156 resultados para 770303 Control of pests and exotic species


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Fish species around the world are parasitized by myxozoans of the genus Kudoa, several of which infect and cause damage of commercial importance. In particular, Kudoa thyrsites and Kudoa amamiensis infect certain cultured fish species causing damage to muscle tissue, making the fish unmarketable. Kudoa thyrsites has a broad host and geographic range infecting over 35 different fish species worldwide, while K. amamiensis has only been reported from a few species in Japanese waters. Through morphological and molecular analyses we have confirmed the presence of both of these parasites in eastern Australian waters. In addition, a novel Kudoa species was identified, having stellate spores, with one polar capsule larger than the other three. The SSU rDNA sequence of this parasite was 1.5% different from K. thyrsites and is an outlier from K. thyrsites representatives in a phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, the spores of this parasite are distinctly smaller than those of K. thyrsites, and thus it is described as Kudoa minithyrsites n. sp. Although the potential effects of K. minithyrsites n. sp. on its fish hosts are unknown, both K. thyrsites and K. amamiensis are associated with flesh quality problems in some cultured species and may be potential threats to an expanding aquaculture industry in Australia.


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Contact with sponges (Phylum Porifera) usually results in minimal effects or abrasions, except for species that produce crinitoxins and can cause irritation and dermatitis. There are few reports of sponge stings, mainly in divers or collectors. We report a group of sponge stings from handling flame red/orange sponges on the beach, confirmed to be Tedania anhelans in five cases. All seven patients suffered immediate effects ranging from mild to severe pain, and local inflammation. A 38-year-old female and three children had delayed skin involvement including itchiness, pain, swelling and redness. Blistering and desquamation occurred in the female adult and limited desquamation in one child. Similar delayed effects have been reported in Tedania spp. stings previously. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epidemics of marine pathogens can spread at extremely rapid rates. For example, herpes virus spread through pilchard populations in Australia at a rate in excess of 10 000 km year(-1), and morbillivirus infections in seals and dolphins have spread at more than 3000 km year(-1). In terrestrial environments, only the epidemics of myxomatosis and calicivirus in Australian rabbits and West Nile Virus in birds in North America have rates of spread in excess of 1000 km year(-1). The rapid rates of spread of these epidemics has been attributed to flying insect vectors, but flying vectors have not been proposed for any marine pathogen. The most likely explanation for the relatively rapid spread of marine pathogens is the lack of barriers to dispersal in some parts of the ocean, and the potential for long-term survival of pathogens outside the host. These findings caution that pathogens may pose a particularly severe problem in the ocean. There is a need to develop epidemic models capable of generating these high rates of spread and obtain more estimates of disease spread rate.


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The anterior adhesive mechanism was studied for Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae). Adult anterior apertures can open and close. In addition, duct endings terminating within the apertures are everted or retracted depending on the stage of attachment. Adhesive in adults is synthesized from all 3 secretory types (rod-shaped, small and large spheroidal bodies) found within anterior apertures. All exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix, a process that depletes duct contents. A greater number of ducts carrying rod-shaped bodies is depleted than ducts containing spheroidal bodies which changes the ratio of secretory types present on detachment. Detachment involves elongation of duct endings and secretion of additional matrix as the worm pulls away from the substrate. The change in secretory type ratio putatively modifies the properties of the secreted matrix enabling detachment. Only after detachment do ducts refill. During attachment, individual secretory bodies undergo morphological changes. The larval and adult adhesive matrix differs. Anterior adhesive in oncomiracidia does not show fibres with banding whereas banded fibres comprise a large part of adult adhesive. The data Suggest that this is the result of adult spheroidal secretions modifying the way in which the adult adhesive matrix forms.


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A new dracunculoid genus and species, Moravecia australiensis, is described from gill-filaments of the green porcupine fish Tragulichthys jaculiferus (Cuvier) (Tetraodontiformes: Diodontidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Abundant mobile larvae and a few adult males with females occurred in the gill-filament between the epithelial basement membrane and efferent artery. Gills of all 69 fish examined contained larvae. Eleven harboured adult nematodes of a previously undescribed species belonging to the family Guyanemidae. The new species is placed within a newly proposed genus because it differs from the four existing genera in the family in possessing fine cuticular transverse striations, two forward protruding cephalic elevations, a circumoral elevation, a small triangular mouth surrounded by six cephalic papillae arranged in two lateral clusters of three each and a pair of large lateral amphids. Males have two pairs of pedunculate caudal papillae supporting the caudal alae. A key to the genera of the Guyanemidae is presented.


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A three-year programme to eradicate Feral Cats Felis catus from the island of Baltra in the Galapagos archipelago achieved good results by Initially poisoning with sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) then trapping or shooting the remaining cats. The poisoning campaign removed 90% of the cats, its success being attributable to pre-baiting with unpolsoned baits to accustom cats to eating baits and placing enough baits to ensure that all cats encountered several baits within their home range. This, together with the use of metaclopromide (Pileran) as an anti-emetic, overcame a problem associated with poor retention of 1080 in thawed fish baits that limited the dose available to 1 mg 1080lbait, a quality Insufficient to kill large cats. Removal of the remaining cats was delayed by a weather-Induced irruption of Black Rats Rattus rattus and House Mice Mus musculus that enabled recruitment of kittens in 2002, but made cats more susceptible to trapping and shooting in 2003 when rodent populations collapsed. Since July 2003 no sign of a cat has been detected on Baltra despite extensive searching and monitoring throughout 2004. As cat abundance has decreased there have been more locally-bred Juvenile iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus) seen during annual censuses. However, such recruitment may reflect the increasing maturity and higher fecundity of iguanas repatriated from 1991 onwards rather than being a direct result of reduced cat predation alone. More time is necessary to determine the benefits of reduced cat predation on the Iguana population.


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Amyloodinium ocellatum, a frequently encountered parasite in marine aquaculture, was investigated to determine if infective dinospore stages could be transported in aerosol droplets. We used an in vivo model incorporating static and dynamic airflow systems and found dinospores of A. ocellatum could travel in aerosol droplets (up to 440 turn in a static system and up to 3 m in a dynamic one). This is the first record of this transmission pathway for a marine protozoan parasite. It is possible that other marine protozoans can transfer via the aerobiological pathway. Management of A. ocellatum infections in aquaculture facilities could be affected, particularly where tanks and ponds are situated in close proximity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The bacterial wilts of banana known as Moko disease, Bugtok disease and blood disease are caused by members of the R. solanacearum species complex. R. solanacearum is a heterogeneous species which has been divided into 4 genetic groups known as phylotypes. Within the R. solanacearum species complex, strains that cause Moko and Bugtok diseases belong to phylotype II. The blood disease bacterium, the cause of blood disease, belongs to phylotype IV. This study employs phylogenetic analysis of partial endoglucanase gene sequences to further assess the evolutionary relationships between strains of R. solanacearum causing Moko disease and Bugtok disease and the relationship of the blood disease bacterium to other R. solanacearum strains within phylotype IV of the R. solanacearum species complex. These analyses showed that R. solanacearum Moko disease-causing strains are polyphyletic, forming four related, but distinct, clusters of strains. One of these clusters is a previously unrecognised group of R. solanacearum Moko disease-causing strains. It was also found that R. solanacearum strains that cause Bugtok disease are indistinguishable from strains causing Moko disease in the Philippines. Phylogenetic analysis of partial endoglucanase gene sequences of the strains of the blood disease confirms a close relationship of these strains to R. solanacearum strains within phylotype IV of the R. solanacearum species complex.


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Rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens preferences for Lyngbya majuscula collected from three bloom locations in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, were tested along with a range of local plant species in the laboratory. Consumption of L. majuscula by fish did not differ between wild and captive-bred fish (P = 0.152) but did differ between bloom location (P = 0.039). No relationship was found between consumption rates and lyngbyatoxin-a concentration (r(2) = 0.035, P = 0.814). No correlation existed between C : N and proportion of food consumed when all food types were analysed statistically, whereas a clear correlation was observed when L. majuscula was removed from the calculations. In simulated bloom conditions, fish avoided ingestion of L. majuscula by feeding through gaps in the L. majuscula coverage. Both wild and captive-bred S. fuscescens showed a distinct feeding pattern in 10 day no-choice feeding assays, with less L. majuscula being consumed than the preferred red alga Acanthophora spicifera. Lyngbya majuscula however, was consumed in equal quantities to A. spicifera by wild S. fuscescens when lyngbyatoxin-a was not detectable. Wild fish probably do not preferentially feed on L. majuscula when secondary metabolites are present and are not severely impacted by large L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay. Furthermore, poor feeding performance in both captive-bred and wild S. fuscescens suggests that they would exert little pressure as a top-down control agent of toxic L. majuscula blooms within Moreton Bay. (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.