6 resultados para Steedman, Carolyn


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Over the last decade health care delivery has shifted from hospitals to the community resulting in a significant reduction of hospital-based clinical placements for nursing students to practice and learn. Studies have emerged describing this problem and outlining the ways in which Colleges and Universities have attempted to deal with the acute shortage of clinical areas in nursing and other health care programs. Several studies describe the development of community-based clinical experiences, and some of these examined students’ perceptions. One finding appears to be constant: student perceptions of community experiences have an effect on their learning outcomes. There is an increasing need to teach nursing students in community settings both to contend with the shortage of hospital-based placements and to prepare students for future practice. Pediatric hospitals are no longer able to provide as many clinical placements as they once did. This has created a problem for college nursing departments. Over the past five years, John Abbott College’s pediatric nursing teachers have attempted to deal with this problem in numerous ways; however, students and faculty were dissatisfied with the solutions as there was a lack of development of the pediatric community clinical component. The purpose of this study is to explore nursing students’ perceptions of pediatric community experiences both prior to the start of the clinical rotation and following the experience. Student perceptions of nursing in community settings are an important element in the level of student satisfaction and ultimately their learning in pediatric clinical settings. In order to explore the John Abbott College’s nursing students’ perceptions, data was collected from a small segment of the population. Students’ perceptions were explored quantitatively through the use of questionnaires using a Likert scale administered both prior to the clinical experience and following the experience; and qualitatively, using content analysis of reflective journals and focus group discussions. The results of the study demonstrated that prior to the community rotations; students did not know what the experience would involve. They felt apprehensive due to being inadequately prepared for the experience and questioned the actual learning they would acquire from a community setting. Following the pediatric community experience, students perceived benefits to their learning particularly in the development of their abilities to communicate with children, and to recognize and apply principles of growth and development to children of different age groups and with different health needs. In addition, students perceived an increase in their self- confidence when teaching children. They also developed an appreciation of the role of the nurse in health promotion for individuals’ in community settings. Furthermore, students described an increase in their awareness of resources that are available in the community. Overall, students were satisfied with their pediatric community clinical experience. The results of this study indicate that adequate student preparation is required prior to the community clinical experience. This preparation would include a clear description of the clinical objectives and associated learning activities, as well as an explicit explanation of the evaluation process. Finally, it is recommended that the pediatric nursing teachers continue to search for community clinical areas that can enhance student learning in pediatrics. This study contributes to the literature on community experiences for nursing students since it explored students’ perceptions before and after the community clinical rotation.


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The purpose of this case study is to report on the use of learning journals as a strategy to encourage critical reflection in the field of graphic design. Very little empirical research has been published regarding the use of critical reflection in learning journals in this field. Furthermore, nothing has been documented at the college level. To that end, the goal of this research endeavor was to investigate whether second-year students in the NewMedia and Publication Design Program at a small Anglophone CEGEP in Québec, enrolled in a Page Layout and Design course, learn more deeply by reflecting in action during design projects or reflecting on action after completing design projects. Secondarily, indications of a possible change in self-efficacy were examined. Two hypotheses were posited: 1) reflection-on-action journaling will promote a deeper approach to learning than reflection-in-action journaling, and 2) the level of self-efficacy in graphic design improves as students are encouraged to think reflectively. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, a mixed methods approach was used to collect and analyze the data. Content analysis of journal entries and interview responses was the primary method used to address the first hypothesis. Students were required to journal twice for each of three projects, once during the project and again one week after the project had been submitted. In addition, data regarding the students' perception of journaling was obtained through administering a survey and conducting interviews. For the second hypothesis, quantitative methods were used through the use of two surveys, one administered early in the Fall 2011 semester and the second administered early in the Winter 2012 semester. Supplementary data regarding self-efficacy was obtained in the form of content analysis of journal entries and interviews. Coded journal entries firmly supported the hypothesis that reflection-on-action journaling promotes deep learning. Using a taxonomy developed by Kember et al. (1999) wherein "critical reflection" is considered the highest level of reflection, it was found that only 5% of the coded responses in the reflection-in-action journals were deemed of the highest level, whereas 39% were considered critical reflection in the reflection-on-action journals. The findings from the interviews suggest that students had some initial concerns about the value of journaling, but these concerns were later dismissed as students learned that journaling was a valuable tool that helped them reflect and learn. All participants indicated that journaling changed their learning processes as they thought much more about what they were doing while they were doing it. They were taking the learning they had acquired and thinking about how they would apply it to new projects; this is critical reflection. The survey findings did not support the conclusive results of the comparison of journal instruments, where an increase of 35% in critical reflection was noted in the reflection-on-action journals. In Chapter 5, reasons for this incongruence are explored. Furthermore, based on the journals, surveys, and interviews, there is not enough evidence at this time to support the hypothesis that self-efficacy improves when students are encouraged to think reflectively. It could be hypothesized, however, that one's self-efficacy does not change in such a short period of time. In conclusion, the findings established in this case study make a practical contribution to the literature concerning the promotion of deep learning in the field of graphic design, as this researcher's hypothesis was supported that reflection-on-action journaling promoted deeper learning than reflection-in-action journaling. When examining the increases in critical reflection from reflection-in-action to the reflection-on-action journals, it was found that all students but one showed an increase in critical reflection in reflection-on-action journals. It is therefore recommended that production-oriented program instructors consider integrating reflection-on-action journaling into their courses where projects are given.


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The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) has indicated that there is a need for research in education in the field of dental hygiene. It seems that when compared to the nursing profession, the profession of dental hygiene is only in the earliest stages of investigating ways of teaching critical thinking. The faculty of the dental hygiene program at John Abbott College has always valued the skill of self-assessment in the students, yet there are few specific learning activities provided whereby the students can learn how to perfect and work on this invaluable skill of self-reflection in order to better self-assess. Although self-assessment is required of the students upon the completion of each clinical experience in Clinic 1, 2 and 3, a modest amount of clinical time is allotted to reflect upon this most important skill. It appears that more could be done to prepare our students to assess their learning and clinical practice. Self-reflection as an essential element of practice has a valid place in professional education. The purpose of conducting this study was to find out whether unstructured or structured self-reflective journal writing is a sound pedagogical technique to encourage dental hygiene students’ self-assessment through self-reflection. The research design for the project was a single case study. The paradigm for the study was chosen with a purposeful selection of participants, involving twenty-seven, third-year dental hygiene students at John Abbott College. The students were arbitrarily enrolled in two sections, which for the purpose of this study were referred to as Group A and Group B. Three duplicated coded anonymous journal entries from each student were collected over a ten-week period during the Fall 2009 semester. To examine the students’ level of self-reflection, two methods were used. First a content analysis of reflective journals was used to ascertain the level and substance of the reflections from their clinical experiences with the intent of looking more specifically at the students’ self-assessment. The journal entries were coded and analyzed after the grades were submitted at the end of the school term. This was followed by the distribution of an anonymous questionnaire to the students in both sections. The responses of the questionnaire were tabulated and analyzed. An analysis was done on the data collected in order to determine whether age, education and or mother tongue of the students in both Groups A and B had an influence on their perceptions of journal writing, as well as the student’s opinions about the value of journal writing. This questionnaire included two open-ended questions to assist in gathering additional data on the student’s thoughts on writing journals. A content analysis of the qualitative data collected from the open-ended questions in the questionnaire was also analyzed. Results indicated there were very few differences in the level of self-reflection leading to self-assessment. However, students in Group B who were assigned structured journals showed more evidence of deeper learning. Taken as a whole, the journal entries clearly showed the students were involved in ‘reflection-on-action’ of their clinical experiences (Schon 1987, as cited in Asadoorian & Batty, 2005). The quality of the responses for the most part indicated the students took the time and effort to record their perceptions of their clinical experiences. It is important to note that the results do indicate that students did show a need to self-reflect and assess. The students did in fact validate the importance of reflection through journal writing, even though they did not particularly like it as an added assignment. The journals were found to be very helpful to the research in getting to know what the issues were that held the students’ attention. They explained how and to what extent the students developed relationships with their clients. It was obvious that clinicians have an impact and influence on student learning. The students value the help, role modeling, patience, encouraging words and or gestures, positive reinforcement, and understanding provided by their clinicians. This research provides some evidence that students do believe that self-reflection through structured journal writing helped them better prepare for future clinical sessions with their clients. Our goal as educators should be to encourage dental hygiene students to self-assess through written self-reflection as an established practice for deeper learning.


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Teachers and students were asked what ethics education is offered in their program. The survey of the teachers regarding ethics education revealed some differences between english and french schools. It was found that franch schools favoured ethics courses taught by philosophers while english schools favoured ethics courses taught by health care providers. Furthermore, case studies were reported to be used more often in english schools and more often in assignments. However, regarless of the differences, 87 % of teachers agreed that ethics training is a high priority and most teachers thought that ethics training in their programs was adequate. At same time, students were asked to answer some questions that involved ethical dilemmas wherein some moral decisions would have to be made. Their responses revealed their level of moral development, based on Kohlberg's theory of moral development. The impact of ethics courses in the curriculum on moral development was correlated taking into account what ethics education students actually received with what year-of-study they were in (1st year, end of program or two years post graduation). Students were presented scenarios about falsifying records, communication, student dishonesty and preanalytical impact on patient care. These are authentic issues that technologists face on a daily basis. In reply to multiple-choice questions, respondents chose, in order of personal preference, the three best answers out of six offered to complete a statement regarding ethics. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies), employing crosstabulations and Oneway Anova. Factors including respondents age range, mother tongue, gendre, and years of schooling were considered.


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Over the last decade health care delivery has shifted from hospitals to the community resulting in a significant reduction of hospital-based clinical placements for nursing students to practice and learn. Studies have emerged describing this problem and outlining the ways in which Colleges and Universities have attempted to deal with the acute shortage of clinical areas in nursing and other health care programs. Several studies describe the development of community-based clinical experiences, and some of these examinated students' perceptions. One finding appears to be constant: student perceptions of community experiences have an effect on their settings both to contend with the shortage of hospital-based placements and to prepare students for future practice.


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Since ethics is such a predominant subject of interest on one hand, and graduating from a two or three-year college police technology program is the first step towards a police career un Quebec on the other, this study will look at the ethics of an incoming cohort of students in a two or three-year college professional police technology program. One of the aims will be to develop a profile of young people wishing to pursue a career in policing.||Résumé : Dans un premier temps, étant donné que l'éthique est un sujet d'intérêt majeur et que, dans un deuxième temps, un diplôme en techniques policières dans un programme collégial de deux ou trois ans est un prérequis pour une carrière policière au Québec, cette étude se penchera sur l'éthique d'une cohorte d'étudiants d'un tel programme. Un des buts de cette étude sera de déterminer le profil des jeunes qui désirent poursuivre une carrière policière.