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Abstract : The use of social media tools to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to support their business activities throughout the product life cycle (PLC) phases represents an interesting opportunity. SMEs operate in very competitive environments, and face significant challenges primarily caused by their size disadvantage. By nature, social media tools and platforms can enable them to overcome some of these challenges, as they are often very inexpensive, familiar and easy to use, allowing them to reach large audiences they would not be able to reach with traditional and expensive marketing initiatives. To provide solutions to this problem, this research identified three main objectives. The first objective was to draw a picture of the existing academic literature on the use of social media tools in the PLC context to better understand how these tools were studied and used in businesses, and for what purpose. Second, this research aimed at understanding how SMEs actually use social media tools to support their different business activities to identify the gap between academic research and actual business practices. Finally, based on the findings highlighted from the previous objectives, this research aimed at developing theory on this topic by proposing a conceptual framework of customer engagement enabled by social media. The conceptual framework aimed at answering general questions that emerged from the initial two objectives: Why do some SMEs use social media to support customer engagement, while others do not? Why do firms use different social media tools to support their customer engagement initiatives? Why does the scope of customer engagement initiatives (i.e., across different PLC phases) vary between SMEs? What are the potential outcomes of conducting customer engagement initiatives for the organizing firms? In order to achieve these research objectives, the methodology employed for this research is threefold. First, a systematic literature review was performed in order to properly understand how the use of social media tools in the PLC context had been studied. The final results consisted of 78 academic articles which were analyzed based on their bibliometric information and their content. Second, in order to draw the contrast between the academic publications and managerial reality of SMEs, six semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand how these firms actually use social media to support different activities in each of the PLC phases. Third, five additional semi-structured interviews were performed to gather a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and generate theory to support the proposed conceptual framework. The conceptual framework focuses on the degree of customer engagement, which is comprised of the scope (PLC phases) of customer engagement and the technology (social media tools) employed to support these initiatives. Two sets of antecedents were examined, firm motivators and firm impediments, as they could both potentially affect the scope and the social media tools used to support customer engagement initiatives. Finally, potential customer engagement outcomes for SMEs developing these initiatives were also examined. The semi-structured interviews lasted approximately 25-35 minutes, and were performed using an interview grid consisting of 24 open-ended questions. The interview grid was developed based on the findings of the systematic literature review, and this qualitative approach allowed for a rich understanding of the interviewed SMEs’ use of social media tools to support and engage customers in their different PLC activities. The main results highlighted by this project demonstrate that this field is relatively recent and sees constant increase in research interest since 2008. However, most of the academic research focuses on the use of social media tools to support innovation activities during the new product development process, while the interviewed firms almost exclusively used the tools to engage customers in the later phases of the PLC, primarily for promotion, customer service support, and business development activities. Interestingly, the interviewed firms highlighted several benefits of using social media tools to engage customers, some of which could help them overcome certain size disadvantages previously mentioned. These firms are in need of further guidelines to properly implement such initiatives and reap the expected benefits. Results suggest that SMEs are far behind both large companies and academic research in their use of social media to engage customers in different business activities. The proposed conceptual framework serves as a great tool to better understand their reality and eventually better support them in their social media and customer engagement efforts. However, this framework needs to be further developed and improved. This research project provides a 360-degree view of the phenomenon of the use of social media to support customer engagement for SMEs, by providing both a thorough systematic review of the academic research and an understanding of the managerial reality of SMEs behind this phenomenon. From this analysis, a conceptual framework is then proposed and serves as a stepping stone for future researchers who are interested in developing theory in this field.


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L'Université Bishop's de Lennoxville est née d'un défi de l'anglicanisme de s'implanter dans une région colonisée par des Américains dans une province en majeure partie francophone. Troisième plus ancienne université du Québec, Bishop's célèbrera en décembre de cette année 1993, son 150 ième anniversaire. Bien qu'elle soit petite, avec un effectif de seulement 2000 étudiants, Bishop's quand même réussît à attirer des étudiants non seulement du Québec mais de toutes les autres provinces ainsi que de l'étranger. Le cas de Bishop's est unique étant donné qu'elle est la seule université anglophone du Québec établie dans une région rurale. De plus, n'offrant que des programmes de premier cycle, elle perd le pouvoir d'attraction des programmes de deuxième et troisième cycles ainsi que celui des facultés des professions libérales telles que le droit, le génie ou la médecine. Les responsables de l'université s'interrogent sur les raisons qui aujourd'hui amènent un étudiant à choisir Bishop's plutôt qu'une autre université pour entreprendre ses études. Leur problème n'est pas autant d'augmenter le nombre total d'étudiants inscrits que surtout celui de changer la composition du corps estudiantin afin qu'un plus grand pourcentage provienne de la province du Québec. Conscients de l'énorme potentiel que représente le marché francophone, ils voudraient tout en maintenant la participation présente des anglophones du Québec, développer des stratégies qui leur permettront d'attirer un plus grand nombre d'étudiants francophones. Les mesures prises par l'administration durant les deux dernières années académiques ont été d'accorder des proportions de plus en plus importantes du budget de recrutement aux cegeps francophones. Confrontés à notre tour à ce problème, nous avons décidé de le résoudre d'une manière plus globale et plus approfondie. Une revue préliminaire de la littérature s'est avérée insuffisante. La recherche dans ce domaine foisonne en études de préférences visant surtout à faire des prévisions au sujet des admissions futures dans le but d'attirer le plus de candidats possible sans se soucier de l'origine régionale, ethnique ou linguistique des étudiants. Afin d'attirer tel groupe d'étudiants plutôt qu'un autre, les responsables devraient tout d'abord enquêter sur les attributs d'une université qui sont importants pour chaque groupe et déterminer si ces attributs diffèrent d'un groupe à un autre. C'est pour cette raison que nous avons mené auprès des étudiants de Bishop's une étude de préférences afin de trouver le message qui doit être véhiculé lors des activités de recrutement. De plus, comme mentionné plus haut, les responsables consacrent une partie du budget à ces activités. Apporter un changement au corps étudiant devient par conséquent un problème de gestion des efforts de recrutement. Nous avons pour cela développé un modèle basé sur une fonction de réponse visant à établir une relation entre les demandes d'inscriptions et différentes autres variables telles que le potentiel du marché, les sommes allouées au recrutement, la distance qui sépare la région d'origine de Bishop's, et enfin un effet de langue qui différencierait la réponse des francophones de celle des anglophones. Ce modèle permet d'élaborer une règle de répartition du budget relativement facile à mettre en oeuvre et qui aiderait les responsables à optimiser la composition du corps étudiant.