17 resultados para efeito residual

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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Dissesrtação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Pescas e Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação mestr., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertação mest., Gestão Sustentável dos Espaços Rurais, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação mest., Biotecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de mest., Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de mest., Energias Renováveis e Gestão de Energia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Dissertação de mest., Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Dissertação de mest., Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2009


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Gilthead seabream is the most important farmed species in the Mediterranean, and knowledge on how common farming practices impact its quality is limited. As such, this Thesis aimed to evaluate how gilthead seabream flesh quality is affected by some of these practices. In Chapter 2, the influence of nutritional factors was evaluated, specifically the high replacement of traditional marine-derived ingredients, both fishmeal and fish oil, with vegetable sources. We have seen that the vegetable-based diets tested did not greatly impact seabream flesh quality, although some alterations were seen in the fatty acid profile of the muscle. However, and despite having caused no alterations in flesh texture, vegetable ingredients reduced the amount of sulphated glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix, affected muscle pH and reduced the activity of proteolytic enzymes. Throughout this Thesis, we measured for the first time the activity of proteolytic enzymes in seabream muscle, and cathepsin B was found to play a pivotal role in post-mortem muscle degradation. In Chapter 3, we evaluated the effect of harvesting and slaughter stress on seabream quality, and contrary to what is seen in most farmed species, our results show that gilthead seabream muscle structure is highly resistant to changes caused by stressful events. Nonetheless, considering that welfare is an increasingly important quality criterion, the use of a zero-withdrawal anaesthetic as a rested harvest technique or even slaughter method could prove valuable to the industry. In Chapter 4, we used maslinic acid as a dietary supplement, to modulate the muscle’s energetic status pre-mortem. As a finishing strategy, maslinic acid failed to increase levels of glycogen and ATP in the muscle. However, supplementation resulted in higher muscle fibre diameter and lower cathepsin B activity, and maslinic acid is likely to be useful to promote growth in this species. In general our Thesis has generated new knowledge to a major challenge facing the aquaculture industry, which is to find a compromise between the trends towards intensive rearing and consumer demand for healthy, high quality seafood being ethically acceptable and having a low impact on the environment.


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A criatividade é um potencial que cada indivíduo possui, encontrando-se relacionada com a resolução de problemas, a adaptação e o coping. Esta encontra-se ainda relacionada com indicadores de saúde mental, assim como de psicopatologia. No entanto, a literatura sugere algumas lacunas, havendo a necessidade de compreender melhor as relações entre essas variáveis, assim como de investir em estudos com grupos minoritários. Entre esses grupos, encontram-se a população reclusa, existindo muito pouco investigação nesse âmbito. Esta investigação tem, portanto, como objectivo estudar o possível efeito protector da criatividade face ao mal-estar experienciado durante a reclusão, em termos de depressão, ansiedade e stresse. Os instrumentos utilizados para a avaliação foram a Escala de Personalidade Criativa (EPC) e as Escalas de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stresse de 21 itens (EADS-21). A amostra era constituída por 107 reclusos pertencentes a estabelecimentos prisionais da região do Algarve. Através dos resultados observou-se que a criatividade está relacionada de forma negativa com a depressão e a ansiedade, actuando como um preditor da diminuição dos níveis de depressão, ansiedade e stresse avaliados. Isto sugere que a criatividade poderá ter um efeito protector face a estes indicadores de mal-estar, contribuindo para uma melhor saúde mental dos reclusos.


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O presente trabalho objetiva a montagem em escala laboratorial de um grupo de 6 protótipos de Células de Combustível Microbianas (CCM) de Câmara Simples pretendendo constituir um contributo de desenvolvimento de processos anaeróbios para tratamento de águas residuais em Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETARs) e produção simultânea de energia elétrica. Em fase preliminar procede-se à montagem de um sistema laboratorial composto por 3 conjuntos de protótipos em duplicados com 3 granulometrias de carvão ativado granular (GAC). Os princípios que fundamentam a seleção do protótipo tipo são uma câmara anódica tubular totalmente preenchida com GAC para facilitar a fixação de biofilmes e a diminuição do espaçamento entre elétrodos com a interposição de um separador para reduzir a resistência interna. A experiência laboratorial inicia-se com uma fase de aclimatação com Água residual artificial e sequencialmente com água residual recolhida na ETAR Faro-Noroeste. Na etapa final a carga orgânica da água residual é incrementada com adição de Acetato de sódio. Os ensaios decorrem em modo de fluxo contínuo. São testados e comparados três tempos de contacto do afluente com o GAC (3, 10 e 30 horas), a combinação destes com dois separadores designados por Daramic HP 200 e GF/A e sem qualquer separador. Finalmente é efetuado um teste incrementando 6 a 8 vezes a carga orgânica do afluente. O desempenho é aferido através do traçado de curvas de polarização, curvas de potência e da percentagem de remoção da Carência Química de Oxigénio (CQO). Conclui que em alguns testes as eficiências de remoção de CQO são adequadas à legislação em vigor, que o aumento e tipo de carga orgânica do afluente e a operação sem separadores incrementam a diferença de potencial e reduzem a resistência interna e que as granulometrias do GAC testadas tiveram pouco efeito na avaliação dos parâmetros considerados.


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The human genome has millions of genetics variants that can affect gene expression. These variants are known as cis-regulatory variants and are responsible for intra-species phenotypic differences and individual susceptibility to disease. One of the diseases affected by cis-regulatory variants is breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers, with approximately 4500 new cases each year in Portugal. Breast cancer has many genes mutated and TP53 has been shown to be relevant for this disease. TP53 is one of the most commonly mutated genes in human cancer and it is involved in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. Previous work by Maia et al has shown that TP53 has differential allelic expression (DAE), which suggests that this gene may be under the influence of cis-regulatory variants. Also, its DAE pattern is totally altered in breast tumours with normal copy number. We hypothesized that cis-regulatory variants affecting TP53 may have a role in breast cancer development and treatment. The present work aims to identify the cis-regulatory variants playing a role in TP53 expression, using in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches. By bioinformatic tools we have identified candidate cis-regulatory variants and predicted the possible transcription factor binding sites that they affect. By EMSA we studied DNA-protein interactions in this region of TP53. The in silico analysis allowed us to identified three candidate cis-regulatory SNPs which may affect the binding of seven transcription factors. However, the EMSA experiments have not been conclusive and we have not yet confirmed whether any of the identified SNPs are associated with gene expression control of TP53. We will carry out further experiments to validate our findings.


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Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSc) have great potential for applications in regenerative medicine, disease modeling and basic research. Several methods have been developed for their derivation. The original method of Takahashi and Yamanaka involved the use of retroviral vectors which result in insertional mutagenesis, presence in the genome of potential oncogenes and effects of residual transgene expression on differentiation bias of each particular iPSc line. Other methods have been developed, using different viral vectors (adenovirus and Sendai virus), transient plasmid transfection, mRNA transduction, protein transduction and use of small molecules. However, these methods suffer from low efficiencies; can be extremely labor intensive, or both. An additional method makes use of the piggybac transposon, which has the advantage of inserting its payload into the host genome and being perfectly excised upon re-expression of the transposon transposase. Briefly, a policistronic cassette expressing Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and C-Myc flanked by piggybac terminal repeats is delivered to the cells along with a plasmid transiently expressing piggybac transposase. Once reprogramming occurs, the cells are re-transfected with transposase and subclones free of tranposon integrations screened for. The procedure is therefore very labor intensive, requiring multiple manipulations and successive rounds of cloning and screening. The original method for reprogramming with the the PiggyBac transposon was created by Woltjen et al in 2009 (schematized here) and describes a process with which it is possible to obtain insert-free iPSc. Insert-free iPSc enables the establishment of better cellular models of iPS and adds a new level of security to the use of these cells in regenerative medicine. Due to the fact that it was based on several low efficiency steps, the overall efficiency of the method is very low (<1%). Moreover, the stochastic transfection, integration, excision and the inexistence of an active way of selection leaves this method in need of extensive characterization and screening of the final clones. In this work we aime to develop a non-integrative iPSc derivation system in which integration and excision of the transgenes can be controlled by simple media manipulations, avoiding labor intensive and potentially mutagenic procedures. To reach our goal we developed a two vector system which is simultaneously delivered to original population of fibroblasts. The first vector, Remo I, carries the reprogramming cassette and GFP under the regulation of a constitutive promoter (CAG). The second vector, Eneas, carries the piggybac transposase associated with an estrogen receptor fragment (ERT2), regulated in a TET-OFF fashion, and its equivalent reverse trans-activator associated with a positive-negative selection cassette under a constitutive promoter. We tested its functionality in HEK 293T cells. The protocol is divided in two the following steps: 1) Obtaining acceptable transfection efficiency into human fibroblasts. 2) Testing the functionality of the construct 3) Determining the ideal concentration of DOX for repressing mPB-ERT2 expression 4) Determining the ideal concentration of TM for transposition into the genome 5) Determining the ideal Windows of no DOX/TM pulse for transposition into the genome 6) 3, 4 and 5) for transposition out of the genome 7) Determination of the ideal concentration of GCV for negative selection We successfully demonstrated that ENEAS behaved as expected in terms of DOX regulation of the expression of mPB-ERT2. We also demonstrated that by delivering the plasmid into 293T HEK cells and manipulating the levels of DOX and TM in the medium, we could obtain puromycin resistant lines. The number of puromycin resistant colonies obtained was significantly higher when DOX as absent, suggesting that the colonies resulted from transposition events. Presence of TM added an extra layer of regulation, albeit weaker. Our PCR analysis, while not a clean as would be desired, suggested that transposition was indeed occurring, although a background level of random integration could not be ruled out. Finally, our attempt to determine whether we could use GVC to select clones that had successfully mobilized PB out of the genome was unsuccessful. Unexpectedly, 293T HEK cells that had been transfected with ENEAS and selected for puromycin resistance were insensitive to GCV.