20 resultados para Chondrocyte subpopulations


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Human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT (NKT) cells have immune regulatory activities associated with rejection of tumors, infections and control of autoimmune diseases. They can be stimulated to proliferate using alpha-galactosylceramide (KRN7000) and have the potential for therapeutic manipulation. Subpopulations of NKT cells (CD4(+)CD8(-), CD4(-)D8(+) and CD4(-)CD8(-)) have functionally distinctive Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles and their relative numbers following stimulation may influence the Th1/Th2 balance, which may result in or prevent disease. We aimed to determine the effect of different cytokines in culture during stimulation of NKT cells on the relative proportions of NKT cell subpopulations. Our results show that all NKT cell subpopulations expanded following stimulation with KRN7000 and IL-2, IL-7, IL-1 2 or IL-15. Expansion capacity differed between subpopulations, resulting in different relative proportions of CD4(+) and CD4(-) NKT cell subpopulations, and this was influenced by the cytokine used for stimulation. A Th1-biased environment was observed after stimulation of NKT cells. NKT cells expanded under all conditions evaluated demonstrated significant cytotoxicity against U937 tumor cells. In view of the potential for NKT cell subsets to alter the balance of Th1 and Th2 environment, these data provide insights into the effects of NKT cell manipulation for possible therapeutic applications in different disease settings.


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Endochondral bone is formed during an avascular period in an environment of low oxygen. Under these conditions, pluripotential mesenchymal stromal cells preferentially differentiate into chondrocytes and form cartilage. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that oxygen tension modulates bone mesenchymal cell fate by altering the expression of genes that function to promote chondrogenesis. Microarray of RNA samples from ST2 cells revealed significant changes in 728 array elements (P < 0.01) in response to hypoxia. Real-time PCR on these RNA samples, and separate samples from C3H10T1/2 cells, revealed hypoxia-induced changes in the expression of additional genes known to be expressed by chondrocytes including Sox9 and its downstream targets aggrecan and Col2a. These changes were accompanied by the accumulation of mucopolysacharide as detected by alcian blue staining. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for upregulation of Sox9 by hypoxia, we determined the effect of hypoxia on HIF-1 alpha levels and Sox9 promoter activity in ST2 cells. Hypoxia increased nuclear accumulation of HIF-1 alpha and activated the Sox9 promoter. The ability of hypoxia to transactivate the Sox9 promoter was virtually abolished by deletion of HIF-1 alpha consensus sites within the proximal promoter. These findings suggest that hypoxia promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal cells along a chondrocyte pathway in part by activating Sox-9 via a HIF-1 alpha-dependent mechanism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective. NKT cells have diverse immune regulatory functions including activation of cells involved in Th1- and Th2-type immune activities. Most previous studies have investigated the functions of NKT cells as a single family but more recent evidence indicates the distinct functional properties of NKT cell subpopulation. This study aims to determine whether NKT cell subpopulations have different stimulatory activities on other immune cells that may affect the outcome of NKT cell-based immunotherapy. Methods. NKT cells and NKT cell subpopulations (CD4(+)CD8(-), CD4(-)CD8(+), CD4(-)CD8(+)) were cocultured with PBMC and their activities on immune cells including CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, NK cells, and B cells were assessed by flow cytometry. The production of cytokines in culture was measured by enzyme-linked immunsorbent assay. Results. The CD4(+)CD8(-) NKT cells demonstrated substantially greater stimulatory activities on CD4(+) T cells, NK cells, and B cells than other NKT cell subsets. The CD4(-)CD8(+) NKT cells showed the greatest activity on CD8(+) T cells, and were the only NKT cell subset that activated these immune cells. The CD4(-)CD8(-) NKT cells showed moderate stimulatory activity on CD4(+) T cells and the least activity on other immune cells. Conclusion. The results here suggest that NKT cell subpopulations differ in their abilities to stimulate other immune cells. This highlights the potential importance of manipulating specific NKT cell subpopulations for particular therapeutic situations and of evaluating subpopulations, rather than NKT cells as a group, during investigation of a possible role of NKT cells in various disease settings. (c) 2006 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a lymphocyte lineage, which has diverse immune regulatory activities in many disease settings. Most previous studies have investigated the functions of this family of cells as a single entity, but more recent evidence highlights the distinct functional and phenotypic properties of NKT cell subpopulations. It is likely that the diverse functions of NKT cells are regulated and coordinated by these different NKT subsets. Little is known about how NKT subsets differ in their interactions with the host. We have undertaken the first microarray analysis comparing the gene expression profiles of activated human NKT cell subpopulations, including CD8(+) NKT cells, which have often been overlooked. We describe the significant gene expression differences among NKT cell subpopulations and some of the molecules likely to confer their distinct functional roles. Several genes not associated previously with NKT cells were shown to be expressed differentially in specific NKT cell subpopulations. Our findings provide new insights into the NKT cell family, which may direct further research toward better manipulation of NKT cells for therapeutic applications.


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Genetic diversity and population structure were investigated across the core range of Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus laniarius; Dasyuridae), a wide-ranging marsupial carnivore restricted to the island of Tasmania. Heterozygosity (0.386-0.467) and allelic diversity (2.7-3.3) were low in all subpopulations and allelic size ranges were small and almost continuous, consistent with a founder effect. Island effects and repeated periods of low population density may also have contributed to the low variation. Within continuous habitat, gene flow appears extensive up to 50 km (high assignment rates to source or close neighbour populations; nonsignificant values of pairwise F-ST), in agreement with movement data. At larger scales (150-250 km), gene flow is reduced (significant pairwise F-ST) but there is no evidence for isolation by distance. The most substantial genetic structuring was observed for comparisons spanning unsuitable habitat, implying limited dispersal of devils between the well-connected, eastern populations and a smaller northwestern population. The genetic distinctiveness of the northwestern population was reflected in all analyses: unique alleles; multivariate analyses of gene frequency (multidimensional scaling, minimum spanning tree, nearest neighbour); high self-assignment (95%); two distinct populations for Tasmania were detected in isolation by distance and in Bayesian model-based clustering analyses. Marsupial carnivores appear to have stronger population subdivisions than their placental counterparts.


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Aging in humans is associated with increased infections and the reduced proliferative capacity of T cells, part of the more global phenomenon termed immune senescence. The etiology of immune senescence is unknown but the accumulation of virus-specific memory T cells may be a contributory factor. We have examined CD8 T cell responses to two persistent herpesvirus infections, CMV and EBV, and to a recurrent virus infection, influenza, in different age cohorts of healthy donors using HLA-peptide tetramers and intracellular cytokine detection. Of these, CMV appears to be the most immunogenic, with the CD8 T cell response representing over 10% of the CD8 pool in many elderly donors. Interestingly, the effect of age upon EBV-specific responses depends upon donor CMV sero-status. In CMV seropositive donors, the magnitude of the EBV-specific immune response is stable with age, but in CMV seronegative donors, the response to EBV increases significantly with age. By contrast, the influenza-specific CD8 T cell immune response decreases with age, independent of CMV status. The functional activity of the herpesvirus-specific immune response decreases in elderly donors, although the characteristic phenotypes of CMV- and EBV-specific memory populations are retained. This demonstrates that aging is associated with a marked accumulation of CMV-specific CD8 T cells together with a decrease in immediate effector function. Moreover, infection with CMV can reduce prevailing levels of immunity to EBV, another persistent virus. These results suggest that carriage of CMV may be detrimental to the immunocompetent host by suppressing heterologous virus-specific immunity during aging.


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Despite more than a 10-fold increase in T cell numbers in G-CSF-mobilized peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) grafts, incidence and severity of acute graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) are comparable to bone marrow transplantation. As CD1d-restricted, Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cells have pivotal immune regulatory functions and may influence GVHD, we aimed to determine whether G-CSF has any effects on human NKT cells. In this study, we examined the frequency and absolute numbers of peripheral blood NKT cells in healthy stem cell donors (n = 8) before and following G-CSF (filgrastim) treatment. Effects of in vivo and in vitro G-CSF on NKT cell cytokine expression profiles and on responsiveness of NKT cell subpopulations to specific stimulation by alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) were assessed. Contrary to the effects on conventional T cells, the absolute number of peripheral blood NKT cells was unaffected by G-CSF administration. Furthermore, responsiveness of NKT cells to alpha-GalCer stimulation was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) following exposure to G-CSF in vivo. This hyporesponsiveness was predominantly due to a direct effect on NKT cells, with a lesser contribution from G-CSF-mediated changes in APC. G-CSF administration resulted in polarization of NKT cells toward a Th2, IL-4-secreting phenotype following alpha-GalCer stimulation and preferential expansion of the CD4(+) NKT cell subset. We conclude that G-CSF has previously unrecognized differential effects in vivo on NKT cells and conventional MHC-restricted T cells, and effects on NKT cells may contribute to the lower than expected incidence of GVHD following allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.


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Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein with immunosuppressive and growth factor properties. It has been shown to suppress the delayed-type hypersensitivity response in mice as well as acute and chronic forms of experimental autommume encephalomyelitis in rats and mice, respectively. In previous studies, we have demonstrated that EPF binds to a population of lymphocytes and we hypothesized that it mediates its suppressive effects by binding to CD4(+) T cells. In the present study, we isolated monocytes and subpopulations of lymphocytes and labelled them with fluoresceinated EPF in order to determine which populations bind EPF. We demonstrated that EPF binds specifically to CD4(+), CD8(+), CD14(+) (monocytes) and CD56(+) NK cells but not to CD19(+) B cells. The identity of the molecule(s) on the cell surface that is targeted by EPF is unknown, but as EPF is an extracellular homologue of the intracellular protein chaperonin 10 (Cpn 10), we examined the possibility that the EPF receptor is a membrane-associated form of chaperonin 60 (Cpn60), the functional associate of Cpn 10 within the cell. The EPF target molecule on lymphocytes was visualized by chemical cross-linking of exogenous iodinated Cpn10 to cells and probed with anti-Cpn60. The effect of anti-Cpn60 on activity in the EPF bioassay, the rosette inhibition test, was also examined. In both instances, no specific interaction of this antibody and the putative receptor was observed. It was concluded that the cell surface molecule targeted by EPF is unlikely to be a homologue of Cpn60.


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Ochlerotatus notoscriptus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) is the predominant peridomestic mosquito in Australia where it is the primary vector of dog heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy), and a potentially important vector of arboviruses (Barmah Forest, Ross River) with geographical variation of vector competence. Although widespread, Oc. notoscriptus has low dispersal ability, so it may have isolated subpopulations. The identification of gene flow barriers may assist in understanding arbovirus epidemiology and disease risk, and for developing control strategies for this species. We investigated the population structure of Oc. notoscriptus from 17 sites around Australia, using up to 31 putative allozyme loci, 11 of which were polymorphic. We investigated the effect of larval environment and adult morphology on genetic variation. At least five subpopulations were found, four in New South Wales (NSW) and one unique to Darwin. Perth samples appear to be a product of recent colonization from the Australian east coast. For NSW sites, a Mantel test revealed an isolation by distance effect and spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed an area of effective gene flow of 67 km, which is high given the limited dispersal ability of this species. No consistent difference was observed between 'urban' and 'sylvan' habitats, which suggests frequent movement between these sites. However, a finer-scaled habitat study at Darwin revealed small but significant allele frequency differences, including for Gpi. No fixed allozyme differences were detected for sex, size, integument colour or the colour of species-diagnostic pale scales on the scutum. The domestic habit of Oc. notoscriptus and assisted dispersal have helped to homogenize this species geographically but population structure is still detectable on several levels associated with geographical variation of vector competence.


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Abnormalities in the growth plate may lead to short stature and skeletal deformity including Leri Weil syndrome, which has been shown to result from deletions or mutations in the SHOX gene, a homeobox gene located at the pseudoautosomal region of the X and Y chromosome. We studied the expression of SHOX protein, by immunohistochemistry, in human fetal and childhood growth plates and mRNA by in situ hybridization in childhood normal and Leri Weil growth plate. SHOX protein was found in reserve, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones of fetal growth plate from 12 wk to term and childhood control and Leri Weil growth plates. The pattern of immunostaining in the proliferative zone of childhood growth plate was patchy, with more intense uniform immunostaining in the hypertrophic zone. In situ hybridization studies of childhood growth plate demonstrated SHOX mRNA expression throughout the growth plate. No difference in the pattern of SHOX protein or mRNA expression was seen between the control and Leri Weil growth plate. These findings suggest that SHOX plays a role in chondrocyte function in the growth plate.


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Primary olfactory neurons project axons from the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity to,the olfactory bulb in the brain. These axons grow within large mixed bundles in the olfactory nerve and then sort out into homotypic fascicles in the nerve fiber layer of the olfactory bulb before terminating in topographically fixed glomeruli. Carbohydrates expressed on the cell surface have been implicated in axon sorting within the nerve fiber layer. We have identified two novel subpopulations of primary olfactory neurons that express distinct alpha-extended lactoseries carbohydrates recognised by monoclonal antibodies LA4 and KH10. Both carbohydrate epitopes are present on novel glycoforms of the neural cell adhesion molecule, which we have named NOC-7 and NOC-8. Primary axon fasciculation is disrupted in vitro when interactions between these cell surface lactoseries carbohydrates and their endogenous binding molecules are inhibited by the LA4 and KH10 antibodies or lactosamine sugars. We report the expression of multiple members of the lactoseries binding galectin family in the primary olfactory system. In particular, galectin-3 is expressed by ensheathing cells surrounding nerve fascicles in the submucosa and nerve fiber layer, where it may mediate cross-linking of axons. Galectin-4, -7, and -8 are expressed by the primary olfactory axons as they grow from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb. A putative role for NOC-7 and NOC-8 in axon fasciculation and the expression of multiple galectins in the developing olfactory nerve suggest that these molecules may be involved in the formation of this pathway, particularly in the sorting of axons as they converge towards their target. (C) 2004Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Rab GTPases are crucial regulators of membrane traffic. Here we have examined a possible association of Rab proteins with lipid droplets (LDs), neutral lipid-containing organelles surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer, also known as lipid bodies, which have been traditionally considered relatively inert storage organelles. Although we found close apposition between LDs and endosomal compartments labeled by expressed Rab5, Rab7, or Rab11 constructs, there was no detectable labeling of the LD surface itself by these Rab proteins. In contrast, GFP-Rab18 localized to LDs and immunoelectron microscopy showed direct association with the monolayer surface. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Rab18-labeled LDs underwent oscillatory movements in a localized area as well as sporadic, rapid, saltatory movements both in the periphery of the cell and toward the perinuclear region. In both adipocytes and non-adipocyte cell lines Rab18 localized to a subset of LDs. To gain insights into this specific localization, Rab18 was co-expressed with Cav3(DGV), a truncation mutant of caveolin-3 shown to inhibit the catabolism and motility of lipid droplets. GFP-Rab18 and mRFP-Cav3(DGV) labeled mutually exclusive subpopulations of LDs. Moreover, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, stimulation of lipolysis increased the localization of Rab18 to LDs, an effect reversed by beta-adrenergic antagonists. These results show that a Rab protein localizes directly to the monolayer surface of LDs. In addition, association with the LD surface was increased following stimulation of lipolysis and inhibited by a caveolin mutant suggesting that recruitment of Rab18 is regulated by the metabolic state of individual LDs.


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Functional interaction between bacterial surface-displayed autoaggregation proteins such as antigen 43 (Ag43) of Escherichia coli and motility organelles such as flagella has not previously been described. Here, it has been demonstrated for the first time that Ag43-mediated aggregation can inhibit bacterial motility. Ag43 overexpression produces a dominant aggregation phenotype that overrides motility in the presence of low levels of flagella. In contrast, induction of an increased flagellation state prevents Ag43-mediated aggregation. This phenomenon was observed in naturally occurring subpopulations of E coli as phase variants expressing and not expressing Ag43 revealed contrasting motility phenotypes. The effects were shown to be part of a general mechanism because other short adhesins capable of mediating autoaggregation (AIDA-I and TibA) also impaired motility. These novel insights into the function of bacterial autoaggregation proteins suggest that a balance between these two systems, i.e. autoaggregation and flagellation, influences motility.


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Factors affecting the seasonal distribution of the vulnerable black-faced impala at Etosha National Park, Namibia and the spread of the impala in the park since their translocation there in the 1970s were studied in the hot dry season of 2000 and the wet season of 2001 in order to provide information for future translocations of this antelope. In the 30 years since their release in the park, black-faced impala appear to have dispersed a maximum of 31.5 km from their initial release sites, effectively forming five subpopulations based on their five initial release sites. The mean minimum distance that impala had dispersed between water holes since their release was 7.11 +/- 1.47 km. Black-faced impala concentrated strongly around water holes; more than 50% were within 1 km of water holes in both seasons. Changes in population densities in different habitats may have resulted from seasonal movements of impala between adjacent habitats. The role of initial release sites in determining the distribution of threatened species such as the black-faced impala is discussed in light of its importance for future translocations.