11 resultados para SIZE RANGE
em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal
Fishing trials with monofilament gill nets and longlines using small hooks were carried out at the same fishing grounds in Cyclades (Aegean Sea) over 1 year. Four sizes of MUSTAD brand, round bent, flatted sea hooks (Quality 2316 DT, numbers 15, 13, 12 and 11) and four mesh sizes of 22, 24, 26 and 28 turn nominal bar length monofilament gill nets were used. Significant differences in the catch size frequency distributions of the two gears were found for four out of five of the most important species caught by both the gears (Diplodus annularis, Diplodus vulgaris, Pagellus erythrinus, Scorpaena porcus and Serranus cabrilla), with longlines catching larger fish and a wider size range than gill nets. Whereas longline catch size frequency distributions for most species for the different hook sizes were generally highly overlapped, suggesting little or no differences in size selectivity, gill net catch size frequency distributions clearly showed size selection, with larger mesh sizes catching larger fish. A variety of models were fitted to the gill net data, with the lognormal providing the best fit in most cases. A maximum likelihood method was also used to estimate the parameters of the logistic model for the longline data. Because of the highly overlapped longline catch size frequency distributions parameters could only be estimated for two species. This study shows that the two static gears have different impacts in terms of size selection. This information will be useful for the more effective management of these small-scale, multi-species and multi-gear fisheries. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Trammel net size selectivity was studied for the most important metiers in four southern European areas: the Cantabrian Sea (Atlantic, Basque Country, Spain), the Algarve (Atlantic, southern Portugal), the Gulf of Cadiz (Atlantic, Spain) and the Cyclades Islands (Mediterranean, Aegean Sea, Greece). These metiers were: cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and soles (Solea senegalensis, Microchirus azevia, Synaptura lusitanica) in the Algarve and the Gulf of Cadiz, sole (Solea solea) in the Cantabrian Sea and mixed fin-fish in the Cyclades. In each area, experimental trammel nets of six different types (combinations of two large outer panel mesh sizes and three small inner panel meshes) were constructed. Fishing trials were carried out on a seasonal basis (four seasons in the Cantabrian Sea, Algarve and Cyclades and two seasons in the Gulf of Cadiz) with chartered commercial fishing vessels. Overall, size selectivity was estimated for 17 out of 28 species for which sufficient data were available. Trammel nets generally caught a wide size range of the most important species, with length frequency distributions that were skewed to the right and/or bi-modal. In many cases the length frequency distributions of the different nets were highly overlapped. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test also showed that the large outer panel meshes generally had no effect in terms of size selectivity, while the opposite was true for the small inner panel ones. Six different selectivity models (normal scale, normal location, gamma, log-normal, bi-modal and gamma semi-Wileman) were fitted to data for the most abundant species in the four areas. For fish, the bi-modal model provided the best fits for the majority of the data sets, with the uni-modal models giving poor fits in most cases. For Sepia officinalis, where trammelling or pocketing was the method of capture in 100% of the cases, the logistic model fitted by maximum likelihood was judged to be more appropriate for describing the size selective properties of the trammel nets. Our results, which are among the first ones on trammel net selectivity in European waters, will be useful for evaluating the impacts of competing gear for the socio-economically important small-scale static gear fisheries. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
A longline 'metier' using small hooks for 'red' sea breams (Pagellus acarne and Pagellus erythrinus) in the Algarve (south of Portugal) was studied. Experimental longlining was carried out with three sizes of "Mustad" round bend, flatted, spade end Quality 2316 DT hooks (numbers 11, 13 and 15) and two types of bait: razor shell (Ensis siliqua) and mud shrimp (Upogebia pusilla). A total of 3 328 fish and at least 36 species were caught with 33 600 hooks fished in 28 longline sets. Five species of sea breams (Sparidae) accounted for 79% of the catch: Pagellus acarne, Pagellus erythrinus, Diplodus vulgaris, Spondyliosoma cantharus, and Boops boops. High catch rates of 20-30 fish per 100 hooks were made in a number of 1 200 hook longline sets, with total catch weights of 40 to more than 60 kg per set. In general, the smallest hook (number 15) had the highest catch rate. Bait type did not significantly affect the catch size distributions. Although more fish were caught with the razor shell bait, higher catch rates of 'red' sea breams were obtained with mud shrimp. Catch rates were also affected by the location of the fishing grounds and the time of the set, with the highest catch rates obtained when the longline was set within two hours before sunrise. A wide size range was caught for each species, with highly overlapped catch size frequency distributions for the three hook sizes used. Except for Spondyliosoma cantharus, few illegal-sized fish were caught, even with the smallest hook. The logistic model fitted by maximum likelihood was used to describe hook selectivity for Diplodus vulgaris, Pagellus acarne, Pagellus erythrinus, and Spondyliosoma cantharus. (C) Ifremer-Elsevier, Paris.
Three long-line methods have been studied in the Algarve: 1) small-hook long-line for inshore (less than 30 m) ‘white’ sea breams (Sparidae); 2) small-hook long-line for deeper water (40-60 m) ‘red’ sea breams; and 3) deep water (500-700 m) semi-pelagic long-line for hake Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758). Selectivity studies were carried out with three hook sizes in the first two cases: Mustad round-bent Quality 2369 hooks, numbers 15, 13, and 11, baited with a standardsized razor-shell Ensis siliqua (Linnaeus, 1758). Four hook sizes (numbers 10, 9, 7, and 5) of Stell round-bent, eyed hooks were used in the semi-pelagic long-line selectivity study, baited with a half of a standard-sized sardine. Some factors affecting catch composition and catch rates of the small hook long-lines were also evaluated: bait, gangion length, setting time, fishing ground, and depth. Species diversity was relatively high, with 40, 36 and 27 species, respectively, in the three studies. However, the catches were dominated by a limited number of species. Catch rates (number of fish per 100 hooks) were variable (< 5 %; > 20 %), with a general decrease in catch rate with increasing hook size in all the studies. In general, the catch size distributions for the different hook sizes for each species were highly overlapping, with little or no evidence of differences in size selectivity. Hooks caught a wide size-range for each species, with few or no illegal-sized fish, in most cases. Some implications of these results for the management of multi-species, multi-gear fisheries are discussed.
It is well known that calcium increases storage life of many fruits. This study investigated the effect of vine calcium application, as well as postharvest application on storage behaviour of 'Hayward' kiwifruit. Three applications of 0.03% CaCl2 or CaO were made in June, July and September. After harvest half of the fruit from sprayed vines were dipped in a solution of 2% CaCl2; the other fruit were untreated. All fruit were then stored at 0 degrees C and relative humidity of about 90-95%. Results for fruit of the size range 85-105 g are discussed. Kiwifruit dipped in 2% CaCl2 postharvest maintained higher firmness through storage than undipped fruit, but soluble solids content was only slightly lower after storage. This suggests that postharvest dipping of kiwifruit in 2% CaCl2 benefits storage life. The concentrations of 0.03% CaCl2 (Antistip) or 0.03% CaO (Chelal) used in vine applications seem to be too low and higher concentrations should be tried.
A study of European hake Merluccius merluccius gill net selectivity was undertaken off the Algarve (Southern Portugal), between 1999 and 2001. Four nominal mesh sizes (70, 80, 90 and 100 mm) were used in fishing trials and the 'share each length class catch total' (SELECT) method was used to fit gill net selectivity curves. Hake were caught in the same size range by all mesh sizes, between 17 and 65 cm total length. While most fishes were wedged, significant and similar proportions were entangled in all mesh sizes, contributing to the wide size range, and in some cases, bimodal shape of catch size frequency distributions. Insignificant numbers of undersized hake were caught, with most catches consisting of mature female fish. Catch rates decreased sharply with increasing mesh size. The bimodal model gave the best fit for hake that were wedged, with estimated modal lengths of 40.1, 46.7 and 51.0 cm for the 70, 80 and 90 mm nominal mesh sizes, respectively. The high catch per unit effort of the smallest mesh size, with most fish caught being female, together with the fact that the modal length of the fitted selectivity curve is well below the size at maturity for hake in Portuguese waters, suggests that the 80 mm nominal mesh size is more appropriate for ensuring resource sustainability.
Fishing trials with monofilament gill nets and longlines using small hooks were carried out in Algarve waters (southern Portugal) over a one-year period. Four hook sizes of "Mustad" brand, round bent, flatted sea hooks (Quality 2316 DT, numbers 15, 13, 12 and 11) and four mesh sizes of 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm (bar length) monofilament gill nets were used. Commercially valuable sea breams dominated the longline catches while small pelagics were relatively more important in the gill nets. Significant differences in the catch size frequency distributions of the two gears were found for all the most important species caught by both gears (Boops boops, Diplodus bellottii, Diplodus vulgaris, Pagellus acarne, Pagellus erythrinus, Spondyiosoma cantharus, Scomber japonicus and Scorpaena notata), with longlines catching larger fish and a wider size range than nets. Whereas longline catch size frequency distributions for most species for the different hook sizes were generally highly overlapped, suggesting little or no differences in size selectivity, gill net catch size frequency distributions clearly showed size selection. A variety of models were fitted to the gill net and hook data using the SELECT method, while the parameters of the logistic model were estimated by maximum likelihood for the longline data. The bi-normal model gave the best fits for most of the species caught with gill nets, while the logistic model adequately described hook selectivity. The results of this study show that the two static gears compete for many of the same species and have different impacts in terms of catch composition and size selectivity. This information will I;e useful for the improved management of these small-scale fisheries in which many different gears compete for scarce resources.
Understanding the genetic composition and mating systems of edge populations provides important insights into the environmental and demographic factors shaping species’ distribution ranges. We analysed samples of the mangrove Avicennia marina from Vietnam, northern Philippines and Australia, with microsatellite markers. We compared genetic diversity and structure in edge (Southeast Asia, and Southern Australia) and core (North and Eastern Australia) populations, and also compared our results with previously published data from core and southern edge populations. Comparisons highlighted significantly reduced gene diversity and higher genetic structure in both margins compared to core populations, which can be attributed to very low effective population size, pollinator scarcity and high environmental pressure at distribution margins. The estimated level of inbreeding was significantly higher in northeastern populations compared to core and southern populations. This suggests that despite the high genetic load usually associated with inbreeding, inbreeding or even selfing may be advantageous in margin habitats due to the possible advantages of reproductive assurance, or local adaptation. The very high level of genetic structure and inbreeding show that populations of A. marina are functioning as independent evolutionary units more than as components of a metapopulation system connected by gene flow. The combinations of those characteristics make these peripheral populations likely to develop local adaptations and therefore to be of particular interest for conservation strategies as well as for adaptation to possible future environmental changes.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are today's most important tools for the spatial management and conservation of marine species. Yet, the true protection that they provide to individual fish is unknown, leading to uncertainty associated with MPA effectiveness. In this study, conducted in a recently established coastal MPA in Portugal, we combined the results of individual home range estimation and population distribution models for 3 species of commercial importance and contrasting life histories to infer (1) the size of suitable areas where they would be fully protected and (2) the vulnerability to fishing mortality of each species. Results show that the relationship between MPA size and effective protection is strongly modulated by both the species' home range and the distribution of suitable habitat inside and outside the MPA. This approach provides a better insight into the true potential of MPAs in effectively protecting marine species, since it can reveal the size and location of the areas where protection is most effective and a clear, quantitative estimation of the vulnerability to fishing throughout an entire MPA.
The effects of an increase in cod end mesh size from 55 to 60 and 70 mm and a change of mesh configuration from diamond to square mesh on the size selectivity for rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris and Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus captured off the Portuguese south coast were evaluated. The results were analysed taking into account between-haul variation in selectivity, and indicate a significant increase in L-50 for rose shrimp with an increase in mesh size or with the use of a square mesh cod end, while for Norway lobster only mesh configuration was found to affect this parameter. Two other important external variables were identified; the trawling depth and the cod end catch, which influence between-haul variation, by increasing the selection range for rose shrimp and Norway lobster, respectively. The results obtained suggest that an increase in the current minimum mesh size of 55 mm would be advisable for rose shrimp in order to respect the minimum landing size of 24 mm carapace length presently established for this species. Moreover, trawling for rose shrimp should be avoided at depths above 200 m, in order to avoid catches consisting almost exclusively of juveniles. Such an increase in mesh size would have a minor impact in terms of losses of individuals above the minimum landing size for Norway lobster and would contribute to reducing the amount of discards in this fishery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The species and size selectivity of long-lines using small hooks were studied off the south coast of Portugal using ''Mustad'' brand round bent, flatted sea hooks (Quality 2316 DT) numbers 15, 13, and 11 baited with razor shell clam (Ei-isis siliqua). Hook numbers 13 and 11 are 49 and 109% larger respectively than number 15 hooks in terms of overall size (maximum width x maximum length). A total of 39 900 hooks were fished in 45 sets and 35 species of fish and cephalopods were caught. As a group, 13 species of sea breams (Sparidae) dominated the catch by numbers (58%) and weight (73%). Six species of sea breams, along with the greater weever fish (Trachinus draco) accounted for 81% of the total catch by weight, with the common or white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) bring the most important (29%). Catch size distributions by hook size were, in general, highly overlapped for all species and hook size had little apparent effect on minimum size at capture. All hooks caught a wide range of sizes per species, but the catch rate (number of fish per 100 hooks) was significantly lower for the largest hook. Except for the black sea bream (Spondyliosoma cantharus), capture of illegally sized or immature fish was minimal. Small increases in average size with hook size were evident for four species: Diplodus sargus, D. vulgaris, Lithognathus mormyrus and Serranus cabrilla. No differences in size selectivity were detected for Boops boops, D. annularis, Spondyliosoma cantharus and Trachinus draco. A skew-normal model adequately described differences in size selectivity in five of six species. (C) 1996 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea