16 resultados para CARBOXYLIC-ACID


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We report first principles density functional calculations for 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) and several oxidised forms. DHICA and 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) are believed to be the basic building blocks of the eumelanins. Our results show that carboxylation has a significant effect on the physical properties of the molecules. In particular, the relative stabilities and the highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gaps (calculated with the DeltaSCF method) of the various redox forms are strongly affected. We predict that, in contrast to DHI, the density of unpaired electrons, and hence the ESR signal, in DHICA is negligibly small. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reaction between ethane-1,2-diamine and 3,3'-dichloropivalic acid results in different, isomeric tetra-amine derivatives, one a tetraamino carboxylic acid and the other a carboxamidotriamino alcohol, depending upon reaction conditions, Intended conversion of the Cu(II) complex of the former to a cyclam-like macrocycle through reaction with nitroethane and formaldehyde results in isolation of derivatives of both the former and the latter. This can be rationalized by assuming the intermediacy of an azetidinone, a species similar to that seen in simpler reactions of dichloropivalates. A single reaction thereby provides pendent-arm macrocycles where one has an electrophilic and the other a nucleophilic substituent. Parallel chemistry is not seen in the reaction between propane-1,3-diamine and 3,3'-dichloropivalate.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) melt processed disks and solvent cast films were modified by graft co-polyinerization with acrylic acid (AAc) in methanol solution at ambient temperature using gamma irradiation (dose rate of 4.5 kGy/h). To assess the presence of carboxylic acid groups on the surface, reaction with pentafluorophenol was performed prior to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The grafting yield for all samples increased with monomer concentration (2-15%), and for the solvent cast films, it also increased with dose (2-9 kGy). However, the grafting yield of the melt processed disks was largely independent of the radiation dose (2-8 kGy). Toluidine blue was used to stain the modified materials facilitating, visual information about the extent of carboxylic acid functionalization and depth penetration of the grafted copolymer. Covalent linking of glucosamine to the functionalized surface was achieved using carbodimide chemistry verifying that the modified substrates are suitable for biomolecule attachment.


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The longevity of Grevillea 'Sylvia' inflorescences can be very short and is influenced by exposure to ethylene. Gibberellic acid has the potential to delay senescence in some cut flowers by acting as an anti-ethylene treatment. Gibberellic acid was therefore applied to Grevillea 'Sylvia' inflorescences in vase solutions to determine its effects on longevity. Treatments with gibberellic acid did not prolong the longevity of inflorescences or influence 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid concentrations. Treatments at high gibberellic acid concentrations enhanced flower abscission and we therefore conclude that vase-applied gibberellic acid treatments are not suitable for extending the longevity of cut Grevillea 'Sylvia' inflorescences.


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The metabolic conjugation of exogenous and endogenous carboxylic acid substrates with endogenous glucuronic acid, mediated by the uridine diphosphoglucuronosyl transferase (UGT) superfamily of enzymes, leads to the formation of acyl glucuronide metabolites. Since the late 1970s, acyl glucuronides have been increasingly identified as reactive electrophilic metabolites, capable of undergoing three reactions: intramolecular rearrangement, hydrolysis, and intermolecular reactions with proteins leading to covalent drug-protein adducts. This essential dogma has been accepted for over a decade. The key question proposed by researchers, and now the pharmaceutical industry, is: does or can the covalent modification of endogenous proteins, mediated by reactive acyl glucuronide metabolites, lead to adverse drug reactions, perhaps idiosyncratic in nature? This review evaluates the evidence for acyl glucuronide-derived perturbation of homeostasis, particularly that which might result from the covalent modification of endogenous proteins and other macromolecules. Because of the availability of acyl glucuronides for test tube/in vitro experiments, there is now a substantial literature documenting their rearrangement, hydrolysis and covalent modification of proteins in vitro. It is certain from in vitro experiments that serum albumin, dipeptidyl peptidase IV, tubulin and UGTs are covalently modified by acyl glucuronides. However, these in vitro experiments have been specifically designed to amplify any interference with a biological process in order to find biological effects. The in vivo situation is not at all clear. Certainly it must be concluded that all humans taking carboxylate drugs that form reactive acyl glucuronides will form covalent drug-protein adducts, and it must also be concluded that this in itself is normally benign. However, there is enough in vivo evidence implicating acyl glucuronides, which, when backed up by in vivo circumstantial and documented in vitro evidence, supports the view that reactive acyl glucuronides may initiate toxicity/immune responses. In summary, though acyl glucuronide-derived covalent modification of endogenous macromolecules is well-defined, the work ahead needs to provide detailed links between such modification and its possible biological consequences. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To characterise the physiology of development and senescence for Grevillea 'Sylvia'. oral organs, respiration, ethylene production and ACC concentrations in harvested flowers and flower parts were measured. The respiration rate of harvested inflorescences decreased over time during senescence. In contrast, both ethylene production and ACC concentration increased. Individual flowers, either detached from cut inflorescences held in vases at 20degreesC or detached from in planta inflorescences at various stages of development, had similar patterns of change in ACC concentration and rates of respiration and ethylene production as whole inflorescences. The correlation between ACC concentration and ethylene production by individual flowers detached from cut inflorescences held in vases was poor (r(2)=0.03). The isolated complete gynoecium (inclusive of the pedicel) produced increasing amounts of ethylene during development. Further sub-division of flower parts and measurement of their ethylene production at various stages of development revealed that the distal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the stigma) had the highest rate of ethylene production. In turn, anthers had higher rates of ethylene production and also higher ACC concentrations than the proximal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the ovary). Rates of ethylene production and ACC concentrations for tepal abscission zone tissue and adjacent central tepal zone tissue were similar. ACC concentration in pollen was similar to that in senescing perianth tissue. Overall, respiration, ethylene and ACC content measurements suggest that senescence of G. 'Sylvia' is non-climacteric in character. Nonetheless, the phytohormone ethylene is produced and evidently mediates normal flower development and non-climacteric senescence processes.


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The quantum yield of synthetic eumelanin is known to be extremely low and it has recently been reported to be dependent on excitation wavelength. In this paper, we present quantum yield as a function of excitation wavelength between 250 and 500 nm, showing it to be a factor of 4 higher at 250 nm than at 500 nm. In addition, we present a definitive map of the steady-state fluorescence as a function of excitation and emission wavelengths, and significantly, a three-dimensional map of the specific quantum yield: the fraction of photons absorbed at each wavelength that are subsequently radiated at each emission wavelength. This map contains clear features, which we attribute to certain structural models, and shows that radiative emission and specific quantum yield are negligible at emission wavelengths outside the range of 585 and 385 nm (2.2 and 3.2 eV), regardless of excitation wavelength. This information is important in the context of understanding melanin biofunctionality, and the quantum molecular biophysics therein. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Previously reported excitation spectra for eumelanin are sparse and inconsistent. Moreover, these studies have failed to account for probe beam attenuation and emission reabsorption within the samples, making them qualitative at best. We report for the first time quantitative excitation spectra for synthetic eumelanin, acquired for a range of solution concentrations and emission wavelengths. Our data indicate that probe beam attenuation and emission reabsorption significantly affect the spectra even in low-concentration eumelanin solutions and that previously published data do not reflect the true excitation profile. We apply a correction procedure (previously applied to emission spectra) to account for these effects. Application of this procedure reconstructs the expected relationship of signal intensity with concentration, and the normalized spectra show a similarity in form to the absorption profiles. These spectra reveal valuable information regarding the photophysics and photochemistry of eumelanin. Most notably, an excitation peak at 365 urn (3.40 eV), whose position is independent of emission wavelength, is possibly attributable to a 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) component singly linked to a polymeric structure.


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We discuss recent progress towards the establishment of important structure-property-function relationships in eumelanins-key functional bio-macromolecular systems responsible for photoprotection and immune response in humans, and implicated in the development of melanoma skin cancer. We focus on the link between eumelanin's secondary structure and optical properties such as broad band UV-visible absorption and strong non-radiative relaxation; both key features of the photo-protective function. We emphasise the insights gained through a holistic approach combining optical spectroscopy with first principles quantum chemical calculations, and advance the hypothesis that the robust functionality characteristic of eumelanin is related to extreme chemical and structural disorder at the secondary level. This inherent disorder is a low cost natural resource, and it is interesting to speculate as to whether it may play a role in other functional bio-macromolecular systems.


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We report the results of an experimental and theoretical study of the electronic and structural properties of a key eumelanin precursor-5,6,-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid ( DHICA) - and its dimeric forms. We have used optical spectroscopy to follow the oxidative polymerization of DHICA to eumelanin and observe red shifting and broadening of the absorption spectrum as the reaction proceeds. First principles density functional theory calculations indicate that DHICA oligomers ( possible reaction products of oxidative polymerization) have the gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital red-shifted gaps with respect to the monomer. Furthermore, different bonding configurations ( leading to oligomers with different structures) produce a range of gaps. These experimental and theoretical results lend support to the chemical disorder model where the broadband monotonic absorption characteristic of all melanins is a consequence of the superposition of a large number of nonhomogeneously broadened Gaussian transitions associated with each of the components of a melanin ensemble. These results suggest that the traditional model of eumelanin as an amorphous organic semiconductor is not required to explain its optical properties and should be thoroughly reexamined. These results have significant implications for our understanding of the physics, chemistry, and biological function of these important biological macromolecules. Indeed, one may speculate that the robust functionality of melanins in vitro is a direct consequence of its heterogeneity, i.e., chemical disorder is a "low cost" natural resource in these systems


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To identify genes involved in papaya fruit ripening, a total of 1171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from randomly selected clones of two independent fruit cDNA libraries derived from yellow and red-fleshed fruit varieties. The most abundant sequences encoded: chitinase, 1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase, catalase and methionine synthase, respectively. DNA sequence comparisons identified ESTs with significant similarity to genes associated with fruit softening, aroma and colour biosynthesis. Putative cell wall hydrolases, cell membrane hydrolases, and ethylene synthesis and regulation sequences were identified with predicted roles in fruit softening. Expressed papaya genes associated with fruit aroma included isoprenoid biosynthesis and shikimic acid pathway genes and proteins associated with acyl lipid catabolism. Putative fruit colour genes were identified due to their similarity with carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis genes from other plant species. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we review the current state of knowledge concerning the physical and chemical properties of the eumelanin pigment. We examine properties related to its photoprotective functionality, and draw the crucial link between fundamental molecular structure and observable macroscopic behaviour. Where necessary, we also briefly review certain aspects of the pheomelanin literature to draw relevant comparison. A full understanding of melanin function, and indeed its role in retarding or promoting the disease state, can only be obtained through a full mapping of key structure-property relationships in the main pigment types. We are engaged in such an endeavor for the case of eumelanin.


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Flowering is a crucial developmental stage in the plant life cycle. A number of different factors, from environmental to chemical, can trigger flowering. In pineapple, and other bromeliads, it has been proposed that flowering is triggered by a small burst of ethylene production in the meristem in response to environmental cues. A 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC synthase) gene has been cloned from pineapple (ACACS2), which is induced in the meristem under the same environmental conditions that induce flowering. Two transgenic pineapple lines have been produced containing co-suppression constructs designed to down-regulate the expression of the ACACS2 gene. Northern analysis revealed that the ACACS2 gene was silenced in a number of transgenic plants in both lines. Southern hybridization revealed clear differences in the methylation status of silenced versus non-silenced plants by the inability of a methylation-sensitive enzyme to digest within the ACACS2 DNA extracted from silenced plants, indicating that methylation is the cause of the observed co-suppression of the ACACS2 gene. Flowering characteristics of the transgenic plants were studied under field conditions in South East Queensland, Australia. Flowering dynamics studies revealed significant differences in flowering behaviour, with transgenic plants exhibiting silencing showing a marked delay in flowering when compared with non-silenced transgenic plants and control non-transformed plants. It is argued that the ACACS2 gene is one of the key contributors towards triggering 'natural flowering' in mature pineapples under commercial field conditions.


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Legume plants carefully control the extent of nodulation in response to rhizobial infection. To examine the mechanism underlying this process we conducted a detailed analysis of the Lotus japonicus hypernodulating mutants, har1-1, 2 and 3 that define a new locus, HYPERNODULATION ABERRANT ROOT FORMATION (Har1), involved in root and symbiotic development. Mutations in the Har1 locus alter root architecture by inhibiting root elongation, diminishing root diameter and stimulating lateral root initiation. At the cellular level these developmental alterations are associated with changes in the position and duration of root cell growth and result in a premature differentiation of har1-1 mutant root. No significant differences between har1-1 mutant and wild-type plants were detected with respect to root growth responses to 1-aminocyclopropane1-carboxylic acid, the immediate precursor of ethylene, and auxin; however, cytokinin in the presence of AVG (aminoetoxyvinylglycine) was found to stimulate root elongation of the har1-1 mutant but not the wild-type. After inoculation with Mesorhizobium loti, the har1 mutant lines display an unusual hypernodulation (HNR) response, characterized by unrestricted nodulation (hypernodulation), and a concomitant drastic inhibition of root and shoot growth. These observations implicate a role for the Har1 locus in both symbiotic and non-symbiotic development of L. japonicus, and suggest that regulatory processes controlling nodule organogenesis and nodule number are integrated in an overall mechanism governing root growth and development.


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Imidoylketenes 11 and oxoketenimines 12 are generated by flash vacuum thermolysis of Meldrum's acid derivatives 9, pyrrolediones 17 and 18, and triazole 19 and are observed by IR spectroscopy. Ketenimine-3-carboxylic acid esters 12a are isolable at room temperature. Ketenes 11 and ketenimines 12 undergo rapid interconversion in the gas phase, and the ketenes cyclize to 4-quinolones 13. When using an amine leaving group in Meldrum's acid derivatives 9c, the major reaction products are aryliminopropadienones, ArN=C=C=C=O (15). The latter react with 1 equiv of nucleophile to produce ketenimines 12 and with 2 equiv to afford maIonic acid imide derivatives 16. N-Arylketenimine-C-carboxamides 12c cyclize to quinolones 13c via the transient amidinoketenes 11c at temperatures of 25-40 degrees C. This implies rapid interconversion of ketenes and ketenimines by a 1,3-shift of the dimethylamino group, even at room temperature. This interconversion explains previously poorly understood outcomes of the ynamine-isocyanate reaction. The solvent dependence of the tautomerism of 4-quinolones/4-quinolinols is discussed. Rotational barriers of NMe2 groups in amidoketenimines 12c and malonioc amides and amidines 16 (24) are reported.