2 resultados para Photopontage en gel


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La dégradation du béton associée à l’exposition en ambiance hivernale rigoureuse est une problématique connue en Amérique du Nord en raison de la sévérité du climat en période hivernale. Un des types de dégradation, la fissuration interne, se manifeste par l'apparition d'une intense microfissuration du béton en surface, mais aussi à l'intérieur de la masse. Celle-ci peut conduire à une perte de cohésion du matériau, réduisant ses caractéristiques mécaniques et sa perméabilité. Dans un souci de développement durable et de recherche performancielle, des liants ternaires, comprenant des ajouts minéraux autre que la fumée de silice ont été développés. Les études scientifiques portant sur l’influence du facteur d’espacement à ce type de dégradation sont peu nombreuses, voire inexistantes. Il est par conséquent important de vérifier si les spécifications actuelles permettent d’assurer la confection d’un matériau durable au gel. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons étudié l’influence du facteur d’espacement, du paramètre E/L, de l’influence du type de superplastifiant et d’un granulat marginal sur la résistance à la fissuration interne des bétons en utilisant l’essai accéléré normalisé ASTM C666, procédure A lors de l’utilisation de liants ternaires. Une grande partie de cette recherche a porté sur l’étude de la relation entre le facteur d’espacement et la tenue aux cycles gel-dégel des bétons. Le projet s’est divisé en 4 phases, la première a permis de déterminer un intervalle contenant le facteur d’espacement critique pour chacun des liants étudiés. Il est ainsi établi qu’il est nécessaire d’avoir un facteur d’espacement inférieur à 340 µm pour assurer la durabilité des bétons V-S formulés à partir de liants ternaires. La deuxième phase a montré que le type de superplastifiant n’influe pas sur le facteur d’espacement critique, mais change les caractéristiques du réseau d’air à l’état frais. La troisième phase a porté sur l’analyse de l’influence d’une variation du rapport E/L sur la durabilité au gel-dégel. Il en résulte qu’une variation dans les limites permises n’a pas d’incidence sur le facteur d’espacement critique tant que les hypothèses restent dans l’intervalle prescrit par le tome VII de la norme 3101. La dernière et quatrième phase a permis de montrer que le granulat marginal sélectionné n’a pas d’incidence particulière sur la résistance au gel-dégel en fissuration interne.


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Abstract : Although concrete is a relatively green material, the astronomical volume of concrete produced worldwide annually places the concrete construction sector among the noticeable contributors to the global warming. The most polluting constituent of concrete is cement due to its production process which releases, on average, 0.83 kg CO[subscript 2] per kg of cement. Self-consolidating concrete (SCC), a type of concrete that can fill in the formwork without external vibration, is a technology that can offer a solution to the sustainability issues of concrete industry. However, all of the workability requirements of SCC originate from a higher powder content (compared to conventional concrete) which can increase both the cost of construction and the environmental impact of SCC for some applications. Ecological SCC, Eco-SCC, is a recent development combing the advantages of SCC and a significantly lower powder content. The maximum powder content of this concrete, intended for building and commercial construction, is limited to 315 kg/m[superscript 3]. Nevertheless, designing Eco-SCC can be challenging since a delicate balance between different ingredients of this concrete is required to secure a satisfactory mixture. In this Ph.D. program, the principal objective is to develop a systematic design method to produce Eco-SCC. Since the particle lattice effect (PLE) is a key parameter to design stable Eco-SCC mixtures and is not well understood, in the first phase of this research, this phenomenon is studied. The focus in this phase is on the effect of particle-size distribution (PSD) on the PLE and stability of model mixtures as well as SCC. In the second phase, the design protocol is developed, and the properties of obtained Eco-SCC mixtures in both fresh and hardened states are evaluated. Since the assessment of robustness is crucial for successful production of concrete on large-scale, in the final phase of this work, the robustness of one the best-performing mixtures of Phase II is examined. It was found that increasing the volume fraction of a stable size-class results in an increase in the stability of that class, which in turn contributes to a higher PLE of the granular skeleton and better stability of the system. It was shown that a continuous PSD in which the volume fraction of each size class is larger than the consecutive coarser class can increase the PLE. Using such PSD was shown to allow for a substantial increase in the fluidity of SCC mixture without compromising the segregation resistance. An index to predict the segregation potential of a suspension of particles in a yield stress fluid was proposed. In the second phase of the dissertation, a five-step design method for Eco-SCC was established. The design protocol started with the determination of powder and water contents followed by the optimization of sand and coarse aggregate volume fractions according to an ideal PSD model (Funk and Dinger). The powder composition was optimized in the third step to minimize the water demand while securing adequate performance in the hardened state. The superplasticizer (SP) content of the mixtures was determined in next step. The last step dealt with the assessment of the global warming potential of the formulated Eco-SCC mixtures. The optimized Eco-SCC mixtures met all the requirements of self-consolidation in the fresh state. The 28-day compressive strength of such mixtures complied with the target range of 25 to 35 MPa. In addition, the mixtures showed sufficient performance in terms of drying shrinkage, electrical resistivity, and frost durability for the intended applications. The eco-performance of the developed mixtures was satisfactory as well. It was demonstrated in the last phase that the robustness of Eco-SCC is generally good with regards to water content variations and coarse aggregate characteristics alterations. Special attention must be paid to the dosage of SP during batching.