2 resultados para C21 - Cross-Sectional Models
Background: Monitoring of emerging modes of drug consumption in France has identified new patterns of injection among youths with diverse social backgrounds, which may explain the persistence of high rates of hepatitis C virus infection. The circumstances surrounding the first injection have been poorly documented in the group of heavy drug users and in the context of the French opioid substitution treatment (OST) policy that provides expanded access to high-dosage buprenorphine (BHD). Methods: An Internet survey (Priminject) was conducted from October 2010 to March 2011 with French drug users. Four time periods were compared based on critical dates throughout the implementation of the Harm Reduction Policy in France. Results: Compared with drug users who injected for the first time prior to 1995, the aspects of drug use for users who recently injected for the first time were as follows: (1) experimentation with miscellaneous drugs before the first injection; (2) an older age at the time of first injection; (3) heroin as the drug of choice for an individual’s first injection, notwithstanding the increased usage of stimulant drugs; (4) BHD did not appear to be a pathway to injection; and (5) an increased number of users who injected their first time alone, without the help or presence of another individual. Conclusion: The PrimInject study showed that there is a group of injection drug users that is larger than the group of injection drug users observed in previous studies; therefore, it is necessary to diversify programs to reach the entire spectrum of high-risk users.
Résumé : Les liens entre les maladies dermatologiques et les troubles de santé mentale, dont la dépression, sont reconnus depuis longtemps. Cependant, peu d’études de population ont examiné cette problématique et aucune n’a été faite auprès des aînés. Le but de ce mémoire est d’explorer l’association entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Pour ce faire, deux études ont été réalisées. La première visait à décrire les caractéristiques dermatologiques de la population à l’étude et la deuxième avait pour but de tester l’hypothèse d’une association bidirectionnelle entre les problèmes mentionnés. Il s’agit d’une analyse secondaire des données de l’Enquête sur la Santé des Aînés (ESA) qui a été menée auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de la population âgée (≥ 65 ans) vivant à domicile au Québec. Des mesures répétées à un an d’intervalle (T1 et T2) ont été obtenues auprès de 2 cohortes successives fixes. Les données de l’enquête ESA ont été appariées à celles des registres de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Les troubles dépressifs ont été définis en se basant sur les critères du DSM-IV et les affections dermatologiques ont été mesurées à partir de deux sources de données (enquête et registres administratifs de la RAMQ). Des modèles autorégressifs bivariés ont été utilisés pour tester l’hypothèse d’association bidirectionnelle entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs. Nos résultats ont montré que près de 13% et 21% des répondants ont rapporté des affections dermatologiques auto-rapportées ou avaient été diagnostiqués selon les registres de la RAMQ. En plus, près de 6% des participants rapportaient un trouble dépressif probable au T1 et au T2. Nos résultats suggèrent la présence d’une association synchronique (transversale) entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs. Ce projet souligne l’importance d’évaluer et d’explorer la cooccurrence de ces deux pathologies afin d’améliorer la prise en charge des individus atteints simultanément par ces deux problèmes. Nous suggérons l'inclusion des affections dermatologiques dans les futures études épidémiologiques visant à explorer les liens entre les troubles de santé mentale et de santé physique chez les personnes âgées.//Abstract : The relationship between skin conditions and mental health disorders, which includes depression, has long been recognized. However, few population - based studies have examined this issue and none were carried out in older - adults. The aim of this project was to explore the associations between skin conditions and depressive disorders affecting the elderly living at home. To do this, two studies were conducted; the first aimed to describe the dermatological features of the study population. The second was designed to test the hypothesis of a bidirectional association between the conditions mentioned above. We carried out secondary data analyses from data collected in the Study on the Health of Seniors (ESA ) survey, which consisted of a representative sample of the elderly population (≥ 65 years) living at home in Quebec. Two repeated measurements one year apart (T1 and T2) were obtained from two fixed successive cohorts. Participants in both phases of the investigation and with available health service information from Quebec’s health insurance plan agency (Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec - RAMQ) were selected for this project. Depressive disorders were defined based on DSM - IV criteria and dermatological conditions were measured from two data sources (survey and administrative records). Cross - lagged panel models were used to test the hypothesis of association between the two mentioned conditions. Our results showed that nearly 13% and 21% of respondents have self - reported and diagnosed skin conditions, respectively. In addition, about 6% of participants reported symptoms that were consistent with a probable depressive disorder on T1 and T2. Our results suggested the presence of synchronous (cross - sectional) associations between skin conditions and depressive disorders in the elderly. This research highlights the importance of assessing and exploring the co - occurrence of these two conditions to improve the management of individuals who are affected. We suggest the inclusion of dermatological conditions in future/further studies exploring the comorbidity between mental and physical health in the older adults.