10 resultados para WaDe equazione onda keypoint detector corrispondenze punti salienti elaborazione immagini piramide

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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We present an improved, biologically inspired and multiscale keypoint operator. Models of single- and double-stopped hypercomplex cells in area V1 of the mammalian visual cortex are used to detect stable points of high complexity at multiple scales. Keypoints represent line and edge crossings, junctions and terminations at fine scales, and blobs at coarse scales. They are detected by applying first and second derivatives to responses of complex cells in combination with two inhibition schemes to suppress responses along lines and edges. A number of optimisations make our new algorithm much faster than previous biologically inspired models, achieving real-time performance on modern GPUs and competitive speeds on CPUs. In this paper we show that the keypoints exhibit state-of-the-art repeatability in standardised benchmarks, often yielding best-in-class performance. This makes them interesting both in biological models and as a useful detector in practice. We also show that keypoints can be used as a data selection step, significantly reducing the complexity in state-of-the-art object categorisation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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End-stopped cells in cortical area V1, which combine out- puts of complex cells tuned to different orientations, serve to detect line and edge crossings (junctions) and points with a large curvature. In this paper we study the importance of the multi-scale keypoint representa- tion, i.e. retinotopic keypoint maps which are tuned to different spatial frequencies (scale or Level-of-Detail). We show that this representation provides important information for Focus-of-Attention (FoA) and object detection. In particular, we show that hierarchically-structured saliency maps for FoA can be obtained, and that combinations over scales in conjunction with spatial symmetries can lead to face detection through grouping operators that deal with keypoints at the eyes, nose and mouth, especially when non-classical receptive field inhibition is employed. Al- though a face detector can be based on feedforward and feedback loops within area V1, such an operator must be embedded into dorsal and ventral data streams to and from higher areas for obtaining translation-, rotation- and scale-invariant face (object) detection.


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As cheias provocadas por roturas de barragens constituem eventos catastróficos que podem conduzir a perdas consideráveis de vidas humanas e de bens materiais. Para melhorar a segurança, em relação a este risco potencial, torna-se necessário avaliar a segurança da população e das estruturas, existentes ou a construir, e estimar a extensão dos danos em caso de acidente. Neste estudo, após a indicação da legislação em vigor, apresenta-se uma descrição sumária do modelo DamBreak. Descrevem-se as equações básicas que definem o modelo de formação da brecha e que caracterizam o processo de formação da cheia. Também se referem as equações de Saint-Venant, as quais caracterizam o processo de propagação da cheia. De seguida é feita uma descrição da barragem de Fernandilho, do leito do Barranco d


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Keypoints (junctions) provide important information for focus-of-attention (FoA) and object categorization/recognition. In this paper we analyze the multi-scale keypoint representation, obtained by applying a linear and quasi-continuous scaling to an optimized model of cortical end-stopped cells, in order to study its importance and possibilities for developing a visual, cortical architecture.We show that keypoints, especially those which are stable over larger scale intervals, can provide a hierarchically structured saliency map for FoA and object recognition. In addition, the application of non-classical receptive field inhibition to keypoint detection allows to distinguish contour keypoints from texture (surface) keypoints.


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Hypercolumns in area V1 contain frequency- and orientation-selective simple and complex cells for line (bar) and edge coding, plus end-stopped cells for key- point (vertex) detection. A single-scale (single-frequency) mathematical model of single and double end-stopped cells on the basis of Gabor filter responses was developed by Heitger et al. (1992 Vision Research 32 963-981). We developed an improved model by stabilising keypoint detection over neighbouring micro- scales.


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The primary visual cortex employs simple, complex and end-stopped cells to create a scale space of 1D singularities (lines and edges) and of 2D singularities (line and edge junctions and crossings called keypoints). In this paper we show first results of a biological model which attributes information of the local image structure to keypoints at all scales, ie junction type (L, T, +) and main line/edge orientations. Keypoint annotation in combination with coarse to fine scale processing facilitates various processes, such as image matching (stereo and optical flow), object segregation and object tracking.


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A biological disparity energy model can estimate local depth information by using a population of V1 complex cells. Instead of applying an analytical model which explicitly involves cell parameters like spatial frequency, orientation, binocular phase and position difference, we developed a model which only involves the cells’ responses, such that disparity can be extracted from a population code, using only a set of previously trained cells with random-dot stereograms of uniform disparity. Despite good results in smooth regions, the model needs complementary processing, notably at depth transitions. We therefore introduce a new model to extract disparity at keypoints such as edge junctions, line endings and points with large curvature. Responses of end-stopped cells serve to detect keypoints, and those of simple cells are used to detect orientations of their underlying line and edge structures. Annotated keypoints are then used in the leftright matching process, with a hierarchical, multi-scale tree structure and a saliency map to segregate disparity. By combining both models we can (re)define depth transitions and regions where the disparity energy model is less accurate.


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Disparity energy models (DEMs) estimate local depth information on the basis ofVl complex cells. Our recent DEM (Martins et al, 2011 ISSPlT261-266) employs a population code. Once the population's cells have been trained with randorn-dot stereograms, it is applied at all retinotopic positions in the visual field. Despite producing good results in textured regions, the model needs to be made more precise, especially at depth transitions.


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This experimental study focuses on a detection system at the seismic station level that should have a similar role to the detection algorithms based on the ratio STA/LTA. We tested two types of neural network: Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Support Vector Machines, trained in supervised mode. The universe of data consisted of 2903 patterns extracted from records of the PVAQ station, of the seismography network of the Institute of Meteorology of Portugal. The spectral characteristics of the records and its variation in time were reflected in the input patterns, consisting in a set of values of power spectral density in selected frequencies, extracted from a spectro gram calculated over a segment of record of pre-determined duration. The universe of data was divided, with about 60% for the training and the remainder reserved for testing and validation. To ensure that all patterns in the universe of data were within the range of variation of the training set, we used an algorithm to separate the universe of data by hyper-convex polyhedrons, determining in this manner a set of patterns that have a mandatory part of the training set. Additionally, an active learning strategy was conducted, by iteratively incorporating poorly classified cases in the training set. The best results, in terms of sensitivity and selectivity in the whole data ranged between 98% and 100%. These results compare very favorably with the ones obtained by the existing detection system, 50%.


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This study describes the on-line operation of a seismic detection system to act at the level of a seismic station providing similar role to that of a STA /LTA ratio-based detection algorithms. The intelligent detector is a Support Vector Machine (SVM), trained with data consisting of 2903 patterns extracted from records of the PVAQ station, one of the seismographic network's stations of the Institute of Meteorology of Portugal (IM). Records' spectral variations in time and characteristics were reflected in the SVM input patterns, as a set of values of power spectral density at selected frequencies. To ensure that all patterns of the sample data were within the range of variation of the training set, we used an algorithm to separate the universe of data by hyper-convex polyhedrons, determining in this manner a set of patterns that have a mandatory part of the training set. Additionally, an active learning strategy was conducted, by iteratively incorporating poorly classified cases in the training set. After having been trained, the proposed system was experimented in continuous operation for unseen (out of sample) data, and the SVM detector obtained 97.7% and 98.7% of sensitivity and selectivity, respectively. The same type of ANN presented 88.4 % and 99.4% of sensitivity and selectivity when applied to data of a different seismic station of IM. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.