88 resultados para Chemical process


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In this paper, a new control design method is proposed for stable processes which can be described using Hammerstein-Wiener models. The internal model control (IMC) framework is extended to accommodate multiple IMC controllers, one for each subsystem. The concept of passive systems is used to construct the IMC controllers which approximate the inverses of the subsystems to achieve dynamic control performance. The Passivity Theorem is used to ensure the closed-loop stability. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A sophisticated style of mentoring has been found to be essential to support engineering student teams undertaking technically demanding, real-world problems as part of a Project-Centred Curriculum (PCC) at The University of Queensland. The term ‘triple-objective’ mentoring was coined to define mentoring that addresses not only the student’s technical goal achievement but also their time and team management. This is achieved through a number of formal mentor meetings that are informed by a confidential instrument which requires students to individually reflect on team processes prior to the meeting, and a checklist of technical requirements against which the interim student team progress and achievements are assessed. Triple-objective mentoring requires significant time input and coordination by the academic but has been shown to ensure effective student team work and learning undiminished by team dysfunction. Student feedback shows they value the process and agree that the tools developed to support the process are effective in developing and assessing team work and skills with average scores mostly above 3 on a four point scale.


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Ex vivo hematopoiesis is increasingly used for clinical applications. Models of ex vivo hematopoiesis are required to better understand the complex dynamics and to optimize hematopoietic culture processes. A general mathematical modeling framework is developed which uses traditional chemical engineering metaphors to describe the complex hematopoietic dynamics. Tanks and tubular reactors are used to describe the (pseudo-) stochastic and deterministic elements of hematopoiesis, respectively. Cells at any point in the differentiation process can belong to either an immobilized, inert phase (quiescent cells) or a mobile, active phase (cycling cells). The model describes five processes: (1) flow (differentiation), (2) autocatalytic formation (growth),(3) degradation (death), (4) phase transition from immobilized to mobile phase (quiescent to cycling transition), and (5) phase transition from mobile to immobilized phase (cycling to quiescent transition). The modeling framework is illustrated with an example concerning the effect of TGF-beta 1 on erythropoiesis. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In previous parts of this study we developed procedures for the high-efficiency chemical extraction of soluble and insoluble protein from intact Escherichia coli cells. Although high yields were obtained, extraction of recombinant protein directly from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies led to low product purity due to coextraction of soluble contaminants. In this work, a two-stage procedure for the selective extraction of recombinant protein at high efficiency and high purity is reported. In the first stage, inclusion-body stability is promoted by the addition of 15 mM 2-hydroxyethyldisulfide (2-HEDS), also known as oxidized P-mercaptoethanol, to the permeabil ization buffer (6 M urea + 3 mM ethylenediaminetetra-acetate [EDTA]). 2-HEDS is an oxidizing agent believed to promote disulfide bond formation, rendering the inclusion body resistant to solubilization in 6 M urea. Contaminating proteins are separated from the inclusion-body fraction by centrifugation. in the second stage, disulfide bonds are readily eliminated by including reducing agent (20 mM dithiothreitol [DTT]) into the permeabilization buffer. Extraction using this selective two-stage process yielded an 81% (w/w) recovery of the recombinant protein Long-R-3-IGF-I from inclusion bodies located in the cytoplasm of intact E. coli, at a purity of 46% (w/w). This was comparable to that achieved by conventional extraction (mechanical disruption followed by centrifugation and solubilization). A pilot-scale procedure was also demonstrated using a stirred reactor and diafiltration. This is the first reported study that achieves both high extraction efficiency and selectivity by the chemical treatment of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in intact bacterial cells. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The simultaneous design of the steady-state and dynamic performance of a process has the ability to satisfy much more demanding dynamic performance criteria than the design of dynamics only by the connection of a control system. A method for designing process dynamics based on the use of a linearised systems' eigenvalues has been developed. The eigenvalues are associated with system states using the unit perturbation spectral resolution (UPSR), characterising the dynamics of each state. The design method uses a homotopy approach to determine a final design which satisfies both steady-state and dynamic performance criteria. A highly interacting single stage forced circulation evaporator system, including control loops, was designed by this method with the goal of reducing the time taken for the liquid composition to reach steady-state. Initially the system was successfully redesigned to speed up the eigenvalue associated with the liquid composition state, but this did not result in an improved startup performance. Further analysis showed that the integral action of the composition controller was the source of the limiting eigenvalue. Design changes made to speed up this eigenvalue did result in an improved startup performance. The proposed approach provides a structured way to address the design-control interface, giving significant insight into the dynamic behaviour of the system such that a systematic design or redesign of an existing system can be undertaken with confidence.


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Coating anatase TiO2 onto three different particle supports, activated carbon (AC), gamma -alumina (Al2O3) and silica gel (SiO2), by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was studied. The effect of the CVD synthesis conditions on the loading rate of anatase TiO2 was investigated. It was found that introducing water vapor during CVD or adsorbing water before CVD was crucial to obtain anatase TiO2 on the surface of the particle supports. The evaporation temperature of precursor, deposition temperature in the reactor, flow rate of carrier gas, and the length of coating time were also important parameters to obtain more uniform and repeatable TiO2 coating. High inflow precursor concentration, high CVD reactor temperature and long coating time tended to cause block problem. Coating TiO2 onto small particles by CVD involved both chemical vapor deposition and particle deposition. It was believed that the latter was the reason for the block problem. In addition, the mechanism of CVD process in this study included two parts, pyrolysis and hydrolysis, and one of them was dominant in the CVD process under different synthesis route. Among the three types of materials, silica gel, with higher surface hydroxyl groups and macropore surface area, was found to be the most efficient support in terms of both anatase TiO2 coating and photocatalytic reaction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We use the finite element method to simulate the rock alteration and metamorphic process in hydrothermal systems. In particular, we consider the fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated porous rocks. Since the fluid rock interaction takes place at the contact interface between the pore-fluid and solid minerals, it is governed by the chemical reaction which usually takes place very slowly at this contact interface, from the geochemical point of view. Due to the relative slowness of the rate of the chemical reaction to the velocity of the pore-fluid flow in the hydrothermal system to be considered, there exists a retardation zone, in which the conventional static theory in geochemistry does not hold true. Since this issue is often overlooked by some purely numerical modellers, it is emphasized in this paper. The related results from a typical rock alteration and metamorphic problem in a hydrothermal system have shown not only the detailed rock alteration and metamorphic process, but also the size of the retardation zone in the hydrothermal system. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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An important consideration in the development of mathematical models for dynamic simulation, is the identification of the appropriate mathematical structure. By building models with an efficient structure which is devoid of redundancy, it is possible to create simple, accurate and functional models. This leads not only to efficient simulation, but to a deeper understanding of the important dynamic relationships within the process. In this paper, a method is proposed for systematic model development for startup and shutdown simulation which is based on the identification of the essential process structure. The key tool in this analysis is the method of nonlinear perturbations for structural identification and model reduction. Starting from a detailed mathematical process description both singular and regular structural perturbations are detected. These techniques are then used to give insight into the system structure and where appropriate to eliminate superfluous model equations or reduce them to other forms. This process retains the ability to interpret the reduced order model in terms of the physico-chemical phenomena. Using this model reduction technique it is possible to attribute observable dynamics to particular unit operations within the process. This relationship then highlights the unit operations which must be accurately modelled in order to develop a robust plant model. The technique generates detailed insight into the dynamic structure of the models providing a basis for system re-design and dynamic analysis. The technique is illustrated on the modelling for an evaporator startup. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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In order to analyse the effect of modelling assumptions in a formal, rigorous way, a syntax of modelling assumptions has been defined. The syntax of modelling assumptions enables us to represent modelling assumptions as transformations acting on the set of model equations. The notion of syntactical correctness and semantical consistency of sets of modelling assumptions is defined and methods for checking them are described. It is shown on a simple example how different modelling assumptions act on the model equations and their effect on the differential index of the resulted model is also indicated.


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