4 resultados para SW-CMM
em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal
The common two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris) is an important fish in the marine ecosystems of the NW Atlantic and Mediterranean. In southern Portugal it is a major fishery resource being targeted mainly by the artisanal fleets. Although there is some knowledge of the age, growth and reproductive biology of the species, information about its population structure is scarce and somewhat limited to the Mediterranean Sea. In this study the otolith elemental signatures of 90 specimens of D. vulgaris of the same age group (2+ years) and cohort collected from the important fishery regions of SW Portugal (Sesimbra, Sagres and Faro) have been analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Two different methodologies have been applied: solution based analysis of the whole otoliths; representative of the entire life-history prior to capture, and laser ablation analysis of otolith cores; representative of the larval and early post-settlement phase. Whole otolith comparisons utilised Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, Mn/Ca, Li/Ca and Ni/Ca to demonstrate regional population structure. Classification accuracy rates from linear discriminant function analyses (LDFA) of whole otolith chemistry data were high for each region; Faro - 93%, Sagres - 90% and Sesimbra - 80%. Comparison of the otolith core chemistry utilised Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, Mn/Ca and Mg/Ca and Zn/Ca. LDFA for the otolith core chemistry also achieved accurate classification for samples from Sesimbra (73%), but there was high overlap of otolith chemistry between samples from Faro and Sagres (47 and 43% classification accuracy respectively). The whole otolith results suggest that D. vulgaris are resident in the regional fishing areas during the juvenile phase. Both the core and whole otolith chemistry data supported separation of the Sesimbra fishery region from the more southern and closely associated Faro and Sagres regions for management purposes. However, while the whole otolith data indicated that the populations at Faro and Sagres likely remained separated in the juvenile stage, the otolith core chemistry data was inconclusive as to whether recruitment to these two areas was derived, or not, from different spawning areas.
In this study, the length-weight (LWR) parameters were estimated for six syngnathid species, including 2 seahorses and 4 pipefishes, from Ria Formosa, a temperate lagoon from the south coast of Portugal. A total of 5070 fishes were used to determine the LWR. The estimated b value ranged from 2.95 (Nerophis ophidion) to 3.36 (Syngnathus abaster). To the authors' best knowledge, LWR parameters were estimated for the first time for Nerophis ophidion and Syngnathus typhle for the Atlantic waters. Data here present are essential for management and conservation of these flagship species.
The study of Spondyliosoma cantharus (L.) reproduction was carried out within the framework of a project on the Fisheries resources of the south-west coast of Portugal, and was based on the analysis of the spawning season, gonad maturation, size-at-maturity, fecundity, and hermaphroditism. Spawning took place from February to April, peaking in March. Analysis of the sex ratio by size class and season showed that females were more abundant throughout the year (M/F=0.57) and in the smaller size classes. Overall size at first maturity (L-50) was 20.10 cm total length (TL), with a significant difference between males (22.41 cm, TL) and females (19.98 cm, TL). Absolute fecundity (Fa) ranged from 37,506 to 112,074 oocytes, with a mean of 61,396. A power type relationship best described the relationships between absolute fecundity and TL (Fa = 436.27TL(1.575)), and somatic weight (Fa = 2979.7SW(0.585)). The number of oocytes/g of female somatic weight ranged from 217 to 549, with a mean of 346. The reproductive strategy of this species is characterised by protogynic hermaphroditism, as indicated by the presence of individuals in transition and of testes with vestiges of preceding ovaries associated with the significant differences in the size frequency distributions of the sexes.
Marine litter has become a worldwide environmental problem, tainting all ocean habitats. The abundance, distribution and composition of litter and its interactions with fauna were evaluated in the upper S. Vicente canyon using video images from 3 remote operated vehicle exploratory dives. Litter was present in all dives and the abundance was as high as 3.31 items100m(-1). Mean abundance of litter over rock bottom was higher than on soft substrate. Mean litter abundance was slightly higher than reported for other canyons on the Portuguese margin, but lower in comparison to more urbanized coastal areas of the world. Lost fishing gear was the prevalent type of litter, indicating that the majority of litter originates from maritime sources, mainly fishing activity. Physical contact with sessile fauna and entanglement of specimens were the major impacts of lost fishing gear. Based on the importance of this region for the local fishermen, litter abundance is expected to increase.