3 resultados para Lésion oxydative


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Abstract: It is well established that ionizing radiation induces a variety of damage in DNA by direct effects that are mediated by one-electron oxidation and indirect effects that are mediated by the reaction of water radiolysis products, e.g., hydroxyl radicals (•OH). In cellular DNA, direct and indirect effects appear to have about an equal effect toward DNA damage. We have shown that ϒ-(gamma) ray irradiation of aqueous solutions of DNA, during which •OH is the major damaging ROS can lead to the formation several lesions. On the other hand, the methylation and oxidative demethylation of cytosine in CpG dinucleotides plays a critical role in the gene regulation. The C5 position of cytosine in CG dinucleotides is frequently methylated by DNA methyl transferees (DNMTs) and constitutes 4-5% of the total cytosine. Here, my PhD research work focuses on the analysis of oxidative base modifications of model compounds of methylated and non methylated oligonucleotides, isolated DNA (calf-thymus DNA) and F98 cultured cell by gamma radiation. In addition, we identified a series of modifications of the 2-deoxyribose moiety of DNA arising from the exposure of isolated and cellular DNA to ionizing radiation. We also studied one electron oxidation of cellular DNA in cultured human HeLa cells initiated by intense nanosecond 266 nm laser pulse irradiation, which produces cross-links between guanine and thymine bases (G*-T*). To achieve these goals, we developed several methods based on mass spectrometry to analyze base modifications in isolated DNA and cellular DNA.


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Abstract : Many individuals that had a stroke have motor impairments such as timing deficits that hinder their ability to complete daily activities like getting dressed. Robotic rehabilitation is an increasingly popular therapeutic avenue in order to improve motor recovery among this population. Yet, most studies have focused on improving the spatial aspect of movement (e.g. reaching), and not the temporal one (e.g. timing). Hence, the main aim of this study was to compare two types of robotic rehabilitation on the immediate improvement of timing accuracy: haptic guidance (HG), which consists of guiding the person to make the correct movement, and thus decreasing his or her movement errors, and error amplification (EA), which consists of increasing the person’s movement errors. The secondary objective consisted of exploring whether the side of the stroke lesion had an effect on timing accuracy following HG and EA training. Thirty-four persons that had a stroke (average age 67 ± 7 years) participated in a single training session of a timing-based task (simulated pinball-like task), where they had to activate a robot at the correct moment to successfully hit targets that were presented a random on a computer screen. Participants were randomly divided into two groups, receiving either HG or EA. During the same session, a baseline phase and a retention phase were given before and after each training, and these phases were compared in order to evaluate and compare the immediate impact of HG and EA on movement timing accuracy. The results showed that HG helped improve the immediate timing accuracy (p=0.03), but not EA (p=0.45). After comparing both trainings, HG was revealed to be superior to EA at improving timing (p=0.04). Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between the side of stroke lesion and the change in timing accuracy following EA (r[subscript pb]=0.7, p=0.001), but not HG (r[subscript pb]=0.18, p=0.24). In other words, a deterioration in timing accuracy was found for participants with a lesion in the left hemisphere that had trained with EA. On the other hand, for the participants having a right-sided stroke lesion, an improvement in timing accuracy was noted following EA. In sum, it seems that HG helps improve the immediate timing accuracy for individuals that had a stroke. Still, the side of the stroke lesion seems to play a part in the participants’ response to training. This remains to be further explored, in addition to the impact of providing more training sessions in order to assess any long-term benefits of HG or EA.


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Résumé : INTRODUCTION : Le rappel de douleurs passées est souvent inexact. Ce phénomène, connu sous le nom de biais mnémonique, pourrait être lié au développement de certaines douleurs chroniques. Dans une étude précédente, notre laboratoire a montré, grâce à l’électroencéphalographie, que l’activité du gyrus temporal supérieur (GTS) était positivement corrélée à l’exagération des rappels douloureux. L’objectif de cette étude était de confirmer si l’activité cérébrale du GTS est impliquée causalement dans le phénomène du biais mnémonique. MÉTHODES : Dans cette étude randomisée à double insu, la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (TMS) fut utilisée pour perturber temporairement l’activité du GTS (paradigme de lésion virtuelle). Les participants étaient assignés aléatoirement au groupe contrôle (TMS simulée, n = 21) ou au groupe expérimental (TMS réelle, n = 21). L’intensité et l’aspect désagréable de la douleur ont été évalués grâce à des échelles visuelles analogues (ÉVA; 0 à 10) immédiatement après l’événement douloureux (stimulations électriques du nerf sural droit) et au rappel, 2 mois plus tard. L’exactitude du rappel douloureux fut calculée en soustrayant l’ÉVA au rappel de l’ÉVA initiale. RÉSULTATS : Le biais mnémonique de l’intensité de la douleur était similaire dans les deux groupes (contrôle = -0,3, expérimental = 0,0; p = 0,83) alors que le biais mnémonique de l’aspect désagréable de la douleur était significativement inférieur dans le groupe expérimental (contrôle = 1.0, expérimental = -0,4; p < 0,05). CONCLUSION : Nos résultats suggèrent que le GTS affecte spécifiquement nos souvenirs liés à l’aspect motivo-affectif de la douleur. Étant donné le lien entre l’exagération des souvenirs douloureux et la persistance de la douleur, l’inhibition du GTS pourrait être une avenue intéressante pour prévenir le développement de douleur chronique.