216 resultados para 270702 Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology)


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A simple, rapid method is described for the extraction of large numbers of free-living nematodes from estuarine sediments. This method does not physically or chemically alter or damage the nematodes, but instead relies on their downward movement through a filtering layer of double ply tissue paper and into aerated water-filled trays. Seven trials each with 10 trays kept at 25degreesC for an initial period of 24 h yielded 3985 live nematodes l(-1) (+/-511.5 standard deviation) of estuarine sediment, free of sediment and with minimal debris. Time effects were statistically significantly different, with the same 10 trays yielding another 1259 nematodes l(-1) (+/-413.4) when kept for a second period of 24 h at the same temperature. Temperature effects were also significant, and 7 trials each with 10 trays kept for 24 h at 20-21degreesC, produced a lower yield of 2160 nematodes l(-1) (+/-532.7) of sediment. The method is expected to be of use in nematode extractions from both estuarine and marine sediments.


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Recent analyses assert that large marine vertebrates such as marine mammals are now 'functionally or entirely extinct in most coastal ecosystems'. Moreton Bay is a large diverse marine ecosystem bordering the fastest growing area in Australia. The human population is over 1.6 million and increasing yearly by between 10% and 13% with resultant impacts upon the adjoining marine environment. Nonetheless, significant populations of three species of marine mammals are resident within Moreton Bay and a further 14 species are seasonal or occasional visitors. This paper reviews the current and historical distributions and abundance of these species in the context of the current management regime and suggests initiatives to increase the resilience of marine mammal populations to the changes wrought by the burgeoning human population in coastal environments. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigates the influence of mesograzer prior exposure to toxic metabolites on palatability of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula. We examined the palatability of L. majuscula crude extract obtained from a bloom in Moreton Bay, South East Queensland, Australia, containing lyngbyatoxin-a (LTA) and debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT), to two groups: (1) mesograzers of L. majuscula from Guam where LTA and DAT production is rare; and (2) macro- and mesograzers found feeding on L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay where LTA and DAT are often prevalent secondary metabolites. Pair-wise feeding assays using artificial diets consisting of Ulva clathrata suspended in agar (control) or coated with Moreton Bay L. majuscula crude extracts (treatment) were used to determine palatability to a variety of consumers. In Guam, the amphipods, Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio; the majid crab Menaethius monoceros; and the urchin Echinometra mathaei were significantly deterred by the Moreton Bay crude extract. The sea hares, Stylocheilus striatus, from Guam were stimulated to feed by treatment food whereas S. striatus collected from Moreton Bay showed no discrimination between food types. In Moreton Bay, the cephalaspidean Diniatys dentifer and wild caught rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens were significantly deterred by the crude extract. However, captive-bred S. fuscescens with no known experience with L. majuscula did not clearly discriminate between food choices. Lyngbya majuscula crude extract deters feeding by most mesograzers regardless of prior contact or association with blooms.


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Epidemics of marine pathogens can spread at extremely rapid rates. For example, herpes virus spread through pilchard populations in Australia at a rate in excess of 10 000 km year(-1), and morbillivirus infections in seals and dolphins have spread at more than 3000 km year(-1). In terrestrial environments, only the epidemics of myxomatosis and calicivirus in Australian rabbits and West Nile Virus in birds in North America have rates of spread in excess of 1000 km year(-1). The rapid rates of spread of these epidemics has been attributed to flying insect vectors, but flying vectors have not been proposed for any marine pathogen. The most likely explanation for the relatively rapid spread of marine pathogens is the lack of barriers to dispersal in some parts of the ocean, and the potential for long-term survival of pathogens outside the host. These findings caution that pathogens may pose a particularly severe problem in the ocean. There is a need to develop epidemic models capable of generating these high rates of spread and obtain more estimates of disease spread rate.


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Most of epidemiological theory has been developed for terrestrial systems, but the significance of disease in the ocean is now being recognized. However, the extent to which terrestrial epidemiology can be directly transferred to marine systems is uncertain. Many broad types of disease-causing organism occur both on land and in the sea, and it is clear that some emergent disease problems in marine environments are caused by pathogens moving from terrestrial to marine systems. However, marine systems are qualitatively different from terrestrial environments, and these differences affect the application of modelling and management approaches that have been developed for terrestrial systems. Phyla and body plans are more diverse in marine environments and marine organisms have different life histories and probably different disease transmission modes than many of their terrestrial counterparts. Marine populations are typically more open than terrestrial ones, with the potential for long-distance dispersal of larvae. Potentially, this might enable unusually rapid propagation of epidemics in marine systems, and there are several examples of this. Taken together, these differences will require the development of new approaches to modelling and control of infectious disease in the ocean.


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Large blooms of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Moreton Bay, Australia (27 degrees 05'S, 153 degrees 08'E) have been re-occurring for several years. A bloom was studied in Deception Bay (Northern Moreton Bay) in detail over the period January-March 2000. In situ data loggers and field sampling characterised various environmental parameters before and during the L. majuscula bloom. Various ecophysiological experiments were conducted on L. majuscula collected in the field and transported to the laboratory, including short-term (2h) C-14 incorporation rates and long-term (7 days) pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry assessments of photosynthetic capacity. The effects of L. majuscula on various seagrasses in the bloom region were also assessed with repeated biomass sampling. The bloom commenced in January 2000 following usual December rainfall events, water temperatures in excess of 24 degrees C and high light conditions. This bloom expanded rapidly from 0 to a maximum extent of 8 km(2) over 55 days with an average biomass of 210 g(dw)(-1) m(-2) in late February, followed by a rapid decline in early April. Seagrass biomass, especially Syringodium isoetifolium, was found to decline in areas of dense L. majuscula accumulation. Dissolved and total nutrient concentrations did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) preceding or during the bloom. However, water samples from creeks discharging into the study region indicated elevated concentrations of total iron (2.7-80.6 mu M) and dissolved organic carbon (2.5-24.7 mg L-1), associated with low pH values (3.8-6.7). C-14 incorporation rates by L. majuscula were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated by additions of iron (5 mu M Fe), an organic chelator, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (5 mu M EDTA) and phosphorus (5 mu M PO4-3). Photosynthetic capacity measured with PAM fluorometry was also stimulated by various nutrient additions, but not significantly (P > 0.05). These results suggest that the L. majuscula bloom may have been stimulated by bioavailable iron, perhaps complexed by dissolved organic carbon. The rapid bloom expansion observed may then have been sustained by additional inputs of nutrients (N and P) and iron through sediment efflux, stimulated by redox changes due to decomposing L. majuscula mats. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Monitoring of marine reserves has traditionally focused on the task of rejecting the null hypothesis that marine reserves have no impact on the population and community structure of harvested populations. We consider the role of monitoring of marine reserves to gain information needed for management decisions. In particular we use a decision theoretic framework to answer the question: how long should we monitor the recovery of an over-fished stock to determine the fraction of that stock to reserve? This exposes a natural tension between the cost (in terms of time and money) of additional monitoring, and the benefit of more accurately parameterizing a population model for the stock, that in turn leads to a better decision about the optimal size for the reserve with respect to harvesting. We found that the optimal monitoring time frame is rarely more than 5 years. A higher economic discount rate decreased the optimal monitoring time frame, making the expected benefit of more certainty about parameters in the system negligible compared with the expected gain from earlier exploitation.


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Coarse-resolution thematic maps derived from remotely sensed data and implemented in GIS play an important role in coastal and marine conservation, research and management. Here, we describe an approach for fine-resolution mapping of land-cover types using aerial photography and ancillary GIs and ground data in a large (100 x 35 km) subtropical estuarine system (Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia). We have developed and implemented a classification scheme representing 24 coastal (subtidal, intertidal. mangrove, supratidal and terrestrial) cover types relevant to the ecology of estuarine animals, nekton and shorebirds. The accuracy of classifications of the intertidal and subtidal cover types, as indicated by the agreement between the mapped (predicted) and reference (ground) data, was 77-88%, depending on the zone and level of generalization required. The variability and spatial distribution of habitat mosaics (landscape types) across the mapped environment were assessed using K-means clustering and validated with Classification and Regression Tree models. Seven broad landscape types could be distinguished and ways of incorporating the information on landscape composition into site-specific conservation and field research are discussed. This research illustrates the importance and potential applications of fine-resolution mapping for conservation and management of estuarine habitats and their terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have increased in abundance and severity in recent decades. Whereas the implications for human impacts and intoxication resulting from blooms have been extensively studied, the ecological implications of these microalgae are less well understood. Many HAB species produce biologically active, secondary metabolites and the fate of these toxins through the foodweb is generally not well understood unless it culminates in extensive fish mortalities or human poisonings. This review focusses on one HAB species, the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula, and presents a hypothetical role for its involvement in fibro-papillornatosis (FP), a neoplastic disease of marine turtles. FP is expressed as benign tumours that grow both internally and externally on marine turtles, preventing vision, movement and organ function. The aetiology of FP is currently not conclusively understood, but virus material has been associated with tumours and previous studies have suggested a role for naturally produced tumour promoters. In this review, we present a hypothesis regarding the involvement of L. majuscula in FP, either through direct intoxication and action of tumour-promoting compounds or indirectly by causing seagrass loss and compromised immune function, thus leaving the turtles more susceptible to disease.


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The parasite community of animals is generally influenced by host physiology, ecology, and phylogeny. Therefore, sympatric and phylogenetically related hosts with similar ecologies should have similar parasite communities. To test this hypothesis we surveyed the endoparasites of 5 closely related cheilinine fishes (Labridae) from the Great Barrier Reef. They were Cheilinus chlorounts, C. trilobatus, C. fasciatils, Epibulus insidiator and OxYcheilinus diagrainnia. VVe examined the relationship between parasitological variables (richness, abundance and diversity) and host characteristics (bodv weight, diet and phuylogeny). The 5 fishes had 31 parasite species with 9-18 parasite species per fish species. Cestode larvae (mostly Tetraphyllidea) were the most abundant and prevalent parasites followed by nematodes and digeneans. Parasites, body size and diet of hosts differed between fish species. In general, body weight, diet and host phylogeny each explained some of the variation in richness and composition of parasites among the fishes. The 2 most closely related species, Cheilinus chlorourus and C. trilobatus, had broadly similar parasites but the Other fish species differed significantly in all variables. However, there was no all -encompassing pattern. This may, be because different lineages of parasites may react differently to ecological variables. We also argue that adult parasites may respond principally to host diet. In contrast, larval parasite composition may respond both to host diet and predator-prey interactions because this is the path by which many, parasites complete their life-cycles. Finally, variation in parasite phylogeny and parasite life-cycles among hosts likely increase the complexity of the system making it difficult to find all-encompassing patterns between host characteristics and parasites, particularly when all the species in rich parasite communities are considered.


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Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of ecotoxicological studies examining the effects of toxicants on fertilization success in marine broadcast spawners and it appears that this life-history stage is one of the most vulnerable to toxicants. Most of the studies examining this issue use single sperm concentrations in their assays. Here, I discuss recent advances in fertilization ecology that suggest this technique has some severe limitations resulting in unreliable estimations of the size and direction of toxicant effects. I present an alternative assay technique and two metrics (F-max and [Sperm](max)) that will reliably estimate the size of a toxicant's effect on fertilization success. This technique has the added advantage of making comparisons among species and studies easier without an impractical increase in effort. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.