47 resultados para 420302 Cultural Theory
Mitchell critiques Georges Perec's Life a User's Manual, which articulates compellingly the confluence of literature and architecture studies that emerged in the late twentieth century. She argues the Perec's novel diverges from this tradition, for, rather than being a search for origins and true expression, Life a User's Manual denies the very possibility of originality. She adds that Perec's architext is de-constructive and ironic.
Starting from a comparison between the process of writing by hand and writing to screen, this paper contends that there is a continuity between the former, apparently archaic form of writing, and the latter, supposedly more modern form of writing. It will be suggested that, rather than being truly archaic, writing by hand perhaps constitutes a nostalgic act which attempts to bypass the perceived virtuality of the postmodern condition. As such, it will be claimed, via Baudrillard, that nostalgia of this kind is a type of hyper-simulacrum that relies on a misinterpretation of the noise created by the very act of expression. It will be claimed, however, that if interpreted without the sort of wilful misinterpretation to which noise often falls prey, many kinds of noise grafted onto contemporary cultural objects bear testimony to a certain continuity across historical eras as well as to the fact that we are ultimately incapable of recognising many cultural products' noise (and thus the products themselves in their entirety) in their own era. This paper therefore calls for a noisy theory which, analysing the world from an immanent position, would acknowledge the impossibility of full knowledge of the sign