54 resultados para Essential Hypertension
Recently, a bi-allelic polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor gene (GRL) has been shown to be associated with individuals at high risk of developing hypertension and accumulation of abdominal visceral fat, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The evaluate the role of GRL in essential hypertension and obesity, case-control studies were conducted using 88 hypertensive, 123 normotensive, 150 lean and 94 obese subjects. Genotypes for a highly polymorphic microsatellite marker (D5S207) located within 200 kb of the glucocorticoid receptor gene, were determined by PCR. Allele frequencies between hypertensive and normotensive groups were significantly (P = 0.0005) different whereas no significant differences were observed between lean and obese populations. In conclusion, the results suggest that the glucocorticoid receptor gene or perhaps another gene located in close proximity and in linkage disequilibrium with D5S207, is involved in hypertension development
Essential hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the Western world, affecting about 26.4% of the adult population, and it is increasing (1). Its causes are heterogeneous and include genetic and environmental factors (2), but several observations point to an important role of the kidney in its genesis (3). In addition to variations in tubular transport mechanisms that could, for example, affect salt handling, structural characteristics of the kidney might also contribute to hypertension. The burden of chronic kidney disease is also increasing worldwide, due to population growth, increasing longevity, and changing risk factors. Although single-cause models of disease are still widely promoted, multideterminant or multihit models that can accommodate multiple risk factors in an individual or in a population are probably more applicable (4,5). In such a framework, nephron endowment is one potential determinant of disease susceptibility. Some time ago, Brenner and colleagues (6,7) proposed that lower nephron numbers predispose both to essential hypertension and to renal disease. They also proposed that hypertension and progressive renal insufficiency might be initiated and accelerated by glomerular hypertrophy and intraglomerular hypertension that develops as nephron number is reduced (8). In this review, we summarize data from recent studies that shed more light on these hypotheses. The data supply a new twist to possible mechanisms of the Barker hypothesis, which proposes that intrauterine growth retardation predisposes to chronic disease in later life (9). The review describes how nephron number is estimated and its range and some determinants and morphologic correlates. It then considers possible causes of low nephron numbers. Finally, associations of hypertension and renal disease with reduced nephron numbers are considered, and some potential clinical implications are discussed.
Monogenic mutations leading to excessive activation of the mineralocorticoid pathway result, almost always, in suppressed renin and hypertension in adult life and sometimes in hypokalaemia and alkalosis, which can be severe. In most of these syndromes, precise molecular changes in specific steroidogenic or effector genes have been identified, permitting appreciation of (1) pathophysiology, (2) great diversity of phenotype and (3) possibility of genetic methods of diagnosis. Yet to be achieved elucidation of the genetic basis of familial hyperaldosteronism type 11, the most common and clinically significant of them, will enhance detection of primary aldosteronism, currently the commonest specifically treatable and potentially curable form of hypertension. While classic, complete-phenotype presentations of monogenic forms of mineralocorticoid hypertension are rarely recognised, more subtle genetic expression causing less florid manifestations could represent a significant proportion of so-called 'essential hypertension.'
The genetic mechanisms responsible for the formation of adrenocortical adenomas which autonomously produce aldosterone are largely unknown, The adrenal renin-angiotensin system has been implicated in the pathophysiology of these tumours, Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) catalyses the generation of angiotensin II, and the insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of the ACE gene regulates up to 50% of plasma and cellular ACE variability in humans. We therefore examined the genotypic and allelic frequency distributions of the ACE gene I/D polymorphism in 55 patients with aldosterone-producing adenoma, APA, (angiotensin-unresponsive APA n = 28, angiotensin-responsive APA n = 27), and 80 control subjects with no family history of hypertension, We also compared the ACE gene I/D polymorphism allelic pattern in matched tumour and peripheral blood DNA in the 55 patients with APA, The frequency of the D allele was 0.518 and 0.512 and the I allele was 0.482 and 0.488 in the APA and control subjects respectively, Genotypic and allelic frequency analysis found no significant differences between the groups, Examination of the matched tumour and peripheral blood DNA samples revealed the loss of the insertion allele in four of the 25 patients who were heterozygous for the ACE I/D genotype. The I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene does not appear to contribute to the biochemical and phenotypic characteristics of APA, however, the deletion of the insertion allele of the ACE gene I/D polymorphism in 16% of aldosterone-producing adenomas may represent the loss of a tumour suppressor gene/s or other genes on chromosome 17q which may contribute to tumorigenesis in APA.
1. Evidence from recent experimental and clinical studies suggests that excessive circulating levels of aldosterone can bring about adverse cardiovascular sequelae independent of the effects on blood pressure. Examples of these sequelae are the development of myocardial and vascular fibrosis in uninephrectomized, salt-loaded rats infused with mineralocorticoids and, in humans, an association of aldosterone with left ventricular hypertrophy, impaired diastolic and systolic function, salt and water retention causing aggravation of congestion in patients with established congestive cardiac failure (CCF), reduced vascular compliance and an increased risk of arrhythmias (resulting from intracardiac fibrosis, hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, reduced baroreceptor sensitivity and potentiation of catecholamine effects). 2. These sequelae of aldosterone excess may contribute to the pathogenesis and worsen the prognosis of CCF and hypertension. 3. The heart and blood vessels may be capable of extra-adrenal aldosterone biosynthesis, raising the possibility that aldosterone may have paracrine or autocrine (and not just endocrine) effects on cardiovascular tissues. 4. The high prevalence of CCF, which is associated with secondary aldosteronism, and primary aldosteronism (PAL; recently recognized to be a much more common cause of hypertension than was previously thought) argue for an important role for aldosterone excess as a cause of cardiovascular injury. 5. The recognition of non-blood pressure-dependent adverse sequelae of aldosterone excess raises the question as to whether normotensive individuals with PAL, who have been detected as a result of genetic or biochemical screening among families with inherited forms of PAL, are at excess risk of cardiovascular events. 6. Provided that patients are carefully investigated in order to permit the appropriate selection of specific surgical (laparoscopic adrenalectomy for PAL that lateralizes on adrenal venous sampling) or medical (treatment with aldosterone antagonist medications) management and safety considerations for the use of aldosterone antagonists are kept in mind, the appreciation of a widening role for aldosterone in cardiovascular disease should provide a substantially better outlook for many patients with CCF and hypertension.
Many cases of potentially curable primary aldosteronism are currently likely to be diagnosed as essential hypertension unless screening tests based on suppression of renin are tarried out in all hypertensive patients. More than half of the patients with primary aldosteronism detected in this way have normal circulating potassium levels, so measurement of potassium is not enough to exclude primary aldosteronism. When primary aldosteronism is diagnosed, fewer than one-third of patients are suitable for surgery as initial treatment, but this still represents a significant percentage of hypertensive patients. After excluding glucocorticoid-suppressible primary aldosteronism, adrenal venous sampling is essential to detect unilateral production of aldosterone and diagnose angiotensin-responsive aldosterone-producing adenoma. One cannot rely on the computed tomography scan. If all hypertensive patients are screened for primary aldosteronism and the workup is continued methodically in those with a positive screening test, patients with unilateral overproduction of aldosterone who potentially can be cured surgically are not denied the possibility of cure.
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is predominantly a cardiac ventricular hormone that promotes natriuresis and diuresis, inhibits the renin-anglotensin-aldosterone axis, and is a vasodilator. Plasma BNP levels are raised in essential hypertension, and more so in left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and heart failure. Plasma BNP levels are also elevated in ischemic heart disease. Attempts have been made to use plasma BNP levels as a marker of LV dysfunction, but these have shown that plasma BNP levels are probably not sensitive enough to replace echocardiography in the diagnosis of LV dysfunction. Pericardial BNP or N-BNP may be more suitable markers of LV dysfunction. Plasma BNP levels are also elevated in right ventricular dysfunction, pregnancy-induced hypertension, aortic stenosis, age, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cardiac allograft rejection and cavopulmonary connection, and BNP may have an important pathophysiological role in some or all of these conditions. Clinical trials have demonstrated the natriuretic, diuretic and vasodilator effects, as well as inhibitory effects on renin and aldosterone of infused synthetic human BNP (nesiritide) in healthy humans. BNP infusion improves LV function in patients with congestive heart failure via a vasodilating and a prominent natriuretic effect. BNP infusion is useful for the treatment of decompensated congestive heart failure requiring hospitalization. The clinical potential of BNP is limited as it is a peptide and requires infusion. Drugs that modify the effects of BNP are furthering our understanding of the pathophysiological role and clinical potential of BNP. Increasing the effects of BNP may be a useful therapeutic approach in heart failure involving LV dysfunction. The levels of plasma BNP are increased by blockers, cardiac glycosides and vasopeptidase inhibitors, and this may contribute to the usefulness of these agents in heart failure. (C) 2001 Prous Science. All rights reserved.
Background Twin and family studies have shown that genetic effects explain a relatively high amount of the phenotypic variation in blood pressure. However, many studies have not been able to replicate findings of association between specific polymorphisms and diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Methods In a structural equation-modelling framework the authors investigated longitudinal changes in repeated measures of blood pressures in a sample of 298 like-sexed twin pairs from the population-based Swedish Twin Registry. Also examined was the association between blood pressure and polymorphisms in the angiotensin-I converting enzyme and the angiotensin 11 receptor type 1 with the 'Fulker' test Both linkage and association were tested simultaneously revealing whether the polymorphism is a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) or in linkage disequilibrium with the QTL. Results Genetic influences explained up to 46% of the phenotypic variance in diastolic and 63% of the phenotypic variance in systolic blood pressure. Genetic influences were stable over time and contributed up to 78% of the phenotypic correlation in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Non-shared environmental effects were characterised by time specific influences and little transmission from one time point to the next. There was no significant linkage and association between the polymorphisms and blood pressure. Conclusions There is a considerable genetic stability in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure for a 6-year period of time in adult life. Non-shared environmental influences have a small long-term effect Although associations with the polymorphisms could not be replicated, results should be interpreted with caution due to power considerations. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to determine whether wall stress at rest and during stress could explain the influence of left ventricular (LV) morphology on the accuracy of dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE). BACKGROUND The sensitivity of DSE appears to be reduced in patients with concentric remodeling, but the cause of this finding is unclear. METHODS We studied 161 patients without resting wall motion abnormalities who underwent DSE and coronary angiography. Patients were classified into four groups according to relative wan thickness (normal
Essential hypertension is a common disorder, associated with increased endothelin-l-mediated vasoconstrictor tone at rest. We hypothesized that increased vasoconstrictor activity of endothelin-1 might explain why the normal decrease in peripheral vascular resistance in response to exercise is attenuated in hypertensive patients. Therefore, we investigated the effect of endothelin A (ETA) receptor blockade on the vasodilator response to handgrip exercise. Forearm blood flow responses to handgrip exercise (15%, 30%, and 45% of maximum voluntary contraction) were assessed in hypertensive patients and matched normotensive subjects, before and after intra-arterial infusions of the ETA receptor antagonist BQ-123; a control dilator, hydralazine; and placebo (saline). Preinfusion (baseline) vasodilation in response to exercise was significantly attenuated at each workload in hypertensive patients compared with normotensive subjects. Intra-arterial infusions of hydralazine and saline did not increase the vasodilator response to exercise in either hypertensives or normotensives at any workload. The vasodilator response to exercise was markedly enhanced after BQ-123 at the 2 higher workloads in hypertensives (157 +/- 48%, P < 0.01; 203 &PLUSMN; 58%, P < 0.01) but not in normotensives. This suggests that the impaired vasodilator response to exercise in hypertensive patients is, at least in part, a functional limitation caused by endogenous ETA receptor-mediated vasoconstriction. Treatment with endothelin receptor antagonists may, therefore, increase exercise capacity in essential hypertension.
In recognition of a central role of the kidney in long-term blood pressure control, we undertook an in-depth analysis of the relationship between blood pressure and kidney damage caused by environmental exposure to the common pollutants cadmium and lead. The subjects were 200 healthy Thais, 16 and 60 years of age (100 female non-smokers, 53 male non-smokers, and 47 male smokers). None of these subjects had been exposed to Cd or Pb in the workplace and their urinary Cd concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 37 nM, whereas their urinary Pb concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 30 nM. The prevalence of high blood pressure was 2%, 8% and 19%, respectively in subjects with low, average and high Cd-burden (linear trend chi(2) = 6.4, P = 0.01). Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant positive association between Cd-burden and blood pressure in male nonsmokers (adjusted beta = 0.31, P = 0.02) and an inverse association between blood pressure and urinary Pb excretion rate in male smokers (adjusted beta = -0.38, P = 0.005). Associations between Cd-burden and nephropathies were evidenced by increases in urinary excretion of beta 2-microglobutin (P = 0.02) and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (P = 0.005) in subjects with high Cd-burden, compared with the subjects with average Cd-burden. In addition, an association between Cd-related nephropathy and high blood pressure was evidenced by a 20% increase in the prevalence of high blood pressure in people with NAG-uria (linear trend chi(2) = 4.3, P = 0.04). Our present study provides first evidence for a possible link between renal tubular damage and dysfunction caused by environmental Cd exposure and increased risk of high blood pressure. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To seek an association between total arterial compliance (TAC) and the extent of ischaemia at stress echocardiography. Design: Cohort study. Setting: Regional cardiac centre. Methods: 255 consecutive patients (147 men; mean (SD) age 58 (8)) presenting for stress echocardiography for clinical indications were studied. Wall motion score index (WMSI) was calculated and ischaemia was defined by an inducible or worsening wall motion abnormality. Peak WMSI was used to reflect the extent of dysfunction (ischaemia or scar), and Delta WMSI was indicative of extent of ischaemia. TAC was assessed at rest by simultaneous radial applanation tonometry and pulsed wave Doppler in all patients. Results: Ischaemia was identified by stress echocardiography in 65 patients (25%). TAC was similar in the groups with negative and positive echocardiograms (1.08 (0.41) v 1.17 (0.51) ml/ mm Hg, not significant). However, the extent of dysfunction was associated with TAC independently of age, blood pressure, risk factors, and use of a beta blocker. Moreover, the extent of ischaemia was determined by TAC, risk factors, and use of a b blocker. Conclusion: While traditional cardiovascular risk factors are strong predictors of ischaemia on stress echocardiography, TAC is an independent predictor of the extent of ischaemia.