702 resultados para Pardon--South Carolina--Statistics
South Carolina laws require that each state agency submit an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the agency's or department's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
South Carolina laws require that each state agency submit an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the agency's or department's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
A special meeting of the Association was held as it was resolved that Chancellor Harper was requested to prepare a memoir of the late Chancellor De Saussure.
The Intellectual Disability and Related Disabilities waiver has had many changes over the years and has evolved into a robust service package that can be a significant help to individuals who wish to remain in the community or at home but would otherwise require institutional level care. Due to the limited amount of funds, it was necessary to create a waiting list for individuals who wish to participate in the ID/RD Waiver program. This project was undertaken to assess if there were practical steps that could be taken to assist in reducing the time and cost involved in the ID/RD Waiver enrollment process.
This speech by Mr. Memminger offers resolutions on the issue of rechartering the bank of the state of South Carolina. The issues presented are the Bank of the State is founded on an erroneous policy, unwise for a state to engage in banking, not practical to recharter the Bank of the State and a special committee of each house should be appointed to advise how to carry out these resolutions at the next session.
Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina, 1 January 1910, discusses fish and game laws, bird species found in the state of South Carolina, the effects of insects on local crops, and membership information. Report also includes a color illustration of a mockingbird on the inside of the front cover.
Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina for 1915 discusses educational work performed across the state by the organization in the previous year, including exhibits, symposiums, and lectures. Report also includes membership information.
Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina, 1 January 1911, discusses hunting licensing, fish and game laws, educational bird work performed by the Charleston Museum, and membership information.
Governor Hayne speaks of the superiority of individual state sovereignty and states’ rights over mandates by the federal government. Hayne’s speech comes after President Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation that disputed a state’s right to nullify a federal law, in response to South Carolina’s ordinances declaring the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 unconstitutional.
Governor Moses calls on South Carolinians to endeavor to become a respected member of the United States following the U.S. Civil War. His message addresses the status of the national debt, South Carolina public education, the South Carolina Orphan Asylum, the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, the state penitentiary, the state’s quarantine of small pox, the revenue-generating phosphate deposits in the state, immigration to the state, the state’s flagship university, current state legislation, and the state militia.
This document contains the resolutions adopted at the anti-tariff meeting held at the Abbeville courthouse following taxes imposed by the federal government, which members of the state believed to be unconstitutional.
This document contains notes on eight species of birds observed by Arthur T. Wayne in Charleston, South Carolina including the Horned Grebe, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Bachman’s Warbler, the Rocky Mountain Orange-crowned Warbler, the Cape May Warbler, the Black-poll Warbler, the Red-breasted Nuthatch, and the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
This document contains notes on seven species of birds observed by Arthur T. Wayne in Charleston, South Carolina including the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, the Purple Martin, the Black-throated Blue Warbler, Cairn’s Warbler, Grinnell’s Water-Thrush, the Kentucky Warbler, and the Mockingbird.
This document contains notes on several species of birds observed by Arthur T. Wayne in South Carolina including the Sooty Shearwater, the Harlequin Duck, the Snow Goose, the Blue Goose, the Egret, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron, the Hudsonian Curlew, the Turnstone, the Pigeon Hawk, the Crested Flycatcher, the Bronzed Grackle, the Carolina Grackle, the Ipswich Sparrow, Leconte’s Sparrow, the Mountain Solitary Vireo, Bachman’s Warbler, the Magnolia Warbler, the Black-throated Green Warbler, and the Connecticut Warbler.
This document contains information on the nest and eggs of the bird, Bachman’s Warbler.