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The aims of this study were to characterize the recently cloned rat norepinephrine transporter (NET) in more detail and in particular to study possible species differences in its pharmacological properties compared with the human and bovine NETs. The study was carried out by measuring the uptake of [3H]norepinephrine in COS-7 cells expressing the NET after transient transfection with rat, human, or bovine NET cDNA. There were small but significant differences between the rat NET and the human or bovine NETs with respect to the affinities of sodium ions (greater for rat than for bovine) of the substrates norepinephrine, epinephrine, and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (greater for human than for rat), and of the inhibitor cocaine (greater for human and bovine than for rat), whereas the affinities of dopamine and of most inhibitors, including tricyclic antidepressants, showed no species differences. The fact that the affinities for some substrates, cocaine and sodium ions exhibited small but significant interspecies differences among the rat, human, and bovine NETs suggests that ligand recognition, the translocation process, and sodium ion dependence are influenced differentially by just a few amino acid exchanges in the primary sequences of the transporters. On the other hand, the lack of any major differences in the pharmacological properties of the rat, human, and bovine NETs in this study suggests that data obtained in previous studies on rat tissues and bovine cells can be extrapolated, in all except the most quantitative analyses, to the properties of the human NET.
We surveyed the larval habitats of member,, of the Anopheles punctulatus group of mosquitoes on Niolam (Lihir) Island. Papua New Guinea. Identification of this group was undertaken by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the amplified internal transcribed spacer unit 2 of rDNA. because morphologic separation of member species is unreliable. The most widespread malaria vector species and their most common larval habitats identified to aid source-reduction programs for malaria control. The most ubiquitous species was An. punctulatus, followed by An. farauti no. 2. then An. farauti s.s. Anopheles punctulatus has increased relative to An.farauti s.l. since the start of development projects on Lihir Island. The most common larval habitats were shallow temporary pools with clay substrate and with plants or floatage. These habitats. mostly encountered alongside poorly drained roads, may be increased by development projects.
The Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous volcanosedimentary rocks of the Yarrol terrane of the northern New England Fold Belt have previously been ascribed to a forearc basin setting. New data presented here, however, suggest that the Yarrol terrane developed as a backarc basin during the Middle to early Late Devonian. Based on field studies, we recognise four regionally applicable strati graphic units: (i) a basal, ?Middle to Upper Devonian submarine mafic volcanic suite (Monal volcanic facies association); (ii) the lower Frasnian Lochenbar beds that locally unconformably overlie the Monal volcanic facies association: (iii) the Three Moon Conglomerate (Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous): and (iv) the Lower Carboniferous Rockhampton Group characterised by the presence of oolitic limestone. Stratigraphic and compositional differences suggest the Monal volcanic facies association post-dates Middle Devonian silicic-dominated magmatism that was coeval with gold-copper mineralisation at Mt Morgan. The Lochenbar beds, Three Moon Conglomerate and Rockhampton Group represent a near-continuous sedimentary record of volcanism that changed in composition and style from mafic effusive (Late Devonian) to silicic explosive volcanism (Early Carboniferous). Palaeocurrent data from the Three Moon Conglomerate and Rockhampton Group indicate dispersal of sediment to the west and northwest, and are inconsistent with derivation from a volcanic-are source situated to the west (Connors-Auburn Arch). Geochemical data show that the Monal volcanic facies association ranges from tholeiitic subalkaline basalts to calc-alkaline basaltic andesite. Trace and rare-earth element abundances are distinctly MORE-like (e.g, light rare earth element depletion), with only moderate enrichment of the large-ion lithophile elements in some units, and negative Nb anomalies, suggesting a subduction-related signature. Basalts of the Monal volcanic facies association are best described as transitional between calc-alkali basalts and N-MORB. The elevated high field strength element contents (e.g. Zr, Y, Ti) are higher than modern island-are basalts, but comparable to basalts that floor modern backarc basins. This geochemical study, coupled with stratigraphic relationships, suggest that the eruption of backarc basin basalts followed widespread Middle Devonian, extension-related silicic magmatism (e.g. Retreat Batholith, Mt Morgan), and floored the Yarrol terrane. The Monal volcanic facies association thus shows similarities in its tectonic environment to the Lower Permian successions (e.g. Rookwood Volcanics) of the northern New England Fold Belt. These mafic volcanic sequences are interpreted to record two backarc basin-forming periods (Middle - Late Devonian and Late Carboniferous - Early Permian) during the Late Palaeozoic history of the New England Orogen. Silicic-dominated explosive volcanism, occurring extensively across the northern New England Fold Belt in the Early Carboniferous (Varrol terrane, Campwyn Volcanics, Drummond and Burdekin Basins), reflects another period of crustal melting and extension, most likely related to the opening of the Drummond Basin.
The aim was to examine the functional importance in the norepinephrine transporter (NET) of (i) the phenylalanine residue at position 531 in transmembrane domain (TMD) 11 by mutating it to tyrosine in the rat (rF531Y) and human (hF531Y) NETs and (ii) the highly conserved tyrosine residues at positions 249 in TMD 4 of human NET (hNET) (mutated to alanine: hY249A) and 271 in TMD 5, by mutating to alanine (hY271A), phenylalanine (hY271F) and histidine (hY271H). The effects of the mutations on NET function were for uptake of the substrates, examined by expressing the mutant and wildtype NETs in COS-7 cells and measuring the K-m and V-max for uptake of the substrates, [H-3]norepinephrine, [H-3]MPP+ and [H-3]dopamine, the K-D and B-max for [H-3]nisoxetine binding and the K-i of the inhibitors, nisoxetine, desipramine and cocaine, for inhibition of [H-3]norepinephrine uptake. The K-m values of the substrates were lower for the mutants at amino acid 271 than hNET and unaffected for the other mutants, and each mutant had a significantly lower than NET for substrate uptake. The mutations at position 271 caused an increase in the K-i or K-D values of nisoxetine, desipramine and cocaine, but there were no effects for the other mutations. Hence, the 271 tyrosine residue in TMD 5 is an important determinant of NET function, with the mutants showing an increase in the apparent affinities of substrates and a decrease in the apparent affinities of inhibitors, but the 249 tyrosine and 531 phenylalanine residues do not have a major role in determining NET function. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of short- and long-term exposure of cells to elevated cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP), using dibutyryl-c-AMP, 8-bromo-c-AMP, cholera toxin or forskolin, or cyclic guanosine monophosphate (c-GMP), using dibutyryl-c-GMP or 8-bromo-c-GMP, on the activity and expression of the noradrenaline transporter (NAT) were examined. Short- or long-term c-GMP elevation had no effects on H-3-noradrenaline uptake by rat PC12 phaeochromocytoma cells or human SK-N-SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Short-term c-AMP elevation (for 17 min experiment duration) caused a decrease in H-3-noradrenaline uptake by PC12 cells, but had no effects on SK-N-SH-SY5Y cells or COS-7 cells transfected with human or rat NAT cDNA. c-AMP did not affect H-3-nisoxetine binding to PC12 cells. Long-term (24 h) exposure to elevated c-AMP levels caused a decrease in H-3-noradrenaline uptake and NAT mRNA in PC12 cells, but had no effects on SK-N-SH-SY5Y cells and caused a small increase in H-3-noradrenaline uptake in COS-7 cells heterologously expressing rat or human NAT. Hence, c-AMP, but not c-GMP, causes a cell type-dependent reduction in NAT activity after short-term exposure and a reduction in NAT expression after long-term exposure. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Descriptions of the three sibling species of the Anopheles farauti complex in Australia, A. farauti Laveran (formerly A. farauti No. 1), A. hinesorum Schmidt sp.n. (formerly A. farauti No. 2) and A. torresiensis Schmidt sp.n. (formerly A. farauti No. 3) are provided. These species form a part of the punctulatus group, which contains the major malaria vectors in the southwest Pacific. Morphological markers are described for adult females, fourth instar larvae and pupae which identify most specimens, and are presented in keys.