptatotoxin CYN was confirmed using mouse bioassay, HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS while deoxy-CYN was confirmed using HPLC-MS/MS. The mouse bioassay gave a minimum lethal dose at 250 mg dry weight cells/kg body weight within 24 h and 125 mg/kg at 72 h, with signs of poisoning the same as in literature reports for CYN. HPLC chromatographic comparison of the CY-Thai toxin with standard CYN gave the same retention time and an absorbance maximum at 262 nm. HPLC-MS/MS confirmed the presence of CYN (M + H 416) and deoxy-CYN (M + H 400). The CYN content in strain CY-Thai was estimated at 1.02 mg/g and approximately 1/10 of this amount for deoxy-CYN. This is the first report from Asia of a CYN, deoxy-CYN producing Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An outbreak of acute liver failure occurred at a dialysis center in Caruaru, Brazil (8 degrees 17 'S, 35 degrees 58 'W), 134 km from Recife, the state capital of Pernambuco. At the clinic, 116 (89%) of 131 patients experienced visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting after routine hemodialysis treatment on 13-20 February 1996. Subsequently, 100 patients developed acute liver failure, and of these 76 died. As of December 1996, 52 of the deaths could be attributed to a common syndrome now called Caruaru syndrome. Examination of phytoplankton from the dialysis clinic's water source, analyses of the clinic's water treatment system, plus serum and liver tissue of clinic patients led to the identification of two groups of cyanobacterial toxins, the hepatotoxic cyclic peptide microcystins and the hepatotoxic alkaloid cylindrospermopsin. Comparison of victims' symptoms and pathology using animal studies of these two cyanotoxins leads us to conclude that the major contributing factor to death of the dialyses patients was intravenous exposure to microcystins, specifically microcystin-YR, -LR, and -AR. From liver concentrations and exposure volumes, it was estimated that 19.5 mug/L microcystin was in the water used for dialysis treatments. This is 19.5 times the level set as a guideline for safe drinking water supplies by the World. Health Organization.


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The effects of five neuropeptides (CGRP, SOM, SP, NPY, VIP), L-NAME (nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), and adrenaline on the contractile tone of the aortic anastomosis in the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. None of the neuropeptides, which had previously been found to be present in the aortic anastomosis, had any direct effect on the tension developed by ring preparations. L-NAME itself significantly increased the basal tone of the vascular ring preparations, suggesting a tonic release of nitric oxide in the preparation. Adrenaline produced concentration-dependent vasoconstrictions that were counteracted by profound reflex vasodilatations that were susceptible to blockade by L-NAME. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of nitric oxide synthase and tyrosine hydroxylase-containing (indicating the presence of a adrenergic innervation) nerve fibres in the adventitia and adventitio-medial border of the aortic anastomosis. These data demonstrate opposing actions of adrenaline and nitric oxide on the vascular smooth muscle in the anastomosis of the C. porosus. The morphology of the anastomosis, with the extremely thick muscular vessel wall, suggests a sphincter-like function for this vessel that could be controlled mainly by adrenergic and nitrergic mechanisms, (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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As a component of archaeological investigations on the central Queensland coast, a series of five marine shell specimens live-collected between A.D. 1904 and A.D. 1929 and 11 shell/ charcoal paired samples from archaeological contexts were radiocarbon dated to determine local DeltaR values. The object of the study was to assess the potential influence of localized variation in marine reservoir effect in accurately determining the age of marine and estuarine shell from archaeological deposits in the area. Results indicate that the routinely applied DeltaR value of -5 +/- 35 for northeast Australia is erroneously calculated. The determined values suggest a minor revision to Reimer and Reimer's (2000) recommended value for northeast Australia from DeltaR = +11 +/- 5 to + 12 +/- 7, and specifically for central Queensland to DeltaR = +10 +/- 7, for near-shore open marine environments. In contrast, data obtained from estuarine shell/charcoal pairs demonstrate a general lack of consistency, suggesting estuary-specific patterns of variation in terrestrial carbon input and exchange with the open ocean. Preliminary data indicate that in some estuaries, at some time periods, a DeltaR value of more than - 155 +/- 55 may be appropriate, In estuarine contexts in central Queensland, a localized estuary-specific correction factor is recommended to account for geographical and temporal variation in C-14 activity. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals.


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The effect of heating and cooling on heart rate in the estuarine crocodile Crocodylus porosus was studied in response to different heat transfer mechanisms and heat loads. Three heating treatments were investigated. C. porosus were: (1) exposed to a radiant heat source under dry conditions; (2) heated via radiant energy while half-submerged in flowing water at 23degreesC and (3) heated via convective transfer by increasing water temperature from 23degreesC to 35degreesC. Cooling was achieved in all treatments by removing the heat source and with C. porosus half-submerged in flowing water at 23degreesC. In all treatments, the heart rate of C. porosus increased markedly in response to heating and decreased rapidly with the removal of the heat source. Heart rate during heating was significantly faster than during cooling at any given body temperature, i.e. there was a significant heart rate hysteresis. There were two identifiable responses to heating and cooling. During the initial stages of applying or removing the heat source, there was a dramatic increase or decrease in heart rate ('rapid response'), respectively, indicating a possible cardiac reflex. This rapid change in heart rate with only a small change or no change in body temperature (


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We assayed mtDNA haplotype [300 base pairs (bp) control region] geography and genealogy in the Indo-Pacific tasselfish, Polynemus sheridani from its contiguous estuarine distribution across northern Australia (n = 169). Eight estuaries were sampled from three oceanographic regions (Timor Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea) to assess the impact of Pleistocene sea level changes on the historical connectivity among P. sheridani populations. Specifically, we investigated the genetic consequences of disruption to Indian-Pacific Ocean connectivity brought about by the closure of the Torres Strait. Overall there was significant population subdivision among estuaries (F-ST = 0.161, (Phi(ST) = 0.187). Despite a linear distribution, P. sheridani did not show isolation by distance over the entire sampled range because of genetic similarity of estuaries greater than 3000 km apart. However, significant isolation by distance was detected between estuaries separated by less than 3000 km of coastline. Unlike many genetic studies of Indo-Pacific marine species, there was no evidence for an historical division between eastern and western populations. Instead, phylogeographical patterns were dominated by a starlike intraspecific phylogeny coupled with evidence for population expansion in both the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea but not the Timor Sea. This was interpreted as evidence for recent west to east recolonization across of northern Australia following the last postglacial marine advance. We argue that although sufficient time has elapsed postcolonization for populations to approach gene flow-drift equilibrium over smaller spatial scales (< 3000 km), the signal of historical colonization persists to obscure the expected equilibrium pattern of isolation by distance over large spatial scales (> 3000 km).


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This study compared the stress induced in captive estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, by two different handling methods: manual restraint (noosing with ropes) and immobilization by electro-stunning. To stun, a short charge (approx. 6 s) at 110 V was delivered to the back of the necks of C. porosus using a custom-built device, which immobilized the animals for 5-10 min. Immobilized and restrained animals were measured and sexed, and the condition of the skin assessed. Blood samples were taken from some animals immediately after restraint or immobilization. Other animals were returned to their pens to recover for periods of 30 min, 1, 4, 12, 24 or 48 hours after which they were stunned and blood samples taken. Individual animals (mean body length 1.96 m, N=99) were bled only once. Haematocrit and haemoglobin concentrations were measured and plasma samples were analysed for corticosterone, glucose and lactate levels. Following restraint, there were significant increases in haematocrit, haemoglobin, glucose, lactate and corticosterone concentrations in C. porosus. For restrained animals, recovery to baseline levels occurred after approximately 8 hours. The stress response of stunned animals was significantly reduced compared to manually captured and restrained crocodiles. Both groups showed a significant increase in haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and lactate levels, however the magnitude of change was significantly reduced, and recovery was faster in stunned animals. No increase in either glucose or corticosterone levels occurred with immobilisation. The results imply that immobilization by electro-stunning is much less stressful. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A simple, rapid method is described for the extraction of large numbers of free-living nematodes from estuarine sediments. This method does not physically or chemically alter or damage the nematodes, but instead relies on their downward movement through a filtering layer of double ply tissue paper and into aerated water-filled trays. Seven trials each with 10 trays kept at 25degreesC for an initial period of 24 h yielded 3985 live nematodes l(-1) (+/-511.5 standard deviation) of estuarine sediment, free of sediment and with minimal debris. Time effects were statistically significantly different, with the same 10 trays yielding another 1259 nematodes l(-1) (+/-413.4) when kept for a second period of 24 h at the same temperature. Temperature effects were also significant, and 7 trials each with 10 trays kept for 24 h at 20-21degreesC, produced a lower yield of 2160 nematodes l(-1) (+/-532.7) of sediment. The method is expected to be of use in nematode extractions from both estuarine and marine sediments.