15 resultados para South of Córdoba

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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The region of the Algarve shows huge differences between the coastline where population in the urban areas grows, and the inland rural areas, in some cases very isolated, which frequently have high ageing indexes. This general scenario, with an elderly population with very different economic and social conditions, frames the ongoing PhD research designed as a cross-sectional study of an intentional sample of elderly persons. The basic theoretical framework departs from the perspective of developmental psychology of life-span and the model of selection, optimisation and compensation for optimal ageing (Baltes & Baltes, 1990; Freund & Baltes, 2002). The present study is a first step in the analysis of empirical data collected in the PhD sample (N=156; age range 65 to 97 years; M = 80.4 years; SD = 7.2 years). Its purpose is to assess the cognitive functioning of participants, screening for cognitive impairment and examine the relations between the cognitive status of the subjects and a number of selected variables including educational level, age, physical activity and living contexts of the subjects. We accessed the cognitive status of the participants with the Portuguese version of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) finding a 10.3% prevalence of positive cases with cognitive impairment. The results also show significant relationships between the cognitive status accessed by the MMSE and educational level, professional qualification, age, living arrangement and activity level of the participants. The relationship verified between educational level and cognitive status of the participants was the largest correlation found in the study with the variability in educational level accounting for 44.8% of the variability in MMSE score. This results points in the same direction of several lines of research that corroborate the strong intercorrelation between education and cognitive functioning in old age.


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The ecdysteroid, 20-hydroxyecdysone or beta-ecdysone, is a steroid hormone which plays a crucial role in molting, metamor- phosis and reproduction of arthropods. This ecdysteroid and its analogues have high potential to be used as insecticides. Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that Vitex glabrata R.Br. (commonly known as Khai-Nao), an indigenous herbaceous plant of Thailand, synthesized and accumulated high quantity of 20-hydroxyecdysone. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of precursor and elicitors feeding on cell growth and 20-hydroxyecdysone production of V. glabrata suspension cultures. Plant cells were cultured in half strength MS medium containing 30 g/l glucose and supplemented with 2.0 mg/l 6- benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.0 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Cells were incubated on a rotary shaker at 120 rpm under continuous light of 2000 lux at 25 °C. Sterilized cholesterol (5 and 10 mg/l) as precursor was added to the cell cultures on the day of inoculation, while chitosan (50, 100 and 200 mg/l) and methyl jusmonate (100 and 200 mM) as elicitors were added to the cell cultures on day 6 after cultivation.


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Serpa and Moura region, in the South of Portugal, have important agricultural potential as well as important agricultural resources that can and should be used and developed, in spite of economic and social depression signs reinforced by demographic difficulties that can lead to desertification in some areas. The main farms' Technical-Economic Orientation (TEO) is olives production, to produce olive oil, since this region has excellent conditions for the activity development. Some mobilizations traditionally made in olive groves lead to soil erosion and make the farm vehicles mobility much more difficult, namely those used in cultural operations. The maintenance of a soil cover in the olive grove space between lines is good, both because it favours the vehicles mobility, it promotes the rain water infiltration and, last but not the least, the soil airing. The objective of this work has been to make a socio-economic characterization of a zone of Serpa and Moura Councils in which a project of soil covers under olive trees is being developed. At the same time cultural accounts were made for the different situations under the study - irrigated olive grove with spontaneous vegetation in the space between lines, irrigated olive grove with seeded vegetation in the space between lines, irrigated olive grove with herbicide application in the space between lines, dry olive grove with spontaneous vegetation in the space between lines, dry olive grove with seeded vegetation in the space between lines and dry olive grove with herbicide application in the space between lines. The survey shows farmers in this area are younger then usual, although they don't have a high level of formal education, general or specific in agriculture. Farm areas are usually high, which can be determinant for the proposed technology adoption. Installation and operation costs for the olive grove are higher on the irrigated olive grove, but of course expected productions are also higher. For this production technology profits coming from olives production are higher then the operation costs. However, in the dry olive grove technology costs are always higher then the profits, being profitability only due to subsidies. The importance of soil cover maintenance, in this region, beside the benefits in what concerns erosion, infiltration and soil airing, is also due to its capacity to minimize the risk farmer's face.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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The submerged sea caves of Sagres are located within the “Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina (PNSACV)” Marine Protected Area (MPA). This MPA integrates the national network of protected areas, addressed by the National Institute for Nature Conservation and Forest (ICNF) and was declared Site of Community Importance (SCI) under the Habitats Directive. Under the Annex I from the Habitat Directive these habitat caves are included in “8330 Submerged or partially submerged sea caves”. This conservation status should provide sufficient concern to have detailed information on biodiversity. However, among marine researcher, little is still known about these submerged sea caves and tunnels habitats. The only well-known study dealing with the Sagres sea caves was conducted in the late 80s and was only published in 2001. For effective management of such specific habitats a clear understanding of their localization and extension, the assessment of the biological communities, its conservation importance, its monitoring options and their sensitivity to natural change and human disturbance need to be a relatively clear. This report, produced under the MeshAtlantic Project, provides an overview of the available published and unpublished information relevant for the conservation management of the subtidal caves of Sagres. It mainly aims to be a base contribution for future studies.


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Age and growth of 234 Brama brama Bonnaterre (1788) (Pisces: Bramidae) caught hy semi-pelagic longline off the south coast of Portugal (Algarve) was studied using otoliths for age determination. Samples consisted of fish varying in total length from 32 to 56 cm and in weight from 332 to 2032 g. Age classes from III to XII were represented in the catches. The von Bertalanffy growth curve was fitted and the length/weight relationship was calculated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Samples of Boops boops ranging from 7.4 to 30.5 cm were obtained mainly by longline, supplemented by beach seining in the Ria Formosa lagoon, and by market sampling in the Algarve (southern Portugal). The macroscopic analyses of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that the south coast of Portugal B. boops spawn mainly from late winter to spring, between February and May. The length at first maturity was similar for males and females and the value for both sexes combined was estimated to be 15.22 cm, corresponding to an age range of 1-3. Age was determined by reading growth bands on otoliths. Age determination was validated by marginal increment analysis. The estimated parameters were L-infinity = 28.06, K = 0.22 and t(0) = -1.42. Mortality rates were calculated for fish captured with longlines, and the estimated parameters were M = 0.33, Z = 1.04 and F = 0.71. Relative yield per recruit analysis and sensitivity analysis showed that the resource is moderately exploited. From the perspective of sustainability, these results provide support for the use of longlines as a gear that is among the least harmful for species such as the bogue.


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The challenge on implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) fosters the development of new monitoring methods and approaches. It is now commonly accepted that the use of classical monitoring campaigns in discrete point is not sufficient to fully assess and describe a water body. Due to this the WFD promote the use of modelling techniques in surface waters to assist all phases of the process, from characterisation and establishment of reference conditions to identification of pressures and assessment of impact. The work presented in this communication is based on these principles. A classical monitoring of the water status of the main transitional water bodies of Algarve (south of Portugal) is combined with advanced in situ water profiling and hydrodynamic, water quality and ecological modelling of the systems to build a complete description of its state. This approach extends spatially and temporally the resolution of the classical point sampling. The methodology was applied during a 12 month program in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, the Guadiana estuary and the Arade estuary. The synoptic profiling uses an YSI 6600 EDS multi-parameter system attached to a boat and a GPS receiver to produce monthly synoptic maps of the systems. This data extends the discrete point sampling with laboratory analysis performed monthly in several points of each water body. The point sampling is used to calibrate the profiling system and to include variables, such as nutrients, not measured by the sensors. A total of 1427 samplings were performed for physical and chemical parameters, chlorophyll and microbiologic contamination in the water column. This data is used to drive the hydrodynamic, transport and ecological modules of the MOHID water modelling system (www.mohid.com), enabling an integrate description of the water column.


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The grooved carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus (L. 1758), is one of the most popular and profitable molluscs exploited in rearing plots in the Mediterranean. However, annual catch has been declining steadily since the early nineties. In order to understand the seasonality of its nutritional value, thus providing an improved basis for economical valuation of the resource, gross biochemical composition, percentage edibility and condition index were investigated during a year with monthly periodicity in a commercially exploited population of the clam Ruditapes decussatus in the Ria Formosa, a temperate mesotidal coastal lagoon located in the south of Portugal. Our results show that total and non-protein nitrogen co-varied during the year, resulting in a protein content that peaked in the warmest months. Although complementary in summer, carbohydrate and lipid contents showed irregular annual trends. The observed seasonality was comparable to that shown by studies elsewhere at similar latitudes, and are underpinned by the reproductive cycle of the species. Our results show the clams to be at their prime nutritional value at the beginning of summer, when protein content peaks.


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This text describes a real data acquisition and identification system implemented in a soilless greenhouse located at the University of Algarve (south of Portugal). Using the Real Time Workshop, Simulink, Matlab and the C programming language a system was developed to perform real-time data acquisition from a set of sensors.


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A real-time data acquisition and identification system implemented in a soil-less greenhouse located in the south of Portugal is described. The system performs real-time data acquisition from a set of sensors connected to a data logger.


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Dissertação de mest., Recursos Hídricos, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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We report the exploration of some unique metabolic pathways in Perkinsus olseni a marine protist parasite, responsible to significant mortalities in mollusks, especially in bivalves all around the world. In Algarve, south of Portugal carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus mortalities can reach up to 70%, causing social and economic losses. The objective of studying those unique pathways, is finding new therapeutic strategies capable of controlling/eliminating P. olseni proliferation in clams. In that sense metabolic pathways, were explored, and drugs affecting these cycles were tested for activity. The first step involved the identification of the genes behind those pathways, the reconstitution of the main steps, and molecular characterization of those genes and later on, the identification of possible targets within the genes studied. Metabolic cycles were screened due to the fact of not being present in host or differ in a critical way, such as the following pathways: shikimate, MEP-­‐ isoprenoids, Leloir cycle for chitin production, purine biosynthesis (unique among protists), the de novo synthesis of folates (absent in metazoa) and some unique genes like, the alternative oxidase (a branch of respiratory chain) and the hypoxia sensor HPH. All those pathways were covered and possible chemical inhibition using therapeutic drugs was tested with positive results. The relation between the common host Ruditapes decussatus and P. olseni was also explored in a dimension not possible some years ago. With the accessibility to second generation sequencers and microarray analysis platforms, genes involved in host defense or parasite virulence and resistance to the host were deciphered, allowing aiming to new targets (mechanisms and pathways), offering new possibilities for the control of Perkinsus in close environments. The thousands of genes, generated by this work, sequenced and analyzed from this commercial valuable clam and for Perkinsus olseni will be an important and value tool for the scientific community, allowing a better understanding of host-­‐parasite interactions, promoting the usage of P. olseni as an emerging model for alveolata parasites.


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Four 100 m lengths of both monofilament gill nets and trammel nets were deployed at depths between 15 and 18 m off the coast of the Algarve (south of Portugal) between April 1995 and June 1996. The nets were set on a natural rocky bottom with one end cut loose to simulate lost nets. Changes in net structure (net height, effective fishing area, movement, colonisation, wear and tear) and their catches (species, sizes, numbers, and biomass) were monitored by divers. Similar patterns were observed in all the nets, with a sharp decrease in net height and effective fishing area, and an increase in visibility within the first few weeks. Net movement was negligible except in the case of interference from other fishing gears. Catch rates were initially comparable to normally fished gill nets and trammel nets in this area, but decreased steadily over time. No sea birds, reptiles or mammals were caught in any of the 8 nets. Catches were dominated by fish (89 % by number, at least 27 species), in particular by sea breams (Sparidae) and wrasses (Labridae). Under the conditions experienced throughout the study the fishing Lifetime of a 'lost' net is between 15 and 20 wk. Based on an exponential model, we estimated that 100 m lengths of gill net and trammel net will catch 314 and 221 fish respectively over a 17 wk period. However, we consider this to be an underestimate due to high rates of predation and scavenging by octopuses, cuttlefish, moray eels, conger eels, and other fish such as the wrasse Coris julis. When the nets were surveyed in the following spring, 8 to 11 mo after being deployed, they were found to be completely destroyed or heavily colonised by algae and had become incorporated into the reef.


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As part of ongoing studies concerned with the small-scale fisheries of the South of Portugal, experimental fishing was carried out with monofilament gillnets and small hook longlines within the same area. Sixty-two species were caught, of which 20 were common to both gears. Pronounced differences in terms of the relative importance of different species in the catches were observed. Size selection patterns also differed, with highly overlapped hook catch distributions and few species showing evidence for size selectivity. In contrast, strong selectivity was characteristic of species which tend to be "wedged" in gillnets. Whereas smaller stretched mesh sizes (particularly 40 and 50 mm) caught significant numbers of illegal sized fish, this was minimal in the longlines. Some implications for management are discussed.