66 resultados para Cellular materials
Most cellular solids are random materials, while practically all theoretical structure-property results are for periodic models. To be able to generate theoretical results for random models, the finite element method (FEM) was used to study the elastic properties of solids with a closed-cell cellular structure. We have computed the density (rho) and microstructure dependence of the Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (PR) for several different isotropic random models based on Voronoi tessellations and level-cut Gaussian random fields. The effect of partially open cells is also considered. The results, which are best described by a power law E infinity rho (n) (1<n<2), show the influence of randomness and isotropy on the properties of closed-cell cellular materials, and are found to be in good agreement with experimental data. (C) 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cellular delivery involving the transfer of various drugs and bio-active molecules (peptides, proteins and DNAs, etc.) through the cell membrane into cells has attracted increasing attention because of its importance in medicine and drug delivery. This topic has been extensively reviewed. The direct delivery of drugs and biomolecules, however, is generally inefficient and suffering from problems such as enzymic degradation of DNAs. Therefore, searching for efficient and safe transport vehicles (carriers) to delivery genes or drugs into cells has been challenging yet exciting area of research. In past decades, many carriers have been developed and investigated extensively which can be generally classified into four major groups: viral carriers, organic cationic compounds, recombinant protiens and inorganic nanoparticles. Many inorganic materials, such as calcium phosphate, gold, carbon materials, silicon oxide, iron oxide and layered double hydroxide (LDH), have been studied. Inorganic nanoparticles show low toxicity and promise for controlled delivery properties, thus presenting a new alternative to viral carriers and cationic carriers. Inorganic nanoparticles generally possess versatile properties suitable for cellular delivery, including wide availability, rich functionality, good biocompatibility, potential capability of targeted delivery (e.g. selectively destroying cancer cells but sparing normal tissues) and controlled release of carried drugs. This paper reviews the latest advances in inorganic nanoparticle applications as cellular delivery carriers and highlights some key issues in efficient cellular delivery using inorganic nanoparticles. Critical proper-ties of inorganic nanoparticles, surface functionalisation (modification), uptake of biomolecules, the driving forces for delivery, and release of biomolecules will be reviewed systematically. Selected examples of promising inorganic nanoparticle delivery systems, including gold, fullerences and carbon nanotubes, LDH and various oxide nanoparticles in particular their applications for gene delivery will be discussed. The fundamental understanding of properties of inorganic nanoparticles in relation to cellular delivery efficiency as the most paramount issue will be highlighted. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigate the modulational instability of plane waves in quadratic nonlinear materials with linear and nonlinear quasi-phase-matching gratings. Exact Floquet calculations, confirmed by numerical simulations, show that the periodicity can drastically alter the gain spectrum but never completely removes the instability. The low-frequency part of the gain spectrum is accurately predicted by an averaged theory and disappears for certain gratings. The high-frequency part is related to the inherent gain of the homogeneous non-phase-matched material and is a consistent spectral feature.
We sequenced cDNAs coding for chicken cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP). Two slightly different variations of the open reading frame were found, each of which translates into a protein with seven zinc finger domains. The longest transcript contains an in-frame insert of 3 bp. The sequence conservation between chick CNBP cDNAs with human, rat and mouse CNBP cDNAs is extreme, especially in the coding region, where the deduced amino acid sequence identity with human, rat and mouse CNBP is 99%. CNBP-like transcripts were also found in various tissues from insect, shrimp, fish and lizard. Regions with remarkable nucleotide conservation were also found in the 3' untranslated region, indicating important functions for these regions. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) indicated that in the chick, CNBP is present in all tissues examined in approximately equal ratios to total RNA. RT-PCR of total RNA isolated from different phyla indicate CNBP-like proteins art widespread throughout the animal kingdom. The extraordinary level of conservation suggests an important physiological role for CNBP. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.
The molecular mechanism of how insects recognize intruding microorganisms and parasites and distinguish them from own body structures is not well known. We explored evolutionary adaptations in an insect parasitoid host interaction to identify components that interfere with the recognition of foreign objects and cellular encapsulation. Because some parasitoids provide protection for the developing wasp in the absence of an overt suppression of the insect host defense, we analyzed the surface of eggs and symbiotic viruses for protective properties. Here we report on the molecular cloning of a 32-kDa protein (Crp32) that is one of the major protective components. It is produced in the calyx cells of the female wasp ovaries and attached to the surface of the egg and other particles including polydnaviruses. The recombinant protein confers protection to coated objects in a cellular encapsulation assay suggesting that a layer of Crp32 may prevent cellular encapsulation reactions by a local inactivation of the host defense system.
The tropical marine sponge Dysidea herbacea (Keller) contains the filamentous unicellular cyanobacterium Oscillatoria spongeliae (Schulze) Hauck as an endosymbiont, plus numerous bacteria, both intracellular and extracellular. Archaeocytes and choanocytes are the major sponge cell types present. Density gradient centrifugation of glutaraldehyde-fixed cells with Percoll as the support medium has been used to separate the cyanobacterial symbiont from the sponge cells on the basis of their differing densities. The protocol also has the advantage of separating broken from intact cells of O. spongeliae. The lighter cell preparations contain archaeocytes and choanocytes together with damaged cyanobacterial cells, whereas heavier cell preparations contain intact cyanobacterial cells, with less than 1% contamination by sponge cells. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis has revealed that the terpene spirodysin is concentrated in preparations containing archaeocytes and choanocytes, whereas nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the symbiont cell preparations has shown that they usually contain the chlorinated diketopiperazines, dihydrodysamide C and didechlorodihydrodysamide C, which are the characteristic metabolites of the sponge/symbiont association. However, one symbiont preparation, partitioned by a second Percoll gradient, has been found to be devoid of chlorinated diketopiperazines. The capability to synthesize secondary metabolites may depend on the physiological state of the symbiont; alternatively, there may be two closely related cyanobacterial strains within the sponge tissue.
Light-microscopic and electron-microscopic studies of the tropical marine sponge Haliclona sp. (Or der: Haplosclerida Family: Haliclonidae) from Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, have revealed that this sponge is characterized by the presence of dinoflagellates and by nematocysts. The dinoflagellates are 7-10 mu m in size, intracellular, and contain a pyrenoid with a single stalk, whereas the single chloroplast is branched, curved, and lacks grana. Mitochondria are present, and the nucleus is oval and has distinct chromosomal structure. The dinoflagellates are morphologically similar to Symbiodinium microadriaticum, the common intracellular symbiont of corals, although more detailed biochemical and molecular studies are required to provide a precise taxonomic assignment. The major sponge cell types found in Haliclona sp, are spongocytes, choanocytes, and archaeocytes; groups of dinoflagellates are enclosed within large vacuoles in the archaeocytes. The occurrence of dinoflagellates in marine sponges has previously been thought to be restricted to a small group of sponges including the excavating hadromerid sponges; the dinoflagellates in these sponges are usually referred to as symbionts. The role of the dinoflagellates present in Haliclona sp. as a genuine symbiotic partner requires experimental investigation. The sponge grows on coral substrates, from which it may acquire the nematocysts, and shows features, such as mucus production, which are typical of some excavating sponges. The cytotoxic alkaloids, haliclonacyclamines A and B, associated with Haliclona sp. are shown by Percoll density gradient fractionation to be localized within the sponge cells rather than the dinoflagellates. The ability to synthesize bioactive compounds such as the haliclonacyclamines may help Haliclona sp. to preserve its remarkable ecological niche.
To investigate the growth-regulating action of estrogen on vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), effects of beta-17-estradiol (beta-E-2) on phenotypic modulation and proliferation of rabbit aortic SMC were observed in vitro. At 10(-8) M, beta-E-2 significantly slowed the decrease in volume fraction of myofilaments (V(v)myo) of freshly dispersed SMCs in primary culture, indicating an inhibitory effect of beta-E-2 On spontaneous phenotypic modulation of SMC from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype. Freshly dispersed SMCs treated with beta-E-2 also had a relatively longer quiescent phase than control cells before intense proliferation occurred. This was in contrast to SMCs in passage 2-3 (synthetic state), where beta-E-2-treated cells replicated significantly faster than untreated cells. beta-E-2 also markedly enhanced the serum-induced DNA synthesis of synthetic SMCs in a concentration-dependent manner within physiological range (10(-10) to 10-8 M). These findings indicate that the growth-regulating effect of estrogen on vascular SMC is dependent on the cell's phenotypic stare. It delays the cell cycle re-entry of the contractile SMCs by retarding their phenotypic modulation however, once cells have modulated to the synthetic phenotype, it promotes their replication. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is possible to remedy certain difficulties with the description of short wave length phenomena and interfacial slip in standard models of a laminated material by considering the bending stiffness of the layers. If the couple or moment stresses are assumed to be proportional to the relative deformation gradient, then the bending effect disappears for vanishing interface slip, and the model correctly reduces to an isotropic standard continuum. In earlier Cosserat-type models this was not the case. Laminated materials of the kind considered here occur naturally as layered rock, or at a different scale, in synthetic layered materials and composites. Similarities to the situation in regular dislocation structures with couple stresses, also make these ideas relevant to single slip in crystalline materials. Application of the theory to a one-dimensional model for layered beams demonstrates agreement with exact results at the extremes of zero and infinite interface stiffness. Moreover, comparison with finite element calculations confirm the accuracy of the prediction for intermediate interfacial stiffness.
A novel pore tailoring method is proposed by which the pore-opening sizes of MCM-41 materials can be finely tuned without significant loss in pore volume and surface area.
The study of 'molecular mimicry' or 'genetic piracy', with respect to the utilisation of cellular genes captured and modified during the course of virus evolution, has been an area of increasing research with the expansion in virus genome sequencing. Examples of cellular immunomodulatory genes which have been captured from hosts have been identified in a number of viruses. This review concentrates upon studies of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), investigating the functions of viral genes homologous to G protein-coupled receptors, MHC class I and chemokines, The study of recombinant MCMV engineered with specific disruptions of these genes has revealed their significance during virus replication and dissemination within the host, In the case of the latter two classes of genes, evidence suggests they interfere with cellular immune responses, although the detailed mechanisms underlying this interference have yet to be delineated. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Depending on the size and shape of the materials, methods employed to achieve effective fluidization during fluid bed drying varies from use of simple hole distributors for small, light weight materials to special techniques for lager and/or moist materials. This paper reviews common air distributors used in fluidized bed drying of food particulates. Also it reviews special methods of fluidizing larger irregular food particulates.
A new isotherm is proposed here for adsorption of condensable vapors and gases on nonporous materials having type II isotherms according to the Brunauer-Deming-Deming-Teller (BDDH) classification. The isotherm combines the recent molecular-continuum model in the multilayer region, with other widely used models for sub-monolayer coverage, some of which satisfy the requirement of a Henry's law asymptote. The model is successfully tested using isotherm data for nitrogen adsorption on nonporous silica, carbon and alumina, as well as benzene and hexane adsorption on nonporous carbon. Based on the data fits, out of several different alternative choices of model for the monolayer region, the Freundlich and the Unilan models are found to be the most successful when combined with the multilayer model to predict the whole isotherm. The hybrid model is consequently applicable over a wide pressure range. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this article, a new hybrid model for estimating the pore size distribution of micro- and mesoporous materials is developed, and tested with the adsorption data of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon on ordered mesoporous materials reported in the literature. For the micropore region, the model uses the Dubinin-Rudushkevich (DR) isotherm with the Chen-Yang modification. A recent isotherm model of the authors for nonporous materials, which uses a continuum-mechanical model for the multilayer region and the Unilan model for the submonolayer region, has been extended for adsorption in mesopores. The experimental data is inverted using regularization to obtain the pore size distribution. The present model was found to be successful in predicting the pore size distribution of pure as well as binary physical mixtures of MCM-41 synthesized with different templates, with results in agreement with those from the XRD method and nonlocal density functional theory. It was found that various other recent methods, as well as the classical Broekhoff and de Beer method, underpredict the pore diameter of MCM-41. The present model has been successfully applied to MCM-48, SBA's, CMK, KIT, HMS, FSM, MTS, mesoporous fly ash, and a large number of other regular mesoporous materials.