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Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) has emerged as the best new marker for alcohol abuse. Recently plasma immunoglobulin A (IgA) reactivity with acetaldehyde (AcH)-modified proteins, or the modified proteins per se, have been proposed as a markers for high levels of alcohol consumption. In this study, we have compared CDT, IgA reactivity with AcH adducts (IgA ASR), and AcH-modified albumin with conventional markers of high alcohol intake in groups with well-defined drinking histories, The plasma activity of ALT, AST, and gamma-glutamyltransferase increased steadily with increasing alcohol consumption, CDT and AcH-modified albumin showed a similar pattern, whereas IgA ASR appeared only to be elevated after a threshold level of consumption had been reached, Neither CDT IgA ASR or AcH-modified albumin correlated strongly with any of the conventional markers or each other. This study shows that CDT, IgA ASR, AcH-modified albumin, and the conventional markers are not related, but suggests that the concurrent use of CDT and IgA ASR may lead to better identification of high alcohol intake.


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Background: Alcohol increases body iron stores. Alcohol and iron may increase oxidative stress and the risk of alcohol-related liver disease. The relationship between low or safe levels of alcohol use and indices of body iron stores, and the factors that affect the alcohol-iron relationship, have not been fully characterized. Other aspects of the biological response to alcohol use have been reported to depend on iron status. Methods: We have measured serum iron, transferrin, and ferritin as indices of iron stores in 3375 adult twin subjects recruited through the Australian Twin Registry. Information on alcohol use and dependence and smoking was obtained from questionnaires and interviews. Results: Serum iron and ferritin increased progressively across classes of alcohol intake. The effects of beer consumption were greater than those of wine or spirits. Ferritin concentration was significantly higher in subjects who had ever been alcohol dependent. There was no evidence of interactions between HFE genotype or body mass index and alcohol. Alcohol intake-adjusted carbohydrate-deficient transferrin was increased in women in the lowest quartile of ferritin results, whereas adjusted gamma -glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase values were increased in subjects with high ferritin. Conclusions: Alcohol intake at low level increases ferritin and, by inference, body iron stores. This may be either beneficial or harmful, depending on circumstances. The response of biological markers of alcohol intake can be affected by body iron stores; this has implications for test sensitivity and specificity and for variation in biological responses to alcohol use.


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Background: Estimates of the performance of carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) as markers of alcohol consumption have varied widely. Studies have differed in design and subject characteristics. The WHO/ISBRA Collaborative Study allows assessment and comparison of CDT, GGT, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) as markers of drinking in a large, well-characterized, multicenter sample. Methods: A total of 1863 subjects were recruited from five countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, and Japan). Recruitment was stratified by alcohol use, age, and sex. Demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption, and presence of ICD-10 dependence were recorded using an interview schedule based on the AUDADIS, CDT was assayed using CDTect(TM) and GGT and AST by standard methods. Statistical techniques included receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Multiple regression was used to measure the impact of factors other than alcohol on test performance. Results: CDT and GGT had comparable performance on ROC analysis, with AST performing slightly less well. CDT was a slightly but significantly better marker of high-risk consumption in men. All were more effective for detection of high-risk rather than intermediate-risk drinking. CDT and GGT levels were influenced by body mass index, sex, age, and smoking status. Conclusions: CDT was little better than GGT in detecting high- or intermediate-risk alcohol consumption in this large, multicenter, predominantly community-based sample. As the two tests are relatively independent of each other, their combination is likely to provide better performance than either test alone, Test interpretation should take account sex, age. and body mass index.


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Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a recently described, underrecognized group of syndromes characterized biochemically by abnormal glycosylation of serum and cellular glycoproteins. We report a previously undiagnosed adult male who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia in the context of mental impairment, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, body dysmorphism, cardiomyopathy, and hypogonadism. Newly available screening and genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis as CDG type Ia. This case emphasizes that CDG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for adults with early-onset cerebellar ataxia, particularly in those persons with the aforementioned features, and that undiagnosed cases of childhood ataxia may require reassessment now that testing is available. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society


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Glucose loading of rats made thiamin deficient by dietary deprivation of thiamin and the administration of pyrithiamin (40 mug/100 g, i.p.) precipitates an acute neuropathy, a model of Wernicke's encephalopathy in man (Zimitat and Nixon, Metab. Brain Dis. 1999;14:1-20). Immunohistochemical detection of Fos proteins was used as a marker to identify neuronal populations in the thiamin-deficient rat brain affected by glucose loading. As thiamin deficiency progressed, the extent and intensity of Fos-Like immunoreactivity (FLI) in brain structures typically affected by thiamin deficiency (the thalamus, mammillary bodies, inferior colliculus, vestibular nucleus and inferior olives) were markedly increased when compared to thiamin-replete controls. Glucose loading for 1-3 days further increased the intensity of FLI in these same regions, consistent with a dependence of Fos expression on carbohydrate metabolism as well as on thiamin deficiency. The timed acute changes that follow a bolus glucose load administered to thiamin-deficient animals may provide a sequential account of events in the pathogenesis of brain damage in this model of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background & Aims: An elevated transferrin saturation is the earliest phenotypic abnormality in hereditary hemochromatosis. Determination of transferrin saturation remains the most useful noninvasive screening test for affected individuals, but there is debate as to the appropriate screening level. The aims of this study were to estimate the mean transferrin saturation in hemochromatosis heterozygotes and normal individuals and to evaluate potential transferrin saturation screening levels. Methods: Statistical mixture modeling was applied to data from a survey of asymptomatic Australians to estimate the mean transferrin saturation in hemochromatosis heterozygotes and normal individuals. To evaluate potential transferrin saturation screening levels, modeling results were compared with data from identified hemochromatosis heterozygotes and homozygotes. Results: After removal of hemochromatosis homozygotes, two populations of transferrin saturation were identified in asymptomatic Australians (P < 0.01). In men, 88.2% of the truncated sample had a lower mean transferrin saturation of 24.1%, whereas 11.8% had an increased mean transferrin saturation of 37.3%. Similar results were found in women, A transferrin saturation threshold of 45% identified 98% of homozygotes without misidentifying any normal individuals. Conclusions: The results confirm that hemochromatosis heterozygotes form a distinct transferrin saturation subpopulation and support the use of transferrin saturation as an inexpensive screening test for hemochromatosis. In practice, a fasting transferrin saturation of greater than or equal to 45% identifies virtually all affected homozygous subjects without necessitating further investigation of unaffected normal individuals.


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GH-binding protein (GHBP) corresponds to the extracellular domain of the GH receptor (GHR) and has been shown to be closely related to body fat. This study aimed to examine the inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat, and to test the hypothesis that GHBP is modified by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults and predicts IGF-I response. Twenty adults, mean age 47 years (range 20-69) with proven GH deficiency were randomly allocated to either GH (up to 0.25 U/kg/week in daily doses) or placebo for 3 months before cross-over to the opposite treatment. Plasma GHBP and leptin were measured at baseline and 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after each treatment. Whole body composition was measured at baseline by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). There was a strong correlation between baseline leptin and GHBP (r = 0.88, P < 0.0001) and between baseline GHBP and percentage body fat, (r = 0.83, P < 0.0001). Mean GHBP levels were higher on GH compared with placebo, 1.53 +/- 0.28 vs 1.41 +/- 0.25 nM, P = 0.049. There was no correlation between baseline IGF-I and GHBP (r = -0.049, P = 0.84), and GHBP did not predict IGF-I response to GH replacement. The close inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat suggests a possible role for GHBP in the regulation of body composition. GHBP is increased by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults, but does not predict biochemical response to GH replacement. (C) 1999 Churchill Livingstone.


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The aim of this investigation was to elucidate the roles of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and transferrin in the survival and proliferation of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells upon withdrawal of serum. For this purpose, we employed DNA analysis and now cytometry to compare CHO cell lines expressing either IGF-I alone or IGF-I and transferrin. The ability of cells to cycle and the occurrence of apoptosis were monitored in these cells in serum-free medium. These results indicate that IGF-I alone is able to maintain the viability of CHO cells for an extended length of time in the absence of serum. Transferrin alone does not promote survival or proliferation. Only in the presence of both IGF-I and transferrin do cells survive and proliferate. Therefore, in attached CHO cultures, IGF-I alone does not stimulate cell proliferation but is a requirement for growth in serum-free medium in cooperation with transferrin. We report on the dual role of IGF-I as a survival factor in CHO cells and its interlocking role with transferrin to stimulate cell growth.


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RelB, NIK and TRAF6-deficient mice die prematurely with multi-organ inflammatory disease and apparent excessive myelopoiesis. While thymic development of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) is reduced in TRAF6 deficient mice, the impact of this on inflammation is not known. Here we show that while RelB deficient thymic stroma is unable to sustain the development of Treg, surprisingly, FoxP3hi Treg are increased in the periphery. Peripheral expansion of Treg is driven by GITRligand, expressed by immature monocytes maintained by RelBdeficient stroma. RelB-deficient DC fail to activate Treg suppressor function. The data reveal the dual roles of RelB in both hemopoietic and stromal cells to maintain tolerance and contain inflammation through Treg and DC.


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Rapsyn is a key molecule involved in the formation of postsynaptic specializations at the neuromuscular junction, in its absence there are both pre- and post-synaptic deficits including failure to cluster acety]choline receptors. Recently we have documented increases in both nerve-muscle branching and numbers of motoneurons, suggesting alterations in skeletal muscle derived trophic support for motoneurons. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of target derived trophic factors to increases in motoneuron branching and number, in rapsyn deficient mice that had their postsynaptic specializations disrupted, We have used reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blot to document the expression of known trophic factors and their receptors in muscle, during the period of synapse formation in rapsyn deficient mouse embryos. We found that the mRNA levels for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) was decreased in the rapsyn deficient muscles compared with litter mate controls although those for NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and TGF-beta2 did not differ. We found that both the mRNA and the protein expression for suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) decreased although janus kinase 2 (JAK2) did not change in the rapsyn deficient muscles compared with litter mate controls. These results suggest that failure to form postsynaptic specializations in rapsyn deficient mice has altered the CNTF cytokine signaling pathway within skeletal muscle, the target for motoneurons. This alteration may in part, account for the increased muscle nerve branching and motoneuron survival seen in rapsyn deficient mice. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Objective: To examine the effects of iron deficiency and its treatment by iron supplementation or a high iron diet on fatigue and general health measures in women of childbearing age. Design: Randomised controlled trial to compare supplement and dietary treatment of iron deficiency. Subjects: 44 iron deficient (serum ferritin < 15 mug/L or serum ferritin 15-20 mug/L, plus two of the following: serum iron < 10 mu mol/L, total iron binding capacity > 68 mu mol/L or transferrin saturation < 15%) and 22 iron replete (hemoglobin greater than or equal to 120 g/L and serum ferritin > 20 mug/L) women 18 to 50 years of age were matched for age and parity. Interventions: Iron deficient women were randomly allocated to either iron supplementation or a high iron diet for 12 weeks. Measures of Outcome: Iron deficient and iron replete participants had iron studies performed and completed the Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) and the SF-36 general health and well-being questionnaire at baseline (TO), following the 12 week intervention (TI) and again after a six-month non-intervention phase (T2). The SF-36 includes measures of physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) health and vitality (VT). Results: MCS and VT scores were lower and PFS scores were higher for iron deficient women (diet and supplement groups) than iron replete women at baseline. Both intervention groups showed similar improvements in MCS, VT and PFS scores during the intervention phase, but mean increases in serum ferritin were greater in the supplement than the diet group. PCS scores were not related to iron status. Conclusions: Treatment of iron deficiency with either supplementation or a high iron diet results in improved mental health and decreased fatigue among women of childbearing age.


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Methyl tetra-O-allyl, and tetra-O-[2-(tetrahydro-2H-pyranyl)oxy.-3-oxapentyl glucosides, and tetra-O-(cyanoethyl)galactosyl azide were converted into derivatives containing linkers with terminal carboxylic acid functionalities at the anomeric position and bearing four arms with phthaloyl- or BOC-protected terminal amino groups. These molecules were suitable for use in solid-phase peptide synthesis and for the preparation of dendrimers, containing multiple copies of peptides. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.