70 resultados para Aggressive Interactions
We measured plasma androgen (combined testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone) (A) and corticosterone (B) in the promiscuous green turtle (Chelonia mydas) during courtship in the southern Great Barrier Reef. This study examined if reproductive behaviors and intermale aggression induced behavioral androgen and adrenocortical responses in reproductively active male and female green turtles. Associations between reproductive behavior and plasma steroids were investigated in green turtles across the population and within individuals. Levels across a range of both asocial and social behaviors were compared including (a) free swimming behavior; (b) initial courtship interactions; (c) mounted behavior (male and female turtles involved in copulatory activities); (d) intermale aggression (rival males that physically competed with another male turtle or mounted males recipient to these aggressive interactions); and (e) extensive courtship damage (male turtles that had accumulated excessive courtship damage from rival males). Behavioral androgen responses were detected in male turtles, in that plasma A was observed to increase with both attendant and mounted behavior. Male turtles who had been subjected to intermale aggression or who had accumulated severe courtship damage exhibited significantly lower plasma A than their respective controls. No pronounced adrenocortical response was observed after either intermale aggression or accumulation of extensive courtship damage. Female turtles exhibited a significant increase in plasma B during swimming versus mounted behavior, but no change in plasma A. We discuss our results in terms of how scramble polygamy might influence behavioral androgen interactions differently from more typical combative and territorial forms Of male polygamy. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
The massive coral Goniopora tenuidens can develop elongated sweeper polyps. These are thought to be involved in aggressive interactions with neighbouring benthic organ isms, like the sweeper tentacles of other corals. The cnidoms of sweeper polyps and ordinary polyps of G. tenuidens from the Great Barrier Reef were compared. Sweeper polyps had significantly greater densities of elongate holotrichous isorhizas (34577 +/- 3839/mg; mean +/- SD, n = 6) than ordinary polyps (936 +/- 371/mg; p < 0.05), while ordinary polyps had significantly greater densities of spirocysts (75994 +/- 15992/mg) than sweeper polyps (19469 +/- 7808/mg; p < 0.05). This suggests that sweeper polyps of G. tenuidens, like the sweeper tentacles of other corals, are modified for aggression, and that they probably act through nematocyst discharge. However, the scattered distribution of sweeper polyps observed on colonies of G. tenuidens in the field suggests that sweeper polyps may have other functions.
We examined the role of conspicuous coloration in male-male contests for two species of Australian dragon lizards, Ctenophortis decresii and C. vadnappa, in which conspicuous coloration has a demonstrated predation cost. We conducted contests in which the overall conspicuousness of male coloration was manipulated using paints that matched the spectral reflectance of the lizards, as well as natural (control) contests. There was little evidence for an influence of colour on contest outcome or aggression levels for either species when all experiments were considered. However, we found a significant effect of trial order and experience on contest outcome and aggression levels (the same pair of males was used for both types of contest), despite a 2-3 week interval between contests. When we examined only the first trial between unfamiliar males, we found that male C. vadnappa that had been painted to appear more conspicuous consistently won. Comparison with the natural trials suggests that the aspect of colour manipulation that was responsible for this result was the 'hue' of the throat: males with yellower throats consistently beat males with bluer throats in both natural and painted trials. The difference in coloration of flank markings also predicted the difference in aggression scores between contestants in the natural trials. These results suggest that although colour is important in opponent assessment and in determining contest outcome in C vadnappa, previous agonistic experience can override the effects of colour and have a long-lasting influence on aggressive behaviour.
Twenty-seven patients undergoing treatment in a high-secure forensic facility participated in focus group interviews to elicit their perceptions of (1) the factors leading to aggressive behaviour; and (2) strategies to reduce the risk of such behaviour. The focus group interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and analysed using content analysis. The participants identified that a combination of patient, staff and environmental factors contributed to violence in the study wards. The cause of aggressive behaviour centred around five major themes: the environment; empty days; staff interactions; medication issues; and patient-centred factors. Potential strategies identified by patients to reduce aggressive behaviour included: early intervention; the provision of meaningful activities to reduce boredom; separation of acutely disturbed patients; improved staff attitudes; implementation of effective justice procedures; and a patient advocate to mediate during times of conflict. Findings suggested that social and organizational factors need to be addressed to change the punitive subculture inherent in forensic psychiatric facilities, and to ensure a balance between security and effective therapy.
Variation of suicide with socio-economic status (SES) in urban NSW (Australia) during 1985-1994, by sex and country or region of birth, was examined using Poisson regression analysis of vital statistics and population data (age greater than or similar to 15 yr). Quintiles of SES were defined by municipality of residence and comparisons of suicide by SES were adjusted for age and country (or region) of birth (COB), and examined by COB. Risk of suicide in females was 28% that of males for all adults and 21% for youth (age 15-24 yr). Suicide risk was lower in males from southern Europe, Middle East and Asia, and higher in northern and eastern European males, compared to the Australian-born. Risks for suicide increased significantly with decreasing SES in males, but not in females. The relationship of male suicide and SES was stronger when controlled for COB. For males, the relative risk of suicide, adjusted for age and COB, was 66% higher in the lowest SES quintile compared to the highest quintile, and 39% higher for youth (age 15-24 yr). For male suicide, the population attributable fraction for SES (less than the highest quintile) was 27%. Analysis of SES differentials in male suicide according to COB indicated a significant inverse suicide gradient in relation to SES for the Australian-born and those burn in New Zealand and the United Kingdom or fire. but not in non-English speaking COB groups, except for Asia. For Australian-born males, suicide risk was 71% higher in the lowest SES group (compared to the highest), adjusted for age. These findings indicate that SES plays an important role in male suicide rates among the Australian-born and migrants from English-speaking countries and Asia, and among youth; but not in female suicide, nor suicide in most non-English speaking migrant groups. Reduction in SES differentials through economic and social policies may reduce male suicide in lower SES groups and should be seen to be at least as important as individual level interventions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The study investigated the behaviors and interactions of children in structured and unstructured groups as they worked together on a 6-week social studies activity each term for 3 school terms. Two hundred and twelve children in Grade 1 and 184 children in Grade 3 participated in the study. Stratified random assignment occurred so that each gender-balanced group consisted of 1 high-, 2 medium-, and 1 low-ability student. The results show that the children in the structured groups were consistently more cooperative and they provided more elaborated and nonelaborated help than did their peers in the unstructured groups. The children in the structured groups in Grade 3 obtained higher reading and learning outcome scores than their peers in the unstructured groups.
The properties of the hydrogen-bonded polymer blends of poly(4-vinylphenol) and poly(2-ethoxyethyl methacrylate) are presented. Spectroscopic techniques such as C-13 solid-state NMR and FT-IR are used to probe specific interactions of the blends at various compositions. Spectral features from both techniques revealed that site-specific interactions are present, consistent with a significant degree of mixing of the blend components. Changes in chemical shift and line shape of the phenolic carbon and carbonyl resonances in the C-13 CPMAS spectra of the blends as a function of composition are interpreted as resulting from changes in the relative intensities of two closely overlapped signals. A quantitative measure of hydrogen-bonded carbonyl groups using C-13 NMR has been obtained which agreed well with the results from FT-IR analyses. It is also shown that C-13 NMR can be used to measure the fraction of hydroxyl groups associated with carbonyl groups, which was not possible previously using FT-IR due to extensive overlapping of bands in the hydroxyl stretching region. The results of measurements of H-1 T-1 and 1H T-1 rho indicate that PVPh and PEEMA are intimately mixed on a scale less than 2-3 nm.
Hedamycin, a member of the pluramycin class of antitumour antibiotics, consists of a planar anthrapyrantrione chromophore to which is attached two aminosugar rings at one end and a bisepoxide-containing sidechain at the other end, Binding to double-stranded DNA is known to involve both reversible and non-reversible modes of interaction. As a part of studies directed towards elucidating the structural basis for the observed 5'-pyGT-3' sequence selectivity of hedamycin, we conducted one-dimensional NMR titration experiments at low temperature using the hexadeoxyribonucleotide duplexes d(CACGTG)(2) and d(CGTACG)(2). Spectral changes which occurred during these titrations are consistent with hedamycin initially forming a reversible complex in slow exchange on the NMR timescale and binding through intercalation of the chromophore. Monitoring of this reversible complex over a period of hours revealed a second type of spectral change which corresponds with formation of a non-reversible complex. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We consider the quantum theory of three fields interacting via parametric and repulsive quartic couplings. This can be applied to treat photonic chi((2)) and chi((3)) interactions, and interactions in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates or quantum Fermi gases, describing coherent molecule formation together with a-wave scattering. The simplest two-particle quantum solitons or bound-state solutions of the idealized Hamiltonian, without a momentum cutoff, are obtained exactly. They have a pointlike structure in two and three dimensions-even though the corresponding classical theory is nonsingular. We show that the solutions can be regularized with a momentum cutoff. The parametric quantum solitons have much more realistic length scales and binding energies than chi((3)) quantum solitons, and the resulting effects could potentially be experimentally tested in highly nonlinear optical parametric media or interacting matter-wave systems. N-particle quantum solitons and the ground state energy are analyzed using a variational approach. Applications to atomic/molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC's) are given, where we predict the possibility of forming coupled BEC solitons in three space dimensions, and analyze superchemistry dynamics.
Superhyperfine interactions in inhomogeneously broadened paramagnetic centers are observed using a single high-turn-angle microwave pulse. The free induction signal that follows the hole-burning pulse exhibits oscillations that are distinct from the oscillatory free induction decay observable in some inhomogeneously broadened systems. It contains frequencies characteristic of the superhyperfine splittings, together with a zero frequency component. Experimental examples of the effect in both orientationally disordered (powdered) and structurally disordered (glassy) systems are presented and compared with the conceptually similar Fourier transform electron paramagnetic resonance detected nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, together with numerical simulations. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Research on perceptions of people with disabilities has in general focussed on a single disability or on unspecified 'disability.' The aim of this study was to compare perceptions of several acquired disabilities from an intergroup perspective. It was hypothesised that the type (sensory or motor) and visibility of the disability would influence perceptions, and that prior contact would increase the positivity of perceptions. Participants were 155 students who gave their own, other, perceived self, and communication perceptions of male and female targets (with deafness, blindness, aphasia, or paraplegia) in vignettes. Results indicated that for most measures, people with motor disabilities were perceived more negatively than those with sensory ones, visible sensory disabilities more negatively than invisible sensory, but contrary to predictions, invisible motor more negatively than visible motor. There was some support for the association between prior contact and more positive perceptions.
We present an electronic model with long range interactions. Through the quantum inverse scattering method, integrability of the model is established using a one-parameter family of typical irreducible representations of gl(211). The eigenvalues of the conserved operators are derived in terms of the Bethe ansatz, from which the energy eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are obtained.