61 resultados para Diffusion treatments
The thin-layer drying behaviour of bananas in a beat pump dehumidifier dryer was examined. Four pre-treatments (blanching, chilling, freezing and combined blanching and freezing) were applied to the bananas, which were dried at 50 degreesC with an air velocity of 3.1 m s(-1) and with the relative humidity of the inlet air of 10-35%. Three drying models, the simple model, the two-term exponential model and the Page model were examined. All models were evaluated using three statistical measures, correlation coefficient, root means square error, and mean absolute percent error. Moisture diffusivity was calculated based on the diffusion equation for an infinite cylindrical shape using the slope method. The rate of drying was higher for the pre-treatments involving freezing. The sample which was blanched only did not show any improvement in drying rate. In fact, a longer drying time resulted due to water absorption during blanching. There was no change in the rate for the chilled sample compared with the control. While all models closely fitted the drying data, the simple model showed greatest deviation from the experimental results. The two-term exponential model was found to be the best model for describing the drying curves of bananas because its parameters represent better the physical characteristics of the drying process. Moisture diffusivities of bananas were in the range 4.3-13.2 x 10(-10) m(2)s(-1). (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
An approximate analytical technique employing a finite integral transform is developed to solve the reaction diffusion problem with Michaelis-Menten kinetics in a solid of general shape. A simple infinite series solution for the substrate concentration is obtained as a function of the Thiele modulus, modified Sherwood number, and Michaelis constant. An iteration scheme is developed to bring the approximate solution closer to the exact solution. Comparison with the known exact solutions for slab geometry (quadrature) and numerically exact solutions for spherical geometry (orthogonal collocation) shows excellent agreement for all values of the Thiele modulus and Michaelis constant.
Transient response of an adsorbing or non-adsorbing tracer injected as step or square pulse input in a diffusion cell with two flowing streams across the pellet is theoretically investigated in this paper. Exact solutions and the asymptotic solutions in the time domain and in three different limits are obtained by using an integral transform technique and a singular perturbation technique, respectively. Parametric dependence of the concentrations in the top and bottom chambers can be revealed by investigating the asymptotic solutions, which are far simpler than their exact counterpart. In the time domain investigation, it is found that the bottom-chamber concentration is very sensitive to the value of the macropore effective diffusivity. Therefore this concentration could be used to extract diffusivity by fitting in the time domain. The bottom-chamber concentration is also sensitive to flow rate, pellet length chamber volume and the type of input (step and square input).
We have measured the spatial diffusion of atoms in a three-dimensional sigma(+)-sigma(-) optical molasses over twenty milliseconds timescale, starting from the initial interaction of the atoms with the molasses. We find that the diffusion constants agree well with a linear model for these short time scales and also compare favourably to other studies of diffusion made over longer time scales. These measurements enable us to quantify the detection method known as freezing molasses. We discuss this method, for detecting and measuring the momentum distribution of cold atoms, which relies on the slow diffusion of atoms in optical molasses to produce a freeze-frame of the spatial distribution of the atoms. This method enables a longer interrogation interval, providing a greatly increased signal-to-noise ratio. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Activated carbon as catalyst support was treated with HCl, HNO3, and HF and the effects of acid treatments on the properties of the activated carbon support were studied by N-2 adsorption, mass titration, temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS). Ni catalysts supported on untreated and treated activated carbons were prepared, characterized and tested for the reforming reaction of methane with carbon dioxide. It is found that acid treatment significantly changed the surface chemical properties and pore structure of the activated carbon. The surface area and pore volume of the carbon supports are generally enhanced upon acid treatment due to the removal of impurities present in the carbon. The adsorption capacity of Ni2+ on the carbon supports is also increased, and the increase can be closely correlated with the surface acidity. The impregnation of nickel salts decreases the surface area and pore volume of carbon supports both in micropores and mesopores. Acid treatment results in a more homogeneous distribution of the nickel salt in carbon. When the impregnated carbons are heated in inert atmosphere, there exists a redox reaction between nickel oxide and the carbon. Catalytic activity tests for methane reforming with carbon dioxide show that the activity of nickel catalysts based on the acid-treated carbon supports is closely related with the surface characteristics of catalysts. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon atom depositions are used to investigate energy diffusion from the impact zone. A modified Stillinger-Weber potential models the carbon interactions for both sp2 and sp3 bonding. Simulations were performed on 50 eV carbon atom depositions onto the (111) surface of a 3.8 x 3.4 x 1.0 nm diamond slab containing 2816 atoms in 11 layers of 256 atoms each. The bottom layer was thermostated to 300 K. At every 100th simulation time step (27 fs), the average local kinetic energy, and hence local temperature, is calculated. To do this the substrate is divided into a set of 15 concentric hemispherical zones, each of thickness one atomic diameter (0.14 nm) and centered on the impact point. A 50-eV incident atom heats the local impact zone above 10 000 K. After the initial large transient (200 fs) the impact zone has cooled below 3000 K, then near 1000 K by 1 ps. Thereafter the temperature profile decays approximately as described by diffusion theory, perturbed by atomic scale fluctuations. A continuum model of classical energy transfer is provided by the traditional thermal diffusion equation. The results show that continuum diffusion theory describes well energy diffusion in low energy atomic deposition processes, at distance and time scales larger than 1.5 nm and 1-2 ps, beyond which the energy decays essentially exponentially. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
We have performed MRI examinations to determine the water diffusion tensor in the brain of six patients who were admitted to the hospital within 12 h after the onset of cerebral ischemic symptoms. The examinations have been carried out immediately after admission, and thereafter at varying intervals up to 90 days post admission. Maps of the trace of the diffusion tensor, the fractional anisotropy and the lattice index, as well as maps of cerebral blood perfusion parameters, were generated to quantitatively assess the character of the water diffusion tensor in the infarcted area. In patients with significant perfusion deficits and substantial lesion volume changes, four of six cases, our measurements show a monotonic and significant decrease in the diffusion anisotropy within the ischemic lesion as a function of time. We propose that retrospective analysis of this quantity, in combination with brain tissue segmentation and cerebral perfusion maps, may be used in future studies to assess the severity of the ischemic event. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
Polymer hydrogels based upon methacrylates are used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly as controlled release drug delivery systems. These materials are generally prepared by chemically initiated polymerization, but this can lead to the presence of unwanted initiator fragments in the polymer matrix. In the present work, initiation of polymerization by gamma-irradiation of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, with and without added crosslinkers, has been investigated, and the diffusion coefficients for water in the resulting polymers have been measured through mass uptake by the polymers. The diffusion of water in poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) at 310 K was found to be Fickian, with a diffusion coefficient of 1.96 +/- 0.1 x 10(11) m(2) s(-1) and an equilibrium water content of 58%, NMR imaging analyses confirmed the adherance to a Fickian model of the diffusion of water into polymer cylinders. The incorporation of small amounts (0.2-0.5 wt%) of added ethyleneglycol-dimethacrylate-based crosslinkers was found to have only a small effect on the diffusion coefficient and the equilibrium water content for the copolymers. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Industry.
The influences of HCl, HNO3 and HF treatments of carbon on N2O and NO reduction with 20 wt% Cu-loaded activated carbon were studied. The order of activity in both N2O and NO is as follows: Cu20/AC-HNO3>Cu20/AC>Cu20/AC-HF>Cu20/AC-HCl. The same sequence was also observed for the amount of CO2 evolved during TPD experiments of supports acid for the catalyst dispersion. On the other hand, N2O exhibited a higher reaction rate than NO and a higher sensitivity to acid treatments, and the presence of gas-phase O-2 had opposite effects in N2O and NO reduction. The key role of carbon surface chemistry is examined to rationalize these findings and the relevant mechanistic and practical implications are discussed. The effects of oxygen surface groups on the pore structure of supports and catalysts are also analyzed, (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Numerical methods ave used to solve double diffusion driven reactive flow transport problems in deformable fluid-saturated porous media. in particular, thp temperature dependent reaction rate in the non-equilibrium chemical reactions is considered. A general numerical solution method, which is a combination of the finite difference method in FLAG and the finite element method in FIDAP, to solve the fully coupled problem involving material deformation, pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and species transport/chemical reactions in deformable fluid-saturated porous media has been developed The coupled problem is divided into two subproblems which are solved interactively until the convergence requirement is met. Owing to the approximate nature of the numerical method, if is essential to justify the numerical solutions through some kind of theoretical analysis. This has been highlighted in this paper The related numerical results, which are justified by the theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the proposed solution method is useful for and applicable to a wide range of fully coupled problems in the field of science and engineering.
A novel MRI method-diffusion tensor imaging-was used to compare the integrity of several white matter fibre tracts in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. Relative to normal controls, patients with probable Alzheimer's disease showed a highly significant reduction in the integrity of the association white matter fibre tracts, such as the splenium of the corpus callosum, superior longitudinal fasciculus, and cingulum. By contrast, pyramidal tract integrity seemed unchanged. This novel finding is consistent with the clinical presentation of probable Alzheimer's disease, in which global cognitive decline is a more prominent feature than motor disturbance.
Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging provides important pathophysiological information in acute bra-in ischemia. We performed a prospective study in 19 sub-6-hour stroke patients using serial diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging before intravenous thrombolysis, with repeat studies, both subacutely and at outcome. For comparison of ischemic lesion evolution and clinical outcome, we used a historical control group of 21 sub-6-hour ischemic stroke patients studied serially with diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging. The two groups were well matched for the baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and magnetic resonance parameters. Perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch was present in 16 of 19 patients treated with tissue plasminogen activator, and 16 of 21 controls. Perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch patients treated with tissue plaminogen activator had higher recanalization rates and enhanced reperfusion at day 3 (81% vs 47% in controls), and a greater proportion of severely hypoperfused acute mismatch tissue not progressing to infarction (82% vs -25% in controls). Despite similar baseline diffusion-weighted imaging lesions, infarct expansion was less in the recombinant tissue plaminogen activator group (14cm(3) vs 56cm(3) in controls). The positive effect of thrombolysis on lesion growth in mismatch patients translated into a greater improvement in baseline to outcome National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in the group treated with recombinant tissue plaminogen activator, and a significantly larger proportion of patients treated with recombinant tissue plaminogen activator having a clinically meaningful improvement in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale of;2:7 points. The natural evolution of acute perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch tissue may be altered by thrombolysis, with improved stroke outcome. This has implications for the use of diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging in selecting and monitoring patients for thrombolytic therapy.