7 resultados para gram stain

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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Dissertação mest., Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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The aims of this work were to deepen the knowledge on the physiology of bract abscission in Bougainvillea spectabilis ‘Killie Campbell’ plants, in what relates to respiration and carbon balance. Using the effects induced by Silver Thiosulphate (STS) and/or Naphtalene Acetic Acid (NAA, at high concentration: 500 mg.l-1) on bract abscission under interior conditions, the relationship between bract survival time (longevity) and, respiration rate or carbohydrate levels, was investigated. Treatments that included NAA were the ones that reduced significantly bract abscission. Unexpectedly, the higher the levels of bract soluble and total carbohydrates, measured at day 10 postproduction (PP), the higher the abscission of bracts. These results show, for the first time, that abscission can positively correlate with non structural carbohydrates levels in the organ that abscise. Bract respiration rate was significantly affected by treatment and postproduction day (PP). Treatments that had higher bract respiration rates (WATER and STS) also had higher levels of non structural carbohydrates in the bracts. Bract respiration rate decreased from day 10 to day 17 PP by approximately 50% (on average of all treatments) and was negatively correlated with bract survival time. In the carbon balance per gram of bract dry weight, the treatments WATER and STS, showed the largest decrease in the content of total carbohydrates and had the highest consumption of carbohydrates through respiration. So, these were the bracts that needed to import a higher amount of carbohydrates per gram of bract dry weight. In the carbon balance for the whole mass of bracts and adjacent stems in an average plant, the treatments WATER and STS continued to allow for the largest decreases in total carbohydrate during postproduction. However, and contradicting the results per gram of bract dry weight, the highest total consumption of carbohydrates by respiration was obtained for the NAA and STS+NAA treatments. It makes sense that bracts that last longer have lower individual carbon consumption while, at the plant level, the increased number of remaining bracts causes a higher overall expenditure. Respiration rate has been used as an indicator of flower longevity, this correlation is here extended for the flower+bract system. Plants that had higher bract respiration rates, most probably, had a higher flow of carbohydrates through the bracts (and flowers), which, in the end, was sensed as a higher carbohydrate level.


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This experimental study focuses on a detection system at the seismic station level that should have a similar role to the detection algorithms based on the ratio STA/LTA. We tested two types of neural network: Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Support Vector Machines, trained in supervised mode. The universe of data consisted of 2903 patterns extracted from records of the PVAQ station, of the seismography network of the Institute of Meteorology of Portugal. The spectral characteristics of the records and its variation in time were reflected in the input patterns, consisting in a set of values of power spectral density in selected frequencies, extracted from a spectro gram calculated over a segment of record of pre-determined duration. The universe of data was divided, with about 60% for the training and the remainder reserved for testing and validation. To ensure that all patterns in the universe of data were within the range of variation of the training set, we used an algorithm to separate the universe of data by hyper-convex polyhedrons, determining in this manner a set of patterns that have a mandatory part of the training set. Additionally, an active learning strategy was conducted, by iteratively incorporating poorly classified cases in the training set. The best results, in terms of sensitivity and selectivity in the whole data ranged between 98% and 100%. These results compare very favorably with the ones obtained by the existing detection system, 50%.


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In order to produce packaging films with a broad spectrum of action on microorganisms, the effect of two antimicrobial (AM) to be included in the films, carvacrol and GSE were studied separately on different microorganisms. Carvacrol was more effective against the grampositive bacteria than against the gram-negative bacterium. GSE was not effective against yeast. Subsequently, a search for optimal combinations of carvacrol, GSE and the addition of chitosan (as a third component with film forming properties) was carried out. Response surface analysis showed several synergetic effects and three optimal AM combinations (OAMC) were obtained for each microorganism. The experimental validation confirmed that the optimal solutions found can successfully predict the response for each microorganism. The optimization of mixtures of the three components, but this time, using the same concentration for all microorganisms, was also studied to obtain an OAMC with wide spectrum of activity. The results of the response surface analysis showed several synergistic effects for all microorganisms. Three OAMC, OAMC-1, OAMC-2, OAMC-3, were found to be the optimal mixtures for all microorganisms. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of the different agents was then compared with a standard antioxidant (AOX) BHT, at different concentrations; as also at the OAMC. The RSA increased in the following order: chitosan


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A produção de água-mel é conhecida em alguns países do Mediterrâneo como Itália e Portugal como uma prática antiga por parte dos apicultores. A água-mel resulta do aproveitamento de mel, própolis e poléns das colmeias após a extração do mel ao qual é adicionado água e sujeita a tratamento térmico prolongado. Conhecida na doçaria regional como ingrediente para bolos ou simplesmente como doce, a água-mel também é retratada pelos populares como remédio para doenças do trato respiratório e tratamento de feridas. Neste trabalho de dissertação o principal objetivo foi verificar a qualidade microbiológica da água-mel assim como a existência de atividade antimicrobiana perante alguns microrganismos de interesse para a saúde humana. As 21 amostras de água-mel foram analisadas em relação aos parâmetros de qualidade microbiológica que incluíram a contagem de aeróbios totais, bolores e leveduras bactérias da família Enterobacteriaceae, a presença de Salmonella spp e esporos de clostrideos sulfito-redutores, no qual todas as amostras apresentaram valores negativos, à exceção de uma amostra que apresentou um valor de microrganismos aeróbios de 3,41±0,09 Log10 UFC/g e de esporos de clostrideos sulfito-redutores o valor foi de 4,05±0,11 Log10 UFC/g. Na análise da atividade antimicrobiana, foram selecionadas quatro amostras de água-mel (1B2010, 1B2011, 1F2011 e 1H2011) baseadas nos resultados obtidos na análise físico-química. Foram testadas diferentes concentrações de água-mel, nomeadamente 20%, 30%, 40% e 50% (p/v) no crescimento de três estirpes de bactérias Gram negativas, oito bactérias Gram positivas e duas leveduras. Após cálculo das percentagens de inibição observou-se inibição de todas as estirpes testadas à exceção da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae que se demonstrou menos suscetível (P<0,05). Podemos concluir que a água-mel é um produto seguro para consumo humano do ponto de vista microbiológico e apresenta benefícios para a saúde humana pela sua capacidade de inibir o crescimento de agentes patogénicos.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade do Algarve, 2015