102 resultados para Administration, oral
Sucrose has been shown to attenuate the behavioural response to painful procedures in human infants undergoing circumcision or blood collection via heelstick. Sucrose has also been found to have a behaviour-modifying effect in neonatal rats exposed to a hot plate. The effect was abolished in neonatal rats by injection of the opioid antagonist naltrexone, suggesting that it was mediated by endogenous opioids. In this experiment, the behaviour of 571 newborn Large White x Landrace hybrid piglets in a specific-pathogen-free piggery of the University of Queensland was recorded during and after the routine management practices of tail docking, ear notching and teeth clipping. Piglets were randomly assigned to receive 1.0 ml of a 12% sucrose solution (treatment group) or a placebo (1.0 ml of air) administered via syringe in the mouth, 60 s before commencement of one of the management procedures. Behaviours were recorded at the time of the procedure, and then 2 min after completion of the procedure. Piglets that received the sucrose solution did not behave significantly differently from piglets receiving the placebo. Regardless of whether sucrose or placebo was administered, piglets undergoing the routine management procedures showed significantly greater behavioural responses than piglets undergoing no procedure. It was concluded that under commercial conditions, a 12% sucrose solution administered I min prior to surgery was not effective in decreasing the behavioural indicators of distress in piglets undergoing routine management procedures, Further research into methods of minimising distress caused to piglets by these procedures is recommended.
Aim To develop a population pharmacokinetic model for mycophenolic acid in adult kidney transplant recipients, quantifying average population pharmacokinetic parameter values, and between- and within-subject variability and to evaluate the influence of covariates on the pharmacokinetic variability. Methods Pharmacokinetic data for mycophenolic acid and covariate information were previously available from 22 patients who underwent kidney transplantation at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. All patients received mycophenolate mofetil 1 g orally twice daily. A total of 557 concentration-time points were available. Data were analysed using the first-order method in NONMEM (version 5 level 1.1) using the G77 FORTRAN compiler. Results The best base model was a two-compartment model with a lag time (apparent oral clearance was 271 h(-1), and apparent volume of the central compartment 981). There was visual evidence of complex absorption and time-dependent clearance processes, but they could not be successfully modelled in this study. Weight was investigated as a covariate, but no significant relationship was determined. Conclusions The complexity in determining the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid is currently underestimated. More complex pharmacokinetic models, though not supported by the limited data collected for this study, may prove useful in the future. The large between-subject and between-occasion variability and the possibility of nonlinear processes associated with the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid raise questions about the value of the use of therapeutic monitoring and limited sampling strategies.
Orally administered live Lactobacillus acidophilus was assessed for its capacity to enhance clearance from the oral cavity of DBA/2 mice shown previously to be 'infection prone'. L. acidophilus fed to DBA/2 mice significantly shortened the duration of colonization of the oral cavity compared to controls. Enhanced clearance of Candida albicans correlated with both early mRNA gene expression for interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-gamma and expression of their secreted products in cultures of cervical lymph nodes stimulated with Candida antigen. In addition rapid clearance correlated with higher levels of IFN-gamma and nitric oxide in saliva. Delayed clearance, less pronounced levels of the cytokine response, saliva IFN-gamma and nitric oxide, and later mRNA expression for IL-4 and IFN-gamma relative to feeding with the L. acidophilus isolate were noted in mice fed a different Lactobacillus isolate (L. fermentum). These observations indicate significant variations in individual isolates to activate the common mucosal system.
Two polycationic lipophilic-core carbohydrate-based dendrons 2a-b and five polycationic lipophilic-core peptide dendrons 3-6, containing four arginine or lysine terminal residues, were synthesized and then tested in rats as penetration enhancers for the oral delivery of low molecular weight heparin. Better results were obtained with dendrons containing terminal lysine residues than terminal arginine. A significant anti-factor Xa activity was obtained when low molecular weight heparin was coadministered with dendron 5. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone is a rare disorder in dogs characterised by hypo-osmolality and persistent arginine vasopressin production in the absence of hypovolaemia and/or hypotension. The study describes the efficacy and safety of the nonpeptide selective arginine vasopressin V-2 receptor antagonist OPC-31260 in a dog with the naturally occurring syndrome. Design The detailed case history of a dog with spontaneous syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone that received long-term therapy with oral OPC-31260 is presented. Effects of the first dose of OPC-31260 and of a dose administered after a continuous dosing period of 12 days are reported. Procedure Packed cell volume, plasma sodium, total protein, arginine vasopressin, renin activity, atrial natriuretic peptide, urine specific gravity, urine output, heart rate and body weight were monitored for 2 h before, and for 4 h after, the first dose of OPC-31260. The same parameters plus plasma osmolality and urine osmolality were monitored when an identical dose was administered after 12 days of therapy. Results Oral administration of OPC-31260 at 3 mg/kg body weight resulted in marked aquaresis with increased urine output and decline in urine specific gravity within 1 h. Corresponding increases in concentrations of plasma sodium, plasma osmolality and plasma renin activity were recorded over a 4 h period. Arginine vasopressin concentration remained inappropriately elevated throughout the study. Results were similar when the trial procedure was repeated after a stabilisation period of 12 days. Long-term therapy with OPC-31260 at a dose of 3 mg/kg body weight orally every 12 h resulted in good control of clinical signs with no deleterious effects detected during a 3-year follow-up period. Despite sustained clinical benefits observed in this case, plasma sodium did not normalise with continued administration of the drug. Conclusions Treatment of a dog with naturally occurring syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone with OPC-31260 at 3 mg/kg body weight orally every 12 h resulted in marked aquaresis and significant palliation of clinical signs with no discernible side-effects detected over a 3-year period. Thus, OPC-31260 appears to offer a feasible medical alternative to water restriction for treatment of dogs with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Higher doses of OPC-31260 may be required to achieve and maintain normal plasma sodium in dogs with this syndrome.
Background-The use of corticosteroids in active Crohn's disease often becomes limited by side effects. Budesonide is a potent corticosteroid with low systemic bioavailability due to an extensive first pass liver metabolism. Aims-To compare the efficacy and safety of two dosage regimens of budesonide and prednisolone in patients with active Crohn's disease affecting the ileum and/or the ascending colon. Patients and methods-One hundred and seventy eight patients were randomised to receive budesonide controlled ileal release (CIR) capsules 9 mg once daily or 4.5 mg twice daily, or prednisolone tablets 40 mg once daily. The treatment period was 12 weeks. The primary efficacy variable was clinical remission, defined as a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) of 150 or less. Results-After eight weeks of treatment, remission occurred in 60% of patients receiving budesonide once daily or prednisolone and in 42% of those receiving budesonide twice daily (p=0.062). The presence of glucocorticoid associated side effects was similar in all groups; however, moon face was more common in the prednisolone group (p=0.0005). The highest frequency of impaired adrenal function, as measured by a short ACTH test, was found in the prednisolone group (p=0.0023). Conclusions-Budesonide CIR, administered at 9 mg once daily or 4.5 mg twice daily, is comparable to prednisolone in inducing remission in active Crohn's disease. The single dose administration is as promptly effective as prednisolone and represents a simpler and safer therapeutic approach, with a considerable reduction in side effects.
Background: Treatment with interferon and subcutaneous cytarabine produces superior cytogenetic responses in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) than treatment with interferon alone, but at the expense of greater toxicity. Cytarabine ocfosfate (YNK01) is an oral precursor of cytarabine that may overcome some of the inconvenience and toxicities associated with subcutaneous cytarabine administration. Patients and methods: We studied the efficacy and tolerability of combination therapy with interferon-alpha-2b and YNK01 in patients with newly diagnosed, untreated CML. Forty patients were treated with interferon-alpha-2b (5 MU/m(2)/day) plus monthly courses of YNK01 (600 mg/day for 10 days) for I year. Results: The 6-month complete haematological response rate was 63% and the 1-year major cytogenetic response rate was 30%, with 10% of cytogenetic responses being complete. With a median follow-up of 57 months, the estimated 5-year overall survival was 86% (95% confidence interval 70% to 94%). Treatment tolerability was poor, with toxicity leading to discontinuation of one or both drugs in 60% of cases. The median daily dose of interferon alpha-2b was 7.75 MU and the median dose of YNK01 was 600 mg/day for each 10-day treatment cycle. Conclusions: Interferon-alpha-2b and YNK01 produce cytogenetic responses comparable to those achieved with interferon-alpha-2b and parenteral cytarabine, although toxicity was excessive. Alternate dosing strategies may enhance the tolerability of YNK01.
A model was developed in dogs to determine the impact of oral enrofloxacin administration on the indigenous coliform population in the gastrointestinal tract and subsequent disposition to colonization by a strain of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli (MDREC). Dogs given a daily oral dose of 5 mg enrofloxacin kg(-1) for 21 consecutive days showed a significant decline in faecal coliforms to levels below detectable limits by 72 In of administration. Subsequently, faecal coliforms remained suppressed throughout the period of enrofloxacin dosing. Upon termination of antibiotic administration, the number of excreted faecal coliforms slowly returned over an 8-day period, to levels comparable to those seen prior to antibiotic treatment. Enrofloxacin-treated dogs were more effectively colonized by MDREC, evidenced by a significantly increased count of MDREC in the faeces (7.1 +/- 1.5 log(10) g(-1)) compared with non-antibiotic-treated dogs (5.2 +/- 1.2; P = 0.003). Furthermore, antibiotic treatment also sustained a significantly longer period of MDREC excretion in the faeces (26.8 +/- 10.5 days) compared with animals not treated with enrofloxacin (8.5 +/- 5.4 days; P = 0.0215). These results confirm the importance of sustained delivery of an antimicrobial agent to maintain and expand the colonization potential of drug-resistant bacteria in vivo, achieved in part by reducing the competing commensal coliforms in the gastrointestinal tract to below detectable levels in the faeces. Without in vivo antimicrobial selection pressure, commensal coliforms dominated the gastrointestinal tract at the expense of the MDREC population. Conceivably, the model developed could be used to test the efficacy of novel non-antibiotic strategies aimed at monitoring and controlling gastrointestinal colonization by multidrug-resistant members of the Enterobacteriaceae that cause nosocomial infections.
There are many factors which affect the L2 learner’s performance at the levels of phonology, morphology and syntax. Consequently when L2 learners attempt to communicate in the target language, their language production will show systematic variability across the above mentioned linguistic domains. This variation can be attributed to some factors such as interlocutors, topic familiarity, prior knowledge, task condition, planning time and tasks types. This paper reports the results of an on going research investigating the issue of variability attributed to the task type. It is hypothesized that the particular type of task learners are required to perform will result in variation in their performance. Results of the statistical analyses of this study investigating the issue of variation in the performance of twenty L2 learners at the English department of Tabriz University provided evidence in support of the hypothesis that performance of L2 learners show systematic variability attributed to task.
Transaction costs and bounded rationality implications for public administration and economic policy