4 resultados para Transgressor teenagers
em Savoirs UdeS : plateforme de diffusion de la production intellectuelle de l’Université de Sherbrooke - Canada
Background: The impact of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) on teenagers’ and young adults’ participation is not well documented. This article aims to synthesize the current knowledge on social participation, which is the performance of an individual in realizing his daily activities and social roles within its life environment. Strategies and interventions to support youths (15-25 years old) with DCD were also synthesized. Methods: A scoping review interrogating three databases and using ‘snowballing techniques’ was performed to identify both scientific and grey literature published between 2004 and 2014. Over 1000 documents were screened and 57 were read in full; 28 met inclusion criteria. A charting form based on 12 life habits described in the Disability Creation Process (DCP) and developed by two reviewers was used to extract data and report the results. Results: All life habits were reported to be affected for teenagers and young adults with DCD, with education and interpersonal relationships being the most frequently discussed. During adolescence and adulthood, new tasks and subsequent difficulties emerge, such as driving. Mental health difficulties emerged as a key theme. Few strategies and interventions were described to support social participation of youths with DCD. Conclusion: Many life habits are challenging for youths with DCD, but few evidence-based strategies and interventions have been designed to help them to increase their social participation.
Résumé : Introduction : Au Québec, jusqu’à l’âge de 21 ans, les enfants et adolescents ayant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) profonde ont des services de pédiatrie adaptés et l’opportunité de fréquenter des écoles spécialisées publiques. Toutefois, au-delà de cet âge, l’accès à ces services spécialisés est plus limité : le financement pour la fréquentation scolaire cesse et les jeunes adultes transfèrent des services de santé pédiatriques vers le secteur adulte. Malgré la mise en place de solutions visant à faciliter cette transition, des difficultés tendent à persister, une situation pouvant avoir des effets négatifs considérables au niveau de la personne ayant un handicap et de sa famille. Cependant, peu d’études se sont intéressées aux facteurs qui influencent le vécu de la transition vers la vie adulte des familles de jeunes personnes présentant une DI profonde, rendant difficile l’adaptation des programmes déjà existants de planification de la transition à la réalité de ces familles. Objectif : Ce projet vise à décrire les besoins des personnes présentant une DI profonde et de leur famille lors de la transition vers la vie adulte, en décrivant le vécu des parents lors de cette période et les facteurs qui l’influencent, ainsi qu’en explorant les pistes de solution à mettre en place. Méthodologie : Afin de réaliser cette étude qualitative, un devis descriptif interprétatif a été choisi. Deux entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles ont été réalisées auprès de quatorze parents, la deuxième entrevue permettant de valider et d’approfondir les résultats à l’aide d’un résumé de la première rencontre. Résultats : Plusieurs facteurs multisystémiques de l’ordre du soutien matériel, informatif, cognitif et affectif semblent influencer la transition vers la vie adulte. Ces différents facteurs contribuent au vécu particulièrement difficile des familles, qui vivent beaucoup d’anxiété et de frustration face au peu de soutien qui leur est offert. Plusieurs idées intéressantes ont été proposées par les parents pour répondre à ce manque de soutien, autant au plan du partage des connaissances, de l’amélioration de la collaboration inter-établissement que du soutien psychologique. Conclusion : Cette étude souligne l’importance d’impliquer l’ensemble des acteurs œuvrant auprès du jeune adulte et de sa famille dans la planification de la transition. La compréhension de la réalité des personnes avec une DI profonde et de leur famille devrait permettre de développer des interventions concrètes leur étant destinées dans de futurs projets.
This study examines the role of visual literacy in learning biology. Biology teachers promote the use of digital images as a learning tool for two reasons: because biology is the most visual of the sciences, and the use of imagery is becoming increasingly important with the advent of bioinformatics; and because studies indicate that this current generation of teenagers have a cognitive structure that is formed through exposure to digital media. On the other hand, there is concern that students are not being exposed enough to the traditional methods of processing biological information - thought to encourage left-brain sequential thinking patterns. Theories of Embodied Cognition point to the importance of hand-drawing for proper assimilation of knowledge, and theories of Multiple Intelligences suggest that some students may learn more easily using traditional pedagogical tools. To test the claim that digital learning tools enhance the acquisition of visual literacy in this generation of biology students, a learning intervention was carried out with 33 students enrolled in an introductory college biology course. The study compared learning outcomes following two types of learning tools. One learning tool was a traditional drawing activity, and the other was an interactive digital activity carried out on a computer. The sample was divided into two random groups, and a crossover design was implemented with two separate interventions. In the first intervention students learned how to draw and label a cell. Group 1 learned the material by computer and Group 2 learned the material by hand-drawing. In the second intervention, students learned how to draw the phases of mitosis, and the two groups were inverted. After each learning activity, students were given a quiz on the material they had learned. Students were also asked to self-evaluate their performance on each quiz, in an attempt to measure their level of metacognition. At the end of the study, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire that was used to measure the level of task engagement the students felt towards the two types of learning activities. In this study, following the first testing phase, the students who learned the material by drawing had a significantly higher average grade on the associated quiz compared to that of those who learned the material by computer. The difference was lost with the second “cross-over” trial. There was no correlation for either group between the grade the students thought they had earned through self-evaluation, and the grade that they received. In terms of different measures of task engagement, there were no significant differences between the two groups. One finding from the study showed a positive correlation between grade and self-reported time spent playing video games, and a negative correlation between grade and self-reported interest in drawing. This study provides little evidence to support claims that the use of digital tools enhances learning, but does provide evidence to support claims that drawing by hand is beneficial for learning biological images. However, the small sample size, limited number and type of learning tasks, and the indirect means of measuring levels of metacognition and task engagement restrict generalisation of these conclusions. Nevertheless, this study indicates that teachers should not use digital learning tools to the exclusion of traditional drawing activities: further studies on the effectiveness of these tools are warranted. Students in this study commented that the computer tool seemed more accurate and detailed - even though the two learning tools carried identical information. Thus there was a mismatch between the perception of the usefulness of computers as a learning tool and the reality, which again points to the need for an objective assessment of their usefulness. Students should be given the opportunity to try out a variety of traditional and digital learning tools in order to address their different learning preferences.
L’arbënishtë est une variété d’albanais traditionnellement parlée dans le quartier d’Arbanasi de la ville de Zadar (Croatie), exposée a la rupture de la transmission générationnelle et a un déclin rapide. Dans cette contribution, nous abordons l’étude de la communauté arbënishtë du point de vue des représentations sociales par les locuteurs de l’arbënishtë, par les adolescents non-locuteurs se disant Arbënishtës et par les non-locuteurs étudiants de l’Université de Zadar. Les différences entre les trois groupes renvoient a une construction discursive de l’identité arbënishtë, a la perception du statut de la langue, ainsi qu’a une relation changeante entre les deux.