10 resultados para Rockford (Ill.). High School Library.

em South Carolina State Documents Depository


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The Task Force focused on the following questions: 1. What is the current high school experience? 2. How well is the current system preparing students for college and careers? 3. What are the current barriers or system roadblocks? The High School Task Force provided findings and recommendations following an examination and evaluation of the design of the high school experience in South Carolina.


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This report by the State Development Board and the Anderson Chamber of Commerce is a survey of present labor availability and future labor supply in Anderson County. Statistics include employment status, school enrollment including college, projection of school dropouts, and projection of new entries in work force with and without high school education.


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This is a list of package library subjects available to teachers, students, and social and civil workers in South Carolina. It also includes subjects for the South Carolina High School Debating League and a list of plays deemed suitable for reading and production by South Carolina high schools.


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty by Rebecca M. Anderson – Greenwood High School Notes on the History of Public Health in South Carolina, 1670-1800 by St. Julien Ravenel Childs – The Citadel Samuel Slater, Father of American Manufactures by D.H. Gilpatrick – Furman University William Prynne, A Portrait by Laura Ellen Howard – Coker College Some Observations of Travelers on South Carolina, 1820-1860 by J. Rion McKissick – University of South Carolina


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. John Belton O’Neall by James Welch Patton – Converse College The Rejected Laurens —A Carolina Tragedy by E. T. H. Shaffer The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina by A. S. Salley – Secretary Historical Commission of South Carolina The Grand Council of South Carolina, 1670-1690 by Kathleen Singleton – Palmetto High School, Palmetto, Florida


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Some Municipal Fiestas and Celebrations in Colonial Hispanic America by John Preston Moore – The Citadel Jefferson Davis’s Route from Richmond, Virginia, to Irwinville, Georgia, April 2-May 10, 1865 by Nora Marshall Davis – Historical Markers Survey of South Carolina Postal Savings Banks in the United States, 1871-1939 by Nancy McIntosh – Columbia High School Legislative Domination in South Carolina by George R. Sherrill University of South Carolina


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The First Decade of the Charleston Library Society by Anne King Gregorie Chinese Exclusion Acts, 1880-1904 by Ruth Boyd – Newberry High School The Germans and the German-Swiss in South Carolina, 1732-1765: Their Contribution to the Province by Gilbert P. Voigt – Wittenberg College Some Unexploited Fields in South Carolina History by D. D. Wallace – Wofford College


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Public Education in Ante-Bellum South Carolina by J. Perrin Anderson – Greenville High School The Grimké Sisters by F. Dudley Jones – Presbyterian College The International Peacetime Conference 1904-1914: A Study in Internationalism with Particular Reference to its Development in the United States by Frances D. Acomb – Winthrop College France, Germany, and the Congress of Berlin by R. H. Wienefeld – University of South Carolina The Genesis of an Up – Country Town by Mary C. Simms Oliphant


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Christopher Gadsden and the Stamp Act by Robert H. Woody –Duke University The Nullification Controversy in an Up-Country District by J. Mauldin Lesesne – Greenville High School The Constitutional Organization and Mobilization of the National Guards of the French Revolution by Charles N. Sisson – Coker College The Mud-Sill Theory in South Carolina by Rosser H. Taylor – Furman University “Addressers of Clinton and Arbuthnot” edited by Robert W. Barnwell, Jr. Appendix-Letters and Papers of Governor David Johnson and Family, 1810-1855 by Florence Johnson Scott


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Woodrow Wilson’s Pan-American Pact by Charles H. Carlisle Kiderlen-Waechter’s Policy in the Bosnian Crisis by C. Waldron Bolen The Teaching of High School History— A Point of View by Lucia Daniel South Carolina Cotton Mills and the Tillman Movement by Gustavus G. Williamson, Jr. The Problem of Negro Education in the South by E. Baskin Wright