25 resultados para 2017 Appropriations
Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for seine and gill netting.
Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for shad fishing.
Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for wholesale and bait dealers.
This chart shows the 2017 tide schedules for various locations along the South Carolina coast.
The South Carolina Retirement System Investment Commission publishes an annual plan for the investment objectives and mission of the Retirement System for the fiscal year.
This is a calendar of the recycling collection days for Greenwood County in 2017.
This is a list and map of South Carolina schools involved in the SC Farm to Preschool and SC Farm to School Program.
This sheet shows the general fund revenue forecast. It is broken down by revenue category.
The South Carolina Statewide Transportation Improvement Program is the six-year transportation improvement program for all projects and program areas receiving federal funding, including pavements, bridges, upgrades, freight, safety, congestion mitigation and air quality, transportation alternatives program, railroad crossings, planning, State Infrastructure Bank payments, preventative maintenance and operations, and public transportation. The STIP is formatted to include summaries of statewide programming, as well as project information by county. In addition, regional project tables are included to account for multi-jurisdictional projects.
This is a list of diseases and conditions that must, by law, be reported by physicians and health care professionals to their local public health department.